The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-13, Page 57blidgIOW 8110101, Wiwi% neeeritheir 240. 11978-4*** 25 Santa's Mailbag Dear Santa. I know you are has), working hard and I appreci- ate alt the toys you make for the boys and girls. I would hie a smoke rifle and bow and arrow set for Christmas please. I will leave a treat for you and the reindeer. I like you. Kirk Livingston. Lucknow, Ontario. Dear Santa, Thank you for my present last year_ I Lae Oscar very tnuch. Now, I've ahnost got all the Sesame Street dolls. I want Grovier this year, please. We will have sherry for you, and carrots for the rein- deer- I've been good. I think! Thank you_ Love, Meagan Clarke R. 5 Lucknow Dear Santa, Please may I hive a musical radio. I like musical radios and so please, will you give me one? I like you. Santa. _ Love, Cailin Clarke R. 5 Lucknow. Dear Santa, Thank you for the Holly Robbie doll you brought me last year. I leave her in the rocking chair in my bedroom,, so she stays nice. This year I would like a Barbie van and a doll bed. Say hello to Mrs. Claus. Love„ Leisa Rau,, Lucknow. Dear Santa„ I am five years old, Santa, so my sister is writing for Inc. This year I would like a crane and a motorcycle. Thank you for the presents you brought last year. 1 will' leave some cookies and hot chocolate for you and carrots for your reindeer. Love, Adrian Rau,, Lucknow. k 4 L.! rZ. lb; cAlk ,k4.4=4/1.6 cic 411, '''.3S:11E01111, g iNkOk ,1116 '44* • • • Dear Santa, My name is Jennifer and Eni six years old. I want to thank you for the• toys you brought us last year. This' year I would like you to bring me a Barbie Doll and some games. My brother, Ray, would like.a dump truck and loader. My Aster, Cathy. would hie a doll and buggy. My baby brother, John, would like a mobile. We will leave a treat for you and the reindeer. Have a safe trip and a Merry Christ- mas. Love, Jennifer, Ray, Cathy and John Dalton • R. 7 Lucknow 1. • .46 1• vosponmorw•a44 .ovekemom. • 4. e 41: f 1 e hope wonderful things happen or you this Christmas Wei #141iS .4. • holiday, enjoyed to its I est. • '',410400, 1 v2 * * 0410$4k9 * * Ringing out a Yuletide rnessage of appreciation for your y4 continued goodwill and patronage. - •May yours be a simply. wonderful 1 0 AMAGER AND STAFF BANK OF MONTREAL •