The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-13, Page 46omp.011.1-411*, IrataraiK.A-ssiCIIP amp 14—zudimpli $40044 woramfaawri liktmem.t" Charges,„ eftwitter- ckargs and were gtfieff0 the air at the a.aua&I1Huron Citturty a the Ontorin Marketing :c0 : 94 • at the Bewail arena recently.. _ About ffa• attended_ c 00 sharpkir and Lew Sherman.. OBPBER manager- Chari aroadatellt, are unhappy tackof ", tan oc * Oi) and titigatiOn the II Oi 't,a014:4 two) 'errs fizr payment for Ma beans o the errs tio.iugv, Stling the Some producers '1" erso claim that sOure board policies were rtmcre at the behest Dear,. W Jf Thom- sta claims over Set mean 0.4. the the Ontario ' Bean Co-operative over -U. a 411. ai:710stis as or: at. - * told the - the l7 dOet know grade percentages or the ...LI valueO the err s because the didn't demand clearers invoices stating totat qtratit4 and vat_ Yon don't the gades.. Thas a very bad management that's costing us as producers =turd- Ext- Qf clatrars„" charged former bean hoard chairman Intarp- urand of inetCh,, to road apprattse from the aturtence.. are the shot whether the board wins or roses (the suitr" he added_ 040 414,:'," • iirti'vp ...1* I, NEEDED Severall producers suggelitect the board is no kn&reir 8‘ ‘41 tttithZ Ceara EMI:Wire Marketing as well myself. saidlack F (*Stet:them "Ice need a Kea hard v at whether this boardrs anomer nut." `11ats anything been dime to correct things Stb this yeEsr we know what's keen sold whatp -rtCe?."' asked bean grower Repeated about the actual, value '17 r 4) °) came ether farmers. like Lloyd Ville& of Hay_ The stabilization payment growers received was 4,11111SOSei i Ste yeSrK average. mad used the viable of sales ibarnoiced as the 119P crop. price. Mr- Ibrooduelll told aaatber ituestrattler, ‘Idenit think the bean bawd ten tdit ma-Roritzr of peep* in illaVanor trE Raw natie,'" sal Zarithi area tionaerIth Leye...."We 411.1q.... OVni 11 it: nal needavoteonwhetheror mot we need this board_ Other botsinesses rukthis way wouldbe long gone," suggested Mr_ Love added the rest of Huron's pa:Khmes probably weren't at the because they'd said to themselves "What's the use? . ni fools do they ar ant anyway:" 41c41: aci ' a WHIGGETtPROFITZ Seriesof questions tor Mr--,Brodvelt by Ted early a RR 2 Dublin centred on the upgrrecling of a a4.. tar and who the'proat N. 3 beaus are up to wiles' :the culls produced when are upgraded to No... I aresoldforfcxxlaid, atS) or $141 cwt_ Board member Lloyd Taylor told Mr_ Melody producers have the of Wring culls or terwrgs home rather 4" "gg to the dealer_ er p.oint Ow came from l!tack.Whyteof H - felt if a dealer 'could upgrade lower quality beans. he's toa.prolit„ Other at the meeting centred on, in the words of DOM Ge of Zurith: "Why is a No. 1 producer obliged tosubsicrrte No_ rs and No_ 4"s?"_ Nor mlly ore-yt a handrul of beans WI into the lower category. answered anager C ar les likoadwell. bit LIET when only a Small portion ofthe estimated crop was produced arpd delivered was anew:option_ Mr_ Geiger's that bean, like corn growers be paid Ear what they produce was artsvrered by board member Frank Vanneste ttl-M the -pooling had been in effect for ID years and Middlesex were against- graffirg. CHANGED RULES Producer Sack Ford accused the board a changing fts rules ita ibe middleoftheW year so, that he was ineragtiale for crop insurance, use bis low quaffity beans were accePted bYa deafer. but be was paid very little for the ,crep_ "Back beans became white_ No, 4' were No and, yam to do it_ Therefore its yaw- respansay." be the trargaSter' 10 I crap.tbebtard . get aS Maar beaus as possible in procesters,, aaStiered chairman LerriS Sitter, man. "We- tried deSperately get selves oat of * bad situtigoL," met. conamittftelts *Mk lett 9U1.19 I .314 o el - 4141101Ir -' lift* 7 "1 Q.isra 0. .0o thanNo. I berms.lhe sad_ Mr_ that beans were amegited it 72. that wmuldritt haw been accepted this erir- and called that ""am ingrain ell weakness ri themarketirigsyStean. board's were defended lzy dlesex &rector Frank Vanneste with.: "'We clicin't make a Mistake last yar_ We fiorward sold as we haw for yews road years_ If anyof you were on the board yea co/Mal haw done dif- ferently_ iL-you draft want a board, okay" Although the total I1977 crop a about S23Mbags should have met the MANI balms. the board had advance sold, the beans weren't all available - in time, prdtPdategS Were told and many were No_ splits. "We duet know 1to)VJ MallikY beans the antler had .... an atz,fa altt (otr 85/1010 ba„,.. Maybe was speculatin sceils1W4''Illiaieestedvic-osadp:sevanys3st:minita_, the board vied was hoard • arna, a 0 •az''-.1:0Eftillie dealers a.. CUSS TWO • *Nadel YCial knew WM* classome:" Frani V :as4 ZZ.:44 SWered no and Lloyd Taylor PrOdaCeTS had some 0 0 ;,..-.7b,Mty 1:3) tilat =rk ttlat,r. SOL or No. 2. 'Yam karw we were trzing thetwopool system worAxe producers not partartheprobirn?" Ciding a 'leering in the nteefiTIE that dealers • upgrade the prodett and benet tocsins erably by that meetingcairana• Gordon ElillcalledconWes Thompson, (president -of W G 'Thompson and bet also be fellow antrreare me bers, a bream o for kis opinion_ Mr.._ mpsora •laes apposed to a two pool system 10 3 "s met fas,•them= who operates a inallirs dangler to make the graffirag fie• if a dealer am take 225 per amtpickbenasana move theta out as No_ 11,; prodeceis should he proadolhita, farture„. perhaps the board outplay producers for exactly what. be dermas, but now the bawl has lo inartet 'WV oftie Items". anderrated Samerussa, lobo also referred to producer relectasee because wawa, drestliercariagr DECLINED De question - period tooled with * comsseat. prodecrer Carl csa ; a ,i44:zat .121:1,t.T,... • 44....`,%;,11 stiretfa Tbannhall off Stephen, who was mtrainatteal as a elrerinn brit declined „ Be called Mr, V =.410-1's awertionthatt- the iorv, ftad ilaktt aaTalie maiigtaikES `41231iltge tat 43. reflection 4Eien the fin- telrigence eff toreeding.'" Sur growers (flamer their total acreagelin Ni. 11 condition one `s'ollierteil tErnameiall Is" he questtioneathe s capacity to clew iit. Ifeel he's so ttungled,is matt agile to functien iin the best in- terests off gmwers Rt long ago. Hawn der/lets were nmakiim so iprorto. thait they gmwers ttrarrks them 51) Tents cost ex- tra,' Mr_ Ittonibull "There"s a sense off acency fin Airs' at mot to bechaed. rn* Wan- reste T10:44:tteit What Rea 1140a. 11 beans anouttuDaantaddrenthe day we•!Q i.tett Ace giMtieW nit ico'sos- ,6 C81'0194% were at We knew they (4TM What you thaw if wed been ic5 a iilfuric Wiere '7'104 TO 4 :411,' 3,4aii iztat 1-, ruissiv onthe 4114)41:- as!cf: 3 ia TOUGH QUESTIONS Early in the meetings PIM Durand elhallenged the rat to any cff the 11$7i3 saying" 'writes were much higher in May or• Jame than iin Octoler„ Achim td:fe To was sold. Mr_ Durand asked manager Charles form sheet off Earring changes in the '4310: 3 rS afigre55Therrtt VA& 174t frn Itestt year. and the manager sada •co.t.akeprewegaed. The manager miss egutestiituan' from producer Ralph G 'eiger Zurich Who „ *slued bow urnach of the board's tail6f was halal last year. 'Deans wore mid as sena as away were inurcested. Tea bad an cheques t until out Things mast tome been pietas •*dee" Altimodli some staff us - lest dam* attnlima„ dose were so tardfs,, Nit Broadnearegarsed. A Arm et limits lity producess Mate meetling imikotedl Salt Aug UR pima to fiersease their beim =temp mat year and bolt well plume *Mitt time s* at bums- No one at the aneetbe indiested plans to guru same beam la mom cal T:41 fit111113 fqiht.TI) 2 45! eci 11 SUTION PARK INN us! SIMON PARK DM utisbssixz a la a: NEW - YEAR'S EVE • PARTY December 3ist Sinceibis Ismer first calabairtion Welnioffealog ma ALL INCLUSIVE Package allanallablie rake rerrialiwalicites&Mummerrestromils CALL 3964444 SIMON PARK INN rusti...2narada. alawawNis.