The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-13, Page 42Wim, Doceaker i LtICKNOW CHRISM* INFORMED-, i CHURCN - _ 1 Re'w. .Vali �. :- . �0 . da :.a'• istimunz.miaisimati Morning Service i Everyone Welcome i Listen to the "Qdti�r N 10,30a n . ..N.X.. K, at 10:00 arra, ClbriateessEve Servke MOpan. December 25 Cbrirtmen Service 10-.30 Lim 1% i I St. Peter's Services F /I For Christmastide r - CHRISTMAS EVE 11:30 p.m. CiletA dHAR T, i CHRISTMAS DAY 11:O0A_M. Etsad the Blessingeitblakett Lucknow T .I. have banquet LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ti Rear. Wm, Munshaw it: U B.A.M. i SUNDAY! DECEMBER 24 f i 10:00 a.m. j j Sunday School I 111:00 a.m. I i Morning Worship j Everyone Welcome i LUCKNOW i i UNITED • CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman t Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 el 10 a.m.. Sunday School i Morning Worship Nursery Provided j► For Pre -School Children 11:00 a.m. Jr, Congregation for S - B Year Old Children f PHO -3862 DEMONSTRATORS 1978 CHRYSLER LE BARON,, fall equipped 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, fully equipped 1978 PLYMOUTH FURY, 2 doer hardtop 1' CHRYSLER NEW YORKER,, 4 door hardtop 12 - I176 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURIES, 4 door sedans iris 'emu- c LE MANS, 4 door sedan 11375 DODGE ROYAL MOIIACO, 4..door sedan, V8 anassatiet psw r ; power brakes and radio 1375 CEV„4doer 195 COMNET, 2 door hardtop 1 DODGE, 'A ton, ebb ca 074 DODGE CUB CAB, pickup, Vs ton 174 CHEV, 4 door, V8 auSsoastic, power ateerhgt ! awl brakes 1374 OLDS DELTA 88, 2 dear Imicdtap j-1,74 s+ c 4 der :ed. 1CM4 Ff, a 1914 DODGE MONACO, 4 deer 1 4 DO > sa :MO OLDS81011111A 4 door hardtop The highlight of the Luck - now Women's Institute's Christmas meeting was a delicious turkey banquet ser- ved by the ladies of the . Anglican Church. The tables were beautiful- ly decorated for the occasion and gifts of chocolate bars from Beatrice Adams lent a festive air. The committee in charge of the program was Jean Whitby, Mrs. Jack Collinson and Isabel MacKenzie. Edith Webster favoured with Christmas music as the guests arrived. The meeting opened by singing Christmas DONNYBROOK U.C.W. Donnybrook U.C.W. met for their December meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Jefferson on Thursday, Dec- ember 14. Mrs. H. Jefferson opened the meeting on a Christmas.. theme. Mrs. H. Jefferson gave a prayer. A reading, "Christ- mas and Snowbound in the Treasured Past", was given by Mrs. H. Jefferson. Each one present gave a story of ' their memories of treasured Christmas's in the past. A story of "The Two Little Stockings" was read by Mrs. Wm. Hardy. The offer- ing was taken by Teresa Jefferson. Mrs. 11. Jefferson had a business period and the meeting closed with a pray- er. Mrs. Wm. Hardy assisted the hostess with lunch and a social time was enjoyed. TRINITY U.C.W. What Are We Waiting For, was the theme of the Christmas meeting of Trinity U.C.W. held at the home of Mrs. Chester Hackett on December 14. Mrs. Charles Wilkins opened the meeting with remarks of the Advent Season. After the singing of a Christman hymn, a short dialogue on Advent followed. Three ladies were asked to tell what they thought the real meaning of Christmas was and several more told how their family prepares for Christmas. Mrs. Doug Rayn- ard led in prayer. Mrs. Greg Blake told why we celebrate MacKenzie Floor Installations Hard Surface; and . Carpet • Phone 3954894 after 6 p.m.= 52832 during day t Carols with Dorothy Brown at the piano in the absence of Mrs. Isabel Ritchie. Jean Whitby introduced the guest speaker, Mary Luanne Clare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare, R. R. 7 Lucknow. Mary Luanne has won distinction for her ability in public speaking. She gave a very vivid and impressive description of the Holy Land. She was thanked and pres- ented with a gift by Mary Collinson. The president, Mary Mc- Gillivray conducted the busi- ness meeting. (a) A notice was received from the editor of the Luck- now Sentinel requesting cor- respondents to cover Luck - now News happenings. (b) A report was read re the Institute quilt auction. It was decided to make a quilt in the New Year. Generous dona- tions for the project were thankfully received from Elizabeth Robinson, Edith Webster and Beatrice Ad- ams. (c) As this is International Year of the Child, we are referring information re post- ers to schools and interested orgx nizations. (d) It was decided to hold a Fun Night in the Institute rooms on January 12. Thank you notes and the financial report were read by the secretary -treasurer, Win- nifred Gammie. Mary McGillivray gave an interesting report on the Area Convention which, she attended. Mrs. Santa arrived with gifts for all and the mystery was solved *hen we had the ' pleasure of meeting our Sunshine Sisters. U.C.W. hold annual meeting Thirty-five members of the Lucknow United Church Women gathered in the Fellowship Room of the church Thursday, December 14th for a pot luck supper, followed by the annual meet- ing. Mrs. Glen Walden wel- comed everyone present and turned the meeting over to Mrs. Eldon Bradley, Mrs. Vernon Hunter and Mrs. Alex Andrew, the committee in charge .of devotions. Mrs. Bradley gave the reasons for the three symbols of Christ- mas; the Bible, which tells us Christ was born; the candle, which reminds us of the Light of the World and. the poinsetta which is called the "Flower of Christmas Eve" or "Flower of the Holy Night". Combined, they give us beauty and light at Christ- mas. The Christmas story Christmas on December 25. Mrs. Ken Alton favoured with a solo, "0 Holy Night" and scripture was read by Mrs. John Hunter and Mrs. Allan Ritchie. The second half of the meeting was on The Birth of Christ. Mrs. Jack Irwin read the scripture, followed by remarks by Mrs. Wilkins. A skit, "The Great Ones", depicting the scene long ago, when there was no room in the inn, followed. Mrs. D. A. Hackett gave a short prayer. Mrs. Harvey Ritchie had a short poem, "A Christmas Thought", and Mrs. Delbert Nixon read from Matthew. The meditation was given by Mrs. Ken Alton and a prayer by Mrs. Harvey Ritchie. Mrs. Wilkins closed this part of the meeting with a few more remarks on Advent. Throughout the meeting candles were lit for the loll 'e'ntSe'ason: ,u _�. The president, Mrs. Don- ald Hackett, then thanked the hostess. The president gave,. a poem, The business then follow- ed and the meeting closed with the singing of "Joy - To The World" and a prayer by the president. A social hour was enjoyed by all. was given through scripture, readings, hymns and prayer, by the committee, assisted by Mrs. Cliff .Crawford and Mrs. Howard Barger. The president, Mrs. Wal- den, presided for the busi- ness portion of the meeting. The treasurer reported an- other successful year with a substantial balance, of which, two hundred dollars was voted to "Over and Above" our ' Mission and ST. JOSEPH'S CLW.L. The December meeting of St. Joseph's C.W.L., Kings- bridge was held in the form of a dinner meeting at Sulli- van's Restaurant. Karla Hogan read thank you letters from recipients of donations and Mary Clare read the treasurer's report. Ann Berry thanked Broth- er Carl for arranging the offertory processions at Sun- day masses and Betty Doher- ty for making tickets for the Christmas dinner meeting. Grace Austin reported 31 boxes packed and sent to Madonna House, Comber - mere. Grace and Cathy Olsen reported on the marriage renewal seminar they attend- ed in London. The object of the program, in the London diocese, is to get married . couples sharing the ideas,. that may help strengthen marriages and family life. In Huron County last year, there were 1,000 divorces. Teresa Courtney is still accepting memberships for Pro -Life. The Pro-life float won a second prize in the Goderich Santa Claus par- ade. Irene Gilmore and Rita Howard have purchased the gifts for sick and shut-ins. Bernadine Kinney and Mary Clare will help deliver the Rochelle Champagne thanked Father Dentinger for letting the girt guides sell refreshments at the Christ- mas turkey bingo, and for the returns from one bingo game. The guides made greeting card holders for the shut-ins. Reporting for the C.N.I.B. Service commitment of $1900.00. By the reports of the various committees and units, all were very active during the' year. Rev. Doug Kaufman in- stalled the new slate of officers for 1979-80, after which the new president, Mrs. Leonard Ritchie, said a few words. Rev. Kaufman closed the meeting , with prayer. campaign in Ashfield, Fran Riegling. said returns were $254.71 from last year for the total of $1,774.25. She thank- ed all her volunteer helpers. Father Dentinger thanked Mrs. Vogt and her daughters for the Christmas dinner. President Pat Howard pres- ented Father Dentinger and Brother Carl with .presents from the league. A session of Christmas carolling ended the evening. PINE RIVER U.C.W. Pine River United Church Women met in the church on Tuesday, December 12. Mrs. Elmer Smeltzer gave a meaningful meditation de- picting the Christmas theme. Mrs. Bill Godfrey read the scriptural story of Christ's birth. A number of carols were sung, .with Mrs. Lynn Lowry providing organ- ac- companiment. Mrs. Smeltzer offered prayer. The president, Mrs. Dun- can Thorburn, conducted the business, and Mrs. Glen Boyd, the acting secretary, read previous minutes. Mrs. Ernest Thompson gave a favourable treasurer's re- port. It was agreed to raise the 1979 allocation, and double the live -love projects. A committee was appointed to look into the probable jector for the church. An invitation wilt be ex- tended to the ladies of St. Luke's Church, Lurgan, to attend the January meeting which is to be followed by a noon luncheon. Mrs. Lester Ferguson, Mrs. Bob Courtney and Mrs. Wilson Farrell served lunch. 1i