The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-13, Page 39Imckeew Sesaike4 Werk►, ► 19711 --Port 7 Christmas sentimentality A cartoon which appeared a few years ago on the front page of the Manchester Guardian Weekly is a challenge to the religious sentimentality some of us indulge in at this time of the year. There are two figures in the foreground -- Santa Claus and a small boy. Santa has been reading to the boy from a book which is identified on its cover as "The Christmas Story". Santa has a puzzled expression on his face, and we can understand his puzzlement when we read the cartoon's caption which indicat- es that the boy has just asked him, "And how did it end?" In the cartoon's background we see the answer to that question -- a large cross in silhouette, with a man hanging from it. Not a very Christmasy drawing. Not the kind of thing we put on Christmas cards, but it does make the point that the Christmas story should not be isolated from the rest of the story of Jesus Christ. Christmas was not celebrated in the Church before the second half of the fourth century. Apparently some Christian lead- ers were uneasy about a festival being established at the time of the traditional pagan mid -winter New child benefits package Many of you continue to. write, saying how much you appreciate receiving the Dec- ember Family Allowances. cheque ahead of the normal delivery date. I am happy that we have been able to do so again this year. May I reassure all parents that you will continue to receive your Family Allow- ance (although at a slightly reduced rate). As well, you may also qualify for, an additional .benefit called the "Refundable Child Tax Cre- dit". To see how this will affect you, and what you have to do in order to get the new payment, please read on. FAMILY ALLOWANCES Here are a few questions you may be asking yourself. Do I still get a Family Allowance cheque? - Yes, you will receive S20 per child per month, starting January '79. Will it still be indexed to the cost of living? - Yes, it will continue to be indexed in future years. Why halve you reduced my Family Allowance? - To do a better job, by giving more money to those in greater need. THE NEW "CHILD TAX CREDIT" How are you going to do that? In addition to the Family Allowance, you will receive a new annual benefit of up to $200 per child, if your family qualifies. Do I qualify? - You are sure to qualify for the full benefit of $200 per child if you and your spouse together earn less than $18,000 per year. It doesn't matter if you are on social assistance or work part-time, or receive any other source of income, What if your income is over $18,000 per year? - Many couples or single parents with income over $18,000 will qualify for a total or partial payment depend- ing on the number of child- ren. The table shown here will give you an idea. (The form which you will complete to get the payment will help you to calculate the exact amount of the benefit for which you qualify.) Family Income SO to . S18,000 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 No. of Children 1 2 3 S200 S400 $600 100 300 500 O 200 400 O 100 300 O 0 200 O 0 100 Hemophilia Socie raises $668 festivals, such as the Roman Saturnalia. (Perhaps some of the good citizens of Rome compiled about the sneakiness of the Christians in trying to =`religion- ize" the Saturnalia) Easter was the great central festival from the earliest days of the Church. It proclaimed that the crucifixion did not mark the end of the mission of Jesus, but, rather, that it marked a new beginning. There can be no doubting that when Christmas was adopted as a 'special cele' bration of the Church it was viewed in the light of Easter, the festival of the resurrection of Jesus. It is not enough at Christmas for Christians simply to concen- trate their attention on the infant Jesus, the Babe in the Manger_ They must also remember that the man Jesus brought his purpose and his mission into final focus in his death on the cross and in his resurrection. Christmas isolated by sentim- entality is, in the long run, Christmas made irrelevant for faith. OTIAMMODAMMODAIMMODANAf Late Somas'_ GIF7 \I4WES.0 The Lucknow, Goderich and Clinton areas, of the Southwestern Ontario Hemophilia Society, raised $668, in their fail appeal. - These donations help the Society provide hemophiliacs with better treatment and health. NO T10E IF TOUR LUCKNOW SENTINEL LABEL READS DECEMBER 654321098 YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS DUE The Lucknow Sentinel Orintawas Phone 5284112 MOW MintilltilWiNAMMISPA .v�4..aa.aattivw..aaaa & .Electrk