The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-13, Page 37Lucknow SenlIn I,Wednesdny, December 20, 19/8,—Page 5 Ashfield Council The inaugural meeting of Ashfield Township was held December 5th. Reeve War- ren Zinn, Deputy Reeve John Austin, Councillors Allan Gibson, Grant Farrish and Grants Curran were present and subscribed to the oath of office. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. Donald Alton and Jack Culbert were present regard- ing Tile Drain Loan applica- tions. A letter was received from the Village of Lucknow pro- testing the zoning of lot 12, concession 13-14 E.D. on the Secondary Plan. This was filed. Approval was given to the street names proposed for the Courtney Subdivision, part of lot 45 Lake Range. Trustees buy accident insurance.. BY JEFF SEDDON Trustees on the Huron County; board of eduction' bought tlieniselves an accident -.insurance ,,package Monday . night covering -ithem .if ° they are injured or -killed v while on.. -board business. The -Insurance ca ries an ` $18 .premium 8/. a is provided for • tees ees through the Ontario School. Trustee's Council, 'of which Huron County is a member. ' Two plans were offered board members. One, the $18 package, _.offered. weekly indemnity ranging from $50 to $300, a $1.,000 rider -Jot medical or dental expenses- and $50,000 for death - or dismemberment. The other, which costs $43, had the same coverage for trustees on board business but added an extra $25,000 death• or dismemberment for trustees if they are in an accident while not on board business. John Cochrane, director of education, told New. warden... CONTINUED FROM P. 4 shine," said Carter. "Show the people of this province that this county is the banner county of the province." the board. that if trustees wanted the $43 package the board . would pay $18 of it, and each trustee would have to pay the remaining, $25. He said the boardwould buy the $4$ plan otttright. nigh4m'`trustee Bert Mori:: suggested that the board •did not need to spend the money to cover its trustees. He said most of the trustees would already • have adequate insurance coverage., The purchase costs a total of $288 for the 16 trustees. Vice chairman Donald McDonald told Morin that his wife would "probably appreciate it (the in- surance) if you_ _get knocked off on the way home." Zurich • trustee Herb Turkheim asked if the $43 package carried any coverage for weekly indemnity or medical expenses for trustees if they are injured while not on . board business. He said it appeared from the description .of the in- surance that those two advantages are not there if the accident happened away from • board business pointing out that the extra insurance is only good if you. "get killed or torn apart".. The board . voted in favor of buying . its members insurance. Only. Bert Morin voted against the proposal. MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly.designed from quality Material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'HOgiarlw Prop,. ES1AlttiSI4ED OVER SIXTY YEARS ESTABLJSHED OVER SIXTY YE4SRS- ,WAL1 I RTON , PHONE 881+0234 ONTARIO, A petition for drainage, signed by Martin Hendriks and James Boak was accept- ed and the clerk was instruct- ed to have E. H. Uderstadt combine their request with the Thoma report. At the request of the recreation committee council agreed to sponsor the Huron - Bruce Swingers for the year 1979. This will enable them to receive a. 1/3 grant on their instructor's fees. The following contracts for snow blowing were approved subject to the approval of M.T.C.: Lorne Graham, $25.00 per hour; Paul Fray- ne, $25.00 per hour; Grant Ferguson, $20.00 per hour; Joe Courtney, $20.00 per hour. Tile Drain Rating By -Law #18, 1978 for $9700 was given three readings and passed. The following council members were appointed to committees for 1979: Arena, Allan Gibson, Grant Farrish; Fire, John Austin, Allan Gib- son; Medical Centre, Warren Zinn; Farm. Safely, Grant Curran; , Recreation, John Austin, Grant Curran, Dian-. ne Hackett, Dave Zyluk, Charles Liddle, Clete Dalton, . Herb Wilkins, Cleason Mart- in, Randy Kerr, Clarence Doherty, Eugene i Frayne, and Diane Park. Finlay. MacDonald was ap- pointed to represent Ashfield on the Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority. Road' accounts of $36,379.40 and general ac- counts of $278,881.35 were approved for payment. The meeting adjourned to meet Tuesday, December 19th at 1.30 p.m. rIstruas essIn s May the holy Christmastide bountifully bless you and yours with peace, joy and tran- quility. Our deep appreciation for your support. SIECKER'S GENERAL STORE Si. HELENS NI llhI!IffI!!I11uhJJhPiili G 4" �I 11 Illllillllli iiIIILIIIIIII��►II►II�� As the silvery sounds _of Christr>as. heirald. holiday of unbxcded joy and contentment, we extend our deep €gratitude to our many wonderful friends. '11111 �I11 I, 'MANAGEMENT AND STAFF 11 t ROYAL BANK - •LUCKi.Oi1 1' � W� u�