The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-13, Page 20Page 211.—Laclusew Sentinel, Wedamlayt Deco 13,�Th Wintario rep speaks to Dungannon Agricultural Society A Gift that will last! A new book for Christmas THEN AND NOW Changes in Rural Ontario in the 20th Century by Elmer J. Farrish For Sale at SEPOY STATIONERY LUCKNOW PHONE S28-2919 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Final Instalment Taxes Due December 15th, 1978 Payable at Bank of Commerce, Dammam Bank of Montreal, Goderich & Lucknow Donald M. -Simpson Treasurer Investment Opportunity Lucknow Co-op Members 41IP 41. .111. allP A. 4IP 4IP aP doP Special Member Loans For new hiking projects • 5 year member leas 91/2% ammally. 10 year member leas 10% eaneally 3! year-memberiean- 20 year member Wm 11% ammally Information wirmloblo from your directors or Co-op office BY MAY REHE SOCIAL NEWS At the monthly meeting of the Dungannon Agricultural Society on November 27„ Wintario Representative Me- anie McLaughlin of Hanover explained grant procedure to those in attendance_ At the same nieeting reptesentatk- es from the Ashfield Town- ship Council, Warren Tann and John Austin, discussed. plans to raise money to provide playground equip- ment at the Agricultural Park. The Agricultural Society held a card party at the hall on Wednesday, December 6 with 12 tables of euchre. The prizes were, high lady. Mrs.. Pearl Congram; high man, Jack Enliven; low lady, Mrs. May Lou McNeil; low man, Tom Webster; door prize, Mrs. Edna Alton. The Society plans to hod another card party in the new year on January 17th. The Willing Workers Group of the United Church held a very successful Christ- mas Tea and Bazaar in the Sunday School room on Sat- urday afternoon. They had a well -stocked plant table,, a bounteous supply of baked goods, an enhancing array -of crafts and a table of used .11P• dr 40, •air• .1111F ..... 41P •..10. 40," 4110. Ludlam District Coop Phase 521140241 dotlemg. Tea and delirious cookies were served at small tables along the side. The proceeds axe to be pat towards a fund for church renovaton. What was left on the used clothing table will be donated to the Family Services_ It is planned to make this an annual event. This newly formed group with pot Mrs. Joanne Whitney and secretary Mrs. Penny Hodges an worked to- gether and put a great amount of effixt and enthusi- asm inth this project. Marty Riven is in Uthicer sky Hospital, london„ where he had an operation on Wed- nesday on his neck and tubes wete put m to drain the abcess which had formed after receiving a hard bump on that spot. He is coming along well and expects to be home in a few days. Harry Handley is home after having surgety in Clin- ton Hospital recently kr a lump which /carted on his neck. He goes in for a check- up on Monday.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLean and family of Landon ished with M. and Mrs_ Edon Austin on the weekenri 'Their son, Eddie,, is a member of the R.C.C. Pee Wee hockey team which played at the Lucknow Arena against the Lucknow Pee 2 - 1978 CHEV IMPALAS, 4 door sedans 1978 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS. 2 door 1978 NOVA, 6 cylinder automatic, power steering and power brakes 2 - 1978 CHEVELIES, power steering and power brakes 1978 DODGE DIPLOMAT, V8, power steering and power brakes 1978 PONTIAC 1977 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, with airconditioning 1976 PONTIAC PARIS1ENNE BROUGHAM 1976 CHEV4 CAPRLS, full power 1976 LA MANS, stationwagon 1976 PONTIAC LE MANS, 4 door, air conditioned 1976 DODGE D 600, cab and chassis 1976 OLDS 98, AA power 2 - 1975 CHEV IMPALAS„ 4 door hardtops,, 1 with air conditioning and 1 without 1975 PONTIAC PARLSIENNE BROUGHAM 1975 CUTLASS SALON 1915 MONTE CARLO 1973 PONTIAC BROUGHAM. 4 door 1973 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop 1973 FORD, 1 ton cab and chassis 1973 CHEV„ Y4 ton, 4 speed automatic 1975 FORD LV 750 A number of vans from 1974-1976. Some V8s, some 6 cylinder, some CHEVS and some FORDS Ob 4111 lb II II • Ca • IA Ilk. 110 En 11 • fa ria Orb BRUSSELS MOTORS BP Service Station Phone 887-6173 4 Wees on Saturday evening. Dr. Steve &others of Win- nipeg visited bis cousin, Mrs. Mary Bette, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrew ell Monday evening, He attend- ed a Symposium in Stratford on Wednesday_ Bob Irvin Is home and carrying on business as usual at the garage after hawing surgery in London to remove lumps from his neck. He was given a good report by the doctor. Church service and Sun- day School were cancelled at Dungannon United Church because of the weather. The White Gift Service will be held next Sunday and the Betting of the first two Advent Candles. The weath- er cleared in the afternoon and Nile Church was able to proceed with their White Gift service. Gordon Andersons barn in Ashfield, Township was struck by lightning and burn- ed to the ground on Sunday evening„ December 3rd. Their cattle and aro horses were got out and are being stabled at neighbouring farms. Roy Wintemute has been in Goderich Hospital this past week. Mr.. and Mrs. Ed Godfrey moved into the house at the west end of Joseph Street on the weekend.. Sympathy is extended to the family of Stanley Snyder who died in Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich on December 4 in his 77th year. A former native of Colborne Township,, he is survived by his wife, Gertrude Houghton Snyder. 2 daughters, Dawn. Mrs. Donald Sowerby of Colborne; Lynn„ Mrs. Brian Ruraig,' , Goderich and one son. Wayne Snyder„ of Ashfield Township' , and 11 grand- children. OIRIS"TIAN FKILOWSHIP CHUILOI Most of the members of the M.Y.F. group spent the weckend at a youth retreat at Silver Springs Camp. near Port Elgin. Their sponsors, Murray and Ruth Marti accompanied them. and Gordon and Ruth Johnston were also *king to share some thoughts and teaching on the meaning of prayer. About 85 people were present to enjoy the ChriSt, rims program on Sunday evening. There were recita- tions and musical numbers as well as several plays„ one of which was "The Story of Silent Night". acted out by some of the youth class. The ptogram dosed with a canallelig' biting service by 12 of the young people. 'The president of the group. Ken Metzger, took the leading ,part and told„ in his own words,, the meaning of the ceremony,, which pioints to Christ the Light of the world, and how that Light can be passed from one of His followers to another. The song "Pass it On" concluded the service. — BROOKSIDE BROADCAST BY MANDY BULLER 'MOOR POLLOCK the Junior Boys and Girls Volleyball teams participated in a tournament at Goderich on Satmday the win- win IMO games out of three to win a match. The ghl% team won a game in each of two matches but lost the necessary send games.. The boys won a game in the last match but were not successful in getting the match. At the school the teams for intramural juniOr girls volley- ball are - Volley Pops, captain Margaret McWhin- ney; Volleyers, captain Lis' a Dougherty; Volteyettes, cap- tain Janice Cook; Teeny Bop- pers,, captain is Wilma Vand- ervelde. For the intramural junior boys the teams are - Snipers, captain Paul Reed; Diggers, captain' Paul Hackett; Ili. Jackers„ captain Wayne Bur- gsma; Splkers, captain Alex West. For the senior boys,, the teams are the Bombers, captain Danny Pritchard; Flyers, captain Mike Durnin; Volleying. Vikings, captain Andy Fielder, Spitfires, cap- tain Donald Irwin; The Fly- ing Aces, captain David rgert- 'The senior girls teams are W.B.V.P.'s (World's Best Volleyball Players???), cap- tain Lori Dickson; Vicious Volleyers. captain Elizabeth Jefferson; Super Servers, captain Donna Freeman; The Bumpers, captain Judy Car - Michael. The senior boys hockey teams played eti December 6th,, Butchers 1, Flyers 7.. On December 12th a bask- etball free throw contest is being held at Brookside with Colborne, St. Mary's, Kings- bridge and Vrmgham schools also participating. Winners of the Legion Poem contest were first prize„ Donna Freeman; sec- ond prize, Betty Wagler. Peter Thomson won the prize in the Essay contest.. DUNGANNON W.I. On Friday evening, Dec- ember. 8, 1978, Dungannon W.I. members and guests gathered in Carlow Hall for their Christmas meeting m the form -of a dinner. A delicious turkey meal with all the trimmings was served by the Tiger Dunlop Women's in their _ festive setting, of poinsettia and red candies. Mrs. Sam Gibson who had greeted all on arrival thanked the ladies for the meal and efficient service, and extend- ed Christmas greetings. Mrs. Richard Buchanan re- plied and also extended Season's Greetings. The lucky cup and saucer prize •was won by Mrs. Vrmnifted Girvin, and the lucky chair, by Mrs. Hugh McWhhmey. Mrs. Gordon Finnigan and Mrs. Robt. Irvin distributed the gifts in the exchange from under a decorated tree. Tables were soon cleared and several games of euchre were enjoyed. Winners were, high lady, Mrs. Jack Erring- ton; 2nd high, Miss Iva Carr; high man, George Errington; 2nd high, Mrs. Ben Mole; most lane hands. Mrs. Gra- ham McNee. A special thanks was expressed by MrsRee to the committee m charge. They were Mrs. Sam Gibson, Mrs. Russel Alton, Mrs. Gordon Finni- gan, and Mrs. Robt. Mirs. Howard Johnston. on behalf of the guests, expres- sed appreciation.. The president, Mrs. George Errington, reminded the members of the next meeting at Mrs. Clifford Pardon's, when Mrs. War- ren Zinn will show slides. 11 •