The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-13, Page 2Page 2--Inchnow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 13, 17d 4 1, We know what they like . . and we've got what it takes to make their Christmas] Shop our super selec- tion and see. Dresses Sweaters Slaclis co.ordiates Sinuses liouse Ceatsiteins Plus lkionY (WI° how to please everyone. give EXTRA COST FOR Tom Salkeld turns 93 Tem :Iio VMS giEleS4 gaff art the Lacknow Distrait raLCB* Barham Dinner an his 93nd itindaday„ Wrathy evenfingi e 'as pp, 44.,-,nritc.o. wida birtikday cake and it a at the bead time.. "II aEdn't figure an du" will To, "Itteit as soon as 11 bad it Haney ON% dor nay birthday was tithe sane as tliae bachelor crumaer, 11 thane*, that% a mistake." 3131111 MIS Slane he Weild War. e has Oid LA& Maser& past 45 years. e wasjn Deventer 11„ Ot3111 sus of the lase Joseph SaBoeld and the Bate May Greer.. Be farmed adtlit kis ern Goderia Tocareship' „ Eng be in 191S,.. He enlisted ora Jammu 4 arid was is active service in Greece by March. They load on =Mau training says Tom. liclao has dies wondered how troops stood sahlitary dr& 'Mat Wt. night, left, right, like a bon& of rd balm bees the rind house fst." be bombs. - He left Constantinople to retina house from die War in 1919 and is Muth of -1928„ he started Wotan on the 14th concessios of West Waracomositi. He married the foamier Amy Wark September of that year. She bad lived in "iit before Tom went orerseas„ bat had ri with her fait* to Smith Falls at die time of tbeir minariage.. They ke bees aad sold apples from their apple orchard„ nod for 13 years Toss kept ithe =ands for the Locknow Weather Station. He was sever paid anything* , but be bad tbe 'satisfaction of knowing what the tempera- tre as every da3y.. They raised a___b of foor„ May Boyle,, Laciamow; Margaret Scbmild,, digary„ and Helen SALM,, Ottawa_ Their sun. Lanence„ who had fanned on Toss"s faun other las retirement in 1965„ cried soddeily five years ago this rounuth and kis 14k died dee hollowing Muth. fry** ask Tont. what is die secret ofliving into your nineties,, hell say, it's probably 10 1 ',7tOtilU1 Ifl 76/0 1.1111dililiNV ettea SiMaTe ill doeiim fast secretary etE thie Larlocon for tine It. 1113 11:1111(1 DIMWIT; cirUItnn litereszighasy- H i9/7/ and Dais is lacese trEh there whom they ded. 'BM tarn rearesraher the gaib. car his father encased was a Teasing car tesight MC kr was the may car. week zersikil afford. Team (maiiibj tato to, 191S took two darys„ and Aar was late and stashing earty is the 16 ghtISRUnt::•e SittiS SietNair +1d"ta7,!3AIT C14' n704101 as the (thane in his Irak tine- "There"s afl!eke ACV UX the swim. gas _deizitty."" ke sas.. Etstr yais caret gc: back to Ilk as it was before the anourobge says TQln. there's too many ta Terme tcrt &ming ler ctrae"s oats swami. He drinks &A the True lieirligeitS and there's no where for them to g. He soopposes tint =Steal science is respossible fair the 7 4 7 4qA,' because people do an die of &sense and compliratins. as they tirrd„ whelp he was Smug - Hess an avid reader of the National Geographic ad Ike enjoys the Village Squike published hi Myth.. He blies to go out to diamer at some of the teats revicated in tke Se aad says ke has been to dinner is the Small Hotel, 7ancikb,, several tines.. The savorgasbard at tke Be Hotel ha Glided& is also a favourite. Tom bats speutt Chaistraas i Otiti&na with Lis d Helen. far the past several years- He flies from Undo= and he's in Ottawa is SD rainferies. 'There% no other way to go„" he says. He hopes to go again yen. but his arthritis will taaate the itisit different is yeaw. because he has always been able to work when he west and this yen be weal be able te.. Tom salys be amid sever he hi the city. "youirre a mere mat them." People don't get to& their aeigbbours whereas in Ladloomw„, you tam somebody. Hes travelled to Florida and to Western Quada and northto Yellowbaife and White- orse. fie rearesibers tbe trip to Whitehorse as tbe be trip. k was the openess of the bad and he comments he "" 'couldn't want to be cooped up anywhere." ottet it rust' it; " earl 1