The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-12-06, Page 10Page 10r lmeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 6, 1978 Easier way to reseed Farmers no longer have to reseed pastures completely to restore legumes. There is an easier method. Legumes, such as alfalfa and bird's foot trefoil, tend to be short- lived compared to grasses, says Alex Skepast, head of the Agronomy Section at New Liskeard College of Agricultural Technology. Traditionally, replacing legumes required plowing, disking and reseeding the entire pasture. The new method uses 'a grassland drill to introduce legumes into the pasture without disturbing existing grasses. "This method eliminates several costly steps for farmers," says Skepast. "It not only saves time and labor, but provides 'instant' pasture." Skepast explains that with the traditional method, grazing is im- possible until the year after seeding. With new methods, cattle can graze the pasture the same year. The direct -seeding method also reduces soil erosion. The land its not broken up and e.cposed to wind and watetk° "Direct seeding also saves energy costs," says Skepast. "Farmers ..save the cost of plowing and double disking . However, reduced cultivation means that farmers will probably have to, control perennial broadleaf weeds with herbicides one year prior to seeding. It is important to maintain the legumes in pastures because they contain high quality protein, and also save nitrogen, "The more active the legumes, the better the grasses will perform," he says. To obtain the most successful results, Skepast recommends grazing the pasture close For high yields tioiOr CO-OPTotal Beef. Feeding, Program lets you feed him your way If every beef operation in Ontario were the same, the same feeding program would do for everyone. But because your feeding situation is likely to be different, you need your own feeding program. One that is tailored to take advantage of your farm's resources. _ That's why your CO-OP offers three proven prog"rams : A broad range of dry protein supplements balanced in minerals and vitamins LJ LPS (Liquid Protein Supplement) fortified with vitamins and minerals E Silage additives (aqua ammonia) with a mineral/vitamin package Each of these programs has the flexibility to -give you a completely balanced ration when properly used in a nutrition program related to your forage system and available grain. Don't restrict yourself to a. beef program that was designed for someone else. Call in your CO-OP feed specialist. He has the broadest range of beef feeding programs and feed products available in Ontario. Let him help you analyze your feeding situation and recommend a program that will fit your operation. 'Registered Trademark. From feeding beef to marketing beef (CO"OPTotaI Beef Service works for you r Lucknow District Co-op Phone 528.8024 .1 FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH.. Try: G 4040. Walter & Barry Elliott R. R. 1, Lucknow 357.1358 Funk s is a Brand Name Numbers Identify Varieties FUNK SEEDS INTERNATIONAL CIBA-GEIGY SEEDS LTD Cottam. Ontario Canada. NOR 180 FUNK'S III HYBRID The limitation of warranty and remedy on the tag at- tached to each bag of Funk's 'G -Hybrid sold is a part of the terms of sate thereof to the ground prior to seeding. This will reduce competition while the legumes are growing.. After seeding, the grazing should be con- trolled to allow proper establishment of • legumes. Warns about effect of lights on milk More than three years after the release of a University of Guelph report on the harmful ®effects of fluorescent light upon milk and other dairy products, many retail food outlets in eastern Canada continue to . expose the contents of their dairy counters to light intensity ap- proaching that of the noon -day sun. Dr. J.M. deMan, head of the University's Food Science Department, has revealed the results of a light meter survey of dairy display cases of . food retailers ranging from jug milk stores to supermarkets in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec and Halifax, at a CONTINUED ON PAGE' 22 ,PIONEER CORN 3975A 2700 heat units ❑ Easily outyields competitors ALFALFA U Stalk strength to spare O Adapts to very wide range of soil SORGHUM and weather conditions -O More 3975A,planted than any other Canadian hybrid Bruce Raynard R. 1 Lucknow 528-6345 Ask Us About these Hybrids H L 2442 90 - 92 days Cribbing, Combining OrSilage in Early Zones HL 2430 87 -90 days Cribbing, Combining Good Silage Variety in Early Zones Gary Dauphin R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 395-5617 . A 1 .A`..'..'