The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-10-18, Page 45'tea 14,-.Lucknow SentLteI, Wednesday ; October18t 1978
Maitland .Pr
kold4 fag roily.
Highlights of the fourth'
annual Fall Rally of the
Women's Missionary Society
of Maitlandpresbyterial in
Sty Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Wingham were the
interesting information .:and
pictures of Contemporary
l' .orary y
China and the Koreans in
Japan. •
Miss Mavis Hyndman,
who was. English language
secretary of the Korean
Christian Church in Tokyo,
Japan, ,,helped in assign-
ments 'for the East Asia
Chsitian Conference, and the
National Christian Council'of
Japan, was guest speaker.
She now serves, as secretary
to Rev. Kyong-Shik Choir,
and to Dr. In Ha Lee,
Director of RAIK, - Institute
for Koreans in Japan. She.
told of the life and progress
of the Koreans in Japan
from thetime of the First
World War until now.
She was introducted by
Mrs. George Fisher and ;.
thanked by Mrs. 'Bregman
Mrs. Munshaw, of Luck -
Educational Consultant
for:, this area, 'showedslides
on China and conducted a
panel of six ladies presenting.
pros and cons of stud ying in
China': Mrs, Alvin Mundell.
led in a sing along with Mrs..
Bateman pianist:, 'After the
call to worship by Mrs, Ross.
Cumming, greetings were
brought by Mrs. ' Robert
Campbell Devotions by the
Teeswater group were taken.
from Ecclesiastes by Mrs. R,
Bregman, Mrs, Thompson
and Mrs. C. Sutton.
Secretary, Mrs. R. IL
rmstrong, read the minutes
of the last meeting and Mrs.
Evan Keith gave the treasur-
er's report. Music . by the
Ripley Evening Quartette
was, much, enjoyed.
Mrs. Harvey Osborne and
Mrs: Wallace. Milligan of
Whitechurch gathered the
collection and offertory pray-
er followed . by Mrs. Joe
Martin, Brussels:
Courtesies 'were by Mrs,
Glen Haldenby, Kinlough;
and closing prayer by Mrs.
Frank Hawthorne of Luck -
The 4th meeting of the -
Metric Measures was held at
the home of Mrs, Hackett,'
The meeting opened with. the
'4-H 'pledge led by Brenda
Hackett. Sharon Alton read .
the minutes of the last
meeting and the Home
Assignments were taken up.
Tea biscuits and how they
should look were discussed..,
One girl made over mixed tea.
biscuits while another made
under mixed. Cheese wheels
and creamy ham and mush-
room ` supper were made by,
other members. Wheat germ
biscuits had been made
ahead of time,
'Plans for the party were
discussed. The meeting dos-
ed with the sampling of the
different food which had
been made.
The fifth meeting. of Zippy
Trinettes, was held at the
home of the leader, Mrs.
Greg Blake: on, October 12*
Gail Hackett read the
minutes of the last. rneeting
and Sandy Campbell gave
the treasurer's report.
The leaders discussed
"Menu Planning", "Des.
sert", 'Small Appliances"
and "Gelatin Treats".
Mrs.: Cranston demon-
emon-strate t *the gelatin. All the
members tasted the "Maple
.k;Syr'up.; Treasure" and "Pink
Velvet" and the meeting was
The fourth meeting of the
St. Helens Krooked Kookers
was held Thursday, October
Different members dem-
onstrated how to make
undermixed tea biscuits, ov-
ermixed tea biscuits, and
Creamy Ham and Mushroom
Supper. Everyone sampled
the food and most enjoyed it.
The meeting was closed
with the 4-H Creed:
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The fourth meeting of the
Clover ` Valley Culinary
Queens was held on Monday,
October 9 tat the borne of
Karen Metzger,
Helen Simpsonread the
minutesof the last meeting,
Joyce 'Osborne :and Helen
Simpson made the Creamy
Ham and Mushroom Supper.
The other girls; assisted Mrs.
Elphick in making Wheat
Germ. Biscuits , and Cheese
and Bacon Swirls.
All the members tasted the
Creamy Ham and Mushroom
Supper which was served on
the Wheat • Germ Biscuits.
They also sampled the Bacon
and Cheese Swirls.
TTe fifth meeting of. the
Kingsbridge Kookies . -was
held at the home of Mrs.
Andrew 'on October 7.
The meeting was called to
order by president Margaret
Swan; "
The leaders ` • discussed
menu planning, energy con-
servation and gelatin treats.
The girls divided into groups
and made pink velvet, maple
treasure ' . and soup-e"ir"tor
LUCI(NOW #h 4.0 CL.
The 4th meeting. of ' the
Metric Eaters was held on
October 12th at the Lucknow
• .t'entral, Public School.
Vice president Debra Am -
old opened the meeting with
the 4-H pledge. Lorna Boyle
- readthe minutes from the
previous meeting and Grace
Alton gave the treasurer's
report, The leaders discus-
sed ""White Sauce 'Revisit-
ed , and Tea Biscuits,
Grace Alton and Barbara..
Henderson demonstrated
Cheese and Bacon Swirls.
Brenda Henderson and
Lorna Boyle demonstrated
Wheat Germ . Biscuits.
Ruth Alton and Kim Sand-
erson demonstrated the.
Creamy Ham and Mushroom
All members sampled
thesefoods that were demon-
strated and was enjoyed by
all. -
The girls planned a Hal-
lowe'en Party which is to be
held on October 26. Each
member is to bring- a menu
for the Hallowe'en supper
next meeting.
South KinIoss
90th anniversar
The South Kinloss Wolff-
omen's Missionary Society held
their Thankoffering meeting
Sunday evening, October 8th
I in the church. Guests attend-
ed from Whitechurch, Luck -
now ' and.: Kinlough. The
1 president, Mrs. Philip Steer,
opened with prayer. The
meditation was given by
Mrs. Olive Needham.
This year -marked the 90th
Anniversary of the South
Kinloss W.M.S. Mrs. Ira
Dickie gave some interesting
facts of happenings in the
past 90 years, paying tribute
to dedicated andfaithful
members who.'carried on the
work.df the `W,M'�`'; in (hese` ri
years.'. The choir "of young
ladies ,,young "Count Your
Many Blessings".
' Mrs. Evan Keith introduc-
ed Miss Betty Colwell to the
audience Betty told of her
experiences in Ghana, where
she spent two years, and
showed some , very interest-
ing slides. Mrs. AIlan Macln-
tyre expressedthanks to
Betty. • .
The meeting closed with
prayer by Mrs. ' Lloyd Mac-
Rev. Wm. Munshaw said
Grace and a social hour of
fellowship was enjoyed.
�ortiG�ltural` S�oci�ty
hold October' rneetitig:
The October . meeting' of
the 'Lucknow Horticultural
Society v'vas held on Wednes-
day, October 11, with a good
Mr. lan Deslaurier of the
• Maitland Conservation Auth-
The regular meeting of
Trinity wits held on
October 12, at the home of
Mrs. Jim Nelson. Hazel
!Hackett read the scripture
and the meditation, was given.
by Dora Alton. Hazel Hackett
led in prayer, and the
devotions closed with a poem.
by Ella .Hackett.
Shirley Rackett • read a
poem on Thanksgiving, and
Janet Cook gave the Study
Book on the .Caribbean., Belle
Hackett gave the ,Bible Study
on, Psalm 100.
The business followed,
The meeting closed with the
singing of a hymn, and a
social hour was enjoyed
ority was the guest speaker
and was introduced by Mrs.
R. Shielis. Slides were shown
depicting the . Maitland Val-
ley Watershed . and their
efforts to control flood condi-
tions andimprove camp
sites in the areas. An 'open
' discussion followed on . how
improvements could be car-
ried out -in 'this, vicinity. •
Mrs. J. McDonagh called
on Mrs.. H. Webster for a
piano -solo. Mrs C. Blake
conducted an interesting
contest on apolitical leaders.
President 14.Irs. J. Mac-
Donald conducted the .busi-
ness meeting. Mrs. Evelyn
Henderson and the president
reported on the annual Horti-
cultural Convention held at
Queen's University which
they attended as ,delegates in
June. a annual Horti-
cultural banquet held
Wednesday,' November 8, '
The comnuttee' in charge
served a lunch at the close of
the 'meeting.