The Signal, 1935-8-22, Page 2G. : CA/N416. lltsanasv et Cheatham Wealag rowarspere Illaa Aleaselatians , he friltslarellini 1,11/ axles Patellas* WW1t titelt*stetIRelhitterwpz De f40- igmbeeriPtios price MOO Dar- !Warrreaching petpee4&rLa: WO* 11 paid la advance. s e • 1 t. AT, PRINTING 00-. te- e to e large sad Winghata otj *ednda Iaat. w e ha Irm a degas w.o, 1, preasIent pf the North Norms Leh - Asa°, laden, and tu addi to colored fast Mr. King called Atte. sive acts IC the last five)tilaXlas power and influence er ta Cala& are eo script° daaha&aiic PseleVefforni t 17 "nu", _.ftwerst that it sod se ordinary a Minas Mortara nadir our OIL lir.' 1A431" King puts ow. t it la not tar le t. eb• 11111/. The r tierossieponsado exie an as beeu r Its Fpr that unto eatirdt'seriZtwalelagiler to t as 'WY On the ..o1 the .%.& candidate ,Reachinan_w_ 1.0roldgediali ' deelayed there was no eilAuSeSItlf THe outcome a the elm: uulsee. The Sleaford o VaL11 es even In . • Lath has had rarlingiseKs., lemellbet lie lee colleaguo. leas than Minister et Capada. all Intenta peg gibbet, kJs Cabl ogler Pride, lees Dechman ubsery r be a now his ship ts periousir g wet,.harr• or the ship of a. new his alp 1. peri liras left the his own can liars lett cu a teem di., 1 [1tipetsaellitIvie,g, • Palliasses' • • • bates; 1040, a cha 4.'..1`. • s 74-p:u.., ...............„,./noolititastt Lao .....uzi.t:f:l"vos. tW. It la forin. But hl. ha.I t i.s die 1 a bodrtowhe :11: ' •041'aeltia: ra s...Ntle rocks 'January show, he d 114:oWn on ,and that tneselhe of the rill reform. 78/41thep T. th'tti ill 11: alii.riqdt:nlikilhk muasilliell,tagiwellikrtuvVnt con - aloe and Frig • tegulat ' last ashore, &howl that Mr. what retort's Is. •t lo n tell.. you a sr to t of the practices of 11/ 110(11initile' Reg11111111mie have takes= e t a by.* which a Illepalletta district which la Democratic majorlig:' cans have bad 11111M since IMO, god MEP the the hilt Including •t ahead and t out d t4t, the tar thelarm, but bet the farmer's income 1 of trad w•ys. $ opponents of this Addraisdatim ag peed to local resentment amine Mt is • „ The "A further quelatten ares 4. of the Rhode Island election from t the Republican nem 1. ve One. , hostas. the coming Federal *locales.. Mr. Ramey r He* the dart 01 1 his Gov - *tied era 'WIMP@ do. Imports, the hop huge commits :public works. and a large carryover of Claiintliaii sew During -the filik live piTera Mr. Hsi - Lett and trgefilevernsetegoligne changed She aidevetalds Wince at Oak skald bee& le likaT2t- Ube w00111. the nal • held In lie.r.• a teid ." be said. 'tutte4.41BI w.. ' re dui. ag spa s vs later e wi Mr. 11011c. atrial S! a um haierreatios tarwhich caused skips to iday MS at tkeir wharves. -raKway- lee. to be oat re Soks, losrehattseie staff& loge of Mame aad fatteries in hundreds of 1 out of employamet us to talk of theirs 1. "Yr. Seamen crevice between a *rya means larger for the people, the a each a way as will id Mr. King. la mast interventioa be also be Maytag Ing the mos - ',Melo • !ready elixir.all seas being is utter 4busthief's •• n't know tbr that na and an eaa ago liberty and f raffle and I/ that of, aorta of they depend for rosireili afford them,- \ d Mr. Deackmas. Real refor achieveby through, t.tj11 ms. thing alone mire Liberal party would "tart ref by doing away With some UJf Intervention through tariffs. as 1111111bli WS A r� ‚.Weetel it [M- ows that exports are restricted and that wages must fall. finless we low- er tariffs and mo Increase trade the only other alternative la to speed millions each year to keep our wett- er% on a dole. ir- -Those who voted fpr Mannar la last election voted to lower their own wages or to pot themeives 011 the dole. Now It it. up to the people to vote for a nentoration of normal conditions which will Ore a normal volume of trade. Th. Liberals have that they kn. • -how to et The other nat Oing want t ein different vie cannot trade with them rldlooking for t he 1 to them with • chip on our them and severity In the way of high tariffs Mr. Bread my* their goods" sikkr1 Mr Delo h. I;overnment.controt to more •t trade war with Pendiu ono rated hy the Government eminent Is rt la costing Canada her market rid of Minister at nation On n e •-t in 4100 Bennett hi Japtine-4• -0Ik !114. '-vhieb,ernment t a. eberk. tooted tVey,worto the Inliadbabi of Me wide Ma to deal illth sn Small has reared "That Madit biP. when the Imam oditha that la WI hand without the "Alves ot the pewee having control. have a dictator. What good are parli- amentary methods and forme if you get etch • revolt as 1 have stated? That power Mr. Bennett has and he has r. King. Trade would Igitade mote been seeking to get the free. In the .14* of long ra in Ir ecostomed to it." sid Sr. Cam Spend 1111sdC The Liberal leader streamed the feet that the blank cheek bolds good for the [invbetwees the dissolatlea Parliament to general airetisma. "Mr. Kennett can sineel Bey onee he likes with no one alas. between now gettlosiday. et the poaltion Jr. le position Miler Yr!. lett MP l'Utomoss. Its that respoealible gov- ernment? Ma aa„affrawftz......‘mtrui by the people v' flea Ing that slace HMO 6100.000.CA "Mk been spent on UU1II retie( rough blank chart •11 rl lames, has duatry. women working and sw labor, the state should intervene. but 11W InterStotion about(' net be in itself. t „ "Neither I/tiaras-take nor rrven- lion 15 511 end. a to an bat ffirealirfree- Whim mesas ation he iallaew It de- lve the Gov - ye, the hand - his came. Mr. ean GOV. is con - •et 1 at" tack( no ry elec- t erhalenesd by the glee full time and matter. 4 so tP aa id WIND bed PO Liberal for tr'd basP allow I . et, neiagdehmeetem.::::' went was still • fY s factor to 11 .1'14 getaritelgralh lege OOP 'so AOC* RV when the lepramilon was it Ita Ape recalled gbat in the time KIN wail Prime Minister =OM • year west to the United Motes to secure writ.,1401•Ir "ffs tbe ,sited Mates Ian eticdfty IS Ilheedds • Mr. Agates M epeakInA the --a torments of UM Bonnet , batst 1st dee told of the benefits o give • rad norm aeonrittera t Farmers Cr Rani Ocoee thought that peoel tba • • This Isa..the da#411457takeir. t riper In hand and ea maao$,gairtioa to to 6.; bust la the • o taisetwo. at Kelly, Go-getter bt fl e London AdvertUter T. 11 Manna, • welitown writer on *gel- ultural snbj . has been giving Awn* of articles on lila experiences of a lifetime in Tait Saturdag'M antials ha makes • racemes tee famous Ittirois Chesty Ammeter, late Pat Kelly of Myth, whose D. Kr. J. B. Kelly. be a resident of Cod - Mich. deism, but foualltba nulrbed with all 180 Inntionnittle, to get In ton Oft.Jutrn. who was very busy. The potte end gum v•eadvisory was allied.. grieved rtlikfrir John's time gutty oigpapiede Ale wad de litiOdhli sad Dor Mr. Kelly, trees 1YLE.-..-,8F to Huron county was it aott—but It was abso- lutely izegoesitalle tort- 1r. John to, see him today—Is fact, any day this week ete. After several daps of this sort of thing. Pat gr alr tired of Ottawa.. Danes+ at Mlle was premiss. He decided to take th. bull by the horns. He hired a the oberfase, bed bie &dab put In, and rein t where he ordoegg bis trent at tins doe bell. and a t•Jieigga -meat Mr. Males writes: bre M the assay Interesting charac- ters I met during Institute trips was the celebrated I'at Kelly, of With. In a. Pat was the typical 'deb- t, ;witty, het at the same and siseessieful buena- lee mining to Ottawa I have a L employee of Pat'a, who tells • Pit AAA etfteerettsed for a tallier to operate him Mill He oat* paasevalt Mr. Kiley: "int, if. want tbe job, do many rare' piper - seem that the ate& ea 1 bast • hinds and ga - r1.41/* • • 4,, hearing to "-ante r. Massey Was introtheed 0 the Or John Mena of MirKiblen actedas at Wavle 14. • •Vrse " sleeker. "Is a 14,, friend Itthe 1101, to keep a sh I og ) Whale nty-- iss ..... beak bye, If ye can all the bill, t yours; but If ye can't, ru 40 dem gnat!" . . t. Pat was so ardent Oonastritiva alli kern marititian In OTH. of Air Jobe A Ilecdosmalits campaigns, Pat se onepanied kit John all nvPr the • of Karon, and impressed Me se asitedi Met. at parting, Ms • re Pat a p.j1t*1Pi1it11ofltOIl and ate him whoever be eases to Oi- :re-USIA aila There adltill 'webbed some •eiVrIstsiebaleb bIlsenigi. t Ir _III/ly Wiltiaftinwinsly helOrem en prose Itt *erne f of III abbe A. ifia P le filltaisselliai '(2 1 wonder if Ar—r "No chance." said one et Sr. t. hearers "But if he 401.111 that.' just what has happened In Jtaly and Germany. There tiniest; 7011 happen to belong to the party in control yon have no right to vote and ho right to tklak alma Everyone of you knows that It la only a short time ego that Germany hal a parliament and state legislate Italy had a parliameat Once the war. Rut now those parliaments are wiped nut. They are called only when dictator wants something speetal," 01 Kin guy FM telling Mier are the 4.05 11":761101114biet."1:00 ml/fIte.lritilililli.e.l.rirt.t./014. /7'441.41 4:iirtt.01611'1.:SI Peimil::::111- le (With a dap AI 4, Minya It 01". 12 the. fe e1/PzikulP las 0^1^ a "ar Pat to May. at Ma foe tintype? When Rir John cams ane be was delighted 1;1117,a:AMtilia..ted,:flogailli:bli:lisanderataf1111:talittn:: mi SpIII Illat the rn rollatit I :Ilgepavise.a-4i11 lin° of whit bad ettioe as& SIM there Weer blank haek Weak- tion.lieles totalling socomoos•my. tom ads sad Mak mairasteeo et amsormono have Wet 1i tot*' a es _total of POR,1100,11100. "This is in addition to it4 Detidltarea of the novettomPat 1.1 is more be W& ffehditang of data la .410P V ik-the third rest d Willr /5111 feast bit ctighrtatied tisla !millet tilt* Wit P tit I artists,* It 551 ture‘ s • .:70wet ,,.. 4srliet 1. 4104tecri, r4