The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-07-12, Page 16Page 16--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 12, 1971 MONUMENTS Par sound counsel and a fair price on a' monument correctly deciBned from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS. Pat O'Hagan. Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO Lynn's Hobbies & , Textiles Pattons Wool, Material and Patterns, Macrame, Tapestry and Other Crafts Main Corner of Ripley Phone 395-5902 SATURDAY,JULY 15 Bee Hive Astra l0% Off The Ripley - Huron Medical Centre Committee is pleased to announce. the establishment of The Dr. Tindall Fund The purpose of this fund is to Help equip a room in theproposed addition To Kincardine & District General Hospital Those -wishing to donate ton This fund may do so at THE ROYAL BANK, RIPLEY CLERK'S OFFICES IN RIPLEY KINCARDINE HOSPITAL Official receipts will be mailed For income tax purposes 1977 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, with airconditioning 2 1977 PONTIACS, PARISIENNE BROUGHAM, 4 doors 1977 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door hardtop 1976 VOLARE 1976 LA MANS, staticmwagon 1976 PONTIAC LE MANS, 4 door, air conditioned 2 1975 CHEV IMPALAS, 4 door hardtops, 1 with air conditioning and 1 without 1975 PLYMOUTH SATELITE, 4 door 1975 MONTE CARLO 2 - 1975 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Brougham, 1 with 1 without air, 1973 PONTIAC BROUGHAM, 4 door 1973 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop 3 1973 FORDS, 1 ton cab and chassis 1973 CHEV, 3/4 ton, 4 speed automatic 1975 G.M.C. '/a ton pickup 1973 CHEV, 50 series '1975 FORD LV 750 A number of vans from 1974-1976. Some V8s, some 6 cylinder, some CHEVS and some FORDS •••••••••••••0••••••••••,•• BRUSSELS MOTORS BP Service Station Phone 881.`'! 73 "Missing" family living in Kinlough BY AB WYLDS Both Mrs. Mervyn Hooey of Ripley and Miss May Boyle of Kinlough called Fran last Wednesday after- noon after they read. last week's Ripley column. Both ladies reported that Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family who were being sought on Satur- day evening, July the first, were now living in Kinlough. When their friends from Toronto called here that evening Fran suggested go- ing to the Brennan house on William Street and fortunate- ly their daughter, Shelley, who clerks in the family store, was able to direct the Toronto folks with their two small children to Kinlough. To those readers who do not know this village, Carl Bren- nan, his wife Pat, and daughter, Shelley, run the former Reg Moore grocery store or if you go away back the former W. J. Crawford store on Ripley's main street. We were glad ` to hear that their friends were able to find Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family. On Thursday morning Ger- ald Rhody of the 10th of Kinloss, . a block south of Kinlough, was back in Ripley with his chain saw. With a young helper. and the saw, ' Gerald cut down two large trees, a willow and a Mani- toba maple, at the former Ed Garton place - west of Bob Love's place. It is always amazing to see Gerald Rhody cutting down trees. He climbs around like a squirrel away up there. At the last of June, Mrs. Jennie McLean came back to her Ripley home. She had been recuperating for several weeks at the home of Fier granddaughter, Mrs. Nancy Tout in Kincardine. Early this summer Mrs. McLean suffered -a break in the bone of her right arm just below her shoulder when she •fell from the outdoor platform, while visiting her relatives at Ferndale, near,Lion's Head. Ripley folks arglad to see Jennie back again. On Tuesday afternoon last week, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beal of Stratford called here to visit her sister, Mrs. Fran Wylds. Dorothy and Alf had been to their summer cottage at Inverhuron and were on their way back home to Stratford On Wednesday Reg Moore and other friends and neigh- bours helped Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ramsay move from their home on Ripley Street into an apartment in the new Gerrie Glenn apartment building nearby. Aaron Gardner, son of A. J. and Glenda Gardner of Vanastra, spent a few days last week visiting with Jack and Evelyn Johnson. During his stayhere he attended the St. Andrew's Bible School along with his cousins, Tammy and Jason Fludder in Ripley. While here Mr, and Mrs. H. Gardner of Luck - now, his grandparents, visit- ed with him and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson one afternoon. Last Sunday morning Jim Needham called at the house .here to report ' that on Sunday, August 6, Paul Henderson will *be in St Andrew's Church in Ripley. Paul' is well known for scoring those . goals in the hockey games in Mdscow. Paul, a native of Huron WP Township then Lucknow, in his early years, will be speaking as a member of the Athletes for ,Jesusorganiza- tion which has such athletes in it as Ron Ellis, the big "Zee" and quarterback, Fran Tarenkton, of the Minnesota Vikings and some of the Toronto Blue Jays to mention a few. Mrs. Donald Gillies of Ripley and the tenth of Huron, the former Alma Henderson, is Paul's aunt while Calvin Henderson now of Kincardine, prior to moving to Kincardine a Ripley resident, is his uncle. The Henderson home place is between Leonard and Bob Courtney''s places on the second concession west where Mr. and IYIrs. Allan MacKenzie and family now live and Allan has his iron working shop. Last Saturday just after the noon hour, cars streamed into Ripley for the auction sale of household effects and antiques at the home of Mrs. Mary (John A.) McDonald on main street south. After- wards at the same place a similar sale was held for Mrs. Katie .(Lloyd) Irwin. A good crowd was in attend- ance. This coming Saturday morning the annual auction sale for the George McDon- ald Antiques of Ripley will be held in the Ripley Huron District Community Centre Complex. Also last Saturday morning the ladies of the Ripley Huron Legion Auxil- iary held a successful rum- mage sale in the Legion Hall. Among those named in the market reports on the Wingham radio for , top priced shipments of beef animals this past week were Elliott Lowry and Murray Ferguson of the Reid's Corners area. Last Saturday was the day for lifting the two new a grain silos metal g ain silos onto their steel beam plat- forms at the Ripley Grain elevator. To do this job, a crane with its big caterpillar tractor came up from Wing - ham and made the job look easy. This will make over- head loading of the big grain transport trucks easier than in former years. Those building the grain silos were, Lynn Courtney, Ralph Grubb, Rick Irwin and Glenn Huston, operators of the Ripley Grain Elevators are Jim Scott and Harold Court- ney. On Monday evening of this week the July meeting of the Ripley Agricultural Society was held with president, Jack Farrell of the 12th concession, in, charge, pre- paring fothe Ripley Huron Fall Fair. Mrs. Lot Culbert, Mrs. Stewart Needham and Mrs. Violet MacKenzie, all of Ripley, were honoured guests at a spring dinner held at the Paisley Com- munity Centre, put on by the Bruce County Unit Tea- chers. The year is -the Dia- mond Jubilee of the Federa- tion of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario (F.W.T.A.O.). There were more than 16 guests present. .4 - Mrs. Ed Howe and daugh- ter Audrey of Paisley, Isobel Howe, Winnifred Howe, Ru- by Day of Owen Sound, Mrs. Marjorie Reid of Ripley, and Otto Hewitt of Bervie are all on a three week vacation trip to the west coast, travelling by van. Mrs. Pat Cornish is a patient in Kincardine and District Hospital. Visiting with Oliver and Marion McCharles are their grandchildren. Ripley folks were sorry to learn of the passing of Cecil Pollard of Kincardine on Sunday afternoon:Cecil was a well known driver of racing horses. Their race horse farm with its stables and track is the former Tom Cornish farm on the 6th concession west in Huron Township. Mrs. Evel- yn,Hunter of the 6th west is a sister and the late Elmer Pollard of the 8th concession was a brother, while George McLean of Ripley is a cousin. Sympathy is extended to all at this time of bereavement. The Ripley -Huron Medical Centre Committee is pleased to announce the establish- ment of "The . Dr. Tindall Fund". The purpose of this fund is to help equip a room in the proposed addition to Kincardine and District Gen- eral Hospital. It is felt that this would be an appropriate way to show appreciation for a lifetime of dedicated Med- ical Service to the Ripley, Purple Grove BY KERRY BOYLE. Dinner guests Sunday with Don and Anne McCosh at the trailer on the tenth conces- sion were Earl . and June Elliott, Joyce and John Farrell and Tania and Ter- esa. Steven and Janice Elliott and Lea of Upsala and Marret Hodgins of Kinlough visited with the Elliott's on Saturday. Ian Elliott was visiting last week with Mr.,and Mrs. James Ruby, Larrand,Allan of Leanne, Michigan. Don and Ann McCosh and their cousin Anna Chaffin of. Bruce Beach were in London on Thursday. Vacation Bible School was wrapped up last week with a final assembly. Wilma Sitt- ton and June Elliott had taught the Juniors. June taped the final musical assembly -and would be glad to let anyone listen to it. Several from here attend- ed the opportunity sale at the Ripley Legion on Saturday morning. Jim and Kathy Farrell returned Sunday evening from a two and half week vacation out west where they attended their cousin, Bill Hutton's wedding. Susan and Courtney Mac- , Donald and Daryl and Daph- ne Gopaul, Tania and Laura, all of London, visited for the weekend with the Jack Farrell family. Two weekends ago Pete and Edith Pedersen of ton - don and granddaughters, Kelly and, Jorey Helm, visited Norval and Isabel! Stanley. Isabell visited her mother, Mrs. Blue, at Maplewood Lodge in Wiarton on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs, Murray .Shelton visited Sunday even- ing with Alma and Donald , CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 • .. a Ya.. r+Y, o .'.i Huron and Kincardine areas. Those wishing to donate to this fund may do so at the Royal Bank, Ripley, Clerk's offices in Ripley, Kincardine Hospital. Official receipts will be mailed for income tax purposes. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Les Wardell over the week- end where Mr. Tom Howie and Faith Howie of Kitch- eneer and Miss Lois Wardell of New Hamburg. Bob Campbell of Campbell Farms on the 4th concession east in Huron Township reports a new, strange plant or weed growing on the South Line east of Aurel Armstrong's place. Right after Bob called here CKNX news on Sunday noon report- ed that a new weed was on the loose in Grey and Bruce counties. It is "cow parsnip" or giant hogweed, People are warned against touching or handling it as it is poisonous and produces a poison -ivy like rash. RIPLEY CRAFT SHOW Ripley - the hub of Huron Township, where a hand of welcome awaits all visitors, is full of enthusiasm these days. Activities for young " and not so young are being planned for the next few weeks, among them the annual Arts Crafts and Antique show and sale. The Ripley Huron Com- munity Centre will be the setting and no. stone has been . left unturned to make this the best show yet. Crafts people, from far and near, will be particpating with. such items as batik, decoupage, silk screening, -resin art, trapients, barjellor, petite point, china painting, sketching, weaving, ' oil painting,rug making, wood working, leather craft, knit- ting, nit-ting, quilting, crocheting, canning, gem stones, laped- ary and many ,more crafts plus an abundance of antiqu- es for those who like collect -`.:v • ables. St. Helens BY KATHRYN TODD Two St. Helens players on the 'Lucknow ball team were injured in a recent game. Hugh, Todd is sporting a knee high cast for torn ligiments and Don MacDonald is ^wtearing a finger splint for his break. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maclntyre of Richmond Hill were recent visitors with Helen Todd and Isobel Miller. Adrianne and Stefan Mak- ovskis of Willowdale 'visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd. Sympathy is ,expressed to Ron Snowden and his family on the death of his brother, Brian Snowden, on Sunday, July 9. Mr. and Mrs. Johp Gaunt of Edmonton, Albelta and Mrs. Ward Schickluna of Mississauga returned home Tuesday after a two week visit with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Andy who has been in Wingham Hospital for the past 7 weeks.