The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-07-05, Page 14 N Huron saves X60,000 on snow control BY JOANNE WALTERS A report from the Huron County road committee presented to County Council last Friday, revealed that weather conditions in the county last wiriter, resulted in a saving of $60,000. The winter control costs from January to April; 1978, totalled approximately $240,000. Allowing $150,000 for the remainder of the year, which is the most that has ever been spent for the same period, in previous years, still allows a The LU reduction of $60,000 in the county's winter control budget. The road committee's re!lort also indicated that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications will be allowing a supplementary subsidy allocation toward the municipal drainage assessments which, it is estimated, will' mean an additional $20,000 in revenue for the county. This additional revenue, states the report, along with a reduction of expenditures, has allowed the committee to forecast a surplus of the year end of $95,000. The road conlmittee recommended to county, council that this surplus be placed in the Highways Reserve Fund and be used in 1980 for the reconstruction of the Auburn Works Garage as programmed in the Urban Needs Study. By holding these funds now, and accumulating surpluses to that, time, the county road committee will be able to carry on highway reconstruction and resurfacing programs, as well as rebuild the Auburn garage, without having to borrow money, in those years, the report maintains. County Council has agreed to the committee's recommendation. K SEN S10 •A Year In Advance $14 To U.S.A. and Foreign Tommy wins third Candi n B :Iyys Tommy Gilmore, 10, of Lucknow, defended his All Canadian Boys Baton Twirling .Championshiptitle in' Winnipeg, Manitoba, on the weekend and brought home the title for the third year in a row. Competing in the junior boys divison for boys aged 11 to 14, Tommy took the_ open solo class and the Canadian Boys Championship. Tommy flew to Winnipeg last Thursday with his mother, Rita, to compete on Saturday and Sunday. The top judge spoke to Tommy after the competition, which is something judges rarely do, and told him that he definitely shows promise and should not give up his twu, ug :, s 4 Tommy has been competing for four years and has won 23 trophies counting the two he picked up in Winnipeg. H'e plans to compete again next year. At the age of 15, Tommy can compete for the Senior Drum Major of Canada. Council meets to clarify motion on wage increase Lucknow Village Council held a special meeting. on June 28 at 5. p.m. to clarify a motion made and passed at the last council meeting on June 13. Councillor Bud Hamilton made a motion at the June 13 meeting to give the village employeesand the village clerk a raise of 3 per cent. When the councillors received a copy of the minutes of the meeting last week, the motion read that the village employees and the clerk had been given a raise of 6 per cent retroactive to _January. At the meeting oft Thursday, Councillor Hamilton said that he had made the motion to increase the wages to 3 percent effective June 1 not effective January 1 which would have amounted to the 6 per cent retroactive. 1. NO DATE Village clerk, Alf Herbert, said that no effective date had been stated in Hamilton's motion and he "assumed that the motion was to read retroactive to January 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Huron advertising BY JOANNE WALTERS ' - Huron County Council has accepted a recommendation from the Development Comjnittee that Development Officer, Spence Cur>mings be authorized to insert a two -column classifieds advertisement in mid-September, 1978 for six consecutive days in the Montreal Star Newspaper, total cost not to exceed $655. The• purpose of this advertising is to try • and attract industry to various locations in Huron County. In a report of the Development Committee subtnitted by chairman, William Elston at the Huron County Council meeting on June 30, it was stated that for some communities, advertising industrial locations has been a major source of their enquiries and that through lack of funds in the past, the Development Committee has not been asked to approve this NEL WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1978 Single Copy 25c 24 PAGES Tommy Gilmore, 10, won. the Canadian Boys Baton Twirling Championship for the third time in Winnipeg on industrial locations type of newspaper advertising. Several members of council expressed concern that the time wasn't right for advertising in Quebec and felt that it would only stir up trouble. Others said that it was a known fact that Quebec industries were trying to relocate and it would be foolish to ignore this fact. It was also pointed out that Montreal was a Canadian newspaper and not just provincial. Elsewhere in the Development Committee report, it was recommended that Mr. Joe Gibson of R, R. 2 Seaforth be appointed Assistant Weed Inspector and $4 per hour for the balance of 1978 and the necessary by-law be passed. This recommendation was accepted by council. The Warden, Chairman, County Clerk and Tree Commissioner will attend a meeting of representatives of the Southwestern Ontario Counties at 7.30 p.m. July 17 at the the weekend. He is the son of Art and Rita Gilmore, Lucknow. in Montreal paper Middlesex County Building to discuss proposed amendments to the Trees Act to impose more appropriate fines and deterrents to persons cutting undersized trees. The report of the Development Committee stated that a copy of the Hawkins' Drainage Report was received from the Township of Colborne which was to be read and discussed by Colborne ' Township Council on June 20. In accordance with the schedule of assessments in the Engineer's Report, the County of Huron will be assessed $2,261 for outlet. The chairman agreed that the Chairman of the Development Committee contact the Engineer to appear at the reading of the report if necessary to request reduction in size of title and then reduction in outlet assessment, since the county will never require an outlet to drain the forest land.