The Signal, 1935-7-25, Page 3ional CLAIIIITLID ADVERTISING The classified advertisements appearing each week on page 8 are result -getters. Buyers sad sullen should make use of this feature. Bates are reasonable and we solicit your enquiries about tole ser- vice. Ise Signal Leads Ns Wal T11E SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publishers Accused -o€ Theft of Lloyd Car 5' • • t ere Y' The 0. F. Carey Co. Fare, Accident sad Moroi Car INSURANCE Representative London kite Inenranee Co. Rest Office :—Masonic Tempi4 Street, Goderich Noises Hill. Elamite". Thee SM J. Ws. Craigie hessraace aa, Real Ewe Denial's, Provincial sad mal Beads PHONR Si t -t OODERICE Geo. Williams& Son DOMINION. PROVINCIAL sad MUNICIPAL BONDS Tire. Ambient. intemeal'fi• and Gams' greases• Ards O1eMNI, NEXT TO BANE Q011111611 - Moe Y Fir Salt at Port Albert Meet, Weeded Cottage Ler 52 x 219 feet HYDRO CONNECTION ooscs bo Town— Antos sad Fire brume* W. J. POWELL Mee 2!2 Goderick Girl Supposed to Be the "My- terious Blonde" in rt Evelyn Wtghtman, allegedly tbe "mysterious blonde" who was seen at an accident at Taylor's Corner ou June 29, when Royal Lloyd's car was badly damaged, appeared before Magistrate .1. A. Eakins on Thursday last, and with Nelson Naylor was charuged with the theft of the car, a pow l coupe. Both young people are from Blyth. They did not plead and were allowed ball for ooe week, as police have not completed their investigations.iweek wasMr. Lloyd the prey charged with reckless driving, it being alleged be was in the car at the time of tbe accident. Defence witnesses testlded that Er. Lloyd's car was stol- en about 11 o'clock on the night of June 29, and that accused did not see the car again until the following morn- ing, when it was recovered, badly dam- aged. Mr. Lloyd was acquitted. Police obtained a good descrlptloe of the blonde from persons who saw the car in tbe ditch, and on the strength of the deacrlption picked up s Wightman for questioning. She de- nied knowledge of the theft of the car ant eN-this accident and was released, mow.Weseed eacheesed-ea-W nesdey Of last week. Naylor is on suspended sentence as a result of a false pretense charge some weeks ago. Bail was $200 for Miss Wightmas; $600 for Naylor. Driver's Permit Caaeelied A Colborne township young man were given by Dorothy pleaded guilty to a charge of breakingI Marys and Ctatre Pentland of Dungen_ Il•a red tette by members of the GOH + '�0,..TH'U 'WAY, .�U1 Y _2 1 n WANT DBTnaava ROOMS CLOSED The following resolution was passed at the Saturday morning session of the [Jetted Church Summer Reboot at DuuLop: "We, ninety-eight young People of the eattesses.e( Harms IMd Perth ansoctated in Godericb Summer School, desire to place on record that we consider the leverage rooms In operation in the counties of Huron and Perth a curse, and we would request that the derision of the Supreme Court of Canada be pat Into ef- fect immediately." Summer Sch Concludes for Sunday Evening Service tended by Large Numbers front Two Presbyteries The services on Sunday brought to a Nose a bappl and soccenfel menden of Goderlch Summer SdbooL 'Ibrowgb- out the week Interest in the work had been steadily growleg, anti the lead- ers are Reanimates 10 praising the fine n of tht etadenta, On !Ziff iI gf'toeeert.- to whelk.iia Jalli*llo was tattled. war 'rabbi the right of the Sov- a great emcees. Every edible sone of course, tt'Ibuted several numbers, Use skits pet eminent to take this appeal 11 tem anee executive. on by the boys and the quartette ae- Privy Council /cant.' permission, Fuel use Pesutti(iity oompanied by a kazoo band proving a course would seem to be unmoor A pOeetbility of prosecution in the irresistibly funny. Enjoyable reading's sary for a variety of reasons: I name of the local collector of euetoros 1 St. "1. The valldltJ of the Canada I is the only remaining C.T.A. enforce - Tem Act has leen twice before I previse the Premier maintains. of Eldred non, a guar the P First, In the Casa sad entering-* the garage playlet D the girls of affirmed es there. I FURTHER ARGUMENT OVER DON'T CHEAT YOURSELF The pasture in the far away fields may appear green and prices of distant adver- tired goods may be attr•ittive. But why take a chancel Local merchants adver- tising iu The Signal merit your patronage and you see what you buy. Develop tie Cemmudty Spirit whatever for the enforcement of the t Canada Temperance Act" ie therefore I 1 accurate.' scarce y act nab passed by the Ontario Oov- r which commissioners and Inspectors appointed under On- tario Liquor License Act and the Can- ada Temperance Act, where latter statute was r,pV e Ito vlalun cPntinued and is last found THE CANADA TEMPERANCE � Temperance Federation Demands Withdrawal of Authorities in Huron, Perth and Peel—Premier Hepburn Says There Is No yyin for Enforcelpjnt of C e Act ernment uude l legislation enforced both the On EIGHTY -01011TH YHAI® Auto INSURANCE Tire Life N. K. WARK cj'odertch, Oat. • .rites Mfr h the t II able Thla 191L ST. AUGUSTINE , _- -cite-ice. ��Iti�!9�-1s. _ _. g�'"�� McCo t Li dtown � li '• � ting Toronto, July 18. elf Huron, Perth, been affirmed by the Privy Council. c,�_ Its jurlsaMcUon In these Counties hue and Peel counties d o, , wish ■ tlnuance of the Co hods 'Temperance o1 Canada. it 1a the law until it 1s Act, a petition would he cheaper and I either repealed by a vote of the people, simpler than a Priv}' Council appeal This view was exprewtd in a state- ment lamed by oeelala of the Ontario Temperance /federation last. sleet. The petition would have to be signed I -ave -per ,-rut of the oleo- ' been realllrm•'d by tie Supreme Court .twenty mess and a majority vote teould repeal the law. The statement, signed by John Co- n. chairman of the executive, and v. A. J. Irwin, general claiming that the planned appeal L "nnnecessnry" for d number of rea- sons, is as Loiterer • Reversal of Petite, 'The decision of the Ontario Gov- ernment to tate au the Supreme froo Court recent judgm•st of Canada, which declared that the Canada Temperas e Act it In force Iu Huron, Perth Bust 1'ee'., marks a complete revtals.l91 very definite and i lErsa r`_- he Province of Ontario. Whitt It or declared invalid in the courts. "In view of these Lu•1.,, 1:,' Federa- tion wt1wita that the sale of liquor now going un in these counties is 1n violation of the law, and that Ute au- thorities of the Ontario Liquor Con- trol oardare npu a rting to legalise such statutee. (Continued on page 6) AT MENESETL'NG PARK HOTEL Mr. and lire B. E. Greene, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. J. Eider, London; Mr. H. J. Goodrum, Toronto; Mr. sod Mrs. D. Spence and their daughter, and Gertrude Spence, Woodstock; Mary Anderson. W tudsor ; Barbara Cress - welter. Wiedeor ; Me. and Yrs San- ders, Chatham; Jean—irani,BhaTtte' peare; Mrs. A. Miller, Walker,IIIS. "The question 1a the *lads of the people of Ontario 1s whether their Goverument is going to persist In vio- lating the law of tbe land pending a long process of a doubtful appeal, of is going to enforce the law so long as 1t is law, and conswtueutly wt'bdraw its authorities forthwith." PREMIER HEPBURN IN REPLY Toronto, July 20.—There is no ma- chinery for the enforcement o1 the Can- aria Temperance Act, and the Pro- vince is bot obliged to enforce the to pollex power, Premier Hepburn held yesterday as be sites a rebuttal to Dr. A J. irwln, tempers Y MURPH Coli e. Agog and Real Estate Bureau ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ON COMMISSION SAM Town and count/ Drop•rtiss listed for sa4e or rent Agent fee De Laval Creels Separators„ Mears, and Canadian Steel Ears Fenebeg —"SERVICE" la our Motto -- T. T. �Y, Piss 2M Braes Serest West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF El.etrical Appliances, . _ Fe".., ElectricWiring of ell kinds EatLates given es apphutisn FRANI McARTBUR Telephone 82 — Goderioh nnell o oy with friends and relatives in this vletnity. Mr. and Mrs Jas Hecker, of Buf- falo, N.Y., are apendlog a few days with Mende bete. Miss Jean Robinson Is spending this week at the home of ber nnelw Mr. Gordon McOIIDChey of cast Waws- nosh. The Mises Doris and Leona Pot- lar- of Parkhill are holidaying with their aunt, Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Temperance and has been twice me rt ClouseR. Meq similar Dominion acts, each as the Excise Act, Mr. Hepburn says, are *east-esforoed yy. Provincial . *uteri -,t ties. ' "In any event," he concludes 1 consider the (:anode Temperance Act to be an lntrusiou on Provincial lining testier, valued at $$sad steal brake- S, and * / et y weee Rinse tie-gises. 19g tiers as i �eett7 dam. Ilntng aloed at $10. HU driver's par- own 1; w Ellen Iagain In 1896, when the situation mit was cancelled for the remainder guitar OOhstleswort nand W accompaniment, Tre- ould seem 10 have been the reverse of the year and he was released O° earth& -of Clinton. a trio by girt. of of the present, for the Attorney4ee- probatoa. • solo by 11>rma (loodhaed oral of Ontario was then opposed by Pro i cal rights 1 Accused stated he drove to and from C♦bin 1, rat of ()snails •ns. and I consider that the liquor question i Attorney -Goe- the scene of the robbery in his car. of Greenway, and a duet by Betty I the Attoroeyilre more cram- neer of Mitchell and Helen Snell the Distillers' and brewery Association has been satisfactorily dealt with by "Motor carr are making Ski the Liquor Control Act. The Ontario I t of young men than anything of Ooderlch. Helen Lane ot Gorier- I of the Provence of Ontario. teals Cid His Worship. "Neither 'eh gave a solo and there were sev- Vault' Alm" Government is not Poing to place to I { The I t 1n the ridiculous patties of en I supe, eral ehoeutres by the at you nor anyone elle will be allowed topresident O: drive a car it you act that way. Y 1 chair was taken by to pre idea of are very lucky not to be sent to pr the school, lie Tee Speedy Brucedeld. "1 had just bought a new car and On Saturday night numbers were didn't realise bow fast I war going," elven by different �lg do ead mid Robert Campbell. of Toronto, ree toe � driving seventy To miles dm,.ltev. C. se haaWlwel�- wish los Todd los des ss,Maeb woe la boa►. 1 Lally the vee by,silo Glow at and not eke m7 I1- teat � use for thirty 7s. AU this came Ina rush before the ••rollow the Gleam." and sprayer lenient with mea ° instructora Two fine t.Or.Ms1 da Mat;istnte had time to m7 • word changes 1lrttsgs, were sung atter reading fix charge. wheel "Still going pretty fast," remarked �>• Ss.- i- y a deep the Court. 1aogDlngly. "You are fined spiritual servicesIn the morning $26 and carte" with obvious relief. Enecbtel, of Korea Leases Yea Falb te Appear throughout the week bad been meat - /1 charge of turning left la stoned V aDanfeln ofthe Peterloro at as approaching vehicle, pr Rev. 0. D. Npm xerborunlon a ✓ Memel Gottschalk, of Sea- conducted tk_�lemn the n forth, was withdrawn. Mr. Gotta- cotaneeradee Movies,— ate. -m chalk's car was struck by one driven Ing Rev. W. A. Bremner conduetd by Russell Maynard, of London, as the service wee, the address was the former crossed an intersection at give by Rev. A. W. Hone, ori Guelph. Seaforth Maynard is charged with At this service there were present a speeding through an Intersection. lane number of vl.1t.r berm Maynard did not appear after being of Aaron and Porti. sisal granted a week's adjournment. His t oil t t were first case will be proceeded with this week, - .en 1t a the eunvic tion ohis not f be reing pre- egistered &gullet him. C. Vennard, watchman on the str. Jos. P. Burke. paid $10 and costs for delving without a license. Car•gbel D• 1 and lied vee by Rev. A. B. 1 Paid sheeDlah y the address was d whose lectures "The validity of the act has there- set r tofore been amply affirmed. Indeed. I foreleg an act which It is under it 1 so great a champion of Provineial obligation ie '1eesq.ef:, rights as the H, liver Mowat, once I of which- Is atreajll q the Rusel "In Dr. A. J. Irwlc's I questioned was had, never the Canada Ad has Mese by until now. t brought nee Act, during DAY "1 Lace thsaada its early JE1rs. o discredit, and re - salted lir widespread repeaL But In 1'687 the Ontario Government, under 1 Oliver Mowatt, tamed an set making 1 it the statutory duty dr Its commie. stoners and inspectors to enforce the Canada Temperance Act, as well as the Provincial Ocean law. Whether this law still obtains we are not r action Is. open to theappelmet Govey case rnment "finless "Unless eonfideneb •n restored, toOredr a, hot can give the patient in the arm or whatever you choose to call It, but it will be only temporary tncouragement."-81r Josiah Stamp. sailrerandah hairs We have is asserted stock el Lawn sad Vera.Jah Clain, also Gliders Deck Chairs from $1.25 up All have attractive stripe tieing. Select yours while the ehoiee is good. J. R. Wheeler fitment Direeter mid F\trrttifttr's peeler . . Humilis• Mend. G.M.rieb $T9r lie: Store EMI iter. 5118 TO HER NEW HONE IN PHILADELPHIA The Symbol, house organ of the Chilton Co., of Philadelphia, Pa, gives a welcome to Kenneth A. Beale, of the staff. and his bride, a Godericb girl. Tbua : "With snowsboee, skis and blankets packed In his dog sled, Kenneth A. Heale, Toy World's new editorial boas, headed north on May loth with the do or die purpose of "getting his wo- man" and fetching her in to head- quarters. Handcuffed together by the Goderich (Ontario) clergy, the young couple decided that neither was a bad catch, so he Krung her In with the minimum of reelutairee• Kenneth was "Seriously speaking, mortals happy enough for ordinary when be moved to Philadelphia from New York and looked us over, decid- ing the City of Brotherly Tuve was • pretty good • pl•ee to start life, but his supreme achievement was yet to come. Miss nidus Hunt, of Ooderfch, Ontario, Ls now Era Reale and The Symbol extends a welcome as well as a wish that she will be with no in Philadelphia for many yeah to come. "Er. ynd Mrs some of Hte Ir tere rtendenter- tained nt n talatd b7 given at Jane 11th at • dinoar party Ifl the Plass Inn to ast Lansdowne After dinner, the party er- formance a 'Beauty Alain' at the Hedgerow Theatre at Moylan. Penn- sylvania _ "Mr. •nd Mrs. Heals to making their home at Cobbs meat," says the JfTem�er be criticised t tee the validity o6� Act, he says. In part: "Tile Premier's statement that "there is no machinery wpm legislation of 'ST came too Lb to stay the tide of repeal, bet the ser` violability. me the edis thewitnessed by aria Tempe the fact that, after twenty years or more of Meal oetlon In Ontario, in -castles shared, they mw the camp the whfc" - --- time. Before the re, again resorted to the Canada Temper- ' •- the ante Act ,n the years 1914 and 1915, to meet a situation that local option failed to protw•t. "Since 18'+7 every Government of said Rev. Er. Bremner ea front the students from Mitchell, and presented to them the shield which the always, given by the aeb of I Onterlo, whether I/bettl. Conserve- charas seeding the largest tive or Farm, r. eta *atoned the Can- I aria Temperance Act, along wtth the Provincial tap. Ti• position is "bid- e) thlasee the Criminal Code'- e Dbmtnion sus. i seat elect) la enforce- able by all otib es or the law, whether municipal, Pr,madal or Federal. The I'remler's statement that 'there 1s no machinery whoever for the enforce- ment of the t'.made Temperance Act; erefore ,. ar0s4 • esident, Rev. W. A. Bremner, of Government's Premise delegates. Yr. Bremner the e thanks of the executive to,wabee , r oho had made the towboat such a emcees, mehtlontdg" artfdtsr early the stiff and the aterersup- plied Thorneloe, who had so generously plied their material � �. ar Mears The officers elected by the school for the neat year are: Honorary pro- ccurste_ _ .plden t, Rev F G Terrill of Clinton: 1 is th Brtcedeld; vice -preside* R. R. N. "g. ono linnet Contra( Act of ptewart. of Centralia: dean, Res. C. 1907 ad' •fi mamma,* ta.1sec W. D. Covens, at Clinton; secreter7- treasurer, Mies Helen Lane, of God - (Continued on pap 5) BACKACHE e>rs*tr ammoIA= Liver ass/ Kidneys les mend le D.►cwASE t which the pre -eat Government itself proclaimed and made effective, both expressly provide stat no sale of liquor shall be authorised in any county in which the Canada Temperance Act 1s In force. When the present Govern- ment came to Isrwer the Attorney -Gen - k orcattion o assure I the mr etery'ef the Temperatnc'e Fed - the nerret.try Fed- eration that thou than as one w law would thing that he might telt' be enforced, In a later conversation, when asked to case the Canada Tem- I penance Act nae enacted In new t'onn- I ties, would hesive that ihewediced He en- forcement replied went on to etnte on that occasion: 'There will be no palling of the cards from the bottom of the pack.' "4. The statement declares It to be the desire of the Government to ob- serve the will of the people We re- spectfully point oat to the (losernment that, It the I" nlhla In these mantles 40 not denlr, etre eentl•asnee of this act, they can , Baily Ad themselves of It. A petiti,e Aped by twenty-five per cent. of *1' eleetmb will req°ire • vote and n alideet 11 (notthree •fibs) will t,41 the law. That would went t„ he a smelt simpler pro - an wednreI aptw• the and donlrtMl to the Prlvy Oonncll. Ruch a cow., et[nsld find favor with Government dedicated to the prin- etpiea of ecvtn•�r>lg. iea VlnlalN Iaw "5 Finnllc ISS Canada Temper• ancv Ael Is 'tie Iaw K the hand for tbs.e three rc nnrioa lb v*Wlty hes OBITUARY MRS. KLI7.AB1'p1'H ANN H.ARTWBLL The death occurred at her home on Cameron street on Thursday afternoon task of Mrs. Elisabeth Ann Hartwell, In her sixty-ninth year. Mrs. Hart- well bad been 111 the last four months, an attack ot tnfluensa having developed Into pneumonia. Deceased came to Ooderfch to la - fancy with her parents, Thomas and AN1sa Hall, from their home at Shep- pardton. As a resident of Ooderich she was held In bleb esteem and was especially active in the work of St. George's Anglican church. being • member of the Ohi.echwoman's fiend sed of the *omen's Auxiliary. Sur- viving are • daughter, Mims Hasol, and a brother,. John Hall, at home. and three slaters• Mrs. Donald Meteor, of Port Stanley, Mrs. D. A. Straiton, of Vnneonver, and Mrs. R. J. Coltart of Enderby, BA. A pries tie funeral service at her home on Sunday afternoon was fol- lowed by a church service conducted by the rector, Rev. A. C. Calder, se •lased M Rev. J. N 11 Melfi, of Kit- chener, s former rentor of Pt. George's. rge's. Interment was to Maitland cemetery, the psllhesrers bung H Rtacketone. Chas Clark, C. R. IMnnde'ra, R. 1. (sheen. Cara• Shepherd sed A. 9'. Ptnrdy. 406 OH -SO -HOT ! With the Summer heat in mind we have arranged a suitable list of specially priced articles JULY 26th to AUGUST 2nd (inclusive) White Shoe Polish 15r and 21e 25e, 49e, *9r SOAP SPECIAL Lysol, mean 29e Ply Tex. Ply diCells ATIONRRY M'M—_. 4 cakes 19e PILMI+—Nes 116, IN. 4111, 1-- ,i+ She, els SHAVING CREAM ('elgalte's, tube 25e BATHING CAPS 25e, M. 4k 8eld11ta Powders Buz. 1$•- Wampole's Milk of Magnesia for sour Pint bottle (`,ares Oil for Sun- burn 4 -es. hot. 25e Roe's Fruit Sal( Large 79r fis•11 asks Yardley's lavender Purse she 40e Aida? ieete Salts Mmall Large , iie English Health Salts 39e Suitable. for Gift -- Fountain I'en Waterman's New ladies' , or Gentlemen's... 13.90 Lauder's Campbell's Wigle's inn Dreeetesu Drugstore YOU BET HE DOES ! AND ONE IMPORTANT THING --tVE^LEARREDISWit:-. UP ALWAYS AT SHELL PUMPS. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY- I CAN BE SURE 1 GET THE QUAUTY GASOLINE 1 ASK FOR. SHELL PUMPS ---. -ARE Stated Lr, trate>; 4.. The following "Shell" Dealers are at your service BARKER BROS. T. RANDALL HURON ROAD SERVICE STATION —Telephone 239— R. D. MUNRO .. General Merchant --AUBURN— NEW SHELL SERVICE STATION E.inglton and St David's Streets. Phone 636 S. MARTIN Blue Water HighWay —EINOBBRIDGE=- SERVICE STATION AND MACHINE SHOP Bayfield Road Telephone 241 H. J. FISHER —TIRE REPAIRS— Hamilton Street Godel'ldb SAO agr'<-s F,''1! r'•�Fa •