The Signal, 1935-7-25, Page 1:Tine Signal
Asks the Assistance
of readers in making up the,•
Persesel Meet column. Let III
have the names of your pi40s
during thehol)da7 esswerns.•
11261111TY.EIGHTH TIaAR, NO. 90
Many Enjoy Outings
at Harbor Park
Anima County Council Picnic and
Other Gatherings Held
Harbor Park was a popular rendes
toad on Wedut day afternoon, throw
picd>ka beteg held there.
(*Mellor the main grounds was
the anneal Huron county council pir-
ate. It was attended by wore thea
pE830NAL MENTION ; Seeking Stevens d
Candidate Here
Mr. George Buchanan is hulidayiug,
at Dunchurch.
Wm Constance Holt, of Toronto, is
upending the summer season in town. ---
Miss Margaret Taylor has returned A. D. Sutherland's Hat in the
Crow a delightful -week at Elliott'
Camp. Ring in South Riding—Politi-
Iwo hundred members, es-rnember%
sweep oMcid a and their families, and
b7 the children frau. the Shelter.
The afteruooa program of spurts
was run off anciently under the dlrec.
tion of TEL T. Edwards, Chtldreu's Aid
hupector, and the events were chosen
eonslderately so tbat no undue e'er -
tion In the hot 'weather was necessary.
Most of the present members of the
council were present, one or two be-
ing unable to attend.
Teases captained by Warden W.
Sweltser and Ex-Wardeu Geo. H. El-
liott played a softball game to a 13-13
tie seder the supervlslou of Comity
Trade Officer Norman Lever. Sums
wanted to play off the tie, but the
• ex -Warden protested.
"Nothlpg doing," he declared, and
added, wltb a sparkle of his famed
▪ Irish wit, "Bleat bt the tie that
The results of the races, conducted
by Mr. Edwards, assisted by tteevelt
Eckert and Feagan and Ian Macleod,
agrieoltpral representative, Mat
1,adlel stow rasa—Mas -RNs ilsa-
gan. Mrs. 41. Newcombe, Mrs,
fllsslisf• -
Ladlese fast walk -Mrs. A. Trewar-
tba, Miss Madge Turner, Mrs. W. S.
• Holmes.
Dogs under ten -Kenneth
Donald Geiger, Jim Taman.
Girls under ten --Marton
„1eeis Bell, Jean ERlott.
• Ai -Boys under flftees-Jack Taylor,
- �_• Colin Campbell, David Carrick.
Miss M. K. Mc orkendale, saperin-
teudeot cru Alexandra hospital, is 'holi-
daying at Guelph.
Mrs. Debt. Knight, Los Ang la%
Calif., In the guest of Mrs. Fanny Seib -
old, Wellington street.
Mies Lily McArthur, of Itegiva, Is
rpeuding holidays with her mother
and other relatives here.
Ted and Gaels Helvetia, of Newmar-
ket, are spending holidays with their
aunt, Miss Mabel Strang.
Mr. H. Costiu, mawuger of the
People's Stare, has retunied from
Montreal, where be spent hip vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wardrope and
sow Billy and John, of
teron,a r
In Penrith cottage, Bleu
for a month.
Mrs. B. H. Williams and sou Har-
land, of London, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher,
Colborne township.
Mrs. John Simpson and daughter,
Alice, of Hardesty, Alta., are guests
of Mrs. Stmpson s sister, Mn. L. G.
Mutton, Hurou road.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W lederhold, of De-
troit, spent the past week here, visit-
ing the lady's sister, Miss Agnes
Flick, sad other relatives.
Mrs. Sidney Donaldson and child-
ren, of Toronto, are holidaying with
Kra Donaldson', parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Strachan, Wed street.
Mrs. WHliam Barclay, Mies Moms
Barclay. MUG Daphne Etheringtes
Mr. Alex. Barclay, B.A., of Hamtltel.
spent the week -end at sine Water
Mrs. Stanley Snider, 51
rad, will be at tome for the
time since her mcrrtage es- W
day afternoon, July 81, from 1
6 o'clock. - -
Guests with Mrs. J. W. Smith, Stock
treet, over the weekend
Mea Mason and Mis Mabel Mamie,
Mr. and Mrs. raises Mason and
daughters, Jean and Mary, all et
Mrs Ruth Thompson, who spent the
haat few months Is Detroit with her
daughter, dm Joe. Tome, Is now
visiting her son, Mr. Alta Thompson
et town, and her daugkter, Mrs. Her-
rn* *township.
Gide aider fifteen ---Gertrude
Holmes, Mary Brewer, Lillian Stew-
Reeves' slow race --J. M. Eckert,
Jam urians, (leo. Feagan.
warbeves fast walk -Wilmot mime*.
L. )t. Cardiff, Ciao. Feagaa.
A lanscb chartered for the after -
boom mseie numerous trips leaded to
the ganwale with meso • rs, and
pari. lee eree•m was liberally distri-
buted by County Treasurer A. H. Km -
/tine +d 8bertf R. Johnston.
The long tables In the pavillon were
laden with "eats” that reedfly dlsup-
Seared when the picnickers sat down
es supper. When appetites were ap-
peased several speakers were heard.
All expressed their pleasure at being
present and their appreelatlbtr of the
day's program prepared by the com-
The Speeches
cal Developments
It Is said that a stout for the Stev-
ens party 1s In the riding, and if suf-
ficient sugport for the Ree'ottstruttbtr
tats should he found to warrant It a
e. didate will be plated 1n the
Several Goderieb mea have mad_
Honed in this connection:. The
these who bare been "q ..._
Signal modestly disclaim aay_ .. tloa
of entering the electoral lists.
So tar things potltical have been
pretty quiet In North Huron, but no
doubt as seen as the election date is
announced from Ottawa the campaign
will be speeded up.
This (Thursday) evening Mr. R. J.
Deachman, the Liberal nominee, is
holding a meeting at Carlow.
In ire South liking
A Progressive and U. F. O. conven-
tion for the Huron -Perth riding is be-
ing held at Hensel,. today (Thuradsy).
11. -H. Hannam, U.F.O. secretary, of
Toronto, Is announced to address the
meeting on the Stevens manifesto. A
candidate may be eboSen to represent
the independent element is the riding.
In the meantime Mayor A. D. Suther-
land a Seaforth has`annuunced him-
self as a candidate supporting the
Stevens party• •
W. H. 00(111ug, M.P.. le the Liberal
candidate for the Harron -Perth riding.
Wa>14en Sweltaeer first called ou
George 8pottaa,"MP. for North Huron.
Mr. Spottoo spoke in a humorous vein
and was followed by Wm. H. Golding.
M.P. for South (Huron. Mr. Golding
cougratutested the Warden and council
on the work they have accomplished,
and concluded by saying, "1t always
has been a pleasure for me to visit
Goderlcb. and I think the citizen of
Goderkh and the county of Huron
should be proud to own this place as
their county town."
R. J. Deachman, Liberal nomineefor
note North Huron, also oke briefly.
jokingly expressed m» fears for the fut-
ure, referring to the council's motion
taut session to 'abolish the Pc•-vinclal
Legislatures. "lt the council is giv-
». - tomesuch latits1''1 -gagli .Nis..:�th-
man. "1 am strain it somoy k "M
abolish the Dominion Parliament also."
George H. Elliott, the next speaker,
cast • sly shaft in the direction of
Mr. Leachman'• opening remarks. "If
the members could run the Dumiuiou
and Provincial Governments as well
as the county council is handled, they
would do themselves proud."
An old ex -member of the council,
probably the best-known In Huron, In
the person of "Sandy" Youto/, of Col-
borne township, also addressed the as-
sesoblage. Mr. Young harked back
to the time he entered the council
In 1898. He told of the rearrange-
ment In 1896, when he represented Ash-
fleld and Colbonle townships and the
town of Godertch, which were then
known as district No. 1.
"I have been keeping In close touch
with the council and I cannot see that
It is much better -looking today than
It was In '93," Paid the grand old roan.
amid laughter.
Mtmklpal Veterans
Owen Geiger, James Lieper and Wm.
Sallie, who were councillors together
more than a quarterf fcenturywhich ago,
alio gave short speeches,
referred with great respect to the
present Warden's father, Bea) Swett -
ser, who died 1h 1911, during his term
as warden. that in his first
Mr. Bailie stated
Ave years in time council the county
stood without tree dollar of debt.
"Chat was before the war," be said.
"Things are differentow.rhis
Reeve Peter Scottreferred
motion asking for an amendment to
the A.N.A. Act for the abolition of
Provincial legislature*, and confessed
be did not. know at the time just how
he did feel about the motion. He had
figured, he said, that Huron's share of
the Provincial debt, according
to popu-
lation, was $14.�,�
county (-mild not begin to pay.
"We have reached our limit of taxa-
-. dos," be said, "and I predict that the
IliblatOIM f tee Provinces and
as Dag=
nu unu
lent* on
flower ga
fully Is
sieged by
and de.•1
He hes
la the
be 111d,'1
For Instead
a very ,
ceeded to
Mr. Hu -
breath w
walked a
animal w
left his
,i rambll
house In
ready otter
once he
out saying
night last,,,.'
•k -chair
which be
11 Ile
perance Rally
for Huron County
Resolutions Adopted Call upon
Government to Enforce
0. T. Act
t vat
the feline,'
ug he
e i,euseho
e almost
aboel I-
ely rt '
but whit
trkalr'• ,
ra. of temperance workers of
eou0ty, In the form of a pie*
withering In Jowett's Grove, Baikal(
Mas held Oft Tuesday, with an attend -
of over two Madrid. gat*
was bold ender the atimplees of
Huron Clone* Tempeeranee Federa-
tion, and Mr. It. P. Watson, president
y, prodded.
meeting was addressed by Dr.
A. I. Lil. oral secretary of the
Federetiou, Dr.
slid B. A. Wbettata,
of erganlaatton for She Pro-
lretigyatlon, all of Toronto. The
eauseetlon with the Can-
TiMillarailes Art was thoroughly
geddreg and reef hatkrns embodying
seletboosit of the meeting were
A horse
der • pile
tam that
her. The del
too short a
The Conservatives so far have no can- ber toll*
d -RL �a lo
as possible
)!Minas HIP Ota feet,
Mr John McClure, East street, wail were the
-of aw xafurtunate -accidentunable to
this (Thursday, morning, wises be fell
from a load of hay and fractured his
hipHe was taken to Alexandra hos-
pital. His condition 1a reported as
One soiree of laterfeseeace to radio
programa was ferreted oat by the De-
partment trouble car daring irehortt
stay hese last week. Aa
sound that usevered west of tie tong
was 'rated lig the •.;: y, Wider100
to correct
tisk with Mn. HI - s !parents, Mr. fault, as •a new layout of wires Is ro-
und Mrs. -Was. Dene,. Quebec street. ening to clear the guy -wire.
Mlwu Margaret Hlncbey le remaining
with her grandparents for trite summer. ACCIDENT AT C. N. R. BRIDOE
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Proctor have When he trashed Into the rear of a
returned to their bome at Detroit truck on Saltford hill on Saturday
after a visit with Mr. Proctor's par" mornfn<, Walter Horn's car was ez-
enta, Mr. and MTs. Wm. Proctor. They tenatvely damaged. No one was to -
were accompanied to Detroit by Miss Aired. Mr. Hern was closely follow -
Jeno Proctor, who will holiday there. ing Blaeknan's truck, of Walkerton,
Rev. Alfred L{nAeld, Mrs. Linfield op the hill, when the track stopped at
and two ehtldren, of White Hall, Ill., the edge of the C.N.R. overhead bridge
were in town on Monday. Returning
home from a holiday apent In Eastern
Ontario. they visited Mr. IAndeld's
brother, Mr. John P. Linfield, Colborne
Miss Evelyn Long bas returned from
a trip to Manitoulin Island and North-
ern Ontario. She visited the Dionne
heepttal at Callander and saw the
famous quintuplets-, and says they are
as bright and attractive an the news-
paper reports represent. them.
Mrs. R. J. Deachman, wife of the
Literal candidate for North Huron, has
arrived In the constituency. Mr. and ireadquarten for the party It
Mrs, Deachman and two sons are now 1s a ,ptendid experience for the
In residence at Wingham. Mrs.boys, and Mr. Brown also seems to be
Deachman will receive informally on enjoying it. As former pastor of the
to avoid collision with a car that was
ereasteg- the. the opposite
direction. Mr. Hern was unable to
stop in time to avoid a crash. The POLLOCK-GILCHIUST
front of his car, Including radiator , St. Andrew's Presbyterian church,
and lights, was damaged. ' Wlugham, was the setting of a pretty
wedding on Wednesday afternoon, July
"A. W. B. AND HI8 CARAVAN 1lth, with Rev. Kenneth MacLean of -
Two carloads of boys, thirteen In ficfating, when Elisabeth, daughter of
number, from. Harmon (near Hamil- Mrs. Catherine Gilchrist and the late
toni are exploring fltrron county Gila Oliver Gilchrist, Wingham, was united
In marriage to Rev. John Pollock,
week under the star of oftheir
Rev. hA. Presbyterian minister of Whitechurch.
W Brown, the pastor of their ebroreb. The church choir, of which Miss Gil -
The Bummer Damp elle at Dunlop f, chrtat had been a member, wag the
processional, "The voice That Sheathed
O'er Eden," end W. H. Willls,,organ-
lst, played the wedding music. The
church was attractively decorated with
white Il11es, delphinium sad roses. The
bride who was unattsoded, was given
le marriage. by Ire, 1'notber-ill-law, 't~
L. Fry, of Wingham. She wore a
gown of flesh -colored silk organza over
pink taffeta, with hat to match, and
carried a bouquet of Joanna Hill
roses and delphit'; guests was held reception
for about fifty g
home of the brides mother immediately
after the cerrmerel. For travelling
the bride chose a eostu bat of
a navy
taffeta with mooching;
(Dries. Atter aMtl'. Pollrocpk willttre-
4lsebec, Igv..imT-•
side in -Whitet•linrch.
. • •
Bruce Th
hand terr
lad, when
cable into a
Mr. and
Shure road.
The little
pulley t
used to d
the team
wap. thus
lit real Her par
drawn into
did not witness cldent, bat were
attracted to the se by the child's
screams of pain.
.Bruce was brought to Alexandra
hospital for treatment and was re-
leased at the week -end. The tendons
sad lass In the imam of his hand
were laid bare by the strident.
M.P., was present and
that a delegation represent -
Peet and Perth counties be
est to wait roil -Premier Hepburn and
him' to I,eonelder his position In
mattes tit • the Canada Temperance
The resolktions adopted were as fol-
That toeveatlon of Temperancat
,K the county of Huron re -
our confidence in the
Las tot
Thursday .aftereoep,. .ely_.2fith, from
4 Toe-o'cetoetr, eft ttheirh elm oa Risrard
street, Wingham.
Mn. H. K. McQuarrle (formerly
Miss Grace Lawson). of Kentvtlle,
N.S., Is having the former residence of
the Lawson family, "Lorneside," at
Dunlop, repaired and it will be used
In future as the summer home of the
McQuarrie family. Her assay friends
In town and country are pleased with
the prospect of having Mrs. McQuar-
rfe again amongst thein for n por-
tion of the year.
Graham Inglis, well known in con-
nection with the automobile repair
trier In Godertch, ham taken over the
garate on Kingston street which has
been operated by Archie Johnston and
will remind It as a Stan 011 Co. ser-
vice station and repair whop. Besides
making s specialty of Sunoco gasoline,
oils and greases Mr. Inglis will do
a general repair business, for which
him twelve years' experience esperelalty
fits him.
Beamillwr and AMeAeld United Church
e'tremite, Mr. Brows has••ts intimate,
acquaintance with this part of Huron.
and we fancy that the boys as they
travel through the country are not
allowed to miss much of the points of
interest along the way.
When Arthnr B. Mowrey, of Detroit,
slapped at a bumble bee that flew Into
his car on Saturday, he lost control
and the car crashed Into the south end
of the bridge at Port Albert. narrow-
ly missing a deep drop into the river.
Mrs. Mowrcy's head crashed through
the windshield and she was badly cut
about the face, and her mother, a pas-
senger In the back seat. suffered a
fractured ankle, fractured ribs, and It
is feared she may have concussion.
She was thrown with such force
against the front Peat that It was
snapped off. Mr. Mowrey escaped with
a cut lip, Mut the ladles were taken
immediately to the hospital.
The front of the car was smashed,
the engine being driven back several
Either extreme courtesy of the road
or a fear of lady drivers was exhibited HOSPITAL WORbilml8 MEET'
by John D. Quandt, of Detroit, on The home of Mn. J. Jobneton, BrI-
Sunday, when be drove his car into tennis road, was the scene of a de -
the ditch to give a young lady plenty llghtful afternoon gathering on Thur. -
of room. Even then the road was not day last, when the members of God -
enough and the young lady's car also erleh Township Hospital Anxlllgry esa-
crashed . tertalned the ladies of the Godericb
The Bonnie crash ercnrred about auxiliary. Gussets were ree•elved by
eigbt mils south et Ooderfeh on the Mra. Johnston and Miss A. McLean,
Rine Water highway. A ear driven president of the township auxiliary.
by M1sa Meth Mille, of Ohio, got out The Johnston home was prettily de -
of eontrol sifter hitting a hole in the mrated for tke oreaslon with summer
road, and r. Qnaudt, approaching the flowers.
erratle Ohio car from the north, A brief bauble," ses,don was held,
promptly drove bis auto Into the ditch. atter which a short program was pre
The Mills car, however, went Into
* skid and smashed three posts from
a guard-rail fence. The heavy wire
prevented the ear from making a drop
into • deep ditch. No one unthersed
an minor braises.
t was able to drive s
ear on Its way, but the OHM ear, the
sleeted A paper on "Food" was read
by Miss Joan Groves, dietitian; piano
and violin selections were played by
Mra. Driver and daughter, sad by Mrs.
H. Lamprey and Mis Driver. Min
M. E Salkeld gave gasket leamormis
reeding* and Mho A. Melissa read an
Artie. entitled "LardTwee/impair.
ORYr[IA RI _ u
After a long llluews, Mime Elisabeth
Aehesem, lumber of u former well -
any wu tloderkh fatuity, died on
Thursday lgst at her home, 291 tit.
George street, Toronto, lu her asvouty-
seeond year. Deceased was a daugh-
ter of the late John Achesonyfor many
years a prominent metchaut of (leder-
Kt. and lived bere the greater pert of
bee lite, moviug to Toronto some twen-
ty -live years ago. She is survived by
a brother, Johu T. Achesou, of Wlnnt-
peg, and four slaters, Mrs. (Rev.) F.
W. HoUlnrake, of liamlituu; Mrs. IL
N. Merritt, of Kitchener; Mn. Charles
Lane, of Detroit, and Miss Laura
Acheson, ut Toroutu.
The body was brought to Maitland
eemetery, Goderleb, ou Feldat lane ao
campanled by the three brothers -la -law
aad two uepbews, Harold and Alan
BoiTturake, The bnttaI service was
eoaduetad by Rev. 3'. W. Holllnrake.
A uumber of Godertch relatives and
friends of the family were premed.
• • •
The death of William McQulllln on
Monday, July 15th, removed ope of
the beet -k: own resldeuts of West Wa-
wanwh. Mr. McQulllin had for some
years had a serious heart condition,
and his death resulted suddenly from
an attack s be was doing moose work
ou his farm. Ile was a lifelong re-
sident of West Wawanoeh and was
In him seventy-third year. Be bad
served bum township both w council-
lor and reeve and was an ex -was**
of Huron county. He wall •
of the West Wawanosb Firs I
Co. and was also ctivl7 aseet.'ktt�d
with the St. Heti* chin t bcartivt
the Luckier)* Agtlis deaerat flooiaty. jR
11a� • >Dretlat�ily noes eta of
coleus &seta , Canada Temper-
a0c`s�et Tb hs wild taw, such an appeal
Odle be an unnecessary proceeding
and would involve heavy expense for
the Province. The refusal to enforce
the law would' be a complete reversal
of the policy of this Province fur meetly
years, and is an attitude unwortky Of
the Government of this Province.
4. In the meantime we contend tbht
the decision of the Supreme Court is
binding upon a11, that consequently the
sale of beer in this county i till gal
and the authorities puma
mit such sale are invalid.
We, therefore, call upon the Prime
Minister and the Ontario Liquor
to cancel these authorities forthwith.
Any otter action would constitute an
open defiance of the law of the land,
both Provincial 'and Dominion. We
call upon the Government to set an
example of loyalty and law observance.
a Poi)* Resort
New Sun-shataff ib .)lee Addition
-Wessel *tits of the
Weal e.
A weleeme additive has ts+•o oysdle
by the town cuamll to the batklag
beech egabAen t, - In the OM d F •
••asebroslt," a woodgA sires** 1 i -
1a feet, affordtng shade to vleitoes M
saute of
Ids petM,
la midst
the beach. The structure`
a shingled roof 1a10 OA atit
with ptaak beaches along
Elden may sit m the de0
70014 folks take 10 tbo latae, and tit -
babies may play 11 the -Wiled preteetet,
from the rays a the swat
The _bathing beach ani
been a beds popular eaten_
boated tetm and form me er
est attrsenous of the tows ter vfslglra
The water ,ismperatids at the bar- .
bor this year have bees excepttomalte
high. Harbormteter Beet MacDonald,
who keeps a datly'reeard,weds Vi. Its.
perature of 82 readied 'thl, ire •was
the highest •lie a remade bs Mas.
kept. Tis rat silt wad at tet
bathing beach j. �a os
the same day, n a mesa 1p• p ,
average • past w� r• -
hs bees
ported as propagating fxvoratrly. Mr.
Young, --the- sew -rates, and Mrs. Thos.
Young, South street, suffered a broken
neck and Ober serious Injuries in the
mishap. Ile will he confined to hos-
pital for some weeks yet.
-The Lions' eampaign of 198i for the
crippled children's fund has only three
more weeks to run, and every sympath-
izer is asked to make a special effort
to Increase the fund to cover neces-
sary expenses In looking after unfor-
tunate children.
Tickets for the Lions dinner at Hotel
of (bis weds may
obtained from members of the Club.
Mr. T. G. Ferris, geologist, is to ■d-
dreeae the gathering, and a general In-
vltatlon Is extended to the public.
and ei
up the
d nearly
a smutty
Jack Pltblado, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Pltblado, of Benmlller, suffered
a gashed scalp when he fell at the
United Church Summer SchoolHe was
near Dunlop on Saturday.
attended by a doctar to Godericb, who
closed the ,ound with two stitches.
Another student at summer chooll,
pias Verde Proctor, a
slipped afro Te gang -dower t Biel ink to
the beach on Saturday, dislocating her
hip and spraladn* an ankle. 4he was
taken to Alexandra hospital, but was
released on Sunday, when she was tak-
en to her home.
In the e,eddln e of immediate relit -
so s solemnized
ties, o pretty w parlor on Wednesday,
in Knox church {
at 2 p.m., when Myrtle Irene Good.
daughter of W.fAlbert
t Goodand the
e towdsh p
late Mrs. Good,
was united in marriage
d Mrwliielm ). A
Sterling, mon of
Sterling, of Grelerteh township. The
ceremony waif performed by Rev. D.
J. Lane. The bride was charmingly
droned In a long gown
withk a organ-
za made on p
(ape. She wore white shoes and gioves
and a tiara In her half, and carried a
bouquet of Talisman roses• haby's
breath and fern. The bridesmaid,
Miss Mary Sterling, of Stratford Gen-
eral Hospital, was dressed in a long
green crepe Path) trimmed with lace.
She wore wpttenf eesssories eweet and ear -
rued a nosegay
breath and fern. Mr. Victor Undoes%
of Stratford, cousin of the groom, was
the groomsman. Atter the ceremony
a dainty buffet inncisoa was served to
about forty guest'. sr the lawn of Mr
and Mrs. John Famish, Anglere* street.
Mrs. Farrlsh is a sister of the bride.
Three friends of the bride were welt-
The seventh annual reunion of the
Roth family was held at Harbor Park ('unlade en Thursday sight with
on t from The slate -gray dome over the clot
gathering, d K held 1 l y (t 1'et
rent a shining copper surface
sun. The woodwork on the building
probably will 1* painted brown and
The carpenters, masons and calkers
have completed their tanks, but It Is
expected the painters will be at work
The published resutte of examina-
tions at the Stratford Normal School
contain the names of several students
from Godertch and vicinity.
Interim first-class certificates are
awarded to Marjorie Hetherington, 1'.
Jean Hunter, lie M. Jewell, Eileen
M. O'Brien and Henrietta M. Quaid,
Godertch; Dorothy- E. Wilson, Au-
burn; Isatel M. Maclean, ('srman W.
Farrier, Finlay R. MacDonald, l.uck-
noweeverond.ciaeecertificates on the
first -elates course to Mat iuu Porter,
Godertch, and Lorena E. Hogan, Luck -
now; Interim aecondrlasa certificates
to Duncan A. MacKay, Kintail, and E.
Douglas Feagan, Godertch.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling left on Wed
neesday evening eM a honeymoon motor
t St thio, add Niagara
Fella, the
Saturday. There was a large Drawing for Prizes
,A p pg r on the str. gran.
Mrs. W. Hogstrom, of W ,T S4I
while disembarking at Goderkh sal
Sunday morning and suffered a pain-
fully injured shoulder. 1t was at
first thought the shoulder was broker,
but after being x-rayed at Alexandra
Iloepite! Mrs. Hogstram was per-
mltted to leave for her home. Al-
though there was no fraeture the
shoulder was badly strained.
Three .robberies were perpetrated la
Godertch on Wednesday of last Week.
The_-bome._oC._ Cheater Johnston,
Bridge street, was entered while the
family were attending a picnic, and a
small sum of money was stolen. Ser-
geant A. C. Ross found the thief, an
eight-year-old boy. Restitution has
been made.
A home on Britannia 'feed was en-
tered on Wednesday night and a purse
taken. The purse was found, empty,
In the back yard Thursday morning.
Occurints of a house on Keays
street were startled during the same
night by a crash down stairs. . In-
veetigation revealed a table near a
window bad been knocked over, pre-
sumably by e,omeone- entering through
the window. Several window screens
were stolen.
With aluminium faces and black
kande and figures the clock atop the
court house will present a modernis-
tic appearance when the exterior de-
corating now In progress is complete.
The color scheme will be a change for
the better from the present fawn na
a black background.
ring, members being prawn The Gran ermcas see 1 also will be brightened, and will pre-
,-.Ich, Clinton, Blyth, Wingham, er's chureft, �Taler(ch, conctuded On th to the
Exeter, Dorchester, Ingersoll, Moesley, ;Thursday night last and under the cap -
London and Windsor. I able management of Mrs. R..1. Phelan
Dinner sea ,arced in the pavillon soma a gram[ sueeeese. On both even -
at 12 o'clock. and Pwtmming, games ! Ings, Wednesday and Thursday, *
and. races provided an enjoyable after- 'bounteone suptwr was served to a
noon. After a picnic supper, the fol- I large number of people. The various
lowing executive was appointed for
the 1938 reunion, whtch is to be held
at Springbank Park, London. on vice-pre-
23: President, John Roth; D
sident, Joseph Roth; secretary -treas-
urer, Mrs. S. Kemp; committee, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Roth, Mr. and Mrs.
Earle Hodgins,
-John Rrononskl, of Saltford, was ar-
rested on Monday night by ('onnty
Constable Ferguson and charged with
being drunk and disorderly. The ar-
rest followed Broneneki'sload and vig-
orous) proteetatlons against paying
wards relief for men, he {e almedding a we
able to work. Ile was p
rel with one relief recipient when he
was apprehended.
The Russian, when he net/eared 1*
fore Wan. Bailie, J.
'., ami Tueesdi 1
booths, under the management of dif-
ferent wen wild ladies of the congrega-
te., Hems -and Chinese lantern's, addled cast of the repairs and Improvement
greatly to the festive air of the bazaar. at 41,200.
Wheels ot. fortune, keno and other at-
tractions -were well patronized In the
evenfnge. Music was smbpplled for
broth afternoons and evenings by an
electric victrola loaned by Mr. Jas. A.
('xlrm ell.
The drawing for the prizes took place
at a late hour on Thursday evening,
and the holders of the lucky tickets
were: Mr. Joe Finn. winning the
chesterfield chair donated by Mr. Jos.
Brophey; Mr. Jas. A. Dalton, electric
floor lamp donated by Mr. .1. 8. Rey-
nolds; Mr. Reg. Tufford, ton of coal
donated by Mr. E. i.. Dean; Mr.`I'er-
renee Hussey, 410 donated bk Mrs. 1.
I)nnnetly; Mr. Clyde Carter, London,
410 donated by Mrs. E. Melaughlin ;
Mrs. Wm. Baker, 45 donated by Mrs.
Th rsslay (today). J J Hall; Rev. T. J. McCarthy, Eng -
Rrononskl revesied that he was a list brldR^ set donated by Cole's) Book_
follower of the ancient rite 0( letting, and bared his left arm, to re-
veal a mass of two-inch scars from
wrist to shoulder. Ne explained that
when he feels a twinge of rheumatism
debt o
trig to Toronto. tar -bleeds himself by slashing 111, arm
never will be paid one
more than d 1
lravN la •temple
on � &atlas•" Mr. Quaudt a knife or raenr. N:ach worn
" hese-a Ifeed
lf, nrononski never having
Ot1ist AK do env Mahe f t f which was exteasively dam- A social time followed the program, ae r essoriees. ' 11 'half
kens were Reeves John
el Berwick Mat eon o
(Conttneed e1 poise)_aged. was towed to ;odrrlh. Med aettlw' served
gold er'epe •a•entbl4 , 1th white
..�,�•....,�.— ,..�..,,..�. .._moi..
{ e_
,tore; MT. Geo. Spottoa, 100 lbs. sllga
donated by Apart's grocery store. and
five -gallon can of motor'oll donatedIvy
Mr. G. Plant; Mr. Chas. Copp,
Iron donated by Mr. G. Teetsbttit ; Mrs.
P. non, qullt..donated by the Catholic
Women's League; Mn. le .1 Phelan,
Iamb donated by Mr. Frank 'Voting:
they wilt rea,rteel to mega'id old. it le a certain Mrs. Arnoldhooked mat, flaunted by
.-L lss Mary Lacey.
Premier Hepburn some weeks
ago announced the Intention of
his (invernment to establiab
brsnehee of the Provincial Bank
at imitable points throughout the
Provinee, and It In understood
that one of these branches 1a
planned for (loeierfeh.
An 0(841,1 ham been in town
looking over the sltuatIon, and
it la believed that the choice of
a alto for the office has been nar-
rowed down to two or three
premises. A definite announce-
ment may be expected at any
The nearest branch of the Pro-
vIncial hank, end the only one
en Mr tri this county, 1s et Sea -
forth it was established there
during the term of the Drury