The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-05-31, Page 19Dungannon Doings BY MARY BERE SOCIAL NEWS Several from here attend- ed the 4-H Achievement Day for this area held at Brook- side School on Saturday to mark the culmination of the course, "Focus on Living". All were welcomed by Bea McClenaghan, Home Econ- omist, Clinton. Congratula- tipns to Irene Martin, Dun- gannon 1, for achieving County Honours on the completion of 6 Homemaking Units and 'to Barbara Snow- den, Dungannon 2, who got Advanced Honours for com- pleting 18 Homemaking Un- its. Much credit is due the dedicated leaders of the clubs who give their time to take the training sessions and then plan the meetings and teach the girls the desired skills. Leaders of Dungannon clubs are Dun- gannon 1, Mrs. Jean Erring- ton, Mrs. Marie Stewart; Dungannon 2, Mrs. Doris Culbert; Dungannon 3, Mrs. Alma Black, Miss Joyce Dougherty. The Fall project is called, "Essential Edib- les". Mrs. Donna Young joined a bus tour to Ottawa for the Tulip Fesival last weekend. As well as seeing the flowers they were taken–around the city to see many points of interest including the homes of political and diplomatic dignitaries and also went across the river into Hull, Quebec. Sharon Young, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Young, has completed her Computer course in London and is now working with Shaeffer Pen Co. in Goderich and staying with her aunt, Mrs. Yvonne Chase. Ted and Ella Redmond received the Agricultural Service Diploma for their dedicated service to the local Agricultural Society over the past several years. This was presented at the regular monthly meeting on Tues- day, May 23rd. The financial report told of 173 tickets sold out of 175 printed, which indicates a successful event. Plans were discussed for a Fun Night for members of the society in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Len Biloy and family of Detroit, accom- panied by some friends, are spending the . weekend at their summer home here. Since Monday is Memorial Day holiday in the U.S. they can enjoy a longer stay. Donald Johnston is in intensive care in Wingham Hospital since being admit- ted the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moulton of Simcoe spent a few days with Bill's father, Frank Moulton, recently. Frank's daughter, Mrs. Inez Howe, Tillsonburg, ' visited on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peter- son of Lucknow brought Mr: and Mrs. Peter MacDonald and Ryan to Dungannon at Which One is the Drop-out? A$ of AMm. Ten m1114011 Anwrk.ne haw MO Mend pewee bet dressed AM el keelmwel. Nell Meed Oilmen earl M tleend Set MelmW terdlabed. M nen mend Miedkrleir, hdw,dally m • coeY,. c r : t 10,* Achievement Day for Dungannon area 4-11 Clubs was held Saturday and County 4-H honours were presented to two girls and advanced honours bestowed on a third. Barbara Snowden, left, a member of Dungannon 2 was given advanced honours by Ministry Of Agriculture Home Economists, Bea McClenaghan while Irene Martin, centre, of Dungannon 1 and Barbara Hackett of Trinity 2, were awarded county honours. Here the trio look over Irene's project before the presentations were made Saturday at Brookside. [Photo by Jeff Seddon] the first of the week to spend a couple of days with Peter's grandmother, Mrs. Lillian MacDonald, and Mr. Moul- ton. Dungannon Soccer team played against Goderich team on May 15, the result being Goderich 6, Dungan- non 17 On May 18th in a game with Clinton the score was Clinton 3, Dungannon 0. Practices are held each Wednesday evening at Brookside School. Coach is Steve Park with assistance from parents of players when he is unable to attend practice. , DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH The Dungannon United Church congregation was pleased to welcome Rev. Cecil Wittich of the Blyth charge who exchanged pul- pits with Rev. C. G. West - haver on Sunday for World Outreach Sunday. Huron - Perth Presbytery authorized an exchange of pulpits, coinciding with "Outreach '78" being held on Sunday at Grace United Church, St. Thomas, as a Conference Missions event. Rev. Wittich preached on the subject, - "Good News for All". With reference to the liquor plebiscite to be held on Monday, May 29, for resid- ents of Ashfield Township, the United Church people of this congregation should be aware of a resolution passed by the Session: "Moved, seconded, and carried that we as the session of the Dungannon United Church express our opinion that a vote on May 29 in favour of the establishment of liquor outlets in Ashfield Township would not be in the best interests of our citizens and youth." The nominating committee of the congregation has named a music committee as follows: Mrs: Emma Rivett, Mrs. Debbie Culbert, Mrs. Penny Hodges, Mrs. Tinie Logtenberg, Mrs. Mary Bere, Jack Caesar, and Lloyd Hodges. This committee will meet on Thursday, June 1, at .the church. Thanks, are due the Junior Sunday School class for the planting of flowers around the church on Saturday. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH The young people of the Christian Fellowship Church went over the top in their objective of $300 to ego to Missions during the present year, by picking stones from a 50 -acre field of one of the members of the congregaw tion. Considering the heat of the past few days this was a difficult and commendable job. The former pastor, Doug Zehr, home from his year at Eastern Mennonite College, Viriginia, was present at the Sunday morning service. Pastor Lawrence' continued with his series of messages from the Acts of the Apost- les. The congregation has been asked to go, as a church group, to Wellesley this Friday evening to enjoy a social evening at . the Com- munity Hall there. The purpose of it is to have a time of fellowship with another church group. The church group from. Wellesley will be coming to Dungannon at a later date to continue this exchange program. BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS BY BRENDA HENDERSON AND DIANE GIBSON Field Day was held at Brookside on Friday, which was a beautiful sunny day, a little on the warm side for some of the events, and almost everyone had a sun- burn by the end of the day. The winners in the different events were as follows: senior boys, 1st Jim Young, 2nd Bernie Burgsma; senior girls, 1st Nancy Moran, 2nd Linda Taylor; intermediate boys, 1st Robin Markham, 2nd David Sproul; inter- mediate . girls, 1st Peggy Gibson, 2nd Janice Pollock; junior boys, 1st Rocky Little, 2nd John Curran; junior girls, '1st Wilma Vander- velde, 2nd (tied) Janice Cook, Michele Humphrey; midget boys, lst Alex West, 2nd John Vandervelde; mid- get girls, 1st Darlene Kuik,. 2nd Lorelee Howes; primt#ry boys, 1st Scott Hackett, 2nd Larry Thomas; primary girls, 1st Shelley Good, 2nd Donna Raynard. Regional field Day is at Brookside on June lst. Baseball scores for last week were, junior girls, Expos 9 vs Blue Jays 1; junior boys, Fat Cats 2 vs Sluggers 4; senior boys, Cool Cats 13 vs Hot Shots 0. Suzanne Kirkland broke a bone in her foot and is wearing .a cast but wad able to go on a bus trip on Friday with the ,Lucknow Band. Jim Wright had a bandage on his wrist on tuesday after being bitten by a dog last weekend. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 31,1978—Page 19 THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME ON TOUR FOUNDATION by „ PIA/ "THE AFFORDABLE SOLUTION" BUILT TO YOUR FAMILY NEEDS INCLUDES: All approvals - C.M.H.C.. C.S.A., Etc. Brick Front and Aluminum on 3 sides. Broadloom Living Room, 3 Bedrooms, Kitchen Cabinets, by Paris kitchens, Built to Ontario Building Code Specs. Copper Wiring. 200 AMP Service, Heating in- cluded. Base Coat of Paint on Aluminum Soffit and Facia. 11/2 Car Garage. 3 22, ALL THIS ONLY , "Inquire Today About "THE QUALITY ROYAL HOME" CALL (519) 35772444 See our model home at the plant in Wingham, or write for free brochures. IF& Mail to: ROYAL HOMES LTD. BOX 370, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Name Address Town Telephone I Have A Lot: Yes No Location LAWN AND GARDEN PRODUCTS We still have a large selection of Box Plants, Flowering and Deciduous Shrubs, Seed Potatoes, Garden Seeds, Peat Moss, Fertilizers, Garden Tools, Weed Killers, Plastic Mulch ant& grub killer GUARAN I. � WIWRDANE15� destructor de fermis et laaves VIGORO ANT & GRUB KILLER (Dry Granular). Contains no fertilizer, easy to use–no mixing with water or worries about vapor drift–safer than liquid weed killers. Apply when temperature above 60 and lawn is wet, with a spreader or for spot weeding apply a pinch directly on leaves or crown of weed. Do not water in. 10 lbs. covers 1000 sq. ft. destructeur de *serail o�.:a ease - twset-c allkK KILLS EXTENMINE .. VIGORO DANDELION KILLER (Dry Granular) Contains eno fertilizer. Kills ants, white grubs, sod webworms, wire- 'worms and other soil i nsects. ' Apply once per year following instructions on back of bag. 10 lbs: per 1000 sq. ft. Cedarhill Farm Garden Centre Lucknow 528'2903