The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-05-10, Page 18PaBe 18—Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 10, 1978
The Crickets of the 6.30 bowling league received the Bud Hamilton
trophy as the winning team of the regular season at the league
banquet on May 2. The team 'includes front row, left to right: Belle
"Crickets" of '6:30
The Ladies' 6.30 Bowling
League held their annual banquet
and social evening at the Angli-
can Parish Hall at 7 p.m.,
Tuesday, May 2nd.
Each lady received mugs and
pens from their league and
novelties donated by Charmans,
Bainsy Bank of Montreal and
Kemps' General Store.
A, short business meeting was
held with president, Bernice
Kemp presiding. The treasurer's
report was read by Joyce Adam-
son. Jessie Joynt made the
motion that the executive serve
another year. Officers are presid-
ent, Bernice/Ke'mp; • vice presid-
ent, Pat Livingston; treasurer,
Joyce Adamson and secretary,
Isabel Miller.
The presentation of trophies,
and gifts was conducted by vice
president Pat Livingston with,
Joyce Adamson and Isabel Miller
Mole, Liella Finlayson [former bowler], Norma McDonagh, Joyce
Adamson, Nancy Brooks, Linda Andrew, Carol Adams, Pat
Livingston, Janet McPherson, [Absent, Edna MacDonald].
[Sentinel staff photo]
league win season
The winning team of the presented to each by • different
regular season's bowling was the bowlers from each team. Bernice
Crickets and the Captain Pat Kemp won the high average with _
Livingston was presented the Bud . 179. Jessie Joynt won the high
single with 314. Dorothy Bain
won the high triple with 727.
Jessie Joynt won the high single
with handicap with 375. Pat
Livingston won the high triple
with handicap with 877. Joan
Courtney won the most improved
bowler with 24 pins above her last
year average.
Hamilton trophy by Isabel Miller.
The team members were Pat
`'Livingston, Joyce Adamson, Nan-
cy Brooks, Norma McDonagh,
Janet McPherson, Edna MacDon-
ald, Linda Andrew, Belle Mole
and Carol Adams.
The season's trophies were
won by the following and
Give Mom
the lasting gift
Give her jewellery
See our large selection
We would be pleased
to assist you
9:00 bowling
hold banquet
The Ladies' 9 O'clock, Bowling
League held their banquet on
Monday, May 1, in the Anglican
Church Hall.
President Kay Crawford greet-
ed the ladies and Anna Johnstone
led in singing the Grace.
Following a delicious turkey
dinner enjoyed by 46 members of
the league, Barb Helm thanked
the Anglican Ladies.
Team trophies were presented
to the Cardinals who were season
champions by president, Kay
Crawford and treasurer, Anne
Anderson. The Cardinals team
members were, captain Dianne
Carter, Linda Sticklend, Chris
Sticklend, Pat Grazier, Barbara
Helm, Tena Gardner, Bertha
Whitcroft and Muriel Ritchie.
Linda Sticklend and Muriel
Ritchie presented the Bluejays
with the Playoff trophies: Bluejay
captain, Joanne Searle, Kay
Crawford, Anna Johnstone, Mary
Lou Raynard, Marjorie Thomp-
son, Mary -Jo Cowan, Betty Smith
and Lorna Button.
Merle Rhody and Dianne
Carter tied with a high average of
186 and each received an award.
The winning team in the
playoffs was the Beetles and were
presented with trophies by Pat,
Joyce and Isabel. The team
members are Captain, Joan
Livingston, ° Fern MacDonald,
Belle Herbert, Marion MacKin-
non, Lois McIntosh, Joan Court-
ney, Annie Gaunt, Elaine Steer
and Tillie Hackett.
The Playoff trophies were won
by the following: Bernice Kemp
won the high single with 277. Pat
Livingston won. the high triple
with 688. Carol Adams won the
high single with handicap with
317. Marion MacKinnon won the
high triple with handicap with
826. •
A new presentation was added
this year, the presenting of
Ontario Bowlers Congress bowl-
ing glasses; you received a glass
for each game you bowled during
the year over 225, 240 or 250, it
depended on your average.
For games 225 and up,
Kathleen MacDonald 2; Evelyn
Smith - 2; Millie Cameron - 2;
Joan Robinson -1; Helen Riegling
- 1; Henri,•tta Mann - 1; and Carol
Adams 1 .
For games over 240, Fern
MacDonald - 6, Nancy Brooks 3,
Marion MacKinnon - 1.
For games over 250, Bernice
Kemp - 5, Pat Livingston - 3,
Irene Markham - 2, Dorothy Bain
- 1, Jessie Joynt - 1, Jean Phillips
- 1, Grace Elliott = 1.
There was only one glass given
for a triple over 725 and that was
to Dorothy Bain.
Joan Courtney and Linda
Andrew and their expectant
babies were presented with gifts
by Joyce Adamson on behalf of
the 6.30 bowling league.
There were lucky 13 door prizes
th,t were won by Henrietta
(Mann, Mildred Hogan, Fern
MacDonald, Marion MacKinnon,
Tillie Hackett, Bernice Kemp,
Ena Henderson, Evelyn Smith,
Marion Campbell, Pat Holloway,
Bertha Olson, Lois McIntosh and
Dorothy Bain.
Annie Gaunt expressed appre-
ciation to the executive for their
fine work they had done over the
past year and wished the best to
them for the next seaon. The
evening concluded with the
playing of Court Whist with Ena
Henderson and Evelyn Smith
winning the high prizes and Joyce
Adamson" and Joan Livingston
winning the low.