The Signal, 1935-6-27, Page 3Showing the Callslaalih Spvd us you recoommendththe or zusit kxalmer- dants who advertises outofweek in townethe er Signet. Money spout returns to build a presperuw community. Patronise the Local Advertisers TUN SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers Auto DISUBANOS fire Life Accident and names N.K.WARK s4 Out. Mame I4 The 0. F. Carey Co. Fire, Accitieet aad Motor Car INSURANCE Representative London Lite lnarence Co. haat Office :—Masonic Temple, Street, Goderich Nelms Wu, Manager. Tune tilt J. W. Craigie Insurance and Real Estate DMiiit,. Provincial ad Municipal Beads PHONR 14 OODRICH Help Us to Help You Unexcelled value for advertisers la indi- cated bionat y the increased advertising in our columna from week to week. We are here to help alert and f�ueytse ice? mer- chant Are you using this weekly service? THE SIGNAL dead' the Way GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1935 • erument had found ways and means to diameters resulting from acts of God. jail Sentence for Receiving Goods 1 circumstances that led to the charge, autl gut off with ten days, eight of which already laud emu >•s^'=t ea re- mand. "I came to this town pith a little Magistrate Refuses to Believe De- fenoe Story of "Frame-rep„—Thursday's Court Wilfred Graham was found guilty of receiving stolen (Zeds and sentenced to thirty days In jail by Magistrate J. A. Makin on Thursday last. With four other men, Graham was arrested ou May 10 after a daring theft, In broad daylight, of five cases money," he explained, "mud like any lieolchm•n, unfortunately, started with nue drink and twentwlly took too much." "Where do you come from?" asked His Worship. "Musseltwruugb, Weekend," be re - Wed. Aliso Craig, Julie 2t Ile -tern Ou- mentary But you told me last week you were tart* farmers who lo -t '. 1_ � es) through t Commons. from Ellensborough,' interpellated F. An appropriation of $42,000 is ure f the lift helieu Corpora - sander financial assistance Cattle Shipper, 1n cams of to Be Reimbursed - dneeer+'e seteebeee a disaster for the farmers which bad its ineeptle"S with the Government," he said. Compensation for Richelieu Victims rumenPmen of Huron •tad Other Ottawa June 26.—Farmers who sue weth tbe Richelieu Corporation in o OOunties W Lost through fered loss tbroughaehipment of cattle Failure 01 Buyers 1933-34 will receive a measure of com- -- pensatlon, according to the supple - •estimates tabled In the House of beer from the cellar of the Bedford hotel Tbe tbeft took place on May 7. Three of the men, found guilty of the theft, are serving terms In the Re- formatory at Guelph; a fourth is ou suspended sentence. Graham was found guilty of trans- porting the men and the stolen beer 1n bis truck to the home of one of the thieves, and ofdented all knowof leme of edge of the beer. He the theft, and referred to the testi- mony of the three convicted men, when they implicated him, as a pack of Iles. Their evidence was given ■t Graham's prtr bytheMagistrate.br.He later elected The defence, corroborated in part by several witnesses, was that Graham, seated in the beverage room, was ap- proached Pproached by Fred Littlechild, who asked accusedstating drive htte Beat- tie home,, that tbe latter was drunk. Graham assented, went to the back of the hotel, got in hes truck, and drove to Litttechild•s home. Graham testified be knew nothing oe the stolen beer In the truck until ISttlechlld. Beattie and tux third man, John Weiss, begets to unload It Witness swore be refused to drink and drove straight borne, remaining there the remainder of the night. Graham told of overbearing • plot planned by Littlechild and Weise in the jail, to implicate him In the theft 'Itis part of his story was branded aa a fabrication by the Magistrate. Cor- roboration by a witness t Grahaei story that he did not speakto any a the trio In the beverage room was a perjury from start to finish,'stated Crowe Attorney Waimea. "You have had the privilege of a good defence, that 1!. by your solicitor," His Worship said to Graham. "'every- thing has been done for you that pos- sibly could be -done. I have studied the evidence of tbe three men, sad looked mak-Wary for evidence of Sign ut spite or plot Ila their minds against mi. TheisireVIII184,0;eirv- responsibility In sebdingyoung man e' to jail, but 1 will bass find you guilty. Thirty days ht jail" No evidence was offered eatering nod charge and the case was dismissed. Frank Donnelly acted for accwed- Geo. Williams & Son DOMINION, PRiOYINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Firs Amidst. A.4saeWo red General lttsursnre Agents OTTICB, MEET TO BANS or COMMERCE awe 13 Gearl& MURPHY Collection Agency and Real Estate Bureau AOOOUNTS OOLLBtTPED ON SS COMMIION HAMS TOWS and meaty seas Wad ger sae ee seta bind far De land Crass Ilse.rabirs, Mises. end Chaise Stasi Fa Fencing —"SKRVICB" is oar Motto— ?. T. MURPHY, Plink 144 Manlike Street Governor -In -council way Vet•itically authorize. Live stock producers, par- ticularly in Western Ontario, suffered eunrlderable loss the, their,. rtl- '., e v ie association and the matter has been subject to conrlderable discussion in the House of Commons. I I I4;H'l'1' i1erei1 YEAR, No 20 The newest sheet music, as it comes off the press. CAMPBFIl.I.•S DRUG STORE. JUST ABOUT RIGHT Young Lady (to a man)—"Oh what set aside to make such compassionate idla beautiful tie. I wish I hada dress as G. Weir, J.I', a near-Musse►borottgh the s b f po . export man himself lien, FedenlV subsl•li,,,,,1 cattle po lowancee to those farmers tbe !made out of tint." "No, sir, It was Museelborongh," company, to pay thein for cattle Craig *termed, and laughter ensued as shipped to England derided yesterday the two Scots left the aturtroom to afternoon to petition members of Par - have It out in their own language. First, W. T. Bailie, of Cargill, !g- llament from the Ave tvuntieei effected nored a mailed summons for speeding. to seek to have the Federal Govern - then paid no attention to a served meat reimburse theta fur rr their eil�t. summons. The court will proceed Called together by with .the case if he is absent ateithafarmers and It a conviction is registered hmecing and they v. re unanimous warrant will be issued for his arrest. that in view of tie ansuec+eraful pro - Speeders through Clinton are being secutlou of two •ieteielleu ot>klals at checked up, two of them paying 46 London recently there 1s no hope left and coats of 42. In the law for thein A Bayfield man paid 12 and costa The appeal to the Government U nd that farm - for driving through a stop sign.e being n made on Perthhe , Huron, Irmo St•MME11111, SCHOOL PICNIC toe and Elgin counties were induced The annual pksk of Summerhill to n n�gnnc` ttttle to tbbe lattere o[eIteu be - school was held in Harbor Park on DeLee the Federal Government had Vv. Saturday afternoon Rain cut short en the company a $13.te0 subsidy. the program of sports but •i1 joinedThen was general criticism of Hon. In races, softball and football for a 11. 11. Stevens, former Minister of shorttime. About eecenty five in all Trade and Commerce a he dealt with attended, the pupils being accompanied the Richelieu Corporation, and praise by relatives and friends. Miss Dor for the M.P.'s for West Middlesex, otby Wilson, teacher, was asalatffi South Huron, North Iluron, South with the program by Messrs. E. Ellis, Perth East Middlesex and West Lamb- Wesley amaWesley Hoggart and R. 0. Smith, true- ton, for their support of the farmers' tees. A picnic tapper was served Li claims to redress. thee 'pevulon. - -- - -_-_ _.__- Ash Greenmail for Redress The resolution r 1npt.d yesterday CANNING DEMONSTRATION will be forwarded to thew. It reads: A demonstration on canning and the „Whereas the uaierslgned, assembled use of vegetables In the home will be at Allsa Craig oe Jane 20, 1936, re- beld In the library easement, Sea- prevent shippers of cattle In Middle - forth, on Friday, June 28th. The sex, Huron, Perth, l.:,mbton and Elgin morning session, from 10 to 12 o'clock, eountleu who suffered heavy losses is intended for members of the Sea- through the failure of the Richelieu forth Girls Garden and Canning Club. Corporation to pay us for cattle en - The afternoon session, from 1.30 to trusted to them for shipment to and p.m , is open to tbe public. - This safe. la England meeting is in charge of Miss Flora "And whereas we were induced To Dnrnin of Dungannon and members conalgn cattle to tbt's rompani largely of all junior sed senior Institutes in on the representation that the Federal the county are eordlally Invited to be Government had subsidised the cor- m attendance at the afternoon's pro- poration for the equipment of boats; "And wberuga 1R took this to be gram an endorsement by the Government of the lutes/ company; e I For Sale at Port Albert elver r Needed l•.tt4 52x200 feet - HYDRO CONNECTION --Mao houses In Town — Auto, Accident and Fire Laurance W. J. POWELL Phone 292 Goderich Bled the Bonds of your own Provinciec MIN 111111.1t11111111111111 EMI t "Young men can profit by the stern. unselfish lessons of the football field." —Nicholas Murray Butler. West Street ELECTRIC SHOP W1 CARRY A COMPLETE - STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring out all kinds Estirlas trivia ea application FRANI McARTIIUR Telephone 82 — Goderich Theft troll Stilets Cottage After severely reprimanding Gordon Teldemann, aged thirty-six, of Grand Bend, who pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking. entering and theft at ■ summer cottage the latter part of De- cember. His Worship imposed ans- pended seutence. His Worship advised Tetdemann, a married man with four children, to stay away from liquor. A homebrew permit held by the man's wife was cancelled. Tetdemann stole some clotb- ing and kitchen utensils. "A lot of cottages are being broken into, and feeling 1s high towards the people who are guilty,' said tbe Mafia. trate, as be freed Tetdemann. Found guilty of obtaining goods from W. W. Crosier, Steforth merchant, by false pretences, 1'. J. O'Hara paid costa of 49, tnclndlag restitwtloo- O'Mara uttered a cheque for 41.25 when. It was shown by his passbook, be had Se in the bank. Redfeetlos---was offered after a summons wow served, but the eomplalnant reined to acre It at that time. A Witty Sea A broad Scots brogue, a quick sense of humor and an Infectious grin sved the day for John Craig, sailor, appear- ing on a public c drunk charge. He soon had the dosrt la smiles with thei his wit, as iM explained oODiRICH RIDGE CLUB At the weed) bridge tournament beld Mod*T evening, Dm following were wtseerat + North sad Sou MT. T. 3. auwrasa mad Mr. Mosenee, Owl 20Ys ; bud, Mr. and Mn. B. 0. Beacom, plus 18%; 3rd, Mr. sad Mra l.:n- Taylor, pros 14 - East and West -1st, Mr. R. .Ar.Siin Meben •red Mr. R. Johnston, plus 21; 2nd, Mr and Mrs. A. S. Aspden, plus 10%; 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones -Bate- man, minus 3. For the summer months it 1s pro- posed to bold the weekly games at the Golf Club, tbe first game to be on Mon- day evening, July 8th. 4 . It Is Always Profitable TO KEEP IN MIND OUR WEXLY PRICE REDUCTIONS This Week Jane 28th to July 5th, inclusive Speelai in Tooth Br.sln.,....19e Modem 2 pkgs. for 45e Bayer's Asp4i4n In bottles dozen i!t This tie LIST'6RINE 25c 49c 89c Derided Caps Ek 34., 4,e 14ee's IMuk Sal Mean Me lneve 7,e Baby's Own Tablets 2te Ipas Testi Paste 3,e fins -Bar. Logien tie Nsasesaa, !de jar fes lye WE SELL F[I.A4 Wsotibury's Pariah Cr..anJan tbe, Ger Sol Hepatica Small Zee Health Salts IA. tin Bee FRESH CANDY I1. Boxes Mee Toilet Sew assseted maks..k s cake A sew Inas— Marsden' I/nit.tne ter steak, sprain; 4 -ss. settle bee ----R1TV DRUGS AT TIM DRUG BTORR---- Campbell's Dunlop's Lauder's Wigle's pe _ presets,* Dragster. D eressee ,: Ne the every effort Uament acct at to Yea test ' Far- ad - for obligation to the .:._ Polities Sgpiitirs st r trocllrsy phould not into the question. salt, a Med way not; wanted was to bare SENSATIONAL GOLF Page Mr. Ripley for the story tbe golfers brought back from the Lis- towel tourney last week. The heavy rains had left the course soggy, but some good Bolt was played, Including what might be called "flukey" golf. Dr. N. C. Jackson, playing myth Roy Irtoyd, Ted Plante and a l,ncknow man, &eve • fair bell from the seveuth about 175 yards to muddy ground on the near aide of a creek. He played a marble shot, ground -hopping tbe ball barely to the other side of the water. Then playing a mashie niblick be drove a high shot that landed on the edge of the green, to bounce into the cop beetle the pin for a Idrdle on a p•r [our. .....�.. In limit that was rewash ttr-wtn the plaudits of his friends and create considerable talk at the clubhouse at tbe end of the first round; but on the second round Dr. Jackson drove 175 yards to the edge of the creek st the seventh, hopped the creek with a mashie shot, and played a high mashie -niblick that landed on the Veen. The ball bounced alone. straightened out and rolled into the cup beside the pin for a second birdie on the hole. Dr. Jackson has three reputable wit- nesses. tet politica! con - wed to enter Tor) farmer what yvips 1 nte•bell'a ask for It, but he fottndsso support 1n the meeting and the resolution will be forwarded to Literal Und Conacrvstive members alike. Mr. Tuer said the .outcome of the Loudon trial was a severe dlsappofnt- meet to the cattle shippers. "But I have bed contact with many shippers and tbey are unanimous that the matter Would not be allowed to drop," he said' Mr. Tuer told of • visit to Ottawa to see Mr. Stevens, then Minister of Trade and Commerce. "Mr. Stevens apparently wanted to deny •ny respon- sibility for the transacttoe though ad- mitting that he hat paid • 113,000 sub- sidy on two boats. He said that was no guarantee of the company's Integ- rity: I asked hint If It were fair for as to surmise that this department was able to 'subsidise Irresponsible corporathn. er pectins, to take our money. If so, I sold my report to the shippers would -1'e not to place toe mach contidenc!'"tn- the Government"' Stevens Crushed Mr. Tuer read from an article in The Montreal Star on the day the Itichetleu boat lett that port praising btr. Sterens for "poling a new avenue of trade, -My candid opinion of Harry Stev- ens Is trust 'he is }net playing the spec- k -eviller. fflehind every move In his career Is, Rte interest of Harry Stev- ens." The speaker asked why the Depart- ment of Trade nue Commerce, headed by Mr. Stevens. ,honld have had any- thing to do with the cattle export business', when a practical fennel., Mon. Robert Weir, me at the head of the Ihesertment of Attrlcaltpre. "I hare it on a reliable source that these fellows HITT oached Weir and ere turned dog, n Bet they went to tevens and he tete them on. Maybe he saw an opuot!unity for grandstand stuff," he said. The evidence of Charles Sears, chartered amount:tnt. at the London trial was abundant proof, said Mr. Tuer, that the lticbHieu Corporation 'should never have had _ a charter, much leas a Federal stilteld)• INSTITUTE PLANS Clinton, June 17.—A nieeting of sen- ior sad junior institute members was held In the agricultural department board room on Saturday under au- spices; of the Institute branch of the Ontario Agricultural Department and nnder the supervision of Mies Flora Durnln, Dungannon. There was an attendance of twenty-seven, Including the following representatives from senior institute branches: Mrs Ouster, Blyth; Mrs. Woods, Auburn; Mrs. Adams, I.ondesborb; Mrs. Wardlow, Whet; Mrs. McKinley, Mrs. W. Rosen and Mn. N. W. Trewartba, Clinton. The object of the meeting was to ar- range a program of activities for the year for the institute members and dohs. Much enthusiasm was manl- iest. Tbe season's weak wilt extend from the present time to the end of sum- mer and later plane will be made for the fall and winter. Miss Evelyn Hall was appointed aeretary of the meeting. Plans were made for a meeting at Beaforth on June 2R, under empires of the (Virden and Canning Ctufts, the morning ae'sslon for club leaderei and member* *net the after- noon open to the county. A leader - Alp training school at Blyth on Jnne 29 tinder aoaptces of the Breakfast Club and an Achievement goy at , Clinton os August , ors being ar- • Government's ,,rand OOUgat{w "This Government les a moral obli- gation to see this thing through and to reimburse to for our looses. favor turning these worthiees papers over to them. It la • moral obllga- tipn which cannot M dodged. it Is more than a teed cMle ation which a lawyer can twt,t until there la nothing left, but neither lawyers nor' putttl- mt. clans can (lode, a Let them make the price np to the farmers. The a;,,vernment stIrted the deal. Let theist Ankh It," he mid. "And Mr site 'es was warners be- fore it was tee fate. William Oold- Ing. the member for South Huron, ad- vised him In FeptetnMr, 1933, to in- vestigate the e,epetetlen thorongbly before he advane'•d any money. They were 4.40,000 In the ted when they got the 4111,000," he .314. Tim speaker wee{that -lam Or- .,pp MOIMOrrolinarreerorkawunin v -•-.run.... —.,- '-.-_,. �.."w--...,,�,T,.- . • ....M., The Province of Ontario, one of the-*iobest areae of its size in the world, with great per capita resources of soil, mineral - bearing rooks, forests, lakes and rivers, homes, farmsteads, factories, dile% towns and villages, now comes to its share- holders —tbe people —with the soundest securities that can be offered— the bonds of your own Province. THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO offers $2O,OfO,000 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO and 3% Debentures 7 Pon-Cdpab/e) T 1 Ze/% Debentures, dated Jane 1S, 1935, due June 15, 1937. 3% Debentures, dated June 15, 1935, due June 15, 1940. Coupons June 15 and Decensber 15. Definitive Debentures registerable as to principal only. Principal and Interest payable in lawful money of Canada at the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the Cities of Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Halifax and St. John, Canada, or at any Province of Ontario Savings Office, at the holder's option. DENOMINATIONS • 200; *500; and $ 1400. These Debentures are a direct obligation iii lite Province of Ontario; authorized by ant of the Legislature of the Province, and are a charge as to principal and interest upon the -- — — Conaolidated Revenue Fund of the Province, and Che iter cd under authority of statutes of (*Milrio, 2.5 George p --(Legal Oplaimeedetlesses. Long and Daly)_! • ISSUE PRICES 29i% Debentures, due 1937-100 yielding 2%% to maturity. $%p Debentures, due 1940-100 yielding 3% to maturity. • Plus accrued interest in each cam. •WHERE TO PURCHASE BONDS Applications for the above loan will be received by any Branch of the Province of Ontario Savings Office or may be made direct - to the Treasury Department, Parliament Building*, Queen's 'ark, Toronto, Ontario. interim Debentures in bearer form will be available fun Oliver, on or about June 20, 1936. 'The proceeds of this issue will be utilised for the purposes - mentioned in the said Act including Government Services such as Old Age Pensions, Mothers' Allowances, Hospitalisation, Unemployment Relief, Education and General Administration. "/ believe this to be a most attractive issue and am sure that the confidence shown by purchasers will be amply rewarded. Let this be our watchword for progress: 'BUY THE BONDS OF YOUR OWN PROVINCE'." Prises Minister and Provincial Treasurer DI:I'111I1 1OI It ' M\I,1 I'linitI\1 111 t• 116% 1111'111 _' 1\11111'.11" 11.1.11N1.11