The Signal, 1935-5-30, Page 4L
e---'Thareday, May 1105
PRIDHAM'S Men's Wear
The upievImg 1s on. Moss men are buying more clothes this Spring
ttan for seen& seasdns prat, and the new SPRING CLA)TIII1,'$. w'4. ;
ire showing rennet the spirit of optimism abroad to tbe land. .- o
Styles are snorter -Voices mono cheerful--4Iealgus Iwo more
character—and styles have been produced that male eery young.
man—and masts older ones—watlt to get a tame 8U1 or OVERGOATI
rrioser:iiiitilleirlientune. 'ton cat 7 tlrr'"ef" -
Pridham's Quality SUITS
at $22.50 or
--TOPCOAT 4_418.50
We also have clothes at higher prices; but no nutter *hat price
you wish to pay vee have the dependable quality you demand.
W. C. Pridham i Son
Grand Bend
__Saturday Nights
- —TO—
Gene Fritzley
Direct f-om the Windsor Room
of the Keratin. Toronto, and
the Chea Maurice, Montreal.
Admission 15c -6c Dancing
R. J. Deachman
Opens Campaign
DONNYBROOK, May 27.—On Thurs-
day evening the regular Y.P.8. Meeting
was held, with the president; J. A.
Thompson, presiding. The lesago was
read by Irene Jefferson. Jean Robin-
son sang a charming solo. Tbe talk
for the evening was given Or Dr.
Yokes of Dungannon and was illus-
trated with microscope slides. The
meeting closed with the Mlslah bene-
A large number from here attended
the funeral of tbe late Albert Moss,
which was held from the hots of his
brother on Friday afternoon.
The funeral of the late Mrs Car-
rick , of -_%Vhltechurch was held to
Donnybrook cemetery on Friday after -
n WM. ..
Mr. Sam Jetasoa of Mildewy spent
the week -end at Iia home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miners of
London spent Friday at the Lome of I
(Continued from page 1)
there with the advent of protection.
hut once caught up with the domestic
demand they soon become idle. To
romper there must be production and
The horses at the track arc all get-
ting their regular training and there
has (ecu some err> fast disc. as the
track is la good shape and tM weather
had been tone.
The three-year-old' that are entered
to futurity and other stakes are all
there moat he exchange. Protection training well sad If nothing happens
reed the standard of living 1n
will nor doibt wlu illany company.
hail_ -..... vice0it jttpl tl a Mlle In 2.20,
this country. 7s- rta>.u,. U we Meal, ('safe Has
admit the products of other countries last halt ity-thigio=garargirrii ui iv
In reasonable miaaure" seconds. and Is no daunt 5 two -min -
Hew It Aleuts Gederiek ute pacer. Reith Harvester is a been
At this juncture the speaker told miles In 223, trotting. Oliver Har -
of how' high tariffs had adversely af- ,ester was a Lie in 2.25, but had
fected the grata and dour industry in a slight acetdent, hute hep s ,work.
er It
Goderich. He said that the British now and U getting his
milHe e.alsoandpwill ik loolike an
tw'o-minaewtmltebli pacer.
-1tr.nnr Ilarvade3 'bus some Lu
eon. Mac McDsugali was going fest,
and ready for the races, lout they
have had to lay him up. It is hoped
he will soon be better of lila ailment,
miller had access to a wheat market
&&suer than
ler, and therefore, he was • -bay- nig
(+raper wheat. He did not think Cana-
dian wheat should command more
than ten cents a bushel over Argen-
tine wheat, for instance. From 1923 er.Mowat Mc -
to 19:t3 •flour exports from Canada for i e le a great t'
Me -
had declined from eleven to Ave mil- Pouga❑ has a wooch'rful trotting colt
lion barrels and Goderich had felt that should be a real race horse. He
the impact, as people well knew. Nor has Earl Direct ale.. but does not in-
dict wheat pegging help the Western tel starting bin' before the lst' of
farmer, for In the long run the tax- July
payer would have to pay the loss in-
curred through speculation.
"Mr. Bennett in 1930 promised to
find you increased markets—when ex -
better than ever: ' .(;Poll.Caldwe
ports were twice *hat they are today
training for Taman and also has his work on this cession.
That Is what protection has door for coma Ruth Harvester and a four-year!daughter was kidnappedunseen
d heldd by for ranwtu1 The Late Jobs M F . —A highly
1 t an.
Geo. Feagan's Davey D. w or tad a
mile In 229, last halt In 1.10. In itis
first workout. Hr looks and goes
A Stirring Play Well Acted b Lied
Takagi at MIs sM y Hall
The play "Lighthouse Nan," pre
seated In MacKay Hall on two even -
haps Mat week by the Victoria l'tayera,
doeervee more extended notice than the
limitations of space would allow In
taut. week's issue of The Stguat.
The plot Is woven around the life
of little Nan, the natural and Impul-
sive waif who is introduced as the
granddaughter of the meek but in -
'tate lambed Bummer, lighthouse
keeper, and hl. tyrannical wife, Moll.
Humor is provided liberally by leba-
toal and added to by Nan, with her
droll sayings and naivete, while drama
is forcefully presented or Injun Jim,
a jenbLrd. who Is the villain of the
piec -- The love Interest 1s provided,
chiefly, by Ned Blake, who seem the
possibilities -ft such a deltghitul little
person asRii. Ills foresight it res$
teed when coher
as the daughterNan of Hon.mesiD Johnto Knlowowe, dere, Mrs. 19. Farquhar of Hallett,
taking the place of the supposed daring the week.
Doblr and Mise 6dttb Stoltz attended
thewedding of the dormer's nephew
at eye on Saturday last. etas Steitz
was the soloist for the wedding.
Mrs. J. D. Howatt went to Toronto
ea Monday to see Mr friend Mrs.
Breckin, who L rlously Ul there.
The between Auburn
and Beumil e* a 24th here re-
sulted In a score of 1T to 9 In favor
of Auburn.
At the auction sale ot the estate of
the late Mra Good Mrs. P. Walper
purvhassd the boom.
Mrs. 0. K. Btrtughan, MIM M. King,
lits MoltriCtge. Wes inompsun, lira.
Wilson, Mrs. Allln, Mrs. Woods, Mrs.
Lawson and Mrs. Robison are attend -
Ing the Women's Institute convention
at Milton today.
The ladles of Knox Presbyterian
church will hold their annual quilting
in the basement of the church on
ltsa icsar, Mra--Rill
and Kra J. Rafthby visited their
daughter of that gentleman, Hortense
Enlow, wbo Is In reality the daughter
of Injun Jim and the granddaughter
of the Buzzers. This information Is
mercifully kept from the man do. mar-
ries, Sir Arthur Choke, and his •Ister,
Hon. Sarah Chumley Choke.
When the two girls were infants,
one the daughter of rich Mr Enlow,
cwder of a fishing fleet the other the
daughter of ■ breed Indian and a
poor while woman, the rich man's
Cemetery Bee.—The annual bee 1n
connection with the Improvement of
Ball's cemetery will be held or• the
afternoon of Friday, May 31. The
work of levelling and filling which
was commenced eight years ago and
has made such a marked Improvement
In the grounds has narrowed down to
• small section In the northeast coo
nee. All interested are requested to
lend a hand and try to complete the
you. However, 1 am confident that „Id Jerry Hance'''. eon. the world is gradually' getting over Stevenson bas a nice trotter, I ut hac
its period of economk madness. The not the time to 1.111 him nod wants
desire of countries to burl the other
fellow, to shot him nut of their mar- to sell Harold ,sluing is well sat -
Ind wllh Ns eo't: he 1* a heal trot•
kat• 1* patalhg. There is a change
coming. Tba.Liberah, if elated, mistthe best opportunities life could ogee,
Gordor�7-td-1 - ice- Thus Enlow's daughter grew rap tat
They will arran,ge with France. Italy Mowat M-'Doagall b daughter enj y
end other countries to take our goods Dougall, Earl Direct and a trotting by Mr. Enlow. Y .luaus fen; the Loud Th h of the substltntton were
.Itis nY u'rme n
Injun Jim is one of the kidnappers.N'
. respected eltlaen of Colborne tows -
Hut when a child was returned to ship, in the person of John McPhee,
,Mow, It was the daughter of the permed away et his home 011 eoncea-
poor woman, who made the subatttte sioa 9. lot 9, os- Tuesday night, May
Hon so that her own baby could have 21. Tbe late Mr. McPhee had been
ailing for era five mouths, tout it
Was only ID the past three weeks that
•-.1s-. became seriously Ill. Born in Col-
borne township eighty -eve years ago.
on the farm adjoining the one on
which the deceased passed away and
Womplly eater _Sato a reefprodty ray are MatThksi lfarws. he." 1tr. Lighthouse Nan, whi. lujun Jtm
agreement with the United Staten masse—ye Ma n e,} the Lowrie, afforded
and we take theirs growth Is the colt mer a prop
product of the application of Liberal colt Cash Harvester. leek schen- In the hands of uoecrupnlmv Moll on'which Ross McPhee now INes, he
principles. The return of the liber- man ha' a nice !wing three-yearold Jtueser. who intended to benefit was a successful farmer, toeing sept
that mates them aN step., itr. White- through thew by blackmail. Injun daily interested in cattle ot pure-
r t to power wtl: ranee fns "i seedy i •s Maxine W. hs. a nice co't by Jim knew she had the proofs and at- , bred stock, and until the past win -
reed to normal times and a larger y
frecslau in the Dominion. In t'Intario, Baron I.ullwater-Putt-th> Doctor V tempted to get t:tem, an rndervor that ter had always been able to take part
in the Bounty of Huron and In tide
the roenite r7
teen of Goderich. Liberal policies
are founded in troth and truth must
very proud et.
Every Tuesday and Friday Is
work day and the fans see Some good
eating. it u impua<slble to pick the while prlekiee ran up and down spines, P i'S he was married to Annie
J. (' Robinson. prevail fastest horse until they go to the particularly during Injun Jim's scenes Ilwaln of Nile Of this union there
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon add els 1'trCentu D. R. Nairn rest of the Vice-
Mildred Plowman of AshHrld spent tleth ('catnep CIO) presided and Vice- races• but Ooder:ch hones will sure- 1—where he has his gleaming knife at were four children: David of Yermll-
Sunder with relatives here. i 1 rat F d ri<h Intrv•dnccd the be able t0 win this season. Nan's throat—during his holdup at the ' Ion Alta., Thomas of Auburn, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and point of a gun—during the realistic Joseph y
florally of Listowel visited with Mr. J S H i sf'se Tatars Salkeld,
light with Ned, and during hie further
and Mrs. Norman Thompson on Friday. brutal treatment of Nan.
One of the most lmpmerire 'scenes
finally landed him in
ntia . In the work of the hrm. s was
.A few tense momenta are provided twlre marded. his first wife being a
and the audiences ,.ere kept on edge sister of his now bereft widow. In
president r, ly
speaker. Other on the platform were .
C. A. Robertson. M.P.F , Kenneth
Bunter and Grant I)eschmnn.
Cassad of Camroee. Alta., and
Mrs. John E. Jackson of Embro, Ora-
l* ft5F4 be was married to Ellen J.
Mellw•ain and two sons blessed this
union: Clifford, on the home place,
1311ph� cif Yalta Hasa. Aida.. 'As
Now Playing .Ls• E. Brown, In "The 6 -Day Bike hider."
Moods). Tueada) and Wedneeda) —
John Halide). Frank MeHugh and Allen Jenkins
offer a bright and (•herr, store musi,•.tlly tnitted and brimming with
the merry message of
appiness Ahead' -
Thursday, Friday- and Saturday -
Forty million twr.ple have read and loved
GENE STRATTON PORTER'S enchanting romance
A grand story of two hearts in perfect faith and unison.
(*omine--Charles Laughton, in "Ruggles of Red Gap," with Charlie
R XC? ---stir alar 29.—Mn, -C.
PASTORAL CHANGES Ilio,... sirs. Tr. iraiton ad kir. it world be a difficult to late Mr McPhee a ere t
tour Dutton attended the ttneral M
tbe star of the cast, as each member character, was of a quiet and con -
Several to Take Plus in United Mr. A. Moan at Dungannon last Friday. L deserving of high praise-Ichabod tented nature, and In his pawing Col -
C ll and
Col -
was tete one In which Injun Jim 41* -
1 1 ._bo Haretate her real identity•
Church (barges of Huron Presbytery Mr. P. 1,_41)71. ittof argl MCarlton Worsen). for fele per-
The settlement committee of the kir. Cecil OHilitp of Detroit called j feet conception of a henpecked, drun-
London Conference of the United un hleadn here last Saturday.
Church, In seasicn thIa west at Strat- Mr. and Mra Walter Dalton and ken old salt; Moll I Mrs. J. E. M Itch),
t hildren, of Detrn}f.-�--Miss Jean for her excellent Interpretation
Jame of the
ford, has reported the renewing Bresnahan, of River Rouge, speut the demedlc and hypos
of - of stations In the FreaDltPresbyteryweek-end at Mr. Morgan Dalton's:; Nan (Miss Delight Match).
of Huron : Miss Bell 9wa of Dungannon yf.lted for being just Nan and stepping oro
/lb Auburn, II. C. Wilson s Oak- ber Hunt Mra• jr. J. Drennan, for a aptly Into the role of Mr. Erlow'e
land; to RelGreve. it B. Townsend of leve day* Last k. daughter: Injun Jim (Mr. Glen C.
rAtwood: A to oorehou and 8 df,te Miss Rose eilly, who tor some 1,04Sel• for really Rood actin; as a
]ELRI. Anson Moo. Turney et' Band 1. b past has spate ot,--1a um { rang+ and resit t icy dyed-in-the-wool
aeter. Jay eT.a street ch et' ., Artier tl�m 'rtvflaln: Wad hake (Mr. ratans iite�a'-
Pag eP. James church, fie, 'y, me stverY CtiyY t We— > t -{u en understanding and aim -
Page of Thameeville ; to Conley 'F. recovery very soots.• pathetic roe, p
J. Frdetl of Rlreruide; to S. Helens Mr Frank O'lte/ily and Pts sister.
land Whlteeburch. 0. 8. Hlncoeks of Mi Adrian O'Reilly of oargUl, visited IM
F1naa1 : to Thames Road and Roy's, their aunts, the Misses O'Reilly, yes a touching Wm. Moir of Toronto ('ontetenee; to t.'rday
1 Wroxeter. A. M. Giant of !delusive. Mr and Mr.. Steve Marten visited
Iter. D A. McMillan of Dungan- d
non Is transferred to Atwood; Rev.
I Jss. Ile('rea of Benmlller and Carlow
to Newbury; Rev. T. C. Wilkinson of
St Helens to Fingal; Rev. Dr. Marti -
more rat Auhuru is transferred into
the Hamilton Conference.
Dev. W. A. Walden, of Empress
arenlle church. London, was elected
president of the Conference.
Iwrne loses one of its oldest pioneers
and a link with the early history of
the township Is severed. Ile was a
member of Nile United church and
a staunch Mead L politica. The
funeral was held os- Sunday afternoon
and the large aseemblage of people
',bowel the love and esteem held for
the deceased. Rev. D. W. Pomeroy
chose lila remarks' from Psalm 7g,
verse 24: "'non *belt guide me with
�Y'b7 eosinsel and afterwards receive
me to- glory." Durlag--..the service
I well lays ; Hoc -tense jrs Mcilwain and Mr. Tabb ren-
Enlow (Miss Marjorie Maefie), for dered a duet very feeltagd,i.'h. Bean -
playing the part of an utter, super( tiful Garden of Prayer." The fiower-
fous mob, a inlet -tine bearers were Harvey and Orville
pathos into her part ; 11011 Johr En- M,.I'hee. Harold Jackson and Freak
low (Mr. J. E. Mute+), for a kindly Mc•Ilwain; the pallbearers. Ross, Ches-
ter and Gordon McPhee. Rrneet,
Harold and Earl Mcllwain. The re-
mains were laid to rest In Colborne
cemetery. Mrs. Joseph Casaady tra-
velled from Camrose, Alta , to attend
the fanerrl of her father
� Summer-timeSrnartness!
bite boats - Newts -
Lusciously soft, imported basket -weave
wool or polo cloth in stunning styles.
Swagger or fitted styles, full length or three-
quarter length.
$10.95 uP
en li:,°orer last Sa ay adult role played quietly hat emeient-
Mi.s Nora Tylo of Blyth t• spending-
Iy; Hon. Sarah Chumley Choke (Miss
a while with her .inter, Mei F. Vas Irene l'Alow•), fur a lesser but neo
jems difficult eharacterlaa"on, which
she played eeeliently; Sir Arthur
Choke (Mr. Delmar Worthy, jr.), for
We hope the drive, "Given Child a
Hosoe," will he twat effective end will
fi atrugglin orphan.
benefit man? a t,not
, a well -acted pert of an overdone, some -
Three cheers „ r the Prem and what braggart, but likeable British
Mrs. Hepburn How any if [ as, iL arlMa-rat. ,
we just thonoar so, even w,th very The play was enthusiastically re -
atlea tin h• , tl* give a poor child celved by the Roiliest* 011 both nights,
■t least a e'l,ri.tian education and y and many requests for a third per-
comf. raids home, with plenty tormanre have :wen made.
of freedom. fr•.h air and snn:htttet
The We',tminst.•rRESIDENT?"'RESIDENT?"' OF BAiFIEI.0 Galld held their re -AND VICINITY
¢alar ttxrtfnr in the township hell on 11. 'Robins has arranged with Tip
\Vednesdny erre The yicleetthl-
ied et Z the.-mKtwor. f ile'~ spvetal aneed•entativc t
-mss - .I'!d n yY01neaday: lane A
A eYomplete range -'o' @(4"iffii'it mint
present and "Winding
a eery' ract l." A g finest Itritlsh woollens, also model
muka. on 'Ruil**j len by me." A
masleal Mtmhor was given by Meson. garments ou cNslAr)• at Albion Hotel
Hayfield. 11. ROBINS,
F. Maflwaln, l: Young and M. Tyra- . s •
Ming Dorin- Webster fqx•nt the
den. it.\YPIPILI). May 29.—Mn. Fulton
of Biggar. Sank.. Is rlslting her sis-
ter, Mrn. Percy Weston. who war re-
cently a patient in Victoria hospital,
London. and returned home last WOOL
We are pleased to Mete she is recov-
ering from a critical operation.
MIs.' RUMP Fisher ml 11i.s R. l'ol
lock of Kltr•hener and MIs. Roth
Fleher of Waterloo *pent the week-
end with Mrs. F. A. Edwards.
Miss lathe) Kirk %pent the holiday
at her home. Glanworth.
Mrs. Charles McGregor and Mrs.
Silk Fabric Hats in smart styles. Cool
looking, becoming, deftly trimmed- with self
or contrasting ribbon band. Shades, white,
pink, bine, sand, grey and yellow.
Silk Crus Sults
The moat fashionable garment of the
season. .litst in! New Suits in lovely styles
and beautiful shades of new washable crepes.
Expertly made in half -sizes that fit so well. .
Band trimmingoffaggoltiii ---sail--novel--
stitehing. Wear one of Wet PON -,Stlita_atid
be well dressed.
SPecial 98c
HOUSE DRESSES in Fast Color Prints..
l)osens el styles and patterns. Sizes 34 to
s hoe-zfor $1.00.
«Men's Suits
Felt Hats
New Suite but arrived is navy., browns
and greys. New patterns is fine woollen
week-esd at her home at St. Helens.
Miss Irene et. -II of East Wawnnosb
spent the week -egg at her home here.
Mier Olady. 'Treble of Toronto
visited with her pj,ttnta Mr. anG Mrs.
John Treble. mar the holiday.
Mr. Doable. Pagan of Stratford
Normal spent t;Ie week -end with his
mother, Mee. Jas, !ratan. er:
Mlle *hullo \'Stroh 1s vielting with
friends to London this week
Master Ja•ki.. McKnight Is visiting
his grandpas, n Kt. and Mr*. John Jame. of Detroit were calling on
McKgight of .%,,barn. friends here over the holiday.
Mira Ohre I11$ of Toronto spent
Mies Nora Ferguson, who spent the
the weekend Hip her parents Mr. winter in London, returned last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Med. ren of
Fort Elgin were guests of. tl'e Misses
Stirling over the holiday.
Mrs. Ii. Thomas returned last week
from a visit to Toledo.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson Of
London were guests last week of Wt.
Piss hilts, excellent quality and many
new Blida of grey.
A large assortment of New Ties, in wool-
lens and silks. Plaids, stripes, dots and
patterned silks Special 66c, or 2 for $1.00
. � A
"Shop where you are Invited to shop" ``Phone 418 "
and Mrs. Hage 1111.
Mr. and Mr.. Melvin Tyndall spent
the weekend In•Tornntn with their
dengliler liltel.
Mise Isabel Wile term of Windham
.pent the weep ad with he* parents.
Mr. and Mr. ( J. Roberte.)n.
Mr. and Ntr< Rich. Johnston and
E1i)d ESD
Robertson's Jewelry Store
Optical Department, td ad DID
Fr'Wtl ys V men month
-6 to 1250 noom•-
The Permanent
Wave Shop
Corner Square and Montreal
Street (upstairs)
Permanent Waves
(IoderkL was scheduled to pray at
Wingbam on Monday, opening the
Bruce League season In that town, but
the game was postponed on account of
the rain.
Our machinists are accustomed
to first-class Machine Shop pear
tieea They are masters of pee-
chion machining. Your work will
he in an expert's hands, here.
our rates •re as moderate as
our standards are high. We are
esaasat we ma
Mot Kl Bayfield Road
daughter F:man. se Blnevsle. and Mr.Fergn*nn's mother.
and Mrs. ('e,o,pt)lethery and dough- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Finnot of Flint, Mich.,
err Nary isals•I,nsq ilelgravr, visited are occupying their cottage at Jowett'.
cclth kir. and Nie Rem. Mcitwstn on Mr. James Cameron and daughter
8nnday heed, of Toronto, were at their cot'
Mr. and ICs.. 16011 IP Inkster and tage loot week.
rat Snnlap with Mins l.Ise ihlpols. of Toronto, was
family, of Toronto, ape (1* guest of her abler, Mra. Gemeln-
Itt. and Mr,: };eo. Mitchell.
Mr. end Nn Geo. Bean of Auhon hardt, last wee's.Mrs Rtott arrived home last week
vidted with It r. and Mrs. John after *pending the winter In Detroit
Treble nn Sunday.
Mr. and Mr- Worst Mitchell and AUBURN -
Marreret were . Wows In London one
clay this week
The Y.P S hold their meeting in the
eb,nreh en evening. May 28 -
The president had thane of the meet-
Irg. Mira 11x1-, 1 pall. of Gnderleh
was present an.l save • splendid mi-
llirem nn "'aa'.. .sad War" Mt.
('hal. WI*;in; ,(0 of OAderleb, .ung
a solo. Te bare Inv1'ed to be
guestsof s nn p1'fday even-
InnL d this wMt
-A(tT:l'IIN, May 29.—Miss Ala
Match of Toronto !lotted iter mother
over the week end.
Miss Martha Adams of Rlt.hener
motored here on timidity to ase her
parents. Mr and Mrs. T. Adrmr.
iMr. and Hew. glans Plenkett aaa
hinny. 'of Toronto', Wel tee (rRFsed
with hl', father and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stnita. Miss A.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday only
— JUNE_ 6th, 7th, 8th —
Styles for 1936 are now ready for display and theme Furs
are all first-class quality and full guaranteed
•You may have your old coat re -styled or receive a generous
allowanee in buying a new one
MILLINERY at Reduced Prices- ---
daring these day -a. White and colors from $1.60 1Q !
C. A. and S. McKinnon
Phone 155 THE SQUARE
It's only fair that the public
should know that the cost of de-
livering coal could be tut. But
the only way bo do it L for
everybody Io order catty. It is
sirreply this: 11 mal was order-
ed evenly the year 'round. coal
men could cut their delivery
equtprttent in half. We print
this for the publlr good. If K
helps In that dlrectkxt. we will
feel amply repaid.
CALI. Tea Heat Fi flis
rams M � O. Raett[wAlrt. lgaaager " Onderisa. OM
tow -.-ypo�.r4Fr;♦♦tek.tM: 0114F;
lir -
'�+IGea�'._ytri�ii.�'�,Br.'".�y���.,; ._. - _ �,R....wr