The Signal, 1935-5-30, Page 3Showing the Co mmusity Spirit Are you In used of something? Let us recommend the Leading local mer- chants who advertise each week In The Signal. Money spend out of town never returua to build a prosperous community. Patronise the Leeal Advertieers Help Us to Help You Unexcelled value tor advettlaers la indi- cated by the increase oI advertia ng in our eoluuuts from week to week. We are here to betp the alert and influential mer- chant. Are you timing this weekly service? THE SIGNAL Leads the Way TME SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers 1 i The 0. F. Carey Co. Firs, Accident anal Motor Car INSURANCE Reprxwoutative London Life Insurance Co. Orem :-Maponie TemPie, West Street, Goderich----.-'. Nekton HillManager. ?low 2* Lie$: j. Lane to Be School Trustee Takes the Place of Rev. J. N. H. Kills for the Remainder of This Year -3. W. Craigie Insurance and Real Estate Dominion, Provincial and Municipal Bonds PHONE 24 : - t GODERICH GENERAL INSURANCE $1661.00 TO PLACE FIRST MORTGAGE ON GOOD FARM W. J. POWELL Phone 292 P.O. Box 438 Use The Mown Advent hang Glumus Geo. Williams & Sou DOMINION, PROVINCIAL and - MUNICIPAL BONUS 1 Ateldot, Automobile -and ?Federal bilinranee Agents OPVIOH, NEXT TO BANK OV 0014LI11RCE Pwwe it r----.10id Pleb H S • At a meeting of the public school board on May 21)th, Rev. D. J. Lane was appointed a member of the board for the remainder of 1935 to fill the raean-y created by the removal from town of Rev. J. N. H. Sidle. A mo- tion for the appointment of W. H. Blackstone was supported only by the mover and seconder, Trustees Schaefer and MeNee. The problem -of radio interferent& le- Goderkh was reelected in the following motion presented by Trustees Graham and Mrs. Mo.:ney, and adopted: "Whereas the radio programs as sent out by the Proviuelal Department of Education are of no value to tbe God- ericb public schools, owtug to radio interference: be it resolved, that the Department of Education of Ontario be asked to bare the Provincial Gov- ernment urge-tlie_Dominlon Govern- ment to enate the necessary legisla- tion to provide for the prohibiting -of use of any ele etrleaI appliance that causes radio Interference er is a nuisance," instructions were given for the send- ing of a letter of appre•latlon to the ee+sion of Knox chutrh for the use of the erboolroom of the church for the school concert in April. A cheque for $111 to the <eburcb treasurer and one for $5 to the janitor also were to be sent. A vote or thanks was passed in re- cognition of the presentation by the Ahmeek and Maple Ieat Chapters, f.O.D.E,. of a nine -foot Union Jack for Central school. The prine-ipal of Vk•torls school re- ported for the month of April: Pupils on rue, Wee average_ attendance, 313.84. or 57.112 per cent. Penny deposits, $121.63. 1 For Central srbon' the report Wei at. follow.: Number on roll, ; average attendant*, 191-, or We per cent. A report was received from the pub- lic school inspector. and a number of recommendations therein were re- ferred to various committees of the board. • BELFAST • a► !wiyew le? yefurs and "'acmes - BELFAST. May 28. -Mr. -and „Hrs.?shoe etc. from sang •Allan Alton and family, of '1'orotifo, vlsfted with air. and Mrs. Jack )tui' PACK THEM AWAY IN A " Stn over the week -end, CEDAR CHEST This la the month that the moth gets In his best digs. We have a nice assortment of WALNUT CEDAR -LINED CHESTS from 614.00 up. They may save you many times • tbe price. We tan supply your needs In WINDOW SHADES, also SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, BELTS, ete. J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer . - Haaih•■ Street, Generic,' . PHONES: Store 885; Res. al Hydro Store BUY AN Electric Stove Quick - Clean - Economical and cool to cook with SEE DISPLAY OF STYLES AND MAKES AT THE HYDRO -SIO .,.e,- ••+ -js RS Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin spent Sunday with friends at Ryth. Mese Lena Hackett motored to De- troit for the holidsy and week -end. Mr. hes. Vineent of [3elgreve called on friends in the burg on Surday, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lane. Ripley, Hatted "et Me. 1. R. Hackett's on Sunday lest. MiltedMr. sod 34it. Bert Alton Milted recently with V. and Mrs P. Gra- ham. Port Albert, Messrs. Archie Nichols..n and B. Ku'ple are at present working la the fax mill in IAcknow. CHICKEN THIEVES ARE ACTIVE. Chicken thieves are hard at work in Iiowl,'k and McKillop townships, and have cleaned up nearly two hun- dred chickens In three raids In the paat ten days. Eae•L theft has been carried out ea:efnlly and quietly and little trace has been left by the thleree, beyond tire marks left by ears andfodtprInele-Rny Cafiterelltfi realm of 'lowlier townehlp, war t first to he visited hT hi the enemas. who made off sueeeeefully with sixty -fire birch. Niue( then fifty -ellen hens have been stolen from Robert Campbell, of McKillop township, and a second farmer of the same township Mr Dnlmage, lost seventy hens. By the time pollee are informed after the raids, the thieves hare had plenty of time for a clean getaway. County Constable J. Ferguson has been in- vestigating the thefts. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1935 MJNUAit SCHOOL INSTITLT'E A Sunday ee•boul ttwtitute for the west aectiou of Huron Presbytery was held ill North street United church ou Thursday afteruouu and eveulug Stay ltkh. The opening address, "Problems In eluderu Sunday Schools," was giv- en by Mr. C. M Robertson of North street church; Rev. J. F. Anderson.' Wiugharn. apuke on_ work to tT vamps, and Was followed by Puckett, of Clinton, ou camp wort for girls. Interesting and heiptii die; cuselons followed eatit address Mitral bewweus, of Toronto, represeutativs from the board of religious edew•ation, then conducted a discussion period on "Young People's Activities." During the afternoon a solo was rendered by Mrs. 1(. taudereon, aceom- panted by Miss Mary McKinnon. At 0 o'clock a "box supper" was enjoyed In the basement, the young people of Norte street serving tea. After sup- per tame a rest period, when a walk about the town was enjoyed be some of the visitors, while others drove out to Impel the irumnter school camp at Dunlop. At the eveaing session Mies Sem- mens gave a particularly interesting talk, illustrated by beautifully cclored lantern slides., en "1'acaticn Bible Schools." ,A solo by Mist Mary Mc- Kay, aceompynied by 'Miss McKinnon, was followed by the closing words by Mies Semmens., au Inspiring challenge to young people to tit themselves for greater effort in Chrintlan work. Itev. C. DeWitt Cosecs, of Cllntren, occupied the chair a: both sessions of the institute and Rev. W. P. Lane con - 'Dieted the worship period. KNOX CHURCH W. M. 8. The regular meeting of Knox -butes W. M. S. was held on Tuesday after- noon, May 21, with Mrs. A. Taylor. president, presiding. The devotional period -Was in charge of Mrs. A.. D. McLean and Mrs. Kenyon, and Mra. W. Waite offered the dedicatory pray- er. A pleasing duet was sung by Mra. A. Smith and Mrs. R. Tufford. with Mrs. G. Miller accompanying. It was pounced that the Boy,i Club Is bolding a "cobweb party" on .June 7 and the Mission Band and Girls' Mission Circle are bolding an after- noon tea and baking sale on Jute 1st, and the members 01 the auxiliary were asked to atteud these affairs if pee - Able and help_to encourage the jun- ior members of the Missionary tkd•iety In their different branches. The auxi- liary is planning a garden party to be held some time lu June, In order to raise funds for the life -membership 1 - las IL Gordon read some very in- teresting current events pretrered by rs. Redditt, who was unable to be present. Mrs. M. MacDonald, wile en- joyed a trip to the eoast lest summer, gave a talk on a very enjoyable day in w•hb h she visited tine Mistawasis Indian Reserve. Mrs. T. Wardlaw• Taylor then gave a brief account of the life of Mrs. Bu- chanan, a -personal friend of Mrs. Taylor and wife of Dr, J. H. Buchan- an, veteran miaakcaare_In.India, whose death occurred on May 15. Mrs. Bu- chanan went to India under the en- viers of the W.M.P. In 18)W as a medical missionary and labored con- tinuonsly In that field. The hymn "For all the saints who from their labors rest" was sung as a fittlag tribute to one of the geese heroines of 'the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church In Canada. m GIITY-i':1(1HTIi YEAR NO. El DUCKLINGS - !Three Codtdch.1 of THEIR OWN Men Sentenced • It probably wast Quite a ,hock to the hen Thos. Bowler bad placed on a Qoa�p OW when site .wt -bed out (leve ttl✓ltttle ducks. ifer'curloelty at the -resin!-.? her pit 1 have ►cern echoed !n therllule ducks as they gaged out on the saes' and tees filmdom/ world they ted entered. WI,eu they were ats,ut; x week old the nine aurvtviaa dant iugs decided to see more of t"e +,v d, so they wriggled througb al "ia8$ti hi their I enclosure and starter! t$ . a/ung the road, lir. Bowler missed tkv !.race! later that worulug and, after :acsl i►ng the yard thoroughly, decided they had hreu stolen. Such wusi',¢¢uol the ease,' however, The little -i kale waddled Indian -file from the yell 00 Mout- calm street to Vleteree eereet. They were 'seen by early rl..•r: parading triumphantly along 1'leteria street, having a huge time as 'trey took In the sights. They finally :cached Miss Susie Noble's place • u Bruce street. about haft a mile trout home, and there decided they led -cell' enough for a day. m0 bedd..l dawn. They were found there by qtr_ Bowler's sea. Norman, on Monday. The wanderers have Ge(•n returned to their enclosure, whets.' after thelr little ndrenture, then it* "na 'appy 18 the bird, In the hale? a.'cording to Tum. TOWNSHIP COUNCILS T3)WNfSHfP Or GULEIIItR Township council met un May 27 for court of revision ante other business. A few requests were in :or adjust- �mente of taxatlou; there were wade, I Also several dogs were n'por'ed dead t since the assessor w,- .round, and a these were struck tat Two names were added to the ro,l. The curl was tben aeeepted for the year. ?toss tam letweetelbeistay- Co- t anti the J. le Adams Co. on a power rued maintainer were rend, but 00 melon was taken at -present or until they can trade one 01 the present four-. horse graders on tbe new machine. Department of Municipal Affairs fur- e »Scher! a eat of saleadntests to the statutes, which were read end tiled. Department of Welfare, re housing for indigents, read and filed. on - nolo Treasury Departmcut, re amuse- ment tax, read a Payments: Tees share of Clinton Division relief accounts. $97•M;H nesessor, setas! (Harps of Entering and Theft- EYI'/iwanosh Man Pleads Baby Chicks 4Lo_ INSURANCE lire Life Accident and Sickness Barred Rocks and S. C. Whit. Leghorn, $8 per 100 Leghorn Baby Pulleta, $10 per 100. Line bred from Registered Stock Three Ooderteh tees, bf • stet ar rested on May 10 un charges of break- inj and euteriug et the Bedford hotel and stealing live cases of beer on May 7, stealing a case of beer on )fay 8. and breaking and altering at W. M. lir Leau'a store oh the ulgLt of Slay 8, 'shaded guilty le fore Mu t'strate J. A. Muklus on Thursday last, and were sentenced to Reformatory terms. Fred L.tilechlld and John Weiss pleaded gnilly to two charges of break- iui, euteriug and theft. ane the former pleaded guilty to ea add:tioual charge of theft. Thtt were sentenced uu weft charge to six' months lu the Ontario Reformatory at 01mq/b. the sentence. to run coneurrent!7. 'Hervey Beattie pleaded guditty to one diorite of breaking, enteriug and theft and• rc.'eired the same sentence of six months. An lndetertalnate terq of ens year-.Ava1e .addlor it-thr_wentenre in each case. - - - -: Joseph Fisher was given suspended sentence on payment et (vets after pleading guilty to a charge of stealing a case of beer. lie was allowed a week to p:ty the costs, being released on ball of 1300. The Otte man, Wilfred Graham, elated trial by Judge and jury on chargee of breaking and enterit(i-aud- recetring-teteten--geodr. He was mai. milted for trial, but was allowed ball of $1000. Gallus Ptiffner, forty -seven-year-old Swiss, of Howlck towusttip, wee sea- ent,d to two year,' leas a day with in Indeterminate senteute of the sante duration, in the Reformatory at Guelph, on pleading guilty to a (barge of having carnal knowledge of a eirteee eear-cdd girl- The girl, now LEEBURN LETIB('RN, May 2A. -Sir. Arthur W!illame and his son Reg. and daugh- ter Ina, ?tom Torouto,-motnmi through r huerfill -lketerda yultird !1'ANtW.." "e'tttette4iwe- returned t0 -the city the following-dy,i Mies Dorothy lenklater, of Toronto i f'nivereity, returned home last week for the holidays. Marr Jean hunter. of Stratford Nor- mal mal School, spent the hoeidsy and week -end with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy I4nk!*lur.- daughter motored te: Exeter on Sila- day. Mr. Keith Grey of Stratford epept the weck,end here at lire. E. Stew- art'''MacM, A. Pierson and two children from Listowel are v1n(ting her parents, Mr. and tins. Alet. Horton, Post -nuptial Honors.-Tt:e home of Mr. and Mrs. Ja;ues Horton was the sc ene of a surprise party on Wednes- day day evening of last week, wt:en friends /ram !, Union joined in ringing theft best wishes to the newly -married couple nt this vicinity. Towaros the en end of a very joy able evening the Deride and groom were presented wtt'k a handsome *liver ple-pla e A large number of Mends and nesrhhors of the vk inity congregated at Sloaer's hall on Thursday et -tinkle to pay their complitnente to Mr. and \Ira. James Horton. As a token nt the esteem in which they ate held they were pre- sented with a library table slag wfh a rayon bedspread. The tmrty part of the evening Was spent ill dancing to musk. which was Wall rendered by Maar*. Allen and Harry Schram and Earl -.Merle. .e After lunch was served the presentation took Were. A fitting melees* read by Mr. Jack Hun- ter, extended a cordial welcome to Mrs. Horton, who, although net a stranger to moat, of thnae present, 1s e neweomer to the cnmmnntty. The hope wan held out that the ties of friend/410p thus formed would become ph stronger with the mewing of years. Atter the reading of the address the recipient's responded In an appropriate stoww.hs e. greet --vadat" of Interest. Ing old time 1AAestheAesthete!Aesthete!ttees sthe re- mainder of a very pleasant evening. Boas --"Sal mak high wages for a man with no experience." Applicant -"Well, ser, It's much harder work when you don't know anything about 1t." �aaaa>_ JUST RECEIVED! .t new shipment of men's miler_ n t to ehed Broadcloth SHIRTS WITH TIES TO MATCH in the neweaj, ohecka and stripes, and plain shades of grey, lightblue sad ' dark blue. Sisei.14 to 17 -WHIL14 1111113T Shirt T--- Shirt and Tis Qootplete... �1. M. ROBINS nt for Tip Top Tailors Photos NM - Walter Rose N. K. WARK Goderich, Ont. Phone 544, I BRUSSELS ONT. 1' fourteen, gave birth to a baby three, week* aro. I'fiffecr was suable to converse read - In Es English. so Wm. Ahl, Ee t street. sAno•mak.•r. w -s. called In to act .5 nterpreter. He conversed with • the of in tax German tongue. on eat ng runty- To two rhtrge� of forgery. Wm. J. Iteacon. of East Wuw•inoslta was remanded a week tot sentence. He admitted uttering - a cheque ler_ $1mT0 on (k'tot*r le last, tlrswfns ori '1111 abetment of C. It Cool te .,y1..13elgrave: also a eheque for $10 onfcharles Slidell on Jan -nary Milton. our 'oust, $51.60; cl'artney, &'I : superintea.irat .,-Tallhet . Ho S, 1:170 23. Council thou ad rot) t0 inlet on Monday', July 1. at pm. MPSON, Cleik EAST WAWANotsH u Connell met " 14th. with aU the members present , J. D. Beeetott, who was recently rl ed councillor, le pinto of Stuart slcrney, now road superintendent. !Ilei aubseriblug to the declaration of otfCe was cordially re.-eived and %clouted by the Reeve and fellow-meuu.cr< of council, Min- utes of i•reclews meeting were then a,I read . and appruv.'. on mut i. n of k Councillors Reid and Robertson a l ommunie-atious were received and read from the 11. E. Power C':umla• j {tion. the Sawyer -slava Co., the High- ways Department and the 1'rovincial Treasurer's Depaement and were ordered flied. - It. Redmond addressed the camel!, ��stathig_that rencnl1y through tht. de- R' r �tttie ei+#oo a f-4113ga .119se • e,u• eehefregfeltletht!Q enema .1at tr o Pas s eek -ffofC' bed hem destroyed au.l a few hal nue- embed later, and that the 551G own. era had conneetevl to lmbur.e him for the loss suetainad., r. Redmond was 'advised to moire the services of a sheep ruiner, for valuation purposes, and to Inatitn,eraseedings ttealnst t re fog o fc "r a settlement of this platter. The colleetor en- present and stated that between Belo and COM of 1934 taxes were still uncollected. Moved by Mr. Reid, se.•rmded by Mr. ltee- croft. (3M the roll of 1934 as now. re- turned he aecpid'•i and that the hal- anee of tale* oar#anding Is.• for - worded, in au, lime to the county treeemer for ctl:trctlon, carried. The court of rcrlelon on the Grain drain bylaw WO..'petted a,rorrleng to nntiee. No apta n a being r,•, eared ngnlnst the Mevct:rl aene*wments, the bylaw in eonne••tieri therewith was fin - pity read and pan -acute._ ' . _ The following, n•'Osants were wed: Ilelgrave Sebeel ver nomination meet- ing. $4: The Air.rrt S4imea, ativertts- lng,' $.4.118; -Larne Scott, work on crusher, 82: J. (!sides. grease. 40c; fns-tght 'on' ernaher repair*, :die; A. Petteaos, balance "1 Wary as collec- tor. $20; S. McBnreey, work n•t road Ne. 8, $118.10. an road No. 10, '16.50; N Melinrney, nel) superintendent, $10.20; Wni. etrnnghae, work on cnn- eeaslon 2, elseitt efer grave, A2 -.2-i, • Frank Campbell. Werk nn ennceeslnn 4. $18.50; Urvni I kOowan, work m conee*sdon 2, 121 Next meeting e•1 '•need will h•- held on Wednesday. i ane 12th; court of revislnn net n... event roll on same date at 1 o'clock A 1'e a u'I'ER.Fl Hili, Clerk. Wife (to victim "f raging tooWtaeM) --"Why don't yon go and have It flat. (heat" -. Inrome Tat ()tt', lat.ess 9aa't )w -will,. f stent hemi, sehtaw esege ar. - .4 demand notices In*t algbtNr etiettee t7MK+si ; OrTIM` S<"rt #+a .sayable _be ."lilatwld Cook'' sed "How- - arc! Itattter,"--respeeticely. -_ The came against John Regier, of $eafortb, charger! with keeplug liquor, for dale, was adjourned a sleek,. Leroy. Simwone, of St. Thome; paid a fine of $10 and role» fot epeeding. CHARGED WITH "KEEPING" ' Harry Garnets, need twenty eight. Eget Wawanosbi ,411001 teacher. has been ttnewpleyed *ince the reguiatioa Was ?tanned uerecsltnting n two-year Normal coiner for teachers. 11. was arre-ted on Saturday he "ounty rota- table .1. Ferguson and ekareed wltb eeseng liquor for sale. (!annus real !lowed hall in the sum of reel, le appear before Magistrtlte_ J. A. Mak- ns today. • MURPHY Collection Agency and Real EKstte -Bureau ACCOUNTS COLLECTED OK COMMISSION BASIS Town and county properties listed for sale or rent Agent for De Laval Cream Separators..Milkers, and Canadian Steel Farm renting -" SS:Melee& Is our \lott.o- T. T. MURPHY, Su Phone 206 Hamilton rest Arrow Bus Schedule -EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 19:3 5 - LEAVE GODERICH, East -bound daily 7.30 a.m., 5 p.m., Standard Time, - for Stratford, Kitchener, Guelph and Toronto. Arriving Toronto (Ray St.) 1.05 pen., 10.55 p.m. connections at ('lintou for Lou- don and Kincardine itineraries planned to all points In Canada, United States and Mexico -CONSULT !AWAY. AeleNTa- leLden, leek Mints MIT, tel HS I . 3 Lttt M Item ete. tN 323 Central Ontario Bus Lines TORONTO Shop where the profits are small WE HAVE SAVED THIS COMMUNITY $t;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ THIS WEEK'S MONEY SAVERS -MAY 31 to JUNE 3 l'l TI('l'R.t N11.U' ('aka tae Try rrtgtbdt throdth Salts for a few mornings Note taw eh:ntCr ri, apirlt. Large tan 39e . loth Balk. Flukes, Ltags, Gar- - IT.\L1.\N BALM 32e, 54'e, elle ! Sal Hepatica Colgate's Medium 59e D"enta Cream 21c or 2 for 39c - Walerglaas 2 rans for 25e KLEENEX 2 pkgs. for 39e aaetiisltssl Chaser 4 -os. bottle 23e I+ilasa, Lkvefoping J lnttng_ I.1190L, small I!le ('arter's Little Liver Pills 22e efinani'a Liniment 29e ion's ('reams , 22e. 75e, $1.25 29e Lather Haab !epeeist 69e GILLETTE III -VIDES Write the letter. ).n tmty win ring- side :rat .i !!lades for 25e New Waterproof .\dhrave, h -inch x 1 send IIM; 1 -inch x 1 sant 15e --BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUG STORE- Campbell's TORECampbell's Lauder's Dunlop's Wigle's Drugstore Drugstore Drugstore Drugstore DO WOMEN APPRECIATE THE PROTECTION OF SeatedSHELL GASOLINE ? WEtt 'f 'IC1ttOw t-CePOPAUJkY" • mfr A WONDERFUL PROTECTION TO ANY WOMAN DRIVER TO KNOW SHE NEED NEVER GUESS OR GAMBLE ON GASOLINE IF SHE STICKS TO SHELL -ESPECIALLY SINCE IT COSTS NO MORE FOR THIS PROTECTION. 1631 es. .t.-isissase.--sulesemer