The Signal, 1935-5-30, Page 2ay, May 90th, 1936 uiTA.laWallaa 1141 OODERICH CANADA al.tab•r .1 Csasatsa Weakly N.watm5m'• s•ocestlow Published every Thursday morning. noir ript'aa pro a 112.00. Per_ Try =,160 11 paid In advance. - THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD Telephone 3b : Goderleh, Ont. W.13. RoazaraON, Editor and Manager Thursday, Mat. 30th, 1, neo ZDITOsIAJ9L_ L THE SIGNAL GODERICH, OnT. A Yours Bo in PO'�3 Bal; Dr. Manion May Be y Ivtltl'Fat'S HILL, Kay Ir•-OitaSue- the Hepburn Home 'lay afternoon one of the largeM fun- erals ever held lu .this district was that of John l'ox, wheat dee or- 'IrycYl ut his hump, Tiltconcesalo , OD Premier and His Wife Have an Mey 24. That deeeaatd was well opted Bon in Their Tann kuuWII and highly respected Willa In- health," ittfiR nutnitrr Tyne at• Th1t rat k air., Bennett baa HOMO trots the fnurral un bd't'1.."` 'e apenh*�taa n liar day w'as a great home -lover and will be in the House. Frau those closely In To rOatl!n May ;B.-1'remi:r and Mrs long ,ulssd by those with whom he n)noh with him, it Is u','lo.tld lust he They have taken a *teltHepburn hare a new tuterest to life. spent lila Itfe. The sympathy of the finds himself tirireeng tt very ees11J• It which thous- communitl goes to Mrs. Cox and tam• is generally agreed w'ovlte Ins daui- anch' of others W.A.taken before them. ily hi their lost. genius for Mr. Bennett's health for The young mottle presented their him to attempt to cart? On much They Dave adopted a baby boy, and in Phil, "Here Cwa, 4 Charlie, " to t full Tinier. a few boyo tlptra will be a little gilt house at Nile on May _'I• and WillMr. Bennett took a crook at-Pves- _ t ,-he At a-lia_ yrs= _g!. 'nese-rust ter- .liephura of uutarlo -and _Mei" farm at South Yarmouth will be a 1U- people and, their trainer deserve c—McGeer ofTitw'n'w fereut place for Mr. and Mrs. llep as they have had severe' fltsappoikt' Tneedal he said their resent actions ments owing to illness of members of had destroyed Cam'dhut credit In London and that the Dominion 'Gov- ernment had had 10 abandon 0 {Attuned conversion lOan thew which would have saved for Federal treasury g700.000,annually for the next twenty Choice for Premier (Cantles*. from patio 1) recover way wonted strength and Now let's get ready for Goderieb'e big day, the 1st of July. burn They are bit -Wily engaged in Ione goes • • making a nursery for the children, and the east. When one good Tuesday's rain was a veritable soak- rimes up: ehlldish cries will echo through the down, however, another t,ir,nbuuse, filling the silence which has consequently they keep R^Leg and hope er And nobody grumbled prevailed for many years. Not so t„ put their play an two or three more • • '• many years ago the Hepburus Mosrnllnl seems to think he has dreams of having their own SOUS and found the Ethiopian in the wood -pile. I daughteves, huts ru tette hope nr wiped out tor • • • young Now there will be children again 3o Toronto is to Ret t mlllondol- not their own, it is true, but they wll lar tunnel to the island. It may not be their own In everything but blrt it 'which a�ter all is only au aevld an Incidental thing in the scheme Ilfe. The buy and girl will grow as the son and daughter of Mr. t Mrs. Hepburn. They will know fru parent love. these youngsters, and t affection wtdrh would .bate g' ne others had out fate Interveued will showered on them. The fact that Hon. David Cro1 Mater of Wifees at the- 1,4•„rn time engaged in a cdmpairn to ha children adopted Into familiar hue ha no bearing on the de,•ialon of tee l're ler and Mrs. Hepburn to adopt a fa fly. For a long time they have tonaldering this step and it was Ju In coming to full leafage as theya Queatlun of finding the children [ have been this year. Usually they wanted. And In taking two ehildr d times yer. Mr. Friend Itel ties. Toronto, spent year... fietmte • the holiday with Ile mother. Tatanrtea a Hese and Four S tutors have died :,ince the In ' COURRIE'S CORNERS recess began. There are now six - 1 ea teen vaeancles in WO Senate, the . h, --- standing now being ant Conservatives eu-t+at'RRIE'4 CORNER& ][ay 28•- and :r2 Liberals.. R -means a Copier - of Mlas Vera IJttle spent tI' week -end votive Senate for twiny years to come. ey with Mafeking friends.Mr George Drennan and - A. 1!. Thompt•rru conservative, S1m- cos East, resign...! is accept the post e l)orutl,c. and Miss Viola Baker spent of Ontario axe. t officer of the he Saturday at Kincardine. Da•roinlon Farm 1.•,:un hoard. There are now severs yrs :unties in the Com - to Mr. and Mrs. F.wart Jamieson and e two rltf'dren were Sunday vtaltors mons. with Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson of . On Wednesday '.: a c'yy'c of S." to 1, Para mount. ' tit, the Common• declined to accept s*i_ U .ant ..iat.- QeQLze McQuold� tste•ir.� " Ars 's •11• G:°fa. Lhor,�a, ve and Mr. Alfieri -Patterson of White Vimmnvee, to dh• -wits=i•t-* d chorda sIN•tit Friday evenirg with Mr. tion In that elty. • m- and Mrs. John little. It having been repartsd-that W. N. m- alias Jean Nelson clotted on Satur- Tilley. K.C., Terot,te. and Alme (lea- ste- be parry a great deal of trrmc, should be of some asstatauce In carry- ing a number of seats at the next election. • • • Chester's population Is reported this year as 1730, a drop from 'est year of thirty -tire. th Te. At the sat"e time' e canine population increased by twel following an Increase of rlueteen the previous year. 11111 McDonald's town_ seems to be going to the dog,i. • • • It Is seldom the trees art so 'IOW en day with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and felon• K.C., Maanrtll, emLtent Casa- st Mrs. John Mullin of Belfast. dlan constitutional lawyers, have ad - bey Miss Madeline Johnston has re- vised the Oovenirueut that the pro - en I turned from G,slerleh. where ate has posed fair trade and Industrial board in been ttur•dug for the past two months. reeummended by the royal eomn•tasion rn I Tln(o {svgde of Shia coromunity had on price spreads ae.i mala buying 1■ 0- '; the privilege last Wedne•utny evening ultra vire.., the Gorcrnmeo* on Thum - he of 11stentnR t r Mr. R. J. 1).yrhmen, Ray introduced f�.nr bails by wa.ich 11 it- who spoke in the Clutha hall. Mr. ' hopes to Implenlcut n+ much as pos- SUMMER COATS ^^t of an institution and bringing the are well out by the 2 -4th. sometimes several days earlier. .An advantage of lite ..loan to the citizens of tot Pr the Slower spring season ty that the elnc,, that the human hurt has t period of blossoming 1s prolonged, in- some yearning.. the world over, whet stead of being crowded in.., a few• er he or she be of high pr low statlo In life. days. Into their home. Mr. and Mrs Ilephu • • • ARF Sunday trucking may •'erne under the ban of the Provincial authnrltlet. There It to Micah to see why. when rail• St'tatt• rextll ways are prohibited from Parr? M-%Pnt any but through traffic )a aundaya, sir the trucks should be allowed•+to do safe ma buslnees at will. Resides the trucks altered y t•ancl add w the .congestion wb!ch makes erre• tonall ,Y•tion. motoring on Sunda! /t y minlstra OD ik•nchmnn was presented to the au- 'Able of the recommendations of that dlen.r be Reeve alurdo•i• Matheson. eo°mlission. It i- not ez'eYted that The meeting was well attended and then greater part of the bills Introduced of the death of their aunt, Mea. 1 rl•a 1t10N.4BLB PROPOSITION ea- ranch enjoyed. will In very eontr.r'w-iah thoagti Hon. (Clark of Moffat. Mr. Ilan McKee - Hugh Guthrie, llipisur of Justice. ad- ale, MIs" Annie McKenzle ■nd IIz- dl d- Kensle Wc4d, left un Ftrlday to AND SUITS Latest swagger styles in lusciously soft creamy white. Polo cloth and imported flannel weaves and silk lined. Specially priced. Sizes 16, 18, 38, 40. ;11.95 Each KNITTED SUiTS Made of finest all wool botany yarn. piece styles in pleasing pastel shades. Sizes 18 to 40. Each.... CNIFFONStOC�c Full fashioned, ringless and sheer. Suntan, beige and grey tones. Sizes 81/1 to 69c 10. Special AXMINSTER RUGS New arrivals and outstanding values. Barry - moor utake. Deep pile. Oriental and modern --designs, �r 4” it ', 6t. 6'9"i9'.., $GL.OV 9' x'10' 6".. • $29.00 $34.00 Three - $9.95 -CURTAIN SPECIALS T-- — — Balance of our big imported lot of new Cur- tains still at bargain price. Fishnet weaves, • doubt thread, in choice of patterns. Size 36' 1 2'i�j yards, in ecru or ivory. 98c Regular price $1.50, at per pair.... NEW DRESS CREPES Silk rough- weaver of beautiful texture. 38 inches wide in navys, greens, browns, ivory and black. Exceptional valve. 95c Yard BUTTERICK PATTERNS USED THE WORLD OVER TIIE PATTERN USED MAKES OR MARS THE STYLE OF YOUR GARMENT —USE BUTTEHICK PATTERNS— W. ACHESON & SON ST. HELENS luteiy clock. Afterwards MUSIC and •Prying to tour rrt'u%ers h. •u•uta ' dancing were enjoyed. Ls Tike standing up in a 5x1114301 alt • - Mr. George M.ilutlliu, of the (/.A.G, blowing on the salla." --Nell t•.rruh ST. HELENS, May i• -Toe messes. tine: th, has . - nrwl a Joh at the Ex- ere )leKenzle received word on Thuradal;periluenfal Farts, Kapuskastng, for the suntmer mouths. Satisfied [:nest -"Well, wafter that n'" Advertiser) ROI i 8 OF WORK Ye fib vacancies In that roittrYl that the bill pro ng amen r O(P O toinsh r-for1F,Wine and_ * O .,.r adl°R This w.Pe} we came business practices might a Visitor rut 'meets - hit W. A. Miller and sen majority. In 11111 when sticks. it IsTyond the power 0t the Dumtnloir-Yens -Todd with her perea 1. Mr --'Tai. Tins.* were Mr. and Mrs. Itio_.s across • '. F. re that MO Laurier could venni on and Mrtt. D. Told ; Miss Irene \\•u°d••1 be ('loris F. Kettering.KrtterinRone of the 'lament. Further ,•�mmect on the MI -N 1 'ah Hines. Mr. HWniten and urfty In the Senile he eon- wlth her parents. air. and Mrs Rob Jbht men of the General Motote Re- hills Introdtxed ty l! L.• reserved until Mie+ Slaty- \Wallace. ail of ■ ke ors• It wiser not to 1111 several ;,,,,sr,•fl Corporation. and he Rays: they are debate) .n, Ilse H,uoe no sec- to �Yrexls Misa Isobel Miller, with (:an ata with SI r. ■nd 11ts Joha es Re.. T. C. Wllktnoon and Mr. 1). Todd are attrtwllug the ('onfrren••e of the United Church at Stratfon, tilts was ■ tiptop dinner. You know what that means. don't yon?" ('olorod Walter -"Yea, Rah. it's one ore ren where the Conservatives al j (Fergus Newa-Reetooll . mews to the erimienl • 1 touching attend the funeral. week. [bat you top off with a t p. also be b a over the holldsr included: lie t daalIt.e Tote t�6a •• • • trdeat Rev. A. B. Forney, addressing St. Even If Marys Rotartans concerning visits t0iI by the the Kingatou ;.••nitentlary, said: "1 I party w would take the is nit,ntlary not of poll- i A reaso tics altogether " Or. would it lie bet- I filling „ p•nitentInry?- St. Thole ISS mea- on Mt nal. nett pia Or how would 1t do to put the poll- Sir Wil Wn bet parents. Mr. and urs Naar Mil WPI.. tw : Misses lerrett+t Boles alta on the ere of a general -There never has lN•e•n any thirty scud mating, Web. Boles and M r. Barr fit. Ir as , 'tureen S lir ulvers 1 i d h h d arsrthing 'Che bunlneas of the Ilouete last week ,ler• Mimes Dorothy aM, and to let the incoming a hour wiwk for men who lua. Liberal or Cuneervat►ce, to �,^ -. ate thlpka over the name.. w'aa taken op w!th lste�, with tht•Ir pa rent a, air- and Mrs ('rthartaes. ap-polntments.- Tbat U a pre- of tliwie L Fergus who are realty the Governsamp's ..t lobo 1Wclrater; Mrs.__ t.t'inkel, the Yr. Ons,. Yltrhnq Went _the hoLl- Ifoldnw,a W d a (n3Orenta. i-unslderation Of ,p{..en.enlxry pub-. Yr. RPllnett should follow. I beaded somewhere, the truth of this Ile works u'tion hill of $33,000. guest 'A40114111'0. f Sl r. and flea ay fifteen Lllernls were appointed 1 p1e16�n„ nppareot. isms the th Yiss Anule Stuart nt Ti rooto was Yrs. Ale:. Morello of T'•r5St� was next Government -the. Liberal tical over t home neer the holiday. at home nr'er tbabellda7• ould be in a minority of two. WILL NOT INCREASE WEALTH detail tone The Hardt ]ltsafon Its.n 111 Yr. ('harlr.. YeQtalllfa of ('laude treble rnmpr^mtse would be the 1\viunlpea Free Pcemt tM hill meet old ttatarel..y. June 1st. A hop. spent 1 half the vacancter before the Can wages and pekes M jotted up lBa, J•aring-the snecear/al - hesade -- - _ ttttr. rrmnirmdPr. Will Mr P.e. taws amt ttomirmr y the game •as fair" as did frill? Ion Is•ing sharply ert- ck of Information and the :different Items of orontn tunnel to Han- Ily west through. la Dail • on AVM Di tt fe hound -ay an visiting of the 1 1 5 -- d w II the the holiday weektt.d at girls of the eommuntty have an Inv!• Itis home here. tailors' "'r clot - is T p w long th"_ e _ lef11 --lies. Lowe ematio a. more lie of her mottle., ti.ht,•, atina-♦.e--the--whale •°Gnomic + t the heart of the Inane. and a mere 'remewh • qua. r path to mol- I statement of N gives the answer. The I tomewhaf with tta y,*em11fty of Yr- yrs, Reid. while tite tett• r la to at- arrncthr lo ID[ et'•Tw• F L H. Perkins. roantry-Sano['i►w-Sade richer tbanHn icurtt'. retiring soon. Ills snttessOr, tendance with her son, who is 1Y St ern puu,.pertty_'_ Jhaacla It is and the Incomes of workers and whrev, r he to ty he, w.'1 make many Port Elgin. tl rt ton Taylor Is up In New "Sly Rrtudfather Trus • cont• ., lhai nstlug boards to regulate flow bd of Sir. Onthrle, t. h-• chair- A community Rathering was bald • s • titian, In the p•nit.ntiary and keep NEWSPAPER MEN HAVE them there? NOT SECOND SIO HT producers cannot be Increased by nom- (changes In the Cabinet. The retire- Mr. Har s Ontario on a trip 11Nti...1g1Y1 to Bonnie I'ri Ire (::rt ,e. 1 rd the of men, front the Cabinet may be ex- h 11 t "1 supreme he takes PxcP1 en carr 1 6 s itm rd T R I Com- - 1 h l recently, w•• .•n \Ir and of it. _4, report Matted toy the Ontario Iia- (From the' Weta.Mkiw'lu ,Alberta) trade. The country spat , a d Flr tris Power (ommras'on ..tatty Ttmret flntP ICA average otandtir•1 of living. man 1nofthe so. George t',rley. Hon Yea yJamPn „Altchc.on, •newly-weds. "Ob, yes He wouldn't part who It tenor now ng the Niagara Q Cyt tears I �er yoke aw ed ant w 1 ,an ituprorement In .the ex.'wnge value !bra. Arthur Sante. likely o tem is now being the to the Quebec ' leers In her Coln• reproved u, for not contractors under the coWtracta which 'mentioning the fact that Rhe had a ,•f Its goods. The Trbe S; reads COM- I Dm Senate, lion. T. G. alnrp)hy, etc. mission. In Ito majority report. hes N. w blood likely to atlui�n Cabinet � the (locerumeut took power to cancel I friend staying with -Ler last week. We j completely ignored ilia simple truth. rook on going to the toupirr in. lodes t 1 told her she load not kat 110 know 1 at the recent session of the Legfela- ; nlont It. Then she said: "Wei, you I It has entirely overlooked the import- 110n. J. 1.. Bowman, Pres m Speaker, 1 tare" Only a stnatl portion of tM'should know. 1 thought you were rum- lance of foreign trade to Canaria and ('. W. Bell. R.C., Hamilton, Earl 1 1 power could be Sited profit- Wing a new•s1NaPer.•• ( the fact that low wages tied ions farm Rowe. Dufferfn-Shacoe, Col G R. i ! I Canada date from the die- boner• ES', Toronto, Hon. Dr. Ray- I ro ,. that "mere thafrotu n our -third of all re- 1 Ttie day before yesterday a perfect- lean IIs Increased in only two wsod by nil -stoners; 1 fah au aheolutr mks to production scud by C. IL (Llan Hoo. R. 4'. Matthews, were honored h1 n,e preaentati^n of a for anything. ilk l t go ln. h tr. nine, u rade. here Is nee reason :vhy Hydro Wouldn't that tattle ynnr slats? I extr ma shrinkage of ito °remelts mar- mood al"rarol, Vl'inrfeor, uoesfine Some people think that an editor kete. Nothing that regnlat,.ry Federal t:ngnon. Oor heater, etc. flit events rates are not lower. ought a t r a cross . between Argus j • ' ' and Walter Winch(11. They seem to 1 hoards can do will bring harit these are liable to Mme quickly ane of thesis The Callender qulutuplets had their think our -live ,cnwes ere a'Rmeoted 1 markets and at the basic Maw of days. Th.- et••Ptfon is rot expected first birthday anniversary on May 1.y a efxth that lets as know every. 1offalrthe economle maladjnstmsnts which umtll September, but an earlier appal thing that happens. even if we ser. I the Price Sprreeds"Commlas!on tnveetl- . (..the woo,. fs [sot beyond the meld29th, and continent-w'id. , almost feel, hear, taste or smell it or not. 1E00 , ..r p.asfhtllly. world-wide, iutereat was tike, in the snow lady. editors ore only hnman:l, • -event. i'eop}P...up to that Part of Ott- IL.r-mp_law a friend vesting yon, 1f Robert ars of Ottawa Writes a Book ped John _ _�_H lour line - will hand chop% his toe heaietltl.of n stk••ic IinalnP- itR year, aa- °"aa"'' l� i ► _ of London Writes A out t e a or of wood.. 1[. Jh1_t_hl • hn , MnY that •loft the Manes' ho�pltal In the hope' k t -nn rind or said lulppt• or mad _ of g 1 mn .•s seeing the Tomos*-lve: Dr. 1)14105. call urs np. That's TIN• wi•r to get It and his aadataata Will bate to exer- cise ceaseless sigllatital to preserve - - their Lala charges (a security and Pte• • • • Children, and perhaps some adults tpo, need to be warned against the practice of pulling up wilt flowers by the routs and thus destroying the .. beanty of the mantryslde. 1t Is rare •mpews :storing. are pedoring• law-abiding, ly that the plants can be tot to grow IInduntrk no and ouctessfn.. Wed prob In hotne gardens; so the uprooting ably most of them who.. they left means a total lose. Ever. 'he pluck- I Germany were Cad to be rid of the Ing of the blooms should be in modern- regimentation which tnolern Germany tion. Other people like to see the Imlohres nn its citizens and tare not wild flowers In the woods, and they j 1 Ii ht t Iia of wbmltting them -'I ml I Ile troy. Robert was Just begin exyresalnn. These cannot do no if the first-'nmero hare pleked them and earned 1Lem off, • • • A decialon of the Vnl'ei States la The Times. The Ottawa Journal of Mar 13th lost had an edit•.rial review of a hook- owe no tntttl an. e to Hitler, no mat- • loot lntblished by Nelson & tions ter how fmudly atiar•hed th" mac he- which greatly interested me for two to the Fatherland. Then there would reasons. The Zook Is the biography of 1N+ the question of their rradrofsalon a (*.Adler written by Rum' er. to ('annda ahopld they w'I•b to return ; and the author, Robert Stothers, Is an to thls country after the term of mill -1 old-time uU nntieli neighbor whin twas my l wont to rim. Most Germs••= In tide teach In S.S. No. 13 at Belfast, more than fifty years ago. One of my trustees, Mr. John !Rot era. had ecr•en .,ons. The youngest ; writing Of ti bat he calls. aptly, • three were I•CI SIS of mine. One of 1 Biographical Memorial to R. H. Cow- th,• oiler Inds. Thomas`, was afterwards :Icy. It is a ls,ott In which Mr. Stott• 1 Warden of Iluron county snd•Ii now len' admiration for Mr. (A leyP and 1 )atmnstcr at Dungannon. The 1 reverence for his memory D did the s R es Idea , r '. two dist ng II selves to it again. ning his teacttina ,'artier at S.S. No. 9- I edacatlonists had much in common Blake's school they colied It then, the beyond the fart that they were togeth- mIeleru name. i think, is 1lafettng, er nn-t-1Mgttr -staff for three years. (One of the Student,' under him, W. from 1)4141 to ISM when Mr. Cowley ii. Jobnoton of Exeter, afterwards 1 taught wiener Were._ They had been Supreme Court has ruled the NRA- Iff ami trade experts hare been In- t.iugltt the Mame school and like him -friend,. moue years before that pet- Jtresldent i tooaevelt's "new deal"- strutted to hold themselves in resell self give many yearn of valuable ser- I lod, continued. friends) until they death to he unconstitutional, and as a result '1 •rP to the profesrdon. t After four I severed their aasoclatlon. 4Od, hey the whole country has Leen thrown into confusion. A slmn ar fate is like Blatt active ner%ire. exercised his gifts an a .wrltte in various ways, atld this biography is a good example of the fine literary style be acquired. What follows -1e the editorial arttele, under the title '".l -Libor of Love." from the Ottawa papa?, In pert '."Mr, Robert Stothers, who taught in Illegal' Collegiate from lflfi7 until jhis retirement In 192'4 sod lett. the (Imprint of hi• fine mind on euceselce geser-atiotts of Ottawa boys and girls, lme derotM some of his leisure to the ,_a • • The Globe's Ottawa Correspondent Oates that "Canadian GNersatent tar - nets to tears. for Washington to dis- cuss details of lite trade tglFement proposals." Aa it la well known. both at Ottawa and at Wanhirgtan, that It will be impossible to have any trade agreement. with WashlntIOn ratified 1 oval yearnm o it, hitt Mr Htothers !were trenrh,i+ of 'the old sehool, remained a little longer In the die- of vigor and &erecter and personal - trio, teaching. studying and laying In. Ity who con-,•strated on th. ementials telle•tual foundations that nerved him of edtucntion. well In later ypera. While teaching "Mr. ('otrl,•y's career was one of the Iinlyrrod .11001 north of Luck- great pahltr usefulness. Mr. Stothers Ins secured a first-c:ass eerttfieate, writes Intert-tlagly of each phase. Days ty to befall much of the Bennett Gov- ernment's an-ealisd 'reform" legisla- tion. The Liberals at,Ott'itra propose a conference with the Provincial Oovernmenta before the lauacb'ng of 'etiolation on matters whleh np to the prevent time have leen r,rognized as being within the pourers of the Provinrer( Prelusively. The attitude of the Government leads to the suspicion that there la more anxiety to bare the legislation paused b•tore the Plea gee than to ensure Ile eonetltntlonallty. • • • has dtrrred that Mitre• f*ers have emigrated to other return to Germany for ft le helie*wd 4hat la Canrdrt will ono this, they before the expiration of the present wtrl,h made him eligible for high lndeYluate trlbktP to Mr. Cowley Parliament, It looks as If Ottawa were eehrol work, and In 1w47 he was ap- j'fln. Intelle tail Qualities. 400101 gifts, pointed to the staff of th. Collegiate I cultured ming, noble ebaraeter........a inetttute at ()hewn Here he served ' man with mach eharm of manner, a with oingnlar cswt'PR* for forty-one very wlnttthr, sating. perradtnf let' rear'. and here was formed a lasting nonality, very prtIi'ttlar in the amenl- frlendnhtp between him and the Rab Ileo of life HP held old -fast toned jest of Iris hook, Mr. R. 11. Cowley. but very admirable views on the lisped another tttnflnns, progresses* t,-rebPr of discipline to youth, the need of th- who also was working np. Mr. Cowley wee ensrpoolvrly nubile .ehonl tencher, model cehoM tpaeher, ariamis master 4a the ('ntlegtate. coan- (y 011001 tnwpector: Prev4wetst for of 'nntlnnetir.n schools, chief in- spector of public and aPparate arhOOln Men's Clothes Come in and • look over MtSpring ailed >diaer They_are.superb. • i Everything that's new_ r a.• e .Econ. Chas. Black East Street and Square OODERICH making a gesture for election purposes. It would not be the Bret tlme such a stratagem was (employed. Away hack In 11491, when the Con.Prcatire Gov- ernment watt having Mrd pressed by the Literal (lppnsltIOn, It watt an- nnnnesl, on the PIP of election, that an levitatloe from Washingteu for the nefot la t ion of n trade treaty had been Pose sed fad t(rtmpted- Atter the etee- tlnn, which wan won M the romper - attraction in ,nerals and r•ondnr'f lie was devoted eonacientioea, loved his work. gave ttr-bIR twat. in the truest sons• he SS. at 0000 who have given seamerree are Owlet/am to this soak& 7'onntry, anal $a name ettern4.1 swre'hr1' In the ranting pnnWny that In'lnAM vativte by a narrow maJyrit7, It was for Ontario, and finally. up to the as well his peens biographer. revealed that no such Invitation had .tlalre� faith M 1tIR7, Ade( la- "The hook IspnWlAh ed foe t anther w144440d &Eiji' f sampl in Toronto EfJt''hrmnl4 VMa n soonePn form _Mf -Ws•n, anoperator n ssal It were isonsgnfnd ittong. — _..__-� _ Yr:._ftelbeh r-.P1aa.-b1 i•ass. -4*f serttla.a korai} f0CePdol1...:- 1, - • • rv- ✓/ HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION YOU are Molly interested in the success of Hydro, because, as a citizen of this municipality, you are a partner in this gigantic enterprise and because it means so much to you in personal income. Cheap power has been a real magnet in attracting industry to this Province, with a consequent employ- ment of thousands of workers and larger payrolls. In addition to this, the payrolls of Hydro and allied electrical trades swell the buying power of the • citizens of this Province. In Ontario's industrial development, therefore, Hydro influences your pay envelope, regardless of your occupation. HYDRO 4htelm-3k,94 2a POI"• meeeele di en , ' At th• alums tins that ie is dom- ing wealth f er the home Hydro is M saving work in she home. This month, for instance, your Hydro Shop or dreier is featuring lam. cooking htl.rtric Ranges arid do new Rorie.. Min makes k eu('IS sawn and aur mpay for Oar, ass mamas of �r4c Cao