The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-03-22, Page 7,Cancer.; :can be beaten 100,000 volunteers•in Ontario. • Believe It Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 22, 1978—Page 7 Lucknow Legion Dance Saturday, March 25th LES PETTER SHOES LUCKNOW LORNE REID PHONE 528.2011 SHOE REPAIR SKATE SHARPENING Lucknow Agricultural Society Meeting Tuesday, March 28th Lucknow Town Hall . AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery & Feed will be held for LORNE BECKING At Lot 26, Conc. 11, Culross Twp. 2 comers north of Teeswater on Hwy. 4, then 2'/2 miles West on TUESDAY, MARCH •28 starting at 10:30 a.m. MACHINERY Allis Chalmers D19 tractor; Allis Chalmers 'WD45 tractor with loader, blade, half-tracks, log lifter andgravel bucket; Allis Chalmers D10 tractor with loader; Allis. Chalmers 121/2 ft. cultivator (new); Konskilde 131/2 ft. cultivat- or with levelling harrows; Allis Chalmers 3 P.H. 8 ft. cultivator; § furrow International ace bottom plough; - McKee 81/2 ft. chisel plough; Massey Ferguson 17 run seed drill (used one season); Allis Chalmers 3 P.H.; Massey Harris 32 plate trail disc; McKee Model "D" harvester with hay head, corn head, approx. 100 ft. of pipe; McKee self loading forage rack; Owatonna No. 35 swather with hay conditioner and . 2 sets . of reels; John Deere wagon; ,Cock- shutt wagon; New Idea 165 bu. manure spreader. (like new); New Idea 7 ft. mower; New Idea side rake; swath turner; walking plough;. 2 land.' rollers; 3 P.H. blade; Massey Harris 6 ft. one way disc; 3 sets drag harrows; 1200 lb. scale; 3 Stihl chain saws; quantity of fertilizer; air compres- sor; electric grinder; 3 ton Dodge truck with stake racks and hoist, selling as is; Mildmay threshing machine, 32 x 46; International hammer mill; McKee snow blow- er; Calsa weed sprayer on wheels (100 gal.);. grain aerator; 5 H.P. electric motor; grain blower; garden tiller; International cream separator; 1 Surge milking mach- ine unit; cement miner with 1 H.P. motor; quantity of lumber and :cedar posts; quantity of drive belts, various lengths; drill press; quantity of logging equipment, including cant hooks, axes, log- ging chains,. etc.; also a washing machine; G.E. electric stove; Wingham Clipper wood cook stove. FEED Quantity of foraged hay and straw; seed, approximately 20-25 ton mixed grain; and many more items too numerous to mention. NO RESERVE - FARM SOLD TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE LUNCH BOOTH Owners and Auctioneers not • responsible for accidents in any way connected with sale OWNER: LORNE BECKING Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh Teeswater, 392-6170 Grant McDonald Ripley, 395-5353 =--12ar THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is for sale in Lucknow at Montgom- ery's Sunoco, Umbach's Pharm- acy, H and B Discount, Lucknow Service Centre, ' Sepoy 'Drive -In, Sepoy Stationery and Printing and Bekker Milk Store, —tf CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Machinery, Livestock and Miscellaneous Items will be held for GORDON STRUTHERS On SATURDAY, APRIL 1,.1978 at 12:30 p.m. SHARP Lot 15, Con. 13 West Wawanosh One corner east and One corner south of Lucknow LIVESTOCK 15 Hereford heifers, approxi- mately 750 lbs to be sold by the. pound. MACHINERY Ford 3000 diesel tractor with loader, 21/2 years old, 750 hours; Allis' Chalmers B tractor, good condition; International Cultivat- or, 9 ft., 3 PHT.; Set of .Fleury Bissell 30 plate discs; Cockshutt 26 plate disc; 3 sections of spring tooth harrows; 2 sections of spring tooth harrows; Internation- al 15 run grain drill, power lift; 5 sections of drag harrows; 4 sections of drag harrows; one way disc; Massey Ferguson 3 furrow plow, 3 P.H.T., 12" bottom; International 3. furrow plow, ace bottom, 3 P.H.T.; International semi -mounted 7 ft. mower;' New Idea Trail type mower, 7 ft.; .Case 9 ft. pull type swather; Allis chalmers 72 Combine with pickup and reels; Massey . Ferguson No. 15 manure spreader; John Deere side rake, 4 bar; 28 ft. Farmex elevator with hopper; motor for elevator, 1/2 H.P.; 6 ton Smith wagon with rack 14 ft. rack; wagon with grain box; 2 unit Universal milker and motor; set of 2000 lb. scales; set of 750 lb. scales; 10 ft. grain auger; electric chopper, Little . Beaver; set of electric clippers; set of electric cliers with sheep head; 2 sets of tractor chains; V -type snow blower; 26 ft. extension ladder; 3 bushel red clover seed; harness; double trees; electric Viking cream separator. FEED & EQUIPMENT 3500 bales of hay; 5 ton cob corn; 25-30 ton mixed grain; feed. rack, 22 ft. long; hammer mill, P.T.O. drive. MISCELLANE(S Stove pipes, picture frames, many antique items; many small articles too numerous to mention; 12x22 garage on skids and30' aerial with good mast and rotar will be sold if not sold prior to. sale. Sale will be held under cover if weather not good. TERMS CASH FARM SOLD Owner or Auctioneer are not responsible for accidents Auctioneer Brian Rintoul —12,13 • Give yourself a break. Take a walk. nMnunar ansa Walk a Wd tk.`linlaA AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Machine will be held for IVAN RIVETT 21/2 miles west of Dungannon, on concession 5 on - MONDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:00 p.m. Auctioneers Grant McDonald Ripley,, Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh Teeswater, Phone 392-6170 —12ar IN MEMORIAM CRANSTON - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Earl Cranston, who passed away March 18th, 1975. They who think you are. gone Because no more your face they see Are wrong for in our' hearts you' live And always will in memory. Lovingly remembered by your. k lwev_�.:__ wife Gladys, and children and grandchildren. —12x MacINTYRE - In loving memory of a dear brother, Joe, who passed away March 24th, 1975. )3e is gone across the river, To the shore of evergreen And we long to see his dear face But the river flows between.' Some day, sometime we shall see The face we loved so well, Some day we'll clasp his loving hand And never say farewell. Always loved •and remembered by your brother- Archie and sisters, Pearl and Thelma. —12 Newspaper advertising is like having a party line to our entire circulation! Place your message today! SENTINEL PHONE 528-2822 COUNTY OF HURON CARETAKER REQUIRED FOR County of Huron Full [' time employment. Excellent working conditions and employee benefits. Ap- ply in writing to the under- signed no later than 12 noon, Wednesday, April 5th, giv- ing personal particulars, previousemployinent and references to: HILL G HANLY Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Courthouse, Goderich, Ont. Too fat? Too thin? Toot red? Too often? Do something for somebody... Your body! Fitness is fun. Try some. paaTIC/paCT/0n1 Askes Bros. "/ZO, N 41i Construction Custom Homes - Cottages - Additions - araarl Farm Buildings - Renovations RICHARD ASKES OFFICE, LUCKNOW, 528-2726 BERT ASKES WINGHAM, 357-3053 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Sealed. Tenders Plainly marked, will be received by either of the. undersigned until 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 4, 1978 for approximately 12,000 cu. yds. 5/8" grandlar material on Township roads, and approximately 1,000 cu. yds. stockpiled, to be completed by 15 June„ 1978. Tenders must be submitted on Township tender forms, available. at Clerk's office, and accompanied by certified cheque. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to approval by Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Mrs. Joan Armstrong, Cleark-Trenasure.r George Humphrey, Road Superintendent, R.R. 2, Lucknow, Ontario LARGE AUCTION SALE OF NEW FURNITURE FRIDAY, MARCH 31/78 7:30 p.m. AT THE WINGHAM .ARMORIES (Behind the Police Station) Consisting of 2, 3, 4 pc. chesterfield sets, bedroom sets, dining room sets, bunk beds, captain bed, mates beds, stereo set, 'chrome suites, coffee and end tables, box spring and mattresses, reclining chairs, desks, odd chairs, lamps, dish sets, copper and brass pieces; and,many more useful household items. Be sure to attend this auction. Here is a chance to buy new home furnishings at prices you can afford to pay. Preview 5 o'clock til sale time Register for bidding number TERMS - CASH, CHEQUE, CHARGEX OR MASTER CHARGE NIGHT OF SALE SALE CONDUCTED BY AYLMER SALES ARENA • SALES MANAGER AUCTIONEER ED KiKKERT JAKE WICKERT PHONE 519.773.2261