The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-03-01, Page 20itechurch Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of Windsor spent the weekend with their parents here. Mrs. John Stewart and Pauline of Blyth spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Allan-Maclntyre of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClen- aghan. Other visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Janet and Kimberly were ''Mrs. John Crowston, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin, t , Stephen, Faye, Donald and Michael of West Wawanosh. Miss Linda Moore on Monday accompanied her father, John Moore to Toronto. Visitors on Sunday with Wil- ford and John Clipperton were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ward, Strath- roy, Mrs. Cousins, Thorndale, Jenna _Mullis and girl friend, London and Ed Hogg, Thames - ford. The village card party was held Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Webster with 3 tables in play. Next party will be sponsored by Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Allan Falconer at the home of Mrs. Osborne on Monday, March 6.. Mrs. Walter Moore spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore of Wroxeter. John Moore of Toronto spent the weekend at his home here with Mrs. Moore and family. Little Timmy Falconer on Friday celebrated his 4th birthday with a party. Word has been received that Kenneth Purvis of Mitchell, a former resident of Lucknow' vicinity, on. Friday was admitted to- Stratford Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and family and Mrs. John Crowston_of Lucknow on Sunday visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Emmerton in the Nursing Home at Southamp- ton. Mrs. Emmerton is the former, Elauza Crowstori of the Langside community. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crow- ston and Debbie of Chatham spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. John Crowston, and visited Sunday with his ' sister, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Mr. Laidlaw, Janet and Kimberley. Mrs. Jhantzi (the firmer Anetta Fisher) of Milverton is a patient in Stratford Hospital. Her many friends here wish her a speedy recovery. Whitechurch W.I. Curator meeting will be held Wednesday, March 8 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Victor Emerson. Roll call, name the bell you liked or disliked most in childhood. Topic - Home & Country and the Pioneer School Teacher from Women of the Wilderness. Readings, contest. Lunch, Mrs. T. Metcalfe, Mrs. E. Johnston and Miss Merle Wilson, ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Porteous of Lucknow were Sunday visitors with Mr. and . Mrs. Victor Emerson. Frank Jamieson of Toronto spent the weekend . with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson and family. The Young Peoples' Society of Whitechurch and Langside held a snowmobile and toboggan party on the second concession on Saturday with an attendance of over 20. They returned to .the church for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacMillan of Watford ,and Mrs. George Tiffin of Lucknow were Saturday evening callers on Mr. and Mrs. Wesley . Tiffin. Carolyn and Henry Versteeg of R. . R. 2 Wingham visited on the weekend with' their cousins Andy and • Linda • Versteeg of East Wawanosh. The World Day of. Prayer "Community Spirit in Modern Living", is the theme . of ..the prayer for this year. It will be held Friday, March .3 in Chalmer's BY VALETTA EMERSON Church Sunday School room at 2.30 p.m. with guest speaker Mrs. Grace Richardson, home on holidays from teaching school in Africa. All interested people are invit- ed to attend and share a time of Christian fellowship and com- munity spirit. We ' are sorry to report Bill Willis was admitted on Friday to Wingham Hospital. We wish him a very speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and Clare have purchased a house in Belgrave and are moving there. Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Beth- any, Anna and Laura arrived .dome on Sunday after visiting from Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Hood, Mr. Hood and family of Toronto and with. her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Hobbs of Trenton. Whitechurch W.M.S. 'will be held Wednesday, March 15 at the home of Mrs. Alan Falconer at ' 2 o'clock. Leaders, Mrs. Milligan and Mrs. Bill Gibson, Helpers, Mrs. D. Caesar' and Mrs. H. Craig. Roll call, an Easter verse. Courtesy, Mrs. Wm. Rintoul. Those with birthdays Januaxy to March will present donations. To celebrate Mrs. Ella John- ston's birthday on Friday, she was entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson's where Judy, Janis, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and -Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson : of Kitchener were present: On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood' and Sylvia of Egrnondville had Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wood and Jill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston -and Donna of St. Pauls present forthe occasion. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smith of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith of New Dundee and 2 little girls were present to celebrate the occasion. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston of Listowel cele- brated the birthday with his mother at her home in Wingham. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 In farm financialmatters farm experience matters . • ... and that is just what you can count on, farm financial experience, when you team up with the Royal Bank. Here is FARMPLAN ... the Royal Bank's i:inancial services package that provides Line -of -Credit Financing including Credit for operating, expansion and improvements. Here is FARMPLAN Creditor Life Insurance, the FARMCHEK Business Rqcord System, FARMPLAN Income Opportunities and total AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT Services. Here too is the ROYFARM MORTGAGE Program. Your Royal Bank manager • will be pleased to discuss FARMPLAN and the many other Royal Bank seices with you. ROYAL BANK serving Agriculture LUCKNOW BRANCH RIPLEY BRANCH 1 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednewisty, Mar. I, 1978 -'Page 21 Johnston Bros. (Bothwell Ltd.) Dungannon, Ontario Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone Cement Gravel and Road Contractors Picked Up and Delivered Open Daily 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone: Dungannon 52.9-7947 INCOME TAX H&R BLOCK 11 19: VICTORIA ST. N., GODERICH ON HIGHWAY 21 PHONE 5248658' Kincardine Office 396.4646 PERSONAL, BUSINESS AND FARM RETURNS ALL RETURNS GUARANTEED POP SIOPPE POP Available at GARRY'S AUTO SERVICE LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3022 44 PLETCH ELECTRIC W1NGHAM RESIDENTIAL—FARM--INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Phone Collect 357-1583 r Take a closer look DID YOU KNOW THAT Sepoy Stationery and Printing 'HAS Boxed All Occasion Cards Buy Get Well, Birthday, Baby, Sympathy and Anniversary Cards By the Hoc and SAVE. SPECIR&10/a i> s v���K Off THIS ; ALL BOXED CARDS PHONE 528-2919 DON-THOMPSON, PROP. gl