The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-02-22, Page 27Whitechurch CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 Streetsville .with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly . and family. Clara attended the high school dance. On,Thursday Win ham high school pupils enjoyed a holiday as the teacherswere taking part in the rotating teachers' strike. Lorne Forster on Sunday, February 12, took Alfred Patter- son attenson to London to St. Joseph's Hospital where on Monday he underwent surgery on his hip. The community wishes him a very speedy recovery. Mrs. Wallace Conn accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Douglas -Conley and Jason to London on Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor. , Mrs. Earl Caslick visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley and Jason. Hector Purdon of Strathroy visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Tiffin were Sunday ,visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Wesley ;Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Caslick of Culross were Saturday visitors with his mother, Mrs. Earl Caslick of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs..Tohnston Conn of Wingham returned home. from Florida on Wednesday. Mrs.: ' Harvey Osborne and Laura and Mrs. ' Victbr Emerson - were Sunday callers. on 'Misses Annie and Mary Laidlaw. Saturday evening visitors with Mrs. Ella Johnston were Mr. and Mrs: Ted Robinson and Janice of Donnybrook. - Mr, and Mrs. Gary Black of C }inton were recent visitors with 1VSrs� Ella Johnston' of Wingham. Mrs.. Ella Johnston and George Griggvisited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs: Jim Johnston of Listowel.. Whitechurch .4-H club held their first meeting Monday •even- ing February 13 at the home of Mrs. Walter Elliott with 8 girls, Lorie Purdon, Janet Laidlaw, Mary Moore, Lori Jamieson, Kendra Purson, Faye Irwin, Kathy Purdon and' June Alton present. The election of officers were, president, June Alton; vice president, Janet Laidlaw; press reporter, Lorie Purdon and secretary, all take their turn. The name of the club will be decided at the next meeting and meetings are to be , held on Monday evenings at 7 o'clock. The leaders outlined the work for project, Consider Your Cloth- es, .discussed 'record books and colour in clothing. Whitechurch card party was held Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin with '4 tables in play. The next partyis to be •held next Monday evening, February 27 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Webster. Mr. arid Mrs. Leroy Rintoulr Carol, Kimberley and Debbie of Tottenham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul, , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and Mr. and Mrs. Black •of Belgrave. UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING The annual' 'ineeting of White- church 'United Church was held Wednesday evening, February 15 in the' church, with an attendance of 10. The minister, Rey. W. Brown,, opened the meeting with scripture reading. The minutes were read by ,Mrs, Millan Moore for her husband, Millan Moore, secretary, who vias unable to be present. Members of session re -appoint- ed are • clerk, • M, Moore, • C. Laidlaw, R. Chapman, . C. Whyt- ock, E. Sleightholm and D. Gibb Trustee ''Board, C.. Laidlaw," E ,Sleightholin and 12. Chapman; secretary treasurer, Milian Mo- ore; auditors, Ivan Laidlaw, C. Laidlaw a.n • Mrs. Doris Willis; organist, Mrs. Agnes Farrier, assistants, Mrd.. Jean Tiffin, John Gibb; Observer, Mrs. Agnes Farrier; ushers, G. Chapman, P.. Chapman, C. Laidlaw, J. .Whyt- ock, C. Whytock, M. Gibb, Clare Weber, Ken arid Calvin Quipp. The session report showed a very successful year due to Rev. W. Brown's untiring efforts despite the pain of arthritis. Resident members were 48 and non resident, 12. Members re- moved by death were 2; .removed by certificate 4. Removed by death were Mrs. Elizabeth Flana- gan, Dalton Schultz, Mrs. Tom Inglis, Mrs. R. Hutchison. The U.C.W. had an active year. Two bales of clothing'were sent to Fred Victor Mission in Toronto • • valued at $219. 39 lbs. of used clothing plus White Gifts were sent . to Larry King's' fund in Newfoundland. The Sunday School with super- intendent, Clifford Laidlaw., sec- retary treasurer, Elmer Sleight - holm, cradle roll, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and teachers, Mr. and Mrs. GGarry Chapman and Mrs. Clifford' Laidlaw had a very successful year. They supported a foster child in Brazil at a cost of $180 and closed with a financial balance,.. This year the two charges, Whitechurch and Bluevale, were able" to put a washer fridge and bathroom floor in the manse and alsb a new garage. A Young People's group of the Luckn+w Sentinel, Wednesday, Feb. 22, 197$; --Page i7 Local churches meet every second week at the manse. Thesponsor a child and are very active,. . CUALMERS' W,M. S. • The February meeting. of. Chalmer's Women's Missionary Society - was held Wednesday, February 15 at Mrs, Angus Falconer's home. The leader, Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, welcomed .all / and gave the call to worship. Mrs; Don Ross was organist, • Mrs, Angus Falconer read the scrip- ture and gave the meditation. Mrs, Robert Mowbray led in .prayer. A `reading was given by` Mrs. John de Boer. The 'topic, Faith, Hope and Love; was given by Mrs. Wesley' Tiffin. A quiz on Apostles of Jesus was conducted by Mrs. V. Ennerson, The 1st vice president, Mrs, Don Ross, presided for the , business in the absence of 'the president, Mrs. $ill .Rintoul, The minutes were read by secretary _ Mrs. V. Emerson. it was decided to accept the dishes from Langside if they wished to give them. • Arrange- ments were made for Day of Prayer March 3, to be. held in Chalnier's Presbyterian Church, with guest speaker, Mrs. Grace Richardson, The offering was received by Bethany Osborne and dedicated -by Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Purdon gave a reading. Mrs. Osborne closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Falconer `served refreshments, +a.:__ ...•0.- 0 O 0 D !RVG save, E "Well Worth -Looking For" Prices Effective Until MAR. 4 W Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities ' Du. to Space limitations . and availability at tins of sale,, items shown may not all be available at all locations. '. C/eansing Cream BEAUTY:BAR 3.5 o#99 g- WHITE. ONLY. xJ Registered trademark of Drug Trading Company Ltd. BONUS OFFS AO% MORI BARS FOR ONLY NEO CITRAN Adult 10's *1a.29 Baby Scott DISPOSABLE DIAPERS *1.99 Regular 30's ROBITUSS1N OM 6-$ Hour *1 29. Cauyh Formula 4 to.. PLAYTEX TAMPONS AR R ID Extra Dry 40% BONUS • 12.6 oz.* ■, 9 BABY. SHAMPOO 500 ml 411/ • COTTON ' TIPPED SWABS $1.49 180's TIC ABSORBENT PUFFS 300's 790 .r..111111111111111 NOXZEMA SKIN, CREAhA *1 99 220 mi SPECIAL 'fp Regular ' r Deodorant •*2.19. *2. 4k, "YAP -AIR" STEAM VAPORIZER Automatic Shutoff Cover -Lack Top Elmer Umbuch.I. LUCKNOW *6" While Quantities Last! CREST. 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