The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-02-22, Page 17Board sits stage....,.. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 three weeks may mean the difference in earning enough money to goyto university this fall or delaying university for a year: DOESN'T UNDERSTAND George Robertson,.a parent of :a student in Grade 12,, Goderich, said he attended the board meeting tq • try to understand the situation. He said he had learned. nothing. He said he was trying to determine if the ; board was trying to hold the line on education expenses or correct a situation that was wrong. Robertson said his daughter was "caught in the middle" of the strike situation. He said she doesn't know from one day to the next if ;there will be any school adding that when teachers do work they appear "bitchy'.' because , of the con.t`i ct- problems. Robertson said his daughter was concerned about getting her year. He said • he told her that she would be going to college this year but added that the best he could do was give "parental assurance", ._The father said that if the strike proved to be lengthy he would. seek private tutoring for her.. The parent said his daughter is confused about the situation because of the number of accounts she has heard. He said he had little doujbt she was being taught by some teachers in, favor of the strike ,and some not in favor of.. it. The difference in at , titudes. by the teachers has not enabled her to get a clear picture of the situation, Robertson said. He said as he reads the situation from attending the board meeting it seems to be a "light issue to strike over" butadded that it seerns to have greater . implications down the line. Letters.... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 needed. He's .got his two feet on the balustrade of the veranda and a bottle of .beer in hand. He looks bored. He looks bored till he sees the jeep and you in it. Then he jumps up. He already knows. There is something about you that tells: You're still thirty feet away and you already have made up. what he'said. He-. said Hurrah. You're sure of it. You jump out of the jeep and yell "Am 'I glad to see you. •And while shaking your hand and tapping you on the shoulder he exclaims, "Mon cher ami! Comme jesuis content de vous voir." You never 'learned so much French at school. Nevertheless you knew right away what the chap said. And ,when you fetched the Molson while asking him where he was from, he more or less guessed it and said, "Trois Rivieres." Then you said, "Good fishing, la -bas, ne'est-ce pas?" And he said, "Jolies inademoisel. les too.'.' And you said, "Chicago I31ack Hawks 3-3 at Montreal," and he answered, "Mais oui. Bouchard et Tony Esposito." And from then on, Mister, et vous Monsieur, we're better Canadians abroad than the very few disheartening Canadians we have here. A. Joe Legrand R. R.1 Kincardine (Att berley), Ont. "I just tell her that one way or • another if she's got the ability she'll get her year," he said. The board of education will not "commit itself about lecking out the teachers and seems content to suffer through problems created by the rotating strikes. Some board members are ' op- -timisticabout the teachers' concern for the delivery of education and are hopeful that teachers will return to the classrooms while the contract talks go on. LOCAL 4H LEADERS ATTEND CONFERENCE Jim Papple, R, g. 4 Seaforth; John Carvalho, R. R. 1 Walton; Don Watson; R. R. 4 Clinton Bill Brock, 246 Sherwood Crescent, Exeter;, Barry Filrgtf, R. R. 1 Lucknow; Ken Gemmell, R. R. 2 Kippen, represented Huron ounty 4-H Leaders at the annual Provincial 4-H Leaders' Confer- ence held at the Sheraton Centre, Toronto, on February 10th and 11th. • During -the Conference, the leaders took " part in, workshops and discussion groups 'covering numerous aspects of the 4-H program. With an emphasis on improving communication skills, participants were exposed to various methods of presentation and effective teaching methods. John Gillham, a well-known communicator from Toronto op- ened the Conference with his thoughts on the "Importance of Expressing Yourself Well". Dis- cussion groups, demonstrations and illustrated talks, followed the theme throughout the two days. Niagara North County 4-H members Kathy Deuxberry, wendy Deuxberry, Lisa Merrit and. Theresa Faolosini presented their demonstration on "Pruning r Grape Vines" to the leaders on Saturday morning. This group were entrants at the 4-H Demon- stration Competition at the Can- adian National Exhibition in 1977. The one hundred delegates to ' Lucknow Sentinel M Weduesdu�y, Feb. 22, 1978 -Page 17 the Conference represented the 1,50Q agricultural 4-H leaders in the province. HOLYROOD 4-H CLUB The second meeting was held on February 18th at 9.45 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Shirley Stanley.. Five members were present. Everyone answered the-. roll` call by showing a picture of a garment, which would be suitable for them and explaining why. Beth Gingrich read the minutes of the first meeting and they were adopted as read. We voted on°our name and the result was "Holy - rood Tip Top Tailors". We chose a design for our cover featuring a girl at a sewing machine. We looked at various colour wheels, and then Mrs. Gingrich and Mrs. Stanley read over the section in our book called "Colour in Clothing" • ' It discussed how colour could affect your mood and figure. Then we discussed "Selecting the fabric for your blouse" and different types of material. Mar- lene Murray then showed us her assembled sewing box and ex- plained what all she had in it. Preparing the fabric was also discussed. PRE__: F'INISHEQ WALL PANELS _. SIZF. 4 FT. x 8 FI', :WESTERN CEDAR Overlay .Panel $1s68 Per Panel ALSO Coloured Nails and • Matching Vinyl Molding •••••••••••••••••••••••S•••••• ALSO IN STOCK STA -DRI PAINT WHITE ••••••••••••••0s•• ••••*••••••.• JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. Pham 528 31)8 Lucknow n DONNYBROOK MEETING 2 The second meeting of Focus on Living was held February 11, 1978. Our next meeting will be held February 18th at Robinson's. Lois Chamney was our guest and she helped get the members started on quilting their samples and answered any questions. We discussed quilting and worked on our samples. The president closed the meeting and we enjoyed a snack ,prepared. by Janice Robinson. ZIPPY TRINETTES 11 The first,meeting of this project "Focus on Living" was opened with the 4-14 pledge at the home • of Dona Campbell February 14 at 7 p.m. Our leader is Mrs:. Dona Campbell and her assistant is Mrs...Wendy Nixon. Roll call was answered by seven members. Election of officers are as follows: president, Sandra Camp- bell; vice president, Janice Hack- ett; secretary, rotate; press reporter, rotate: Next meeting is February 21 in Dona Campbell's , home. We had a discussion on this meeting'.s topic, Mental Health. Velket1?e/ia,6/e Om* afileaso�ab/ePrices .1978 GRANADA, 2 door `1978 FORD F100, pickup . 71978 FORD CUSTOM 500', 4 door 1976 FORD 1 TON, F 100, 8V automatic with power steering • 1976 DART SWINGER, 2 door, 6 cyclinder, automatic 1675 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY, 2 door 1975 CORONET STATIONWAGON 1974 FORD F100 pickup 1974—DODGE COLT STATIQNWAGON 1974 DODGE MONACO, 2 door hardtop with ' air conditioning 1974 GMC VAN • 1974 FORD GALAXIE 500, 4 door 1 I 1973 CHFV s/.ton pickup 1971 CHEVELLE, ' 4 door 1970 DODGE, 4 door sedan 1/2 TON TOPPERS IN STOCK SEE THESE AND OTHERS ON OUR LOT SEVERAL OLDER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM • NOW 1N StOCK 1978, Polaris' Snowmobiles HA CAR SALES LTD. RUTH PHONE 523,4342 1 N „d .•elY.ni.