The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-02-22, Page 9/ 4.1 ,a • • Imeknew Sentinel, Wednesday, Feb. 22 1978—Pae 9 Huron Board sets stage to lock out teachers ••••••• CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 walked the streets surrounding the board offices in Clinton. The teachers picketed the, administrative offices to "make a point to the • board", according to teacher negotiator Shirley Weary. Weary said she wasn't convinced the board was not trying to "threaten" the teachers with the lockout. She said the teachers forming the picket line were protesting the board's stand on the 1977 contract but added that the two, dozen teachers -at the board meeting were there as private citizens. Director of Education John Cochrane told the board that before a lotkout can be considered by the board the public session must be held. He said the board must publicly review the final offer from the teachers and vote on, its acceptance. Should the board reject the offer then it is free to lockout teachers if it so chooses. • NOTHING ° BEING DONE ° Negotiations have not been resumed since the.first strike action was taken by, the teachers February 15: The last formal contract talks ended at noon FebruarY. 14 and not only have no meeting been arranged, the take to settle the strike issiie. parties can't even decide who should take the first step. ARBITRATION? Weary said the teachers made the final proposal Weary said Monday night before taking strike action that a suggestion by the adding that the teacher, mediator in the contract talks negotiating team expected a to take the -issue to arbitration call.frorn the board instead of ° was not turned down by the just hearing "no, no, no..,.". teachers. She' did not say it Cayley Hill, chairman of was promoted either. the board's negotiating The teacher negotiater said committee, said the teachers she "didtVt, know that the had better "re -think their teachers objected to ar- proposal" before assuming bitration" adding that they the board should take the,first offered to take that route in step toward further contract. September of 1977. She said talks. He said the teachers • the teachers pointed out that know the board's stand, they had already suggested adding that he hoped teachers arbitration adding, that it would reflect on the past seemed a "reasonable way before refusing to change out". She said she didn't think their position. the teachers had any change Hill said the Huron County in that attitude. board had "cut a lot of -Hill, said arbitration was ground" in the past to in something the board and the crease teacher benefits and • negotiating committee would working conditions. He said • have to reflect on and make a the strike appeared to exhibit decision on. He said he a teacher attitude that if they personally felt the parties don't get their way they won't should be able to make their teach. He said they didn't oWn decisions and not go to an appear to be thinking about outsider to settle the matter. the past. The board negotiater said Hill said theboard had been he felt the teachers should brought completely up to date listen to the board's offers in closedsession prior to • themselves rather thatn Monday night's public dealing with them through an meeting. He said there was no outside, group that is con - discussion of possible spiring to strike. He said it is alternatives the board could obvious who -is "calling the Kinloss Council Township of Kinloss council in • regular session on February 6th passed .a by-law distributing the balance of funds,applicable to tile drainage loans for 1977.: The funds becam asrailable because much tile work in Ontario could • not beScompleted due to the weather. • Connell decided to join the Rural Ontaric; Municipal Associa- tion for 197, the fee being • $75.0A. • • The -application of Glen and , Doug Porter . was approved to, amend the zoning by-law of part • of the north half of the south halves of lots 51 and 52 to change the zoning from agricultural to extractive industrial and the South Bruce Planning Board is to be .instructed to make the necessary changes. • Motions were made to instruct • the clerk to prepare the necessary by-law placing lead limits. on the • bridges outlined in the engineer- . ing report and, to engage Lorne Eadie to blow ' snow at the • township waste site at $25.00 pet hour. ' deneral accounts of $3,941.81, and highways accounts of $$11,. 742.61 were ordered paid. At a special meeting, on January 30th council held court of revision on the McEwen drain and as there was no applicable appeals on the assessment, the court of revision was adjourned. On motion, the clerk was instruc- ted to return an appeal to the appellants on the grounds that it did not comply with section 47 of the drainage act 1975. Third and final reading was then given to the borrowing by-law for the McEwen drain. , An add' placed in the local paper state,s that applications for tile drain loans are to ' be forwarded to the clerk's office by April 28th. Grant Eckenswiller was ap- pointed as alternate reeve to attend county council. The special meeting on Febru- ary 8th dealt with motions to advertise for tenders for heavy Machinery rental, crushing and hauling gravel, loading and hauling pit run gravel, back -hoe. and operator for work in the township, levelling and covering at -the waste site and limn); for delivering and applying calcium chloride for township roads. ;Alf tenders are to be in the road • superintendent's office by 12.00 p.m. March 6th. • The Ministry of Transportation. and Communications is to •be asked to perforni a hydrology test for the bridge on the 12th concession est lot 11 also the Ministry is to be requested for $27,000.00 supplementary money for bridge construction. The< program of • proposed expenditure for highway improve- ments for 1978 was adopted. Lottery.... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Jong, Fred Gilchrist, Leo Murray, Ed Thompson, Ellwood Elliott, Rodger Cullerier, Russel Mackie, Allan Rhody, Doug McEwan, Hank Duiker, Jim McFarlen; Donald LMcFarlen, Keith Mauld- • en, Jim • McEwan, Wm. A. Hamilton, John Farrish, Mrs. J. • McKendrick, Mrs. Harry Nixon, Cliff enary, Thomas Durnin, Frank )Ritchie, Arthur Graham, James Jewitt, Wm. Dickie, John Green, J. VanderKlippe, Mrs. Peter de Boer, Philip Steer, John Lentz, Gordon McDonald, Arthur Woodcock, Don Taylor, Miss Isobel Miller,, Mrs. Helen Todd, Ed Shetler, Ed Gingerich, Elmer Woods, Earl Jamieson, Noah Stutzman. Lucknow Custom Welding •• & Machine Phone 528-3835 Cattle Squeezes and Herd Gates Farrowing Pens, Farm Gates Special custom made Door Licks •FORSHED AND BARN DOORS Wrought Iron Railing Pioneer Chain SOWS Repairs to all makes of chain sows \s Lathe Work If you have an idea, and want it put together - Drop in and see us, we'll make it Barry Hackett Les Hozelden 110 shots for the teachers" ad- ding that person is not from Huron`County. . STUDENTS SUFFER Parents, teachers, board trustees and students at the 'Special board meeting agreed that the people suffering most in the strike are the students. David St. Jean, Auburn, a Grade 13 student at Goderich District Collegiate Institute, • said he was worried like everyone else, St. Jean said he didn't want to lose time in school but also didn't want to sit in a class with 30 students and have the teacher not even know his name. He_ said his largest class was 26 students pointing out that in a 40 minute period • the teacher does not have time for individual work with the students and so has to CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 PHONE 357.1630 . WINGHAM NOW PLAYING SHOWING FOR 7 DAYS! I.nurwe^444 nml 1111111111111111T WED:, FEB. 22 TO TUES., FEB. 28• minim,: .—PLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES— Some Longing. ALL DAYS MIMING 7:30 P.M. - SMOKEY - 9:45 P.M. May Be Offensive Burt Reynolds Sally Field Jackie Gleason — -What we have here is a total lack of respect for the law!" WINNER OF 7 „FA' 51(la azrzzin ACADEMY WIT? iikiSIDYCag AWARDS COMING Go ibuir • • NlIttItNl .••••41110••••••••41110 • • LORIMAR •'iODUC IONS PRESENIS 111,4„„,a • • • • • • • • • • • 10 • • • 10 • • • • • • PARK • GODERICH 1100110•01004100••410 040 40 • From the Outrageou So Best -Sell IJNIVERSAl COLOR fRi STARTS FRIDAY: ONE SHOWING 8 P.M. FEB. 24 -MARCH 2 FRI. & SAY. 7:00 and 9:00 WARNING: Some Scenes & Language May be Offen. sive. =MC • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • acatoitheNSTALKi 30 Mitt, SQUARE iPrOgram PHONE 524781llsubiett 40 do age 'NRCONOITIONEE5,. t • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • •