The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-02-08, Page 23Whitechurch BY VALETTA EMERSON The February meeting of Chalmer's W.M.S. will be held Wednesday, February 15 at the home of Mrs. Wallace Milligan. The leaders are Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. Robert Mowbray and Helpers, Mrs. 'Angus Falconer and Mrs. N. MacDonald, The roll call to be answered with a Bible verse with word "Heart". Court- esy Mrs. Wm: Purdon. Mrs. Hugh MacMillan of Watford and Mrs. George Tiffin of Lucknow were Sunday visitors, with Mr..and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray last week accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer, Tony, Tim- my and Amy to Sarnia where they visited with Mr, and Mrs. Brian Falconer and other relatives, and at Strathroy with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon and at Watford with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MaeMi1- lan. They returned home on Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Wingham were Supday visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Mrs..Robena Stewart of Tees - water was a Sunday visitor with Mrs. Peter de Boer and family. Mr. and . Mrs. John Koobs of Gowanstown also .,were .. visitors with her mother, Mrs. de Boer and family at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gran- ville, Ben and Billie of Exeter and Mrs, Eileen Parker of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Carl McClenaghan and Mrs. Mary McClenaghan. - Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Fair and Shawn of Wingham vicinity were Thursday visitorio with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan arid Mrs. Mary McClenaghan. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCartney of Platt'sville at Victor- ia Hospital, a baby girl on February 2nd. Whitechurch . Young People's Society held their meeting Sun- day evening atthe manse. Pam Springer had charge ofthe meeting. The village euchre party was held Monday evening at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul with 5 tables in play. The next party is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin on Monday evening, February 13. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Goderich were Sunday visitors with her parents Mr.. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Whitechurch Young People's Society held a snowmobile, tobog- gan and • snow shoe. party on Saturday afternoon on the hills on Tom Inglis farm, West Wawa - nosh.. Around .10 snowmobiles were present to add to 'the fun. Around 25 went to Mr, and Mrs. John de Boer's after the party for a hot lunch. On Wednesday, February 1st, the U.C.W.. held their February meeting at the ' home of Mrs. Russel Chapman. The topic, World Outreach, was in charge of Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw and Mrs. Harold Quipp. Mrs. Laidlaw opened the meditation and led in prayer. Mrs. Quipp 'and Mrs. Laidlaw gave a dialogue about a lady saddle back preacher who spent many years in Korea and is now in Manitoba and ministers to • isolated communities. Mrs. Laidlaw gave a poem. Mrs. Quipp read the scripture and led in prayer. Mrs. Agnes Farrier gave a report of the Presbyterial held at Mitchell. Each member answered the roll call with a verse with the word, Saved. Mrs. Agnes Farrier closed the meeting with prayer. The Travelling Basket was then passed around: On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden and Billie Jr. df Goderich visited with her parents Mr.. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin, ,.roe Tiffin on Sunday attended the general meeting of Stratford Musicians; local 418, at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGlynn of Kitchener are .at present holiday- ing for 2 weeks in the Caribbean, Sunday visitors. with. Mrs. Ella Johnston were Mr, .and Mrs. Charles Wood and Sylvia of Egmondville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and Donna of St, Pauls They had also visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Stanley at Lucknow., On .the weekend Mrs." Victor Emerson received a letter from the National Postal Museum, Mr. J. E. Kraemer, seeking informa- tion as to the origin of the name Langside. Mrs. Emerson did not have the information but after doing some phoning she came up with , this_ information. Langside means the otli i side. Jn the oldenr�,. 'days when the young men were going west, a Moffat young man and .a MacDonad young man were in Saskatchewan. At the church they attended the preacher from Langside, Scotland, asked the lads where their home was. They replied Langside. Many years later this same preacher came east and was invited to speak at Langside Garden Party. To the preachers surprise he met the two Young lads ..he had met, in Saskatchewan. He then learned the lads were from. Langside, Ontario and not from Langside, Scotland. This story was given to us by Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moffat of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacMillan of Watford were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer: On Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Dan .Tiffin were in Toronto where Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin . visited with Miss Joyce Tiffin while Bevin: ,Tiffin attended the Hardware show for the Co-op which ended on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell of Kitchenerspent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul. Sunday visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer, Jefferey and Julie of Waterloo and Mr. and . Mrs. Mack Cardiff of Brussels. Bill Rintoul on Wednesday last attended the Farm Show at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.: Walter Elliott, Barry, David and Karen visited on Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Bill MacPherson and family of St. Helens. Mrs. Walter Elliott and 'Mrs.. Archie Purdon on Monday and Wednesday last week attended the 4-H Training School at Teeswater for the course, Consid' er Your Clothes. On Friday afternoon White- church Chalnier's Presbyterian Church held their annual meet- ing. The chairman of the meeting, Rev. Hugh Nugent, opened with a welcome to all.- Mr. Wallace Milligan was appointed secretary. It was decided to have the church service in the Sunday School room from January 1st to the middle of March to save fuel. The newly elected managers are Elroy Laidlaw, Walter Elliott, Dave Moffat and Mrs. Peter de Boer. The former auditors Kathleen Gibson and Bill Wr- steeg, trustees Donald Ross, John Gaunt, and W. R. Purdon were all re-elected. Ushers - W. R. Purdon' Archie Purdon, Bill Young, Bob` Ross, "Bill Versteeg and Neil Rintoul were appointed. The organist, Mrs; bon Ross, and treasurer Mrs.. John Gaunt were re-engaged at the sante salary, A budget allocation for 1978 was set at $900. Dave Moffat, an ..elder at ,Langside church, was appointed to the session. here. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. The session report showed members on roll of '103.. Removed by certificate 7. Removed by death 2, Received by profession of faith 6. Received by certificate 9. Members on roll December 31st, 109. Baptisms 4. In Memoriam - Mrs. Frank Coulter, Mrs. Robert Ross, Mr, Stewart Scott (Langside). The Ladies' Aid had a ' yery busy year repairing the manse. and making the finance by sale booths, dinners and bake sales. The W.M.S. held 12 meetings with 12 active members and 13 Home Helpers. All members°and —Home Helpers are thanked for their support financially ° and spiritually so the group was able to meet their allocation of $325.15. • The C.O.C. leaders were Mrs. Hugh Simpson, Mrs. A. Purdon; president, Eddie de boer; secret- ary, Kendra Purdon; treasurer, Donald Irwin. They held 8 meetings • with a membership of 13 and average attendance of 10. They sold church calendars:and sent $20 to Presbyterial Secret- ary. CONTINUED ON PAGE 25; Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Feb, 8—Page 2 Melissa Becker, Lucknow of the First Lucknow 'Brownie Pack flew up to the First Lucknow Guides at the Brownie Enrollment held In the Lucknow Village Hall on Wednesday, February 1. She was welcomed to the Guides by Guide Captain, Sue Bellmore, Whitechurch. ncjon YIPPn esti CLIFFORD EVENS conductor FEBRUARY 25 "Pops Concert" FEATURING: The full symphony orchestra with soloist. Copland, - Dvorak GrioR - Chabrier - Hayman - Cable - . Fanfare for he Common Mon` Secon Movement from, Symphony No. y Sigurd Jorsalfar Upon Cinema Rhapsedles. Commissioned work . 8:00 P.M. G.D.C.l. AU9ITORPUM This is the final concert of the .season - don't miss it! Sincethis is a subscription series, no individual tickets are for sale, Rush tickets will be avattable only at the door at %:55 pam. (53 pot porion) byRotary . patronage of � wrlc� �Ivi� under the 'Sponsrioro the bio h• Su11 Foundation.'ir