The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-02-08, Page 22i ?Sae n—iucknArs SentIn eI, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1978 Dungannon Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Graver of Mitchell, formerly of Nile, called on the4 former neighbour, Mrs, Ross cNee, and ?4r. and Mrs. Graham McNee on Sunday. Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Eedy were Bill and Rosemary Gardner and Alesia of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs, Bob Ready and family of St, Mary's. They welcomed the beautiful weather on Saturday to get out on the snowmobiles. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Culbert , and • Mr. and Mrs., , Laverne Culbert motored to ,Florida for two weeks in January. They went down to Key West and Treasure Island. • Harvey Culbert attended the Farm Show in Toronto last weekend. Becky Culbert 'won a turkey at the Christmas Bowl -Off of the Mixed Bowling League with a high triple of 675. Sympathy is e-xtended to Rob- ert Snyder on the death of his mother, Mks. Stanley Snyder, whose funeral took place from Listowel Mennonite Church early •this week. Robert Snyder makes his home with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Drennan spent two weeks in the Barbados in January. Gerry and David -Bere moved on February 1 into a mobile home on Crawford Avenue formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rhody. The Bere Bros. phone is the same as it was at their former residence. Rick Taylor and Rick Irwin, of Ashfield,„ employed at Douglas Point, moved into the farm house in Ashfield owned by J. C. Drennan and vacated by the Bere /Bros. Mr. and "Mrs. Bob Eedy, Megan, Jennifer and Timothy of Mississauga spent the weekend with Bob'sparent, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy. Mrs. Joy Vella and Tammy of Seaforth visited. Mrs. Mary Bere and Jamie on' the weekend. 'Harold Errington, who was admitted to Wingham Hospital on Sunday, January 29 returned home on Saturday. He has to go in thisweek, for further tests to determine the cause of the chest pains he suffered. Lynda and Ken McNee, Timmy and Michael, dined with Mr. and. Mrs. Graham McNee and Mrs. Ross McNee on Saturday evening to celebrate Lynda's recent birth- day and Timmy's upcoming birthday. Dungannon • United Church, Rev. C. G. WesthaVbr ached his sermon on the tiwid ve Your Neighbour". • The children's story was, "The Swallows of San Juan Capist- rano", during vichkh the minister showed a little bell bearing the inscription.. The Mission of San Juan ,Capistrano. 'It was a souvenir of the Spanish Mission in California where the swallows return each year at a certain time, one of the wonders of God's world. • The plants at the front of the church were placed in memory of Mr, Bert Maize, whose funeral took place last week. The choir sang the anthem, ''Amazing Grace". Choir„practice will be held on Thursday evening at 7.00 p.m. • U.C,W. ladies please note a change in the date of the February meeting from February 21st to Tuesday, February 14th, at L0 p.m. at the manse, A 'Communicants class Will begin its sessions on Sunday, BY MARY DERE February 19th at 6.p p,m. at the Dungannon Church. Those inter- ested please contact the minister or sign your name on a sheet of paper provided at the back of the church. • Dungannon Christian • Fellowship The .M.Y.F. met on Saturday evening at the home of Murray and Ruth Martin, with sixteen in attendance. Murray led a discus- sion group in , answering ques- tions which had been previously —submitted by members' of the • group. The questions • were thought-provoking and in an attempt to find satisfactory an- swers there was a searching of hearts and participation -of the whole group. • The message on Sunday morn- ing was a continuation of the " 'study in 'the Beatitudes. Pastor Lawrence gave an in-depth look at the fourth and fifth Beatitude and explained the meaning of hunger- ing and thirsting after righteous- ness and of the blessedness of those who show mercy. The Ladies' Bible study grOup will meet this week at the home of Mrs. Ken Wagler. The Children's Bible Club will meet on Saturday of this week the meeting to take the form of a toboggan party, DUNGANNON W.I. Dungannon Women's Institute met last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Alvin Kerr -with 12 members and two visitors present. The roll call was a written "beef" thalt could lead to a resolution. Mrs: Mary Robson led in a discussion of these resolutions which proved very interesting. The motto, "We shall resolve to conquer temper, tongue and conduct", was given by Miss Iva Carr. It was decided to send no delegates to the Officers' Confer, ence. Each member is to submit an idea for a pattern for a quilt to be done for the International Plow- ing Match this year. Members are asked to donate articles for a draw at the Plowing Match. • The W.I. is sponsoring the 4-H leader's training class at Blyth on "Focus on Living". Plans were discussedfor a card • party iii March. Hostesses for, the lunch were Mrs. Dorothy Clements and Mrs. Elsie Irvin. • WE ALSO HAVE • Vaientine's PHONE 528-2919 a e a closer look DED YOU KNOW THAT Sepoy Stationery and • Printing HAS • Serviettes For all occastions 7. Everyday, Birthday, • Anniversary, Wedding, Shower SERVIETTES AND SEALS FOR DON THOMPSON, PROP. Johnston Bros. (Bothwell Ltd.), DungannOn, Ontario Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone CementOravel and Road Contractors Picked Up and Delivered Open Daily 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone: Dungannon 529-7947 Need Replacement Parts? Drop into Garry's Auto Service Luckno-v • Replacement parts available for car, • truck, tractor, recreational vehicles, etc. •:11.4==ii==>04:4:0>titt==if.= Garry's Auto Service Lucitsow Phone 528-3022 • Brooksidellappfoings Senior boYs' volleyball scores this' week were: Blinkers 18 vs Spikers 17; Beavers 12 vs Whackers 11; Giants 27 vs Spikers 12; Blockers 31 vs Whackers 8. , • • Grade 5 and 6 volleyball scores were: Wolverines 27 vs Sky Hawks 14; Turkey Pluckers 23 vs Red Devils 12; The Persuaders 27 vs Sky Hawks 18; Wolverines 24 vs Turkey Pluckers 18. Senior Girls scores were: Servettes 17 vs Charlie's Angels 14; Bhie Jays 16 vs Volleyettes 16; Servettes 28 vs Blue Jays 11; Charlie's Angels 26 vs Volleyettes, 24. • Cons& le Bill Wilson of Ooder- telt came to the school on Monday and showed an informa- tive film to the student body on the dangers to a person's future of indulging in "shoplifting". During the noon hour he showed an instructive film on snowmobile safety. He also spoke in many' classrooms during the day. Twenty pre-schoolers, accom- • panied by their mothers came to ,the school on Tuesday afternoon for the first Story Hour in the library with Mrs. Helen Blake. This is to be a regular feature each Tuesday from now on. South Kinloss BY RUTH BUCHMEIER Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith were Mr. and • Mrs. Doug MacKay of Wallen - stein, Murray Keith and Wanda Linnder of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Don Forster and Donna Jean of Purple Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zinn. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillin were' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McQuillin of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Breutigam of St. Catharines. DelkeyitelaeeiReasolla e Nye 1978 GRANADA, itdoor 1978 GRANADA, 4 door 1978 FORD F100, pickup . 1978 FORD. CUSTOM 500, .4 door 1976 FORD 1/2 TON, F 100, 8V automatic with power steering 1976 DART SWINGER, 2 door, 6 cyclinder automatic 1976 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop 1976 PONTIAC ASTRA, 2 door • 1975 PLYMOUTH GRAND FURY, 2 ,door 1975 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop, with air conditioning 1975 CORONET STATIONWAGON 1974 DODGE COLT STATIONWAGON 1974 DODGE MONACO, 2 door hardtop with • air conditioning 1975 GMC VAN • 1974 FORD GALAX1E 500, 4 door 1970 DODGE, 4 door sedan 1/2 TON TOPPERS IN STOCK SEE THESE AND OTHERS ON OUR LOT SEVERAL OLDER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM NOW :IN STOCK 1978. Polaris Snowmobiles HAMM'S CAR SALES LTD. RLYTH • PHONE 5234342 tt,