The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-02-08, Page 11TOWN AND COUNTRY BOWLING JAN. 26"BOWLED ON JAN. 31 Anna Johnstone was top bowler for the ladies with single of 174 and double of 336. WesYoung had high single of 200 and high double went to Harry Lavis with 352. Team points: Reds 5, Oranges S, Yellows 0, Greens 3, Blues 2, Violets 0. Team standings: Reds 46, Oranges 43, Greens 42, Blues 38, Yellows 38, Violets 33. a FEBRUARY 2 Eva McCulloch had high single for the ladies with 196. Anna Johnstone took the double with 343. - Harvey Houston was high for the men with single, of , 218' and double of 377. Games over 200: Harvey Hous- ton 218, Harry Lavis 200. Team points: Reds 2, Oranges 3, . Yellows 5, Greens 0, Blues 3, Violets 2. Team .standings: Reds 48, Oranges 46, Yellows 43, Greens 42, Blues- 41, Violets 35. KINLOSS BOWLING r High man was Lloyd MacDoug- all with a single of 226 and a triple of 533. Men 200 and over: Lloyd MacDQugall 226, Hank Harte- mink 219; "Russel Swan 209. Ladies' high was Edith Kloos tra with a single of 221 and a triple of 568. Ladies 200 and over: Edith Kloostra 221, Gerda de Jong 217. Team points: Kings 5, Snows 0,. Wealthy' 5, Spys 7, Macs 2, Pippins 2. Team standings: Macs 71, Kings 67, Spys 62, -Wealthys 58, Snows 52, Pippins 47. LADIES' 6:30 P.M. BOWLING Lois McIntosh bowled the high single with a_ 219. Elaine Steer bowled the high triple with a 588. Games of 200 and over: Lois McIntosh 219, Bernice Kemp 218, Jean Phillips 216, Elaine Steer 211, , 2_,14, Kathleen MacDonald 206. . Team points: Edna Ross' Ladybugs 7, Jean Phillips' Bees 0; Joan Livingston's Beetles 7, Irene Markham's Ants 0; Evelyn Smith's Spiders 4, Pat Living- ston's Crickets 3. Lower Interest Rates 'NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO ON RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES interim Financing For New Construction and Land Development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE • SAFEWAY .INI ESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LIMITED.. Head Office, 56 Weber Street, East Kitchener, (519) 744-6535 • Branth Office: 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, (519) 832=2044 Branch Office: 504 Tenth Street, Hanover, (519) 364-3121 Evenings Call David Beynon (519) 794-3277 , We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash • !•••••Oil ••••• • STARTS FRIDAY: FEB. 10 16 • DAILY 7&9 SAT. & SUN. 2.7-9 • • • • • „ACROSS THE GREAT DIVIDE" STARTS FRIDAY, . FEB, 17th IHIDDEN BEHIND A WALL OF ICE AND DOOMED TO WI VANISH IN FLAMES! • . RDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' +►SHOOT TFI DI ONE SHOWING ONLY 8 P.M. TOUCHING & HILARIOUS CAde Gilmorm. Toronto SNP WHY • • TEACHER BUQ CORT. • SAMANTHA ECGAR COMING FEB. 24th CHOIR BOYS :PARK 30 `THE. SQUARE. ,Program PHONE 524 7811 subiect GODERICN AIf2CCJN( PTION n to change • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Team standings: Bees 84, Spiders 75, Beetles 73, 'rickets 71, Ladybugs 68,, Ants 4: , LUCKNQW-DUNGANNON BOWLING Ladies' high single, Merle Rhody 285; ladies' high triple score, Merle Rhody 623, Men's high single, Ron Stanley 277; men's high triple, Ron Stanley 746. Other men.,_ ,over _250.L...,Ken., Adams 258. Ladies over 225: Mary Treleav- en 258, tois Farrish 229, Cather- ine Andrew 228. Team points: Chipmunks 7, Foxes 0, Tigers 7, Gophers 0, Zebras10, Polecats 7, Squirrels 0, Cubs 5, Lions 7, Coons 2, Kangaroos 7. Team standings: Kangaroos 108, Polecats 93, Lions 89, Cubs 88, Tigers 92, Zebras 57, Chip- munks 51, Squirrels 49, Coons 44, Foxes 44, Gophers 41. r.■. Lumknow Arena Schedule WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Moms and Tots Free Skate 3:45 - 4:45 p.m. Brookside Boys THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 8:30 p.m.. First Round Industrial League Playoffs Best 2 of three games Holyrood vs Kintail Lucknow vs Flying Dutchmen FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 7 p.m. W.O.A.A. Pee Wee. Finals 2nd game in 3 of 5 Series Milverton vs Lucknow 8:30 p.m. OHA Int.' C. Hockey Milverton vs Lucknow SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 9 a.m. Pee Wee Practice 10:00 - 1 p.m.. House League 10:00 Canadiens vs Rangers 11:00 a.m. Bruins vs Black Hawks 12:00 noon Red Wings. vs Leafs 2 - 4 p.m. J ublic Skating 4:30 p.m. Atom Exhib. Hockey London's Red Circle Selects vs . . Lucknow's WOAA Atoms SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 1:30 -3:15 p.m. Public Skating 3:45 p.m. W.O.A.A. Midget Finals. 2nd"game in 3 of 5 series Milverton vs Lucknow SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 7:30 p.m. Challenge Broomball Leos vs" Lions MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Watch for Advertisements TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 2 - 3:30 p.m. Kinloss Central School House League Practice .6-7 Canadiens & Black Hawks 7-8 Bruins and Leafs 8:15 p.m. 3rd Game W.O.A.A. Bantam Finals - Milverton vs Lucknow WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 1:30 .3.30 p.m. Moms and Tots Free Skate . 3:45 - 4:45 p.ln. Brookside Boys W.O.A.A. FINALS Monday, February 6, Milver- ton Atoms 3, Lucknow 2'; Milver- ton Bantams "7, Lucknow 6; Midgets, Lucknow 6, Milverton 4. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Feb, 8, 1978 -Page. 11 INTERTOWN BOWLING, On February 4th Lueknow defeated Wingharn 11-0,. Scores were: 1175-965, 1075- 1005, 1187-1009, 1073-986, 1114- 1069, . Men's scores were: Ron Stan- ley 1314, Garry Ross 1205, Gerald Rhody'' 1051, Ron Durnin 1002, Allan Stanley 954, Bob Cranston 951.' LADIES' 9 O'CLOCK .BOWLING Marie Hoffman rolled a 290 high single game. Kay Crawford bowled a 649 triple. Games 200 . and over: Marie Hoffman 290, Susan Stevenson 280, Marjorie Thompson 250, Kay .Crawford 244, 206, Grace Hopf 221, Dianne Carter 213, Mary MacKinnon 212, Marg Hackett. 211, Anna Johnstone 209, Muriel Ritchie 200. Team points:. Joanne Searle's Bluejays 5, Marg Hackett's Canaries • 2, Marie Hoffman's Orioles'5,, Nancy Farrish's Robins 2, Dianne Carter's Cardinals 5, Barb Sanderson's Doves 2. Team standings: Cardinals 81, Doves 76, Canaries 70, Bluejays 68, Orioles 59, Robins 45. • CONTINUED 001 PAGE 12 car RTTENTION WINGHAM, PH. 357-1630 NOW PLAYING 4 DAYS ONLY! Wed., Feb. 8 to Sat., Feb. 11 - PLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES - 8 P.M. Fri -Sat. 7 and 9 P.M. love stonj. l sal FELO AN Filty SHOWING SUNDAY TO THURSDAY' FEL 12=13-14-15-16 "ACROSS THE GREAT DIVIDE" " CEPTIONALL Y GOOD,. BRIGHT AND CHARMING! ***" From the producer who brought you - N. Y NEWS "THE ADVENTURES OF THE WILDERNESS FAMILY" In 1876 they crossed the Rockies ... With hope and courage they clung' to their dream ... e riat Nivide Staring ROBERT LOGAN •GEORGE"BUCKIL"OWER introducing HEATHER RATIRAY and MARK HALL Produced by ARTHUR R. DUBS written and Directed by STEWART RAFFILI Title Songs Performed by BEAU CHARLES A PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES RELEASE •Color by C F t STARTS FRIDAY! STARTS SUN., FEB. 12-14 . ONE WEEK ONLYI LIMITED ENGAGEMENT PARK THEATRE GODERICH. 30 THE SQUARE 524-7811 LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM 351.1630 .-..OVYTIMES SUNDAY` 2.4 7.9 DAILY 7.4 • ' ONLY PA INT% PASSES ACCEPt'ED' SHOWTIMES 7:9 DAILY 2 porn., 7 p.m & 9 p.m. SAT. & SUN. •