The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-25, Page 26PAGE TWENTY -SIN Bruceiea THE .,UCKN . OW,SENTINEL , ]4UGEN9W,, Q!NTAltfO • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1978 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2.2 Burnett and teachers entertained many of the residents with a t lovely Christmas program. There were aboUt ninety. children took part. They also sang carols in the halls upstairs. The Senior Citiz- ens of Mildmay carne on Decem- ber 22nd and presented a lovely program, and after the program presented •the residents with a large red apple. A Christmas movie was'held on .December 21. It- was two shorts, "Drummer Boy" and "The First Christmas Tree". The residents enjoyed them very much. On Christmas evening there was a carol sing in the chapel under the direction of Mr. Clarence Webb. After the pro- gram" they sang carols in the halls. Father Newstead had the Mass of A'nointing on December 5th at 10.45 a.m, along with the priests from the district who assisted hiin. Rev. Ferris held communion service at 10.30 a.m. on Deceit- ber 20th, Minister for the month. were, Rev. James Dookram, Lutheran, Walkerton; Rev, K. Reed, Pentecostal and Rev. Ron Pierce, United, Walkerton. We wish to welcome Mrs. Tena Johnson of Walkerton who came to live us this month. Our sincere sympathy is ex- tended to the family of Miss Cindy Lambertus who passed away on December 16th.. On behalf of all the residents we would like- to extend our sincere thanks to all the organiza- tions and individuals who visited, entertained or provided treats to our residents during 1977.. To one and all we wish you a Very Happy 1978. National Education Week on Smoking! "JOIN THE MAJORITY BE A NON-SMOKER" The Inter -agency Committee of Huron and. Perth Counties would appreciate the following information. Please fill in the blanks and . forward to Interagency Committee on Smoking, c/o The Huron Perth LungAssociation, 121 Wellington Street, Stratford. Have You Ever Smoked? When Did You Quit?. How? Did You Attend a Smoking Withdrawal Course? Where? Was It Beneficial? '. Would You attend a Smoking Withdrawal Course if one in your area?' -- When Did You Start? Have You Tried Quitting?....,.. MONUMENT'S For sound..counseland a•fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS. Pat O'Hagan, Prop. , ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTONPHONE 881-0234, ONTARIO - Need Replacement Parts? Drop into Garry's Auto Service in Lucknow Replacement parts available for car, - truck, tractor, recreational vehicles, etc. k g14 Garry's auto Service Lucknow phone 528-3022 4 Johnston ...Bros (Bothwell Ltd.) Dungannon, Ontario Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone Cement Gravel and Road Contractors Picked lip and Delivered Open Dally 7 a.m. - 5 perm. Phone: Dungannon. 9-7947 CHEERLEADING COMPETITION The cheerleaders boarded the bus at 1.21 • and after turning around and going back for a pair of gym shoes departed for South. Huron (Exeter). When. they arrived they were greeted by •a resident cheerleader. 'After every- one was changed the captains picked numbers to see what order the teams would perform in. Competing were Stratford Central • (Stratford), Goderich Collegiate (Goderich), South Huron (Exet- er), Mitchell High (Mitchell) and of "course good old F. E. Madill (Wingham). Everyone performed well, a few mistakes were made but that it inevitable. While Waiting for the judge's decision the girls all joined in a circle and every team did a cheer. which everyone tried to join in.. Then came the big - moment. everyone . was waiting for. As usual the, master of ceremonies had something to say which just made everyone more excited. Finally, the results, Stratford took second runner up, South • Huron took, first runner up, and a happy Goderich took home' the Trophy this, year. Each team placing took' home -a money. award. • Our school (F. E. Madill) placed fourth. The girls all felt it was a great learning experience. They learned new cheers andit was refreshing to see 'all thee. friendliness that was shown among the girls. Special thanks go to Mrs. MacDonald, cheer- leading coach, and Mrs. M. Steckley.; the bus driver who drove us to Exeter. LYNNE NICOLSON BOYS' SENIOR BASKETBALL Thursday, January 5th was thefirst game for the Senior Boys' Basketball team', in 1978.. Their opponents were the St'rat- ford Central team from Stratford. The Mustangs, after a poor first quarter,' improved when the cheerleaders appeared, but were unable. to attain. a lead and the gained ended with a",disappoint- ing 73-46 score for the strong Stratford Central team. This is quite good considering that it is the first game lost by the Seniors this basketball season. The play- 'erswith the highest scores were Darryl Anderson with fourteen points and John Campbell scored ten points: • The next game is to be played on the 'Goderich courts against Ripley their team January 12th when -the Mustangs will be fully recovered from the New Year's celebra- tions. DIANNE McBRIDE BOYS' BASKETBALL The senior Mustangs, on January 12th played a hard fought game with the Goderich Vikings' •on the Goderich courts. With one player absent from the game and another in -foul trouble. early in the game, the team had trouble trying to stay even with the Vikings, They were, however, not strong enough to 'hold"off the Vikings who came away with a close 60-53 victory. The top scorers in: the this game were Jeff Dickson with eighteen .and John Campbell with twelve points. On the same, day the junior basketball team ' played and. unfortunately lost 63-43 to Goder- ich. Some poor rebounding and, shooting resulted in a disadvant- age for our team. Grant Gnay led the scoring ., with twenty-one points and Paul Cerson added ten. Thursday, the midget Must- angs were defeated 44-36 by the Goderich midgets. Our Mustangs generally played well against Goderich throughout the game and even outscored the Vikings 22-15 in the second half. The reason for the loss of the game was free throw shooting. Goder- ich sank seven out of twelve baskets ' from the free throw line while our . Mustangs managed only six out of twenty-seven Shots. ,Also Craig Anderson was putout of the game early with an injury which didn't help the Mustang • team much. Jim Le - Grand led the Mustang scoring with eleven points , and Mike, Leahy and Peter Goodall addd six each. DIANNE McBR1DE • • SENIOR BOYS' BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The senior basketball team attended the Third annual Bask- etball Classic at Listowel Second- ary School on Saturday, January 14th. Among- the other particip- ants present; were the Listowel Lords, Chesley Cougars, Norwell Redmex, Owen Sound West Hill Raiders, Centre Wellington Fal- cons, Seaforth Golden Bears and the Owen Sound C.V.I. Falcons. -The Mustangs ,won their 'first game 70-47 played against Centre SECONDARY NEWS On Tuesday, January 17, the, Ripley junior girls basketball team travelled to Chesley. The' girls were defeated by a score of 59-29. On Thursday, January 19, the girls went to Walkerton to play Sacred Heart junior girls.. Al- though the score was closer, the girls lost 44-34. The schedule will continue after exams, with a game against` Sacred Heart, at Ripley on February 2, On Friday, January 13, the Wellington and were on their way to the Championship when they were beaten badly by O.S.C,V.I. This tournamnt was good experi- ence for our team and much was learned just by watching other teams in action. The players had a great time and it is hoped that their games'` will be improved from this excursion. DIANNE McBRIDE TRICYCLE RACES If a casual passer-by happened to saunter into the main hall of F. E. Madill S.S., at approximately 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, ' January 17, perhaps they might have been puzzled at the sudden turn .of events. Instead of empty, peace full halls,with industrious classes in process, four individuals were. racing madly down the halls on tricycles. Curious onlookers lined both sides of the halls and stepped back apprehensively as the first tricycle, bearing a helmeted • Laurie Johnson; came screeching by. In a few seconds, . three more strangely clad individ- uals came into. view, raced by, and careened around the corner. After a lengthy excursion through the school corridors, and down _several stairs, the four tricycle racers pulled -around a bend, and neared the finish line. Pedaling furiously, David Hanna came in first place, Laurie. Johnson sec- ond; Diane McDonald third, and Julie King finished fourth. The tricycle races were only a small part of the Winter Carnival Week at F. E. Madill. ROBERT WALLACE KICK=OFF ASSEMBLY Our Winter Carnival got off to a good start last week with a nice, long Monday morning assembly. "Ootpik", the symbol of the Carnival was. introduced. A picture of him is on the . new "Winter Carnival" buttons and a student, Ingrid Jaretzke made a four foot tall stuffed replica of him for the week's activities. The school got a "look" at. the five. contestants competing for, the Snow Queen title. (The male contestant, however, didn't make an appearance.) The schedule of events for the carnival were announced: Tues- day --short periods, then, the Leg Contest, Tricycle Races and the 3 -legged race (Outside); Wednes- day --short period with istrict: School News grade 9 and 10 physical education classes went to Talisman Skiing Resort. The students enjoyed the day as it was a first for some of them. . The Level V class of R.D.S. enjoyed a Kentucky. Fried Chick- en. dinner last Thursday. These students were the winners of the chocolate bar race • held before Christmas. EXAMS The final exams at R.D.S. for the first semester begin on Wednesday, January, 25 And end on Monday, January 30. Tuesday, January 31 is a holiday for the students of R.D.S..as there is a Professional Activity Day ' at R.D.S. FIELD TRIP On Monday, January 23, Mr, LaFlair took the 315 Georgraphy class to the Science' Centre 'in Toronto, The class went to study demonstrations on weather, clim- ate, forestry, etc.