The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-25, Page 24PAGE TWENTY° -FOUR Dungannon. Congratulations to Doug and Sue Brown (nee Park) on the birth of a son, Kyle Douglas, on January 14th at Wingham Hospit- al, a little brother for Jenni Sue, who stayed with George and Agnes McLeod .at Port Albert while her mother was in hospital. Mr. . Russell Johnston was taken to Wingham Hospital by ambulance on Sunday. Mrs. Johnston has been in thehospital for the 'past two weeks. Mr. and : Mrs. Bill Bradley of Goderich and Miss Alice Bradley. of Toronto visited Ettabelle's parents, Mr. • and Mrs. Thos. -. Webster on Sunday. Thornton Eedy attended a "winter picnic" .meeting of the Hereford Association in Barrie on o Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith, accompanied by Evelyn's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gamble of Ripley, spent Satnrday in London. with their uncle, ' Mr. Wilfred Gamble. ' Sympathy is extended to the ' family of Mr. Floyd Lodge who died in Goderich Hospital on Tuesday after having been ill for some time.. He was father-in-law to Mrs.. John. Lodge (nee Sharon Spivak) formerly of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. John Lodge and daughter, 2 year old Jael of Windsor spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Spivak and will return to Windsor on Monday. Mrs. Mary Bere accompanied her cousins, Mrs. Jean Carruth- ers, . Julia and. Andrew of Goder- . ich, to London on Saturday. Mary, Julia and Andrew visited with .Mr. and Mrs. John Bere while Jean visited her mother, Mrs. Florence Stothers, who is in poor 'health at the McCormick. • Home. W. Congratulations to Mr. and --- Mrs. Nick Block (nee Reane Weima) of Whitechurch on the recent birth of a daughter, Sherry Anne Danielle. Mrs. Grant Curran was fortun- ate enough to win $50 in the Loto draw recently. Dungannon U.C.W.• The January meeting of the Dungannon U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Elsie Irvin on Tuesday, January 17, starting with a Dessert Luncheon served by hostesses, Mrs. Bessie McNee and Mrs. Donna Alton. Mrs. Olive Blake conducted the worsh- ip service . in which she read an article on "Hymns". Firs.. Helen Dawson gave a commentary on the New Year, "How Many Days Have Youheft to, Live?" Quota- tions on Stewardship were passed out and each one present read theirs and expressed their own opinion as to its meaning and significance. Mrs. Jean Errington gave two readings, `.'The Bloom of Time", and "Take a Little Time". President, Mrs: Amy Wiggins, conducted the businessmeeting. Several thank -you cards were read. It was agreed that all the ladies in the congregation should have a chance to take part in the Holiday ;Pennies Plan, where you set aside pennies for missions on each holiday, as many as the date of the holiday, for instance' one penny on New Year's Day and 14 pennies on Valentine's Day. A. Fall Bazaar is planned for early November. Meetings during 1978 will be held on the third Tuesday of each month. Names of sick and shut-in members or former members of the congregation were put On slips of., paper and each • one present drew the name of a person whom they will adopt for -the year to remember with cards THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO BY MARY BERE and notes on special occasions or any times during the year, Anyone interested in adopting a shut-in . should contact Mrs. Bessie McNee. -Dungannon- ,. United Church Rev. C. G. Westhaverpreached on the topic, "Love Yourself", the first in a series of three sermons based on Jesus' great summary of religion found in the book of Matthew. The topics are (1) Love Yourself; (2) Love God; (3) Love Your Neighbour, The choir sang the anthem,''''`Happi- ness is the Lord", led by Shelley Rivett at the .organ. The child- ren's story was "Pandora's Box". The flowers at the center offhe chancel were in memory of Mr. Nelson Culbert who passed away on Saturday, January ,14th. There will be no choir practice this week. - .A `brief meeting of the session will be held after church next Sunday. The date of Tuesday, January •31st has been set for • the Dungannon congregation -annual meeting (8.00 p.m.) in the Sunday School room of the church. The Nominating Committee will be called to meet 'shortly in° preparation for the annual meet- ing. The Explorer meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 1st, at 7 p.m. Annual reports to -be included in the book of reports for the Dungannon -Nile Charge should be in the hands of the minister early this week in order that the book may be complete for. the -annual meeting in Dungannon on January 31st. A Communicants' Class ' will begin sessions in early 'February. Dungannon Christian Fellowship Pastor Lawrence's. Sunday morning message was based on the scripture as found in the 4th chapter of ` Matthew; Christ's fulfillment being he is where God wants him to be. The weekly Adult Bible study group will meet in the Christian Fellowship Church on Tuesday evening. The Ladies' Bible Study group will meet this week at the home of Mrs. Sherry Strong. This is open to all ladies of the community, On Friday evening the church .group will meet at 7. o'clock at the Pinecrest Nursing Home in Luck - now to_. give a briefprogram of music and songs. Following this event the M.Y.F. will meet at the home of Murray and Ruth Martin. The Children's Bible Club met on Saturday at the home of Peter Martin. This organization is open to the children of the community who are in Grades 2.8. Brookside Happenings BY BRENDA HENDERSON Since 'D'iane Gibson is in Florida) for a couple of weeks, Brenda is gathering •the news items herself duringthat time. At Brookside Volleyball games started this week, Girl's teams are as follows: Servettes Captain, Donna. Maize; Volleyet- tes - Captain, Joanne Culbert; Blue Jays< - Captain, Jennifer • Drennan; Charlie's Angels - Captain, Charlene Elphick. The Boy's teams are: Blockers - Captain, Steve Errington; Beav- ers - Captain, Ken Good; Whackers - Captain, Barry Jeffer- son; Giants - Captain, Scott Rivett; Spikers - Captain, Martin Brink. Results of games played. are: Boy's games Blockers 27, Beavers 8; Whackers 12, Giants 15; Blockers 19, Spikers 14, Whackers 31, Beavers 8; Giants 15, Spikers 10; Whackers 18, Blockers 8; Spikers 30, Beavers. 12; Giants 34, Blockers 11. Girl's games - Servettes 13, Charlie's Angels ; Volleyettes 16, Bluejays 13; Serviettes20'" Blue - jays 15; Charlie's - Angels 23, Volleyettes 18. Christine Gibson is wearing a cast on her arm since she broke in in a fall at .home. - Mrs. Dorrie Chisholm supplied for Mrs. Shelley Worsell one day and for Mrs. Lois Tebbutt a half day , last week. Students are working on their speeches for the Legion . Public Speaking: Contest. They must be ready, for judging in the,classroom by February 10. Winners in the classrooms will give their speech- es in the gym on February 17. School winners will go on to the Regional Contest in Lucknow on February 24. Mrs. Helen Blake,, Librarian, is starting a weekly Story Hour for pre-schoolers, particularly those. who will be going to Kindergarten an • the fall. Thep first `will be, Tuesday, January -24, 2A5 -=2.45 pan. South Kinloss Nay BY MRS. RAY BUCHMEIER Mr, and Mrs. Jim Burt and family were joining the other .members of the Burt family to help celebrate Jim's father, Charlie Burt's, 90th birthday at Brucelea Haven in Walkerton on Sunday. Mr.: and Mrs. Ken Houston visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce • Johnston of Aylmer. • Mary MacKinnon of Goderich was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug- all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Cook of Kitchener. Mrs. Dick West, Mabel Mac- Donald and Mrs. Jean Scott were dinner guests with Mr. and -Mrs. Allan MacDougall ' and family. The annual meeting of South Kinloss Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday, January 31st. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McQuil- lin of St. Catharines visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillin and other relatives in the community last week. • CALL THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL WITH YOUR NEWS AND ADS PHONE 5284822 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1978 CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862. 1977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE • 1977 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER, demonstrator, ,. fully equipped ' 1976 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, 2 door hardtop, fully equipped 1975 DODGE ROYAL MONACO, 4 door sedan V8 automatic,' power steering, power brakes and radio 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY SALON, 4 door sedan 1975 FURY SPORT, 2 door hardtop 1975 CHEV, 4 door 1975 OLDSMOBILE, 2 door 1974' DATSUN B210 .2 1974 GRAND TORINOS 1974 DODGE MONACO, 4 door sedan 1973 PLYMOUTH, 2 door- hardtop 1973 OMEGA, 2 door, 6 automatic, with power steering 1972 DODGE MONACO,' 2 door hardtop 1972 PLYMOUTH, 2 door 1970 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, hardtop _ %MANG'r�r,- forthat NEW.LOOK JOHNS MANVILLE • 12" x 12" Pre -Finished White Ceiling Tile TO' BRIGHTEN THE CEILING OF ANY, ROOM THE FOLLOWING PATTERNS IN STOCK: GOLDEN WEB GOLD -BRITS RAFFIA DREAM SWIRL GALAXY ALSO WHITE LAY IN PANELS for SUSPENDED CEILINGS and WALL MOULD 4 ft. Cross T's Main T Bars 2 ft. Cross: T's JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. PHONE 5284118 LUCKNOW