The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-25, Page 21WEONZSD AY, SMART. ART• 2S, 1978 Ruth Bogues, Lucknow, Instructs the. ladies, of the Lucknow Women's Institute on the basic knots 'In macrame. She and her daughter, Linda Emmerton, R. R..1 Holyrood brought several 411 the crafts they have made out of macrame to display to the women. They also brought jute for each of the women to try making knots. The ladies of the Institutefound macrame to be another interest to add to knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, and china painting... Voice for .Life CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 school principals at 'the Clinton Board office on Monday, Novem- ber 21st, 1977. They expressed concern for their fellow man in general and for young 'people in particular regarding anti -life forc- es in our society, a conern of many people. They said that all too often . • Pro -Life facts and information are not getting across to, the public and they asked if more Pro -Life in -put (literature, slides, displays, speakers, etc.) could be available to health, sociology and man in society classes in our schools. Mrs. Campeau and Mrs. Os- born expressed that it was their hope that' the Federal Govern- ment's Sex Education Pamphlets entitled "'Sex: Education, A Tea- cher's Guide" were not present in the schools of Huron County. Catherine Bolger of the Center for Life Understanding in ' Toronto was quoted: "The crudeness of some programs is missing but it is the same pornographic amoral message." Mrs. Campeau and Mrs. Osborn stated that the abortion section of pamphlet 4 contains factual errors,;; is based on '• outdated statistics and litera- ture, and is characterized by a pervasive pro -abortion bias. The Education Chairwomen also ob- jected' to Planned Parenthood materia) that may be in our • schools (the Badgley ` Report states on page 151 that Punned Parenthood Federation of 'Canada is a leading abortion 'referral agency in Canada); The- Ontario Education . Act states: "It is The duty of the a • teacher to inculcate by precept and example respect for...the principles of Judeo-Christian morality". Abortion is contrary to the Judeo-Christian tradition. A kit containing Pro -Life litera- ture was left to the principals for study. Mr. R. Ritter, Chairman of the principals' meeting, arranged for feedback to the Pro -Life• delegates after each principal had studied the kit 'contents. The delegates expressed their sincere appreciation fore having the opportunity t� express and share their concern with the principals. • i Here conies a :!cower And night here am Stuck with my washing Alt ready' to dry. Out, insteadd of enjoying ' A modern dryer, My best is the son And a long strand of wind to think I missed out. On The dryer she had Because 1 failed to notice Hir Classified ad! to ,•:: Ao a PAGE TWENTY -014E\ You name it, wefl sell it. If you think that's a confident statement - you're right! We're very ca'ndifent that we can do the job for you! ' ' So confident in fact that if -for some reason we can't sell whatever it is • you have in just 4. issues Your Dollar Saver classified od won't cost you anything'. In the Dollar Saver, you only pay for RESULTS. And RESULTS ore what you get because local. BUYERS AND SELLERS GET TOGETHER IN. (Avoiiobie every }I ""o__ther weed o ,Your tovorite'.. ,rewolorta for oOhl 14. yt AP vueu(Anot+'I 16 Pa9e5 . juesdaY'1o�uoty 24',1978 ti, i(tr No. 2 vol,? �• Artttle�. }v;ti �}' � n,•N �tn'hc Ito iter ,;ale }•t:l (HIl\(F tc� t t to (• Arli(it` tilt N 7,10 ll • tl 4`i„`f d,,,l• .,n vhnt )rh• Urto`, iter tiaie u,.r. "‘"'"1- yktd 11 L,til o . tv,d} ant! 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