The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-25, Page 19WEDNESDAY,. JANUARY 25, 1978 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO This W.eeTk itt CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 Visiting here briefly last week- end after getting out of the snow in Toronto were Tena and Harold Wyld Of Weston. First they called at the home of her sister Nora - Mr. and Mrs. Niels Frederiksen on Malcolm Street and then spent the night with his mother, at Huron Villa. After Sunday lunch at" the farm homestead on the sixth concession. they headed back to Metro Toronto Sunday afternoon. " On both last Wednesday and Thursday evenings farm reporter Cliff Robb interviewed Dennis Martin of the Huron County Agricultural Office in Clinton during the CKNX Wingham television supper "'shows. He asked Denis about these new computerized feed formulas now available at Clinton for dairy cows. Dennis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin of the 6th concession east in Huron Township and has attended both Cornell in New York and O.A.C.. in Guelph. On Monday evening, .January 16, the annual, meeting of the Ripley Agricultural Society- which sponsors the Ripley : Huron Fall Fair, was held after being, postponed from the previous Monday due to the big blizzard over this area. The meeting was well attend- ed. The date for next September's fair was set forthelast Friday and Saturday in September, namely September 29 and 30. Presiding over the meeting was Jack Farrell except for the election of officers and directors which was handled by Gordon Patterson. Treasurer Mrs. Dorothy Brooks gave the financial statement and expressed her desire to retire. However the same executive was elected for the ,coming year. New directors are Keith Vander Hoek, Dan A. MacDonald, and Mrs. Gloria Rutledge. Mrs: Rutledge will also replace Mrs.. Gladys Arnold as secretary of the ladies' division. Mrs. Arnold and Jim, Needham, both having served for several years on the board retired. Delegates to the convention in the Royal York, - Toronto were picked.' They are Mr. and Mrs. Jack . Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. MacDonald, Mr: and Mrs. Cecil Sutton, Mrs. Frances God- frey, Mrs. Grace Peet, and Mrs.' Marjorie Reid. . Reports were given by those.. in charge of the various depart- ments of the fair,, At the conclusion of the meeting lunch was served by the ladies. Russ Brooks thanked the ladies. The next meeting is set' for Monday evening, February 13, at eight. * * * * .* * A 25th wedding anniversary party in honour of Mari and Lynn Farrell on Highway 9 was held on Saturday -evening in the Ripley Huron Community Recreation Complex Centre. The leak in the north end of the village water mains was finally discovered last Thursday morning and repaired by Kincardine P.U.C. workman John` (Hip) MacLeod. It was a circular crack right around the main pipe under the street pavement in' front ,of Redvers Johnson's place. Red - vers discovered evidence of the leak the previous Sunday morning when he noticed 'a considerable amount of water coming up on his -own lawn' and that of its neighbour Dick Edministon. From Sunday till Thursday ex- ploratory digging was done by Bill Kempton of Amberley with his tractor backhoe machine Village foreman Donie Peter- baugh 'and Rod ,MacDonald were kept busy with sump pumps removing the water. The repair was made by Mr. MacLeod with a 'rubber lined metal sleeve around the cracked pipe. The excavated mud was hauled to the Jerry. Huber (the former Bert McTav- ish) place at the north end of Ripley and one of the Coiling trucks brought dry sand to fill in the holes. Ripley Huron Central Reporters: I'an Culbert, Heather Scott, Kenneth Thompson, Chris- tine Cover, MRS. MacDONALD'S GRADE ONE: , Birthday greetings go to Billy Johnson, Jeff Scott and Lee Dadson this month. FLOOR HOCKEY Floor hockey will begin for the Primary classes on January 25, for primary grades. There will be three games a day. ^ The captains and assistant captains are as follows: 1. Steven Cover, Todd Farrell 2. Corey Cuyler, Laurie Harkness 3. Mark Dahmer, Paula Jarvis 4. 'Gordon Davies, Gerry Meurs 5. Robert Drzazga, Marnie Pep- per 6. Stephen Keelan, Elizabeth Smeltzer 7. Ricky Lamb, Irene teRaa 8. Philip Plowright, Waylon Thompson -9. Donnie Shantz; -Ruth VanRooy- en , 10. Doug Sorbara,. John +Bak 11. Eddy teRaa, Jeff Chalmers 12. Clinton. Twolan, Darren Cook The. ^senior teams are as o Fe s: 1. Trudy Korten, Tammy Sorbara 2. Angela Stewart, Sandra Henry 3. Lisa, Farrell, Sharon Blewett - 4. Judy Allan, Andrina Low 5. Matthew Dahmer, Keith Hall- man 6. Allan Kerr, Jeff Elliott 7. Kent Lowry, Rodney Sutton 8. Steven Brown, John Forster '- 9. Ronald Rock, Jim Cleaver 10. Gregor Peebles, Ian Culbert ,TABLE TENNIS Table tennis is -now in full swing with the second round finished. PAGE NINETEEN 14. fake a closer look DID YOU KNOW THAT Sepoy Stationery and Printing Columnar Books Up to 20 columns We would be pleased to order Any of your bookkeing requirements Which we do not have in stock DON THOMPSON, PROP. PHONE 528-2919 Lower Interest Rates' NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO ON RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES ,Interim Financing For New Construction and Land Development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS 8 CONSULTANTS LIMITED Head Office, 56 Weber Street, East Kitchener, 019) 744-6535 Branch Office: 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, {519) 832:2044 Branch Office: 504 Tenth Street, Hanover, (519) 364-3121 Evenings Call David Beynon (519) 794-3277 We Buy Existing Mort9ages for Instant Cash MR. PRICE'S GRADE 2 Mr. Price's class is learning how to use a map and compass. Thus when they grow up they will know where they are going. Sheila MacDonald t -o chair Ripley,. Agricultural Society' Ladies' Division BY GLADYS ARNOLD The Lady Directors of . Ripley Agricultural Society held their annual meeting on January 20th at the home of Mrs. Gladys Arnold. Fourteen ladies from all sections of the ladies' work were present. Mrs. Dan McDonald was in charge of 'the meeting. All were pleased with the Advance Lists and were grateful for the work done by Mrs. D. D, MacLeod, Mi. Nugent and a committee of Mrs. Marjorie Reid, Mrs. Reg Godfrey, Mrs. Nick Peet. Further . copies may be obtained from Mrs. Dan MacDon- ald or Mrs. Janet Farrell. Janet would be glad if any Juniors planning to exhibit this year would telephone for an Advance List. The Ontario Agricultural, Con- vention will be held in Toronto on February 15 and 16. A bus will go if there are enough interested people.. It is a good opportunity to visit in Toronto, or attend the Convention. Everyone was pleased with the number of entries in the Photo- graphic Competition this year. A competiton for prints was new and .missed by a lotof exhibitors. Mrs. Sheila McDonald will be chairman of the Ladies' section for another year. Mrs. Arnold resigned as secretary and Mrs. Gloria Rutledge will serve in her place. Mrs. Robt. Blackwell was added to the Junior Section as a Director. This Section had 35 'exhibitors last year and has become a fine section,of the Fair. Directors' discussed how they could better display the fine work entered by exhibitors. Everyone is, looking forward to a good Fair on September 29 'and 30. Help your Heart... Help -your Heart Fund 25°ici DISCOU1 On All Crafts r MACRAME SUPPLIES, NEEDLEPOINT, BEADS; ART FOAM, YARN AND MANY OTHERS. Handicraft. & Flower Sh�p 206 JOSEPHINE STREET, WINGHAM ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE PHONE 357-2023 too PLETCR ELECTRFC WINGHAM RESIDENTIAL--FARM--INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL . PhonoCoIIect 357=1583