The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-25, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' 2$, 1978 Notice To Creditors Notice To Credifors THE LUCKNOW SENT> L, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ° ° NOTICE TO CREDIT..ORS. AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERT J. STAN - LEX, late of the Township of kinlo'ss, in the County of Bruce,, Deceased; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate ' of the Late Albert T. Stanley are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BRO- PHY, Solicitors, for the Executor of the said state, , on or before February 8, 1978, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice: DATED at Lueknov*, Ontario, this 12th day' of January, 1978. Albert Colwell Executor of the Estate By his solicitors GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Box 194 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - Solicitors for the Estate —3,4,5ar 3,4,5ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,AND OTHERS , A. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY CHRIST- INA DOUGLAS, late ° of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Deceased. NOTICE ; IS HEREBY GIVEN 'pursuant to The Trustees Act that all . creditgrs and others having claims against the Estate of the late Dorothy Christina Douglas are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to GOODALL,, CAMPBELL & BRO- PHY, Solicitors, for the Executrix of the said Estate, ' on or before February 8, 1978, and that after such date the Executrix will °proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall. then have had notice. DATED at Lucknow, Ontario this - 12th day of January, 1978. Mary A. ,Leishman Executrix of the Estate -By her solicitors GOODALL, CAMPBELL AND BROPHY Box 190 LUCKNOW, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'IN THE EST E OF JOHN ALEXANDER ONAGH ALL PERSONS . having claims against : the estate of John Alexander McDonagh, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of . Bruce, Retired Insurance Agent, deceased who died on or about the. 21st day, of July, 1977, are hereby 'notified to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor e for the Executors ,on or before the 3rd qday ' of February, .1978, after which date the estate 'will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which , the under- signed 'shall then have_notice. DATED at Listowel, Ontario, this 10th day of January, 1978. Robert 'W/ Andrew,. Listowel,' Ontario, Solicitor for the Execut- ors. ---3,4,5ar WHY PAY MOWW? *Sizes ' 12'-10-2,5-30H.P. Front andtear PTO 3 Point Hitch Liquid Cooled Diesels 2 and 4 Wheefbrive Available wititi Cabs, Loaders, ' Rla es, Mowers, Trenchers, Plows Cultivators, Disc, Harrows, Back Hoes, Rotovators, Snow Bibwers ° DOUPE'S EQUIPMENT LTD: SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS 395-2685 , HWY. 9 KINCARDINE (AT MILLARTON) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS . IN . THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GERTRUDE CEC- ILIA MURRAY, late of the Township of Kinloss, in' the County, of Bruce, Widow, Dec- eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to -lite Trustees Act 'that all creditors and others having claims. against the Estate ofhe late Gertrude.. Cecilia Murray" are ° required to send "particulars of their claims, duly verified „to GOODALL, CAM'ELL.& BRO- PHY, Solicitors for the Executors of the said. Estate, on or before February 8, 1978, and that after A;ueh date ` the Execut�'irs will proceed to distribute the sets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at LUCKNOW, Ontario' this. 12th day °of January, 1978. James Leo Murray:and= Patrick Alphonse' Murray Executors of the Estate By their solicitors. GOODALL, CAMPBELL ' & BROPHY Box 190 Lucknow, Ontario Solicitors for the 'Estate —3,4,5ar PAGE SEVEN Brt ca County 'arnn .eport �f.tCedit�rs a • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD ELLI- OTT, late of the. Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, Widower, Deceased, NOTICE IS -HEREBY - GIVEN pursuant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and' others 'having claims against the Estate of the Late Richards Elliott are required dsend particulars of their claims, uly verified to GOODALL,*' CAMPBELL & 'BROPHY, Solicit- ors, for the Executors 'of the said Estate, on 'or before February 8, 1978, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to..distri- bute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had ' notice. DATED at Lucknow, Ontario, this 12th day of January, 1978. Ellwood Elliott' and Harold_:Elliott Executors of the Estate By their solicitors GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY Box 190 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Solicitors for -the Estate —3,4,5ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS • ONTARIQ)'GRAIN CORN COUNCII'r year. This means that somewhere ° there are producers with quota The Ontario Grain Corn Council that is not going to be used this have planned an information '.year. meeting for this area in Stratford 'These producers 'are urged to Coliseum on February 7, at 1,30 make their unused 4uota avail - p.m. The topics will be .Stabiliza- able, either by transfer;" or loan, tion " Programfor corn; The to their neighbours who require Outlook for corn in Ontario; The it. A word to' their 'plant, or an Outlook for Fertilizers and: Chem- advertisement in the paper, icals and Corn Marketing. would attract quick attention. Total number of°milk producers in Bruce County has now dropped below the five hundred number. Tickets for their Annual Meeting are now available ° from the County Milk Committee mem- bers, or from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Office. The meetingis again being held at the Walkerton Community Centre, Thursday, February 2nd. . A R. D. FERGUSON WEED CONTROL' COURSE" This is your chance to :update the °weed control on your farm. The course will be held in three locations: Parkhead W.I. hall, January 30; Bruce Township hall, Underwood, February' 3, . and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Board Room, Walker- ton, February 6th: The course will start at 1.00 p.m. each day and rup to 3.30 p.m. Weed ' identification and chemical weed control in all crops' will be included. The course is free and everyone is welcome.; M. R. .ROLTON, Ag. Rep. DAIRY RELEASE Total milk 'production in Ontar- io at the end of ' November was 6.8% higher in the '77-'78 Diary Year ' th'an.. it had been in the previous year. Production in Bruce County was up -5.2% from the previous year. This increased level of production .continues to exert pressure , on " individual farmer's share of the market, and many are dangerously short of quota, and a few producers have completely used their quota for the . year. The O.M.M.B. announced last spring, that , they would be allowing a quota lending program in the province this year, and that program has been implemented. The problems of this '77 . '78 Dairy year are being further complicated by the uncertainties from the Canadian Dairy Com- mission in Ottawa. 'The C.D.C. have suggested that; farmers out. of quota might be allowed ' to borrow from their next year's allotment and have until the end IN "THE MATTER OF THE of September to bring, their. ESTATE OF FRANCIS LAM::ttit production into line with' their BERT AUSTIN,'late of the Village quota; 'A decision.on this matter is of Dungannon, in 'the •County of expected shortly. • CONSIDER YOUR CLOTHES ° It would appear at this writing, We're . still. considering our Huron, Deceased. PP g� that producers who are going to clothes at 4-H ladies' training run , out of their yearly 'M.S.Q. schools. By the time . you read allocation before the end of ' this, there, will be three . training March' '78, should Continue 'to- schools remaining. seek out quota to cover their ' January " 26 • and 28, United anticipated production. However, Church House, Port Elgin; . Janu- these producers will probably be ary 30. and February 1, Teeswater extremely cautious in this deci- Town . Hall; January 31.' and sion. No doubt , . they' will be February 2, Walkerton United reluctant to invest °much money -to Church.' cover production, at this time. Any group of : four or more Milk ,producers who ship milk : young' people (gals or -guys) 'are -not covered -by quota, at today's free to send tw. o leaders to one of price, will receive ' around' .two ;these—training -- schools. These dollars a hundredweight for their ladies then pass the information milk, . 'after deductions. they, learned at these -two-day Many cream producers in the sessions. (10 a.m. to 4 p.in: each area seam equally desperate to day) on lb the members, who obtain 'ciuota to cover their - make a blouse acid keep a record increased production: book' which are displayed at Unlike industrial milk, total Achievement Day. For 'more. cream. production, in the province information, contact Barb DeVis- is down significantly from last. scher, :Home Economist. M. R. BOLTON, Ag. Rep. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against. the Estate 'of the Late Francis. Lainbert'Austin are required to send particulars of their claims,. -duly verified to, GOODALL, CAMPBELL &SR.O.- PHY, Solicitors, for the Executors of the said Estate, on or before February 8, 4978, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said. Estate, ' having regard° only' to the claims of which they shall have had notice. DATED at Lucknow, Ontario this 12th day of January; 1978. John Francis Austin and Eldon Eugene Austin Executors of the Estate. By their solicitors GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY Box 190 LUCKNOW, Ontario' Solicitors for the Estate —3,4,5,ar Swine symposium "Profitable Pork Production for 1978" will be the theme of a swine Symposium to be held < at the Howick Communitry Centre on Highway #87 north of Ford- wich on February 15th, according to Don Pullen, agricultural rep- resentative for Huron County. Advance registration before February 8th is a must in order to be assured of a hot pork dinner at nodn.A\Tickets are available from Huron County Pork Producer Directors as well as the Agricult- ural Office, Clinton,' at a cost of, $5.00. The prograni commences with registration at 9.30 a.m. Regist' rants attending before 10 o'clock may take advantage of "early bird" draws. The program wilt include a nutnber of timely presentations including "Premixes, 'Supple- . merit upple- meats or Complete Feeds, Wil- liam Anderson-, Topnotch Feeds; Selecting Breeding Stock for the 1978 Grading System, Don Mc: Lean, Quality Svvine; $ and Sense of Swine Confinement, Don Taylor, Archer's Farm Equip- ment; Diseases of Baby Pigs, Dr. B. Grooves,' Pfizer Co.; Econom- ics of Heavier Hogs, Dr. G. Bowman, University of Guelph; Problems of Getting Large, Paul Bayer, Woodstock; Joys of Stay- ing Small, H. Winkel, Fordwich" . The symposium° will conclude with a panel discussion involving all speakers, at 3.30 p.m. . Individual questions will be encouraged, There will be plenty of time for questions and discus- sion. Proceedings of the day will be available to all participant`s. Couples are encouraged to at. tend. Mildmay. furniture Showrooms »,+ < n4 0.11 +-ter Select from our, displays of Iivingroom', bedroom and dinette suites; Simmons bedding; :appliances; new organs and pianos; Electroholne T.V. and stereo sets Godfrey E. Schtiet.t Ltd., Phone 367-2308 ,/ Mildmay \1