The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-18, Page 33PAGE THU. Y•TNIVO THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO The Western Ontario Tractor Pullers' Association held its annual banquet, trophy presentation and dance at Saltford Valley Hall on Saturday, evening.' Almost. fifty trophies were awarded to pullers in nine different classes. These men were the second place winners in their classes. Back row, left to right are, David Hathaway, Dutton, 6,000 Stock Class; Harvey Holland, Clinton, 9,000 Open Class; Paul Murray, Seaforth, 6,000 Stock Class; Stu Reavie, Lucknow, 8;000 Stock Class; Norm Clarke, Fingal, 12,000 Stock Class. Front row, left to right, Cliff Livingston, Lucknow, 10,000' Stock Class; Joe Vanstone, Bayfield, Truck Class;, Bill Henderson; Kippen,. ;7,000 Open Class; Paul ,Smith, Listowel, 18,000 Stock Class. Mrs... Harvey, Houstonhad the pleasant surprise of 'a conversa- tion with son, Wallace, on the 24th December, through the courtesy of a Ham Radio operator at Tiverton. • Wallace•is in the upper .part of, Mali, West Africa in the desert, where there is lots of sand and camels. The workers at the main camp, situated in Bamako,. were coming up to have `Christmas- in the desert with Wallace and co-workers. The air waves must have been in fine tone as the :onversationwas heard quite ' clearly. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston, Lucknow and J. J. and Lynne - Houston of Toronto, were Boxing Langside CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 Ronald Georges arid friends spent the- weekend •snowmobiling on his farm in Kinloss. The farm was formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bongertman.. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young of Lucknow, formerly of Langside, visited on Sunday with, their. son,' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young;'' Beth, Jane And Erin, of •Chesley and attended the baptism of their granddaughter Erin. FERGUSON - Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ferguson (nee Simpson) of 89 Brittania Road, West, Goder- ich, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Glenn Robert Gordon, born January 8th, 1978 in Goderich General and Marine Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mfrs. Robert Simpson, Kintail and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson, Delhi. BUTTON - John and Anit`. (nee Brigham) of Sarnia are happy to, announce the birth of their son Jason Charles, 9 lbs. 5 'oz., on January 7, 1978. A little brother for Carrie Lynn, second grand- child for Mr. and Mrs,. Charlie Brigham of Sarnia and 5th grandchild for Mrs. Marie But- ton, Blyth. MORRISON - to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morrison, Lucknow, on Saturday, January 14, 1978, in Wingham and District Hospital, a son, Adam James. Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Derwyn Taylor, . of Cargill. Grant Helm' of London visited last week with . his .sister • and 1•SEE.. . By The Sentinel THAT The Lucknow and District Fire Departmentranswered a Monday morning call, to the home of Tom Phillipk; R. R. 5 Luc know: A wood fire in a stove -in the recreation room of the home had overheated causing a smallamount of damage to the wall board near the stove. THAT David Travis Remington, son of' Dr.-and Mrs. Brian Remington of Atlanta, Georgia,, was recently baptized at the -Lucknow United Church by Rev. Douglas Kauf- man. Dr. and Mrs. Phil Berret of Atlanta are his godparents. Travis is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Remington of Kincard- ine and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brooks, Lucknow. vit. and Mrs. Gene Steele, formerly of Kincardine, are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daught- er, Mary Kay to Mr. Frederick. E. Lanting of Ripley. The marriage 'will take place on February 4th at 4 p.m. at. Knox Presbyterian Church in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. MacKenzie wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Diane Ruth to Mr. Arnold. Gordon Clifford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Clifford of Dryden. The wedding will ' take place in Ashfield Presbyterian Church on February 15th, 1978 at 3.00 p.m. as brother-in=law, Roberta and Lloyd Whytock, Donna and Darlene of . Lucknow. Lynne Huston returned to ' Toronto.. after . spending the Christmas vacation with, grandparents, , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston. WEDNESDAY; JANUARY 18, 1978. BAIN'S GROCETERIA LUCICNOW 528-:3.4.20 SCHN'EIDER'S 1 #'•TUBS Margarine CLOVER LEAF PINK Saimon 73/4 OZ. 63° 99° rapefruit 48s 4/49° YORK SMOOTH 2 LB. JAR Peanut Butter. s1.69 WE DELIVER ,. "Tho much is taken,' much remains." Tyson Please give generously, disabled adults need your help. THE ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES' cJ» Junior Dress Slacks REG. $19.98 NOW , .7,1111p Mt Item fir Ng( moo mita ea gun imorr 1- Ladies' Dull -on d Slacks p REG.. $17.98 • "a4 NOW 1449'. 14 .99 ' klEG $15..98 $ ,, NOW .4'9 0As11111n 1g(f(((( , �,,,41111"""--""'"""*""tgrgrC Ladies' �.. `0 Dresses Ladies Pant Tops. Cardigan . � r✓ 1&BIouses & Wraps , z MaternityVs Wear REDUCED 20-5O% 1 . 4.4iisomeas t g.gafg((((J NO REDUCED 40% FROM 98.00. $� .� 20-30%� ; . ,:4 2.0 0 .. ., . 20-50%.. 4%1..11.1111 oratitrii\C,,,/ ✓�, h...1.tiitt(((1i