The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-18, Page 23v. PAGE TWEN TYR' ' 0. n Last Saturday was a real activity day in Ripley. Starting in the , morning caretalter Ham MacKinnon had thesmoke com- ing out of the chimney as he was warming up the Huron Township Hall presumably for the upholst ering class• held oh Saturds. Over at the Ripley Huron Legion hall caretaker Rob; Love had things ready for the meeting -with Miss Barbara de Visscher, home economist of the Bruce County Agricultural staff in Walkerton. Down at the complex the Bruce County Junior Farmers were hosts to seven neighbouring Junior Farmer County groups and Helen Grubb and family had everything ready. Then at the north end of Ripley there was a big bonspiel in the Ripley Curling Arena. Then on ,Saturday evening the Junior Farmer groups togeth- er enjoyed themselves at . a• big THE ZUCKNOW SENTI$EL, ' IVCKNOW, QNTARIQ This Week in dance in the auditorium of the - complex. .* * *, * • * . *, Also on Saturday the Ripley Boy' Scouts with leaders Wilfred Gamble and John Hawrylyshyn canvassed the "village, house by house, in their bottle drive. ;iL* * * * * * Well. Monday and Tuesday of last week, January 9 and 10, 1978' will be remembered as two of the stormiest ' winter days in a long time. Monday was real bad for driving and Tuesday was just impossible .with snow drifts across all north -south roads. One could hardly walk outside. .So everybody around . Ripley was staying "put". . . On Monday about five -minutes MACRAME SUPPLIES, NEEDLEPOINT, BEADS, ART FOAM, YARN AND MANY OTHERS. Handicraft &Flower Shop 206 JOSEP .1 i STREET, WINGHAM ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE PHONE 357-2023 ring a riend to our Macs 2 for Drive,In sale s SPEC/All for January ;0.-.& 21. Snack Box d ' 2 PIECES CHICKEN & FRENCH FRIES REG: PRICE $1,50 Buy one “. get 'ons. f r ee Phone 528-2443 BY AB WYLDS of so before six, the. street lights went out and'it looked like 'a cold black night • ahead. for Ripley isolated from the rest of the world. with no cars on the roads. Also the hydro was offin, a section of Ripley. Clerk Bill McCreath made. a call for help to Kincardine P.U.C.. It was received by Workmen John Adams and Earl Kay coming for supper time. They ° took off for the long arid seemingly impossible ten miles down. 21 Highway to. Pine River and into:Ripley. The trip took one hour and a half. It was found that the Ontario Hydro at Pine, ' River had dropped a phase. Coming into Ripley about eight it seemed unbelievable that ' it had ; been possible for them to make it and their truck driving down, Ripley's blacked out .:main ..street was a welcome _ sight. it was xieeessary_._ to open all . the main switches to the different circuits and connect into use the .former main feeder line from Holyrood and .then go hack to all the different sections of Ripley to Close the switches,:, one by one, and hence avoid instantoverloading all at once. This is quite technical even to this writer who once;, specialized in electricity at Western University. However.. it. • would be very dangerous to •the men and the complete system if it was not done this way. The job completed John. Adams and Earl Kay: made their way back . through those awful.road conditions in the same time as corning over. The sincere thanks of the people of Ripley goes . to John Adams. and Earl' Kay. * •* * * * * With the hydro off most people in Ripley went to bed with extra. blankets expecting a longcold night. Mr. and Mrs. Redvers Johnson went to the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Hedley, , just north of Kenny MacDonald. 'They were there unable to get home on Tuesday. On Wednesday morn - g neighbour Wilfred Gamble drove them home. Redvers says that it was the first time to, be • • tl WEI, IMESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1978 storm stayed less;than two blocks from home. And that shows how fierce the storm, sweeping West- ern, Ontario last Tuesday really was. . Another thing really appreciat- ed" at such tine wat the two grocery stores in Ripley - Mrs. Grace, Carruthers' . store at the south end and Carl Brennan's at the north end. And no doubt the Holyrood Store, Bob McNay's at Amberley, , and Gordon Camer- on's at Pine River were similarily appreciated by those needing groceries. It was very hard even to walk a couple of blocks last Tuesday morning. • * * * * * Sympathy of the „folks in this area goes ..to Mrs. Glen . Huston and family of the 8th concession of Huron Township on the passing of her father this past week. The funeral service was held =in: Lucknow .on Monday afternoon with interment in Dungannon Cemetery. * <*• * * * * t Miss Shirley McCreath is assisting at the Pollock- •,Electric firm as a bookkeeper. The writer wishes to say that Mrs. Martha McIvor pnly sup- plied part of the informatipn in last week's account of the death of Mrs, Sarah Ann Mclvor of Calgary. * *1 *. * * * Mrs. Frances Elliott of Ripley left last week for a holiday in Arizona. On Sunday Redvers Johnson discovered • water coming up on own ' lawn and that of his neighbour Dick Ediiiinston. It is thought that it' is coming from. a era -CID -in the. village .water main.' Village foreman Dco Peterbaugh was 'notified and . he got ' Bill Kemptoi to come in • from: Amberley. Digging was done by the le;k is not yet discovered. Ripley District School SECONDARY NEWS R.D.S. STUDENTS SMILE AFTER A. LONG WEEKEND On Thursday. morning, January 12, ,,,,when the students of Ripley' returned to school, the ..photogra- pler was ready to otake the annual yearbook. pictures. The various pictures included school teams,' clubs and Levels I III. The Grade 12 students are hard at .work to make this year's book an interest- ing one. On Thursday afternoon the Chesley junior girls'. basketball team came to R.D.S. The Ripley girls put up a good fight buts k st '. the game' with a score. of 37-31. A CRAFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE 'PLYMOUTH WINGHAM QNTARIO ' PHONE 357-3862 1977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 1977 CHRYSLER NEW 'YORKER, demonstrator, fully equipped ; 1976 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, 2 door hardtop, fully equipped 1975 DODGE ROYAL MONACO, 4 'door sedan V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes and radio, 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY SALON,, 4 door sedan 1975 FURY SPORT, 2 door (hardtop 1975.CHEV, 4 , door • 1975 OL,DSMOBILE, 2 door 1974 DATSUN 8210 • .2 1974 GRAND TOR1NOS 1974, DODGE MONACO, 4 door sedan 1973 PLYMOUTH,' 2 door hdtop 1973 OMEGA, 2 door, • 6 automatic, with power steering 1972• DODGE: MONACO, .2 door hardtop' 1972 PLYMOUTH, . 2 door 1970 OLDSIYIOBILB, 4 door hardtop ` .15. return match will be held in Chesley on Tuesday, January 17. Better luck next time girls! On Friday, .January ,13 'the' Environmental Science class of R.D.S. left for an overnight trip to the Outdoor Education . Centre near Wiarton. Once settled in their dormatories. - they were filled in oti duties and responsibil- ities and then on snow, hoeing. They then set out for a -/two hour hike on snowshoes by Spry Lake. After a rest, they enjoyed a hot supper "Fond later attended a session on• orienteering. Bright\ and early Saturday morning the students rose and prepared breakfast. After giving the orien- teering course their best effort, they set out for Ripley. • Here comes a shower And right here am 1 Stuck with my washing All ready to dry: But, instead of enjoying A modern dryer, My best is the sun And a long strand of whet To think 1 missed out On the, dryer .she had Because 1 failed to notice Her Classified 6dl i