The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-18, Page 22WEDNESDAY, JJANUARY 18, 1978, K ings bridge CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 ations taking part. This year the council aims to make a Birthday Gift of $60,000. to finance a world wide literacy project. The Canad- ian Bible Society' will administer the' project ,and use the Bible as, the teaching text. Make plans. now to attend this year's World Day of Prayer. There was bus service on the Highways only,.. to ` St. Joseph's School at Kingsbridge on - Tues- day, January 3 "due to the stormy weather. Students who did not get picked up were delighted to have another holiday. Mrs. Eugene . (Betty) Frayne has been hired as secretary to St. Joseph's School at Kingsbridge. Betty replaces Miss Mary Ellen Glazier who is now working full time in Goderich. Betty's duties commenced on Thursday, Janu- ary 5, 1978. Willy Hendriks,. 14.. year,old son of Mr. and Mrs.>. Martin Hendriks is file Senior Boy's -Champion in the Knights of Columbus'. Free Throw Tourna- ment. Congratulations, Willy! Senior Boys "A" and Senior Girls "A" volleyball teams will go by bus to Stratford on Saturday, , January 14 with coaches Joanne Hamilton and Harold Zettler. The, Senior Boys "B" teanisand the Senior Girls "B" teams -will go to Goderich on Saturday, January 14 with coach DavieZyluk. A community Volunteer pro- gram isstarting with Community Volunteers helping Mrs. Barbara Eedy and Mrs. Margaret Fergus- on. Mrs: Rose Frayne is 'going to --pilot the new grade 6 Religion program next September. • This. ~community extends its ° . deepest sympathy to the family and,friends of the late Mrs. Herb TLE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWEN' 'T=ONE i . Huston who passed away on Monday, January 2, at the Pinecrest Nursing.'Home in Luck- now."Mrs. Huston had celebrated her 95th birthday on Christmas Day.''Mr, and Mrs. Joe Courtney attended the funeral at the MacKenzie. McCreath Funeral Home in L.ucknow on Wednesday, January 4. ' Sympathy is also extended to the family, relatives and friends, Of the late Mrs. Elizabeth `McKim who passed away, on Sunday, January 8th in her 86th year. Her body. rested at the MacKenzie - McCreath Funeral Home in Lucknow. Due to the stormy ;weather on Tuesday the funeral was postponed until Wednesday, January 11, thence to the United Church in Lucknow fcsr funeral service at 11 a.m. Temporary entombment was in the South Kinloss Mausoleum. Harry VanDiepan flew from the London Airport on Monday, January 9th for a one week vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riegling and family in Whitelaw, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Boyle flew from the Toronto International Airport -on Monday, January 9 for a two week vacation with their sones Michael in Calgary, Alberta. Miss Shannon Durnin• returned to her home here onSaturday, December 31. Shannon had spent 15 days vacation with her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacDonald and family in Chilli- wach, ,British Columbia and with Mr. and Mrs. -Danny Dalton and family in Nanaimo, British Col- umbia, returning by plane to the Toronto International Airport on December 30 where she was met by her aunt Mrs. Paul W.issex, and Mr. Wisser staying the'. Tright ,,before her parents Mr. and Mrs. , Michael Dalton and family sicked her up bringing her home. '* Congratulations to • William Kinahan, R. R. 2 Lucknow who was elected vice president of the, Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate. School Board inaugural meeting held. in Dublin recently. Congratulations, also to Finlay . MacLennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. . D. A. MacLennan and to Roddy MacLennan, son of Mr; and Mrs, Stuart MacLennan who took part in the Rose Bowl Parade in... California on New. Year's Day. St.le HGfl BY ST, HELENS SNOWMOBILE • 'CLUB The club -met• with. 13 machines on Friday "the 13th" and needless to say ittwas an unlucky number as. one trailridert went home. with a wet foot. The -ride went" through the pinery near Dungannon. Follow- ing this, a short meeting was held to discuss 'the upcoming rally on February 12th, 1978. After the meeting a meal of- beans and wieners and homemade bread was served. Next meeting : is January 27, 1978.. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ross Errington enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Wilson, Randy, Ricky, and Ronnie and Mr% Del Wareing, all of Stoney Creek. There, will be another Shoot Party at the hall this. Thursday evening. Teachreligionat Grey central The. Huron County Board of Education approved a request Wednesday from' the Listowel Ministerial. Association to begin religious ' instruction classes in Grey Central Public School. The association asked the prin- cipal of Grey Central for permission to begin one half hour lesson twice a month with each of the Grade 5, 6, 7 and 8. Pastor Laurie Morris of the. Listowel association ,cone tatted the school after the home and school association for ' Grey Central had discussed the , religious in- struction several times with the "Grey Central principal. The board was told that it was the home .and school that asked the ministers to see. what could be arranged by the ministerial association. . John Cochrane, director of education, told the board that the school would have to sold' forms home with students to give parents a chance to. decide if they wanted their children taking religious instruction. He said the parents have the right to exempt the " child from the classes the same as they have the right to excuse the child from "standing . during 0 Canada or saying the Lord's Prayer during opening exercises". . Cochrane; told ' the board that the principal 'would be meeting with representatives of the association to draw up guidelines arid a course of study prior, to starting the lessons: He added that dif- ferent.. ministers would then be responsible for different parts , of the course but that the principalwould have final say on what was taught. • Brussels trustee Donald McDonald told the board that he was in favor of the classes adding, that it "may. be the. only, contact some children get with religious in- struction" . Goderich trustee Cayley Hill said the board shoutd, approve the course on 'a one year basis rather than leaving it as an ongoipg thing. He said that the principal should make a report to. the board on how the classes were received or, the ministerial association may. get the impression they have a "carte blanche" to continue a course that is /not being accepted well. Cochrane told the tboard that drily one other school in the county has religious in- struction classes. He_ said Robertson Memorial , Public School in. Goderich was working with the ministerial association 'in that town giving a course that was not to exceed one hour, per week. He added that other courses taught in the'school had to be compressed to allow for the religious classes. ' The board approved the _suggestion and asked ' the school programs policy committee to develop a policy governing ,similar situations that may occur in the future. A DEPARTMENT STORES 1 50% • on all **FALL & WINTER III LADIES' TOPS, BLOUSES, SWEATERS *CHILDREN'S Sties 2.3x; 4-6x, 7-14 , . FALL & WINTER `SEASONABLE CLOTHING ' (JACKETS -SWEATERS TOPS -UNDERWEAR) S0ve25% ON ALL SEASONABLE SLEEPWEAR, Save 20 JEANS Boy's - Girl's Men's - Women's BOY'S POLO PYJAMAS S a 2 PCE. 100% SOFT COTTON SIZES 4-6-6x Reg. '3.98 NOW 3 M1 • CLINTON=LUCKNO' V.WINCHAM DEPARTMENT STORES