The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-18, Page 171 PAGE SIXTEEN THE LUCIOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CA'SSIDY.-HALDENBY project Focus on Living "Focus ' on Living", the 441 homemaking project with variety plus, will be offered in LHuron County this spring announced ,Grace Bird, 'Huron County home economist . this week. - Open to ail young people ages 12-26, whether they live, onthe farm or in town, this project gives participants an opportunity to explore, the' meaning of the 4-H pledge and develop ways for following its guidelines. • Quilting appears for the, ,first time in a 4-H project. All members will learn to make a sample of pieced quilting by hand. Seniors can explore the art of 'machine quilting .to make placemats, hand bags or other articles.:. Members may also knit or crochet an article of their choice. Leaders will be respon- sible for teaching quilting " but members wishing to learn how to knit or crochet can rely on friends, rand parents or grandparents. p Outings - and guest speakers will be quite in order. For example, meeting five can be scheduled any time during the project and provides. the oppor- tunity to go hiking or trailing or visiting a wildlife or conservation area - anything to do with our environment and natural resourc- ces. Meeting six deals with safety so it might be the time to 'have a WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1978 Live in Teeswater Red roses and tartan rib- bons decorated Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, on Friday evening,, Nov. 18, "When Debra • Lynn Haldenby became the bride of John Blair Cassidy. Father Beaudry officiated • at the double ring ceremony and guests were ushered to their seats by music supplied by organist Julie King. Soloist Susan Hamilton, ac- companied by , Jerry McNaulty 'on guitar,' sang "Perfect Love," "If" . and "We've Only -Just Begun." Debbie is the daughter of Jim and Helen Haldenby of RR 1 Holyrood and Blair is the son of Joe and Kathleen Cassidy of Teeswater. The " bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a gown of pure silkpolyester jersey, featuring an empire waist with gathers down both sides of the.., bodice:, a long flowing.skirt and an attached chapel length --train falling from the shoulders. The long, straight sleeves were trim- med at the cuff and the matching hood, around the edge, with white fluffy maribou. • The bride carried a single orchid surrounded by white roses. A wish bone, sent from Scotland by the bride's cousin, Keith Hendrie 'was presented to the bride by Julie and Jeff Haldenby and hung from the bouquet as well. Ruth Dore, Mississauga, friend of the bride was matron • of honour.. Bridesmaids were Katify • Cassidy, 'Teeswater, sister of the groom; Heather Haldenby, . Brampton, sister of the bride and Jennifer Barrell, Brampton, cousin of • 'the bride. They • were all dressed identically in floor length kilts of Princess Margaret Rose tartan. from Ayr, policeman or St. Johns Ambu- lance person come to a 'club meeting to discuss this topic. Leaders' Training Schools will_ be held as:follows: Exeter United Church, Exeter, Monday and Tuesday, January 16th and 17th, 1-978; . Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, Thursday and Friday, 'January 19th and 20th, 1978; Gorrie United Church, - Gorrie, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 24th ' and 25th, 1978; Salvation Army Hall, Wingham, ,and we want to make it available \ to as many young people as Thursday and Friday, Januar 26th. and 27th, 197-8; First, Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Monday and . Tuesday, January 30th .and 31st, 1978; Myth United Church, Blyth, Wednesday/ anis Thursday, February 1st and 2nd, 1978. . Special for those who cannot attend weekdays because of work or school ...Wesley•Willis United Church, Clinton, Saturday, Janu- ary 14th and Saturday, January 21st; 1978. All training schools will.be held from 10.00 a.m. - 400 p.m. both days. In order for your community to be involved in this spring program, please pass this infor- mation on to people in your area who might be interested in sponsoring .' or leading a 4-H program at this time. 4-H .is a valuable experience possible. Additional de ails regarding the program are available from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. If you want to volunteer. your . services as a leader or sponsor or if you are interested in joining c as a member, your questions can be answered by Home. Economists, Grace Bird and Bea McClenaghan, telephone 482-3428 or Zenith 7-2800. Chins up CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 reverses this year. There will be more stresses in the future with more people looking for off -farm employment in a job market that's tight, even in Huron. Pullen says he has heard some predictions of land prices doub- ling in the •next 10 years. He added, "Some established farm- ers see the purcha'e of another farm as a good investment." Snowmobiles are heavy! Keep them on land surfaces! Quick thaws weaken ice sur- faces. Always' check ice con- ditions after each change in. • weather, Scotland. White jersey bow blouses and green velvet vests completed the outfit. Eaeh girl carried a single Duchess Rose. Leigh , Anne Car tpbell, Kincardine, cousin of the bride was flowergirl. She was dressed identically to the bridesmaids but wore a short kilt. - Keith Cassidy of Teeswater was his brother's best man, Guests wefe ushered by Len' Walter, Teeswater; Eric McKenzie, Wingham, both friends of the groom and Rodger Campbell, Kin- cardine, uncle of the bride. The groom, and his at- tendants were dressed identically wearing dark green . tuxedos with velvet lapels, vests and bow ties. Their ruffled ' jirts were white with green trim and each wore a single rose boutonniere. ",. John Cassidy of Tee water, nephew of the groom s the ringbearer. He was dr, ssed identically to the groom` and ushers. • - • Honoured guests who \ at- tended the wedding were \the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Campbell, Sr.,. Kincardine; Mrsb. Jim .Mit- chell, L.ucknow and the bride's great aunt from Melford, •Saskatchewan. To greet guests at .a reception in the Teeswater Community Centre, the bride's mother chose a floor length gown of burgundy polyester with - a matching, hooded coat. An orchid - corsage completed the outfit. The groom's mother chose a floor length gown, of green • polyester with a cowl neckline and long .• sleeves. She too. wore an orchid cor- sage. Prior to her wedding, the bride was honoured at showers given for her by Ferne. Aitken, Kincardine; Helen C,ameron,° Wingham; Barbara Burrows, Kin- cardine; Lorraine Sillick, Candy Cassidy, Jan Fisher and - Donna Thacker, Teeswater, Ruth Dore in Teeswater as well as a community shower in Kinlough.• Following . their honeymoon, the bride and groom took , up' residence in River Heights, Teeswater. Debbie is employed by Clan Hairstyling in Kincardine and Blair, at Cassidy's Garage, Teeswater. The bride and groom would like to thank all the firemen for the Guard of Honour after their wedding ceremony. 1 For People bn The Go...;. • . Simplicity Super Twins roll easily, work anywhere, without 32"x x special plumbing or electrical servicing.Gromact size (32" p 19"). Washes one six pound load, while spin drying another (twelve pounds combined),Team your Super Twin with a compact dryer and laundry days can become leisure days. - - Greer TV and Electric Luckno* ?kone 525 4112,