The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-18, Page 124, • 4, PAGE TWELVE. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO WI1DNESDAY, JANUARY .1L8, 1978 The,.Lucknow Flea hockey ,team was to play a game with Mildmay in Lucknow on Saturday night but Mildmay .cancelled and instead the tykes held a practice and scrimmage. The. boys who range- In age from 5 to 7 learn the rules of the game and puck control*with their ,sticks as well as keeping their .balance on Slate-S.—Some ofthe" Mi. LYNN ELPHICK • • youngsters cannot co-ordinate everything at once and it is not rare to see them trip and' fall over one another without intentionally checking: The referee spends` some of his time coaching the players as he often positions the •pros' of tomorrow for the face -Offs. ets defeat Mildmay 8c. Teeswater. On January 5 Lucknow Midgets travelled to Mildmay to have a victory of 7-2 .for Lucknow. The first two periods were very close and both teams played well until the 3rd period when Lucknow pulled ahead. The scorers for the gamewere as follows: Pat Boyle, Don Elliott, David Errington, Larry MacPher— son son 2, Paul Hamilton 1 Assists, Larry' MacPherson :3., Brad 'Hum- phrey 2'andDon Elliott 1.,, Don Elliott got his goal when we were. shorthanded. On Ja ary 7 Lucknow played againstClifford with a final score' of 23-0 for Lucknow. January 16.Lucknow won 9-6 over Teeswater. The first period Lucknow pulled ahead quite fast and by the end of the second period Lucknow hada strong lead over Teeswater. But by the third period Teeswater started to catch up to Lucknow but.not enough for Teeswater to win. Goals for Lucknow , were .. as -- follows: Barry... Elphick, Doug Dorscht 2, Steve Simpson, Larry MacPherson 2, Brad Humphrey,. Steve MacPherson, Pat Boyle. Assists, Doug Dorscht, ' Steve MacPherson 2, Kevin Clark, Don Elliott 2, Barry Elphick, Brad Humphrey, .Paul Hamilton, Rod- dy Havens played, goal all night. and played a great game and. THINKING O.F FINE ENGLISH BONE CHINA? • s<, Come and See Us About Our Selection and Prices ROYAL ALBERT PARAGON ROYAL DOULTON Ali Patterns Open Stock CLOSED MONDAYS FOR WINTER MONTHS SCHMID'. JEWELLERY AND CNINA OWNERS- W. JOS. AND DEAN E. AGNEW PHONE 5283532 LUCKNOW made many saves: On Sunday, January 22 at 7.30 ocke pool s in Ki pools ha e Eadie, H Lucknow ,onto, is Bi Stanbury, arida Recent winner Kinsmen . weekly hockey been. Allan and Douglyrood, Carry Sutton, L (twice), • ,Ron Stewart, To Thom- pson, Kincardine, Goderich and Doug Eadie, Holyrood: antams BY BILL TAYLOR On January 3 Teeswater visited Lucknow and `defeated. them 5 to 3.. Scoring for Lucknow were Ed Davidson with 2 and Kent Alton with a single. Two assists went to Lance Sanderson while Don Greer, David Gibson, Allan Rivett and John Hopf each hat one. On Friday, January 6 the boys travelled to Howickand were defeated 6 to 2. Arthur Clark and Brian Taylor tallied for Lucknow with assists going to David Pritchard, John Hopf and Glen Raynard. On January 12 Lucknow visited Ripley and came away with a 7 to 1 victory. Scoring for Lucknow were David Gibson and David Pritchard with 2 each' while Arthur Clark, Don Greer and Paul Finlay each dented the net once. Assists went to Mike Humphrey; Art. Clark- and Lance Sanderson with 2 each,. Glen Raynard, Brian Taylor, Tim Bain, David Pritchard each chalked up one assist. in Lucknow arena Lucknow Mid- gets will play "against' Teeswater again.. Come out and see some action. Oldtimers lose to Kinsmen The Oldtimers and Lucknow Kinsmen played a hockey game' Sunday morning with the score in" favourof the Kinsmen 7-6. The Oldtimers play another game this coming Saturday at 6 p.m. juveniles: wiry ori weekend BY BILL HUNTER On Sunday,. January 15 the Lucknow Juveniles .defeated the Teeswater boys 5 3 on' home ice. After battling back and forth .with the lead switching from team to team Lucknow came up on top and went ahead 'to stay. Local marksmen ' were Mark Frayne 1 goal, Tom Sinnett. 1, goal, 1 assist, Al Murray 1 goal., Rick Conley 1 goal,•Jim Van Osch 1 goal, Shawn: Dalton, Rod Simpson, Bob Shepherd, and Tom O'Keefe each 1 assist- . . Next home: game is Sunday, January 29. Junior Farmer. olleyball RUTH ALTON, It was a close game of volleyball at the January meeting on January 12, 1978 of the West Huron Junior Farmers. The girls °almost caught up; but, the boys just had too much strength. • Our new president for the year 1978, Jim Pentland, called the meeting to order. The roll call was taken and the minutes dr our annual banquet were read. Each year the Junior Farmer Clubs are required to do a Community Betterment • Project. Several projects were suggested and are being looked into further. Several activities coming up in the County are the Zone 7 Winter Games which are. in Wingham on February 4,. 1978 with a dance to follow. The annual meeting of the Ontario Junior Farmers Associa- tion will be on- March 17 and - 18, 1978 at Innon the Park, Toronto':- Parliamentary Procedure is very important in °conducting a smooth running meeting. Len MacGregor, Extension Assistant for Huron County with the Ministry of Agriculture' a ii'd Food in Clinton, distributed a quiz on parliamentary procedure and up- on completion., a discussion followed. Among the topics -discussed were the duties of the officers and proper procedure fo,� motions and amendments. This should help to get the club off to -a successful year. . The meetings are going to •be on the second Monday of every month with the next meeting on Monday, February 13, 1978 at the Brookside Public .School at 8..15 p..m. Skating Club At a reoeitt Test .Day . in Vanastra, Gordon Farrish passed .his Canasta Tango dance. Plans for this year's Carnival are under way . and Betty McDon- agh is in charge of the costume committee. Further details.will be announced later. Scoreboard Industrial:' .Holyrodd 7„Flying Dutchmen 0. Lucknow 7; Kintail. 2. Pee Wee: Tiverton 3 Lucknow 2. Exhibition, Goderich 16, Luck - now 1: Juvenile: Lucknow 5, Teeswat- er 3. Intermediate: Port Elgin 7, Lucknow 4. Atom: Lucknow 6, Ripley 3. Midget: Lucknow 9, Teeswater. Atoms start new year losing BY ARCHIE DE GROOT The Atom hockey team started off 1978 on a losing note dropping a 4-0 decision to Wingham on January 6th and a 4-1 loss to Belgrave on January 12. Alex West scored the lone goal with an assist ,going . to Todd Ritchie. On January .13th the local lads travelled to• Mildmay,and despite being short of players came home victorious 412. Scoring for Luck - now were as follows: Grant Murray,. Richard MacDonald, Chris Irwin and Christ Collyer, 1 goal each, with teff Gibson getting 2 assists and Mike Landry 1. , Returning, to full strength on Saturday, January 14th the team travelled to Tiverton where they trounced the home team, 12-1. Scoring tor Lucknow 'went' , his follows: Grant .lylurray' 3 'goals, 1 assist, Todd Ritchie 1 goal, 5. assists, Alex West 3 goals, 1 assist, Chris Colyer 2 goals, 1 assist, Chris Irwin 1 goal, 1 assist,. Mike' Murray 1 goal, 1 assist, Mark Landry 1 goal, Brian De Groote getting 2 assists, with John D. MacKenzie, Ross Pickard and Steve Murray each getting 1 assist. Todd Scharlach an an Gilchrist shared the goal tending duties. On •Monday, January 16th, Lucknow Atoms played host to Ripley and skated away with a 6-3 victory. Scoring for•Lucknow were as follows:. Todd Ritchie 4 goals, Alex West.' gdal, 2 assists, Brian De Groote 1 goal, 1 assist, and Grant Murray •4 assists. `Scoring for Ripley were as follows: Mitch Twolen 2 goals, Todd Walden 1 goal with Jeff Denstedt getting 2 assists and Danny Wood 1 • •