The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-18, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1978. Bowling LADIES' 6:30 P.M. BOWLING Grace a Elliott bowled the high single with a 279; Fern MacDon- ald bowled the high triple with a 661`, • Games of 200 and over: Grace Elliott 279, Ruth Thompson 210, 202, Pat Livingston 202, 249, Fern MacDonald 20.; 217. Team points: Evelyn Smith's Spiders 7, Jean .Phillips' Bees 0, Pat Livingston's Crickets •5; Joan Livingston's Beetle. s 2; Edna. Ross' Ladybugs 5,. Irene Mark- ham's Ants 2. ` . Team standings: Bee's 68, Spiders 58, Crickets 52, Beetles 52, Ladybugs 47, Ants 38. oncerned about enrollment Cro wley Mickey Vere, with William Eckert, Joseph MVlills and ,Jack ' Lane, all. ad- ministration ' contacts'; Assessment: John O'Drowsky • Keith Mon tgoi'nery, Greg Flerning, Arthur Haid, with Ed Rowland, administration -contact; 'Teacher Negotiations; V,incent.Ycl g,,, Mickey Vere, Ronald. N: Murray, John O'.L: eary'with `r -William.. Eckert, ad-. ministration; contact'. Boardrepresentative to the Hugon-Perth , Tuberculosis and Respiratory ' Diseases Associ.ation� William Kinahan;' and to the Stratford Public Library Board, Dan Devli.n. ' of Stratford Was renamed- :with a second representative to be named at, a later date. �(4 In accordance .with the by- laws Donald Crowley, board chairman, shall serve as "ex- offi.cio'.' member of 'all standing . committees and.. Education matters are to be dealt with by the board as a committee -of -the -whole. The law firm, Donnelly and, Murphy of , Goderich was named solicitor for the board. The members of the negotiation committee will ' attend the Ontario Schools - Trustees Council provincial salary conference in Toronto January 26, 27, 28. ' The next meeting of the board will be January 30. The meeting was adjourned about .midnight SEAT. BELTS SECURE OUR FUTURE a) Your heart works harder when you're not iin'. the • game. Get fit -- and turn the clock hack. Fitness is fun. Clik Try some. E pan a/Pa(r101I 7777 THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTAR10 . LADIES' 9 O'CLOCK BOWLING JANUARY 9 Dianne Carter bowled the high single game ' of. 247, Muriel Ritchie rolled a 630 triple,. . Games 200 and over: Dianne Carter 247, 201, Muriel Ritchie 243, 204, Grace Hopf 218, 219, Joanne Searle 208, 202, Alene Clark 230, Susan Stevenson° 217, Olive Chisholm 214, Agnes Mur- ray. 202, Anna Johnstone 201°. Team points: Cardinals 7, Doves 0; Bluejays 5, Canaries 2; Orioles 5; Robins 2. • Team standings: Barb Sander - son's Doves 66,, Dianne Carter's Cardinals 66, Joanne Searle's Bluejays 54, MargHackett's Canaries 51, Marie Hoffman's Orioles 42, Nancy Farrish's Robins 36; b ' JANUARY 16 Grace Hopf rolled a 240 single and a 633 triple. Games over 200: Glace. Hopf 248, • 209, Marie Hoffman 246, Joanne Searle 227, Anna John- stone 223, Olive Chisholm 213, Lynn Wall 207, Virginia Chisholm. 206, `Sharon Campbell, 205. Team points:. Marie Hoffman's Orioles 5, Joanne Searle's Blue- jays.2; Nancy Farrish's'Robins-5, Barb Sanderson's Doves 2; Marg Hackett's • Canaries 7, Dianne Carter's Cardinals 0. Team standings: . Doves 68, Cardinals 66, Canaries 58, Blue - jays .56., Orioles 47, ' Robins 41. ° INTERTOWN BOWLING On January 14th Lucknow defeated Listowel #2 7-4. Scores were: 10471089, 1164.,, 1068, 1048-1150, 1035-998, 986- 889. • Men's scores were: Gerry Ross 1124, Ron Stanley ° 1091, ' Ron, Durnin 1012, George Stanley 969, Gerald Rhody 967, Allan Stanley 913. LUCKNOW-DUNOANNON Men's ' high . single, Antonne VanOsch 342; high triple, Ron Durnin 765, Men over 250: Antonne Van- Osch 342, Ron Durnin 303, 290, Grant Chisholm '274, Frank Haw- thorne 271, Ron Stanley 261, .,Gerry Ross 254, 251. Ladies' high . single, 'Gwen Caesar 253; . high triple, Merle ,Rhody 59.7, ' Ladies over 225: Gwen Caesar 253, Merle Rhody 231, Lois McIntosh ' 229, Audrey Durnin 225. 'PAGE ELEVEN Team points: Chipmunks 0, Foxes 0, Tigers 7,, Gopher' 7, Zebras 5, Polecats 5, Squirrels 2, Cubs ' 2, Lions 7, Coons 0, Kangaroos 7, Team standings: Kangaroos 91, Cubs 73, Tigers 71, Lions 70, Polecats 65, Zebras 51, Squirrels 45, Foxes 39, Gophers • 39, Chipmunks 35, Coons 30. TOWN AND COUNTRY Oliv' Smith had .high single for the ladies with 193. High double went to Anna. Johnstone with 323. Harvey. Houston bowled high for the men with a single of 207 and a double of 360. Team points:. Reds:5, Oranges 3, Yelows 2, Greens 0, Blues 3, Violets 2., Team standings: Oranges 38, Reds 36, Yellows 36, Blues 36, Greens 34, Violets 30. • We all have the same dreams, the sarne desires for friendship and love, the same needs, the same hopes for the future. Having a physical disability doesn't change any of these .things. But it does make it considerably more difficult to attain them. And that's where the Ontario March,of Dimes . comes in. The Ontario. March of Dimes has, for over .a quarter of a century, assisted physically disabled men and women to achieve the greatest possible independence and freedom; providing such necessary items as wheelchairs and ' respirators, braces and other devices, summer camping holidays. and opportunities for sports and 'recreation. ' The Ontario March of Dimes has been, a tireless advocate at all levels of government .for truly `equal' rights for the one in seven adults who must cope with some kind ofphysical disability. Some improvements are evident: the Building Code now ensures accessibility to new public buildings; some communities are operating transit systems for handicapped citizens; others have ramped their curbs and,accessways to accommodate wheelchair users; and four handicapped housing projects are underway across the a ce. Attitudes towards men andwomen with'physicaldisabilities are slowly but surely changing. Isolation is giving way to ' integration and independence. And independence is the goal we all seek. ' Some of us need a hand Please give as generously'as you can . to NTARIO MARCH OF DIMES LOCAL:CAMPAIGN JANUARY 23- 31 Sponsors of this ad CQ�I1/i111�5 .Grocery .Store..• Schrnid's Jewellery and china H and B Discount Johnstone &S�n FUrnitUre Les Petter :Shoes. Me�ra�n's` SUPeI • market Cha r -Ma n's WOrk •Clothing Bi I I's Place