The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-18, Page 2'16
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The Lucknom' Sentinel
"The Sepoy Town"
On the Hnron-Bruce Boundary
° Established i873, Published Wednesday
Published by Signal -Star Publising. Ltd.
Robert G. ,Shrier nresident and publisher
A Sharon J. Dietz editor
Anthony N, Johnstone - general manager
Subscription rate, $10 per year in advance •
Senior Citizens rate, $8,00 per year in advance
U.S.A. and Foreign, $14 per year in advance
0 .
Business and Editorial office Telephone 528-2822
Mailing Address P. 0. Box 400, Lucknow NOG 2H0
Second class mail registration number - 0847
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You couldn't bowl on the lawn at, the ,bowling green this year on January -22nd. Dr. R. B. Treleaven
brought the Sentinel this picture of Gertrude Treleaven on .the left' and Lorna Campbell throwing the ball
, which was taken hi -1932 at the Luckno Lawn Bowling Green: Mr. Treleaven and Mrs. ,Campbell were
unable to identify the third woman and the male spectator so Ifanyof our readers recognize them we
'would appreciate it if you would inform us about their Identity.
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Winter had not returned for a last blow by Febraary .12th, 1932 when .this picture was taken, of :the
Lucknow River. Without knowing the date of the•pictute, it would appear tobespring thaw in March or
Dear . Editor:
Accessibility to community fac-
ilities has been a, major. problem
for physically disabled citizens in
this communityand throughout
Ontario. The Ontario ,Building
Code which became effective in
January of 1976 requires that
many new facilities have an
accessible entrance ;and wash-
% rooms 'designed for use by people
in wheelchairs. Most of our,
community cultural and recrea
tional •facilities, however, were
built before the new code acid are
not required these basic
accesibility standards. Although
• most communities are aware of
• the eedto iniprove their
faciiitia-, few have been able to
afford the renovations required.
•I ,
• 4.0 •
• A new grogram under Wintario
may be» the »answer to this very
serious (problem. *Art galleries,
svvitnnfOg » pools, libraries,
YMCA's, and other . publicly
owned Community cultural and
recreational. -facilities may be
eligible for -100% funding ren6Va-
tions that •improve access for
physicallyedisahled citizens. Win -
tali° financial assistance May
permit renovations of buildings
constructed prior to » the • new
building „aide, so that those
facilities may comply with basic
accessibility standards. 'In • addi-
tion, all eligible facilities meeting
the basic sthndards may apply for
funding to assist with arehitectur-
imPrOvegients bOond the basic
requirements of the code.
The Ontario March of Dimes
has been working with physically
disabled adults and interested
community groups on the issue of
'accessibility. We view this new
program as a m'ajor breakthrough
in eliminating the architectural
barriers which limit participation
in community life. We .urge all
concerned citizens to join ifs in
advising municipal authorities of
this • new funding program, For
more information, contact any
office 'of the Ontario March of
Dimes or the Ministry of Culture
and Recreation.
Yours truly,
Laura Lee Cayley
Ontario March of Dimes.'
• A
Huron County Ra rd of Education
I gave the following address at
the Huron County • Board of
Educaticin inaugural .meeting on
January , 3rd, in a • low-key
campaign for chairmanship, but
.the main .reason heing was to
Communicate to the •people of
»Huron County. Since communica-
tion was the theme of my address,
I will be reporting frOm,, time to
time in this newspaper 'during the
year of• Board policies and
"During the last few weeks, I •
have asked » myself many times
this question, 'Do 1 take the path,
of least resistance and join the
silent majority on this Board or do
I grab the bull by the horns and
take a, chance on the *flattered
course?" I have decided to stand
up and be counted.
Two weeks ago we listened to, a
presentation by the Chairman of
our salaty neogiotating commit-
teeftatiewe all concurred. But as
• any member knows there, is
always two, sometimes three or
more sides to every problem or
story. Do. you not listen and then
• weigh themont?" I, as well as
Other Board Members in the past
three Months, haye received tele-
phone calls or visits from ourem-
• ployees and it is not always teach-
ers, giving'a loud and clear plea
fox better 'communication betwe-
en board and employees. I am us-
ing the keyword communiCation
with an added, s and by taking ea-
• Ch letter separately, will try to re-
• late to .you better communication*
among Board *members, 'commu-
nication With this Board office,
communication between Board
and employees and communica-
tion between Board members and
citizens Of this County.
C - Chairmanship - the position
for . which I am aferitig my
service. My convictions are that a
chairperson's time is spent' M 14 .
of the.time chairing meetings and
% of- the *time in providing
leadership and • doing public
relation work. .A Chairperson
must provide leaderglip,,.rappOrt,
respect and trust. The only way I
see to improve better communica-
tion is to get into the schools,•and
Ie i. others know that we • are_,
• 'sincerely interested in edUCationi,
alsogetting to know our employe-
es better,* by sitting in at' staff
meetings, listening to them -
there are:s� many things related:
to education which are of mutual
concern to us f all. I have found in
the past that if one of
• the little things,' the bigger
problems takecare of themselves.
• •
Ourselves - How about taking
a good look at ourselves? How do
others • see us? • Are we all*
dedicated to education? Are we
giving • the taxpayei in this
County, value for » the .money
which we receiye each month?
How many times has- this
question been asked in the past
year, "What's wrong with this
Board? It never used to .be like
this. We don't get things
accomplished anymore."
M - Motivation a good push that
We all need from tine to time» to
get a job done quickly.
. •
M - many many problems that We
are going to have to come to grips
With this year. Foremost, -the
budget, declining tritoltneht,
ary» negotiations, • decreased
grants and obsolete equipment.
U - Understanding - each other'
and getting along with each
N - Negotiations Which are still
going 'on. Hopefully with some
•compromising, everything will ,
work »ut for the mutual satisfac-
tion of all parties.
I - Image. •It takes years to build. "
As. leaders , inour respective
communities, are we portraying
good images in the field of
C - Complacency - the beautiful
thought that everything is fine
and dandy. Do we sit» in an' ivory
lower. ;vvhere we do not want the ,
Establishment disturbed or the
status quo. changed? ,How doc,you
get •» rid of / complacency? - The •
ratepayers of this county' will see
to eliminating complacency next
November or Decemberwhen
they • put new blood into this
• sytem, unless» we do something
about it now. I'have another C -
• the social club or the clique which"
• exists on » this Board. Not only
• have the actions of some mem- .
bers been -a cause of Rmbarrass-
ment to other Board nemb.ers •
and employees but have also
'. caused a split on this Board. Sure,
I believe in friendly relationship
between Board members • and
• Board and Administration, but
not to the extent that ,it affects the
well being of this system. •
A - Attitude - Have .we a healthy
attitude towards the academic
staff, the administratiye Staff and
the noti-teaching staff?. Are we •
t�, put differences aside
and abide by the quote "United
we stand, divided, we fall". ,
T -Teacher, .Trustee, Administra-.
tion Liaison Committee which has
been incorporated into the elem-
entary contract as well as,a Letter
of Intent in the unsettled .Second-
ary Contract - a beginning for
better communication. .7
- Input - I would like more input
. from our professionais - teachers
and prihcipals, in order that we
• »can . make proper » decisions for
long range planning, curriculum
• development and capital expendi-
'tures .
0 - Onus -• which is on you.
N Non -monetary items -
Communication does not cost
money • as far ai - we • are
S - this big S is for the Students
the sole reason for our existence
• as a corporate. body.
Communication is a two way'
street - talking, and listening.
, Come what may, »door and/or
telephone which has been, • an'd
will be, open to anyone in this
County, or » on the border of this
County. I am there to listen.
In conclusion and with all
sincerity, in -the last few minutes,
this has'been a difficult address to
make. However, I fealize that if
someone in two months hence or
two » years hence» approached me
and said, "You knew the, internal
• problems within this liArd; yoti
were in a position to say
something -and you didn't have
the guts to speak, What —
would ° you say to than? Well,
when your back is 'against thef ---
wall, you do, something, and
belibeyeine, and maybe you -don't
all realize it but we all have` our
backs against .the wall. •
• ,