The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-11, Page 18PAGE, EIGHTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,:SALE.ENDS SATURDAY, JAN. 14 Special Mark Down Prkis On All Coffee. and End Tales In Stock 1 ONLY - Italian Provincial, Turquoise Velvet Seat CANE BACK CHAIR • • 9.95' ALL OTHER CHAIRS IN STOCK PLUSMANY WITH SPECIAL MARKDOWN TAGS zto o /O . OFF 0 OFF All StocleOf • TOWELS, SHEETS, ,CASES, BEDSPREADS, COMFORTERS ,by "Springmaid". Simmons Queen Size Slumber King Deluxe $Z49 • TORONTO BEDDING Z PIECE 'All Chesterfield Suites in stock plus many other special. tag sale prices Bedroom Suite. Triple Dresser, :chest, bed; night table \CONTE .1N AND BROWSE Many more specials for every room in your home ' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1978, This•Week R ip�ey CONTINUED FROM PAGE 'I7 Miss Jean .McLeod "'returned home .to Toronto after ..visiting with her brother and wife Duncan and 'Joan .McLeod in Ripley. i<tev. and Mrs. Jim 'Bushell, Christie and Jamie visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Bushell in Thornville and with her brother in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Peet and Harold visited with her son and wife, John and Maureen Peet in OwenSound. Rev. and Mrs; Jim Bushell .and family visited, _Seldon Benjanin and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Cote. s y * '* * * * 1* Happy homecoming party at Bill and Nina Wyld's farm tconcession 6 was held to welcome Nina and their new baby, Julie Minnetta, born December .23rd. Present were. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and John of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wylds "and Donald of Point Clark and Mrs. Minnie Wyld, Huron Villa; Ripley. .* * * * * * Service of Holy Baptism was held in- St. Paul's - Anglican Church, Ripley, New Years Day, when ; Jennifer ',Anne, infant daugh$er of Mr 'Jird Mrs: Ken Kirkland of Milton, was baptized. Godparents are .Mr. and .Mrs, Tom • Culbert. Many relatives attended the ceremony and enjoyed a luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Culbert following the baptism. Lochalsh Lochalsh residents can well be proud bf two of theirboys who were , . among _ the many who attended and took part . in the Rose Bowl parade in California on New Years Day. Finlay MacLen- nan, son •of Mr. and. -Mrs. D. A. MacLennan and Roddy MacLen- nan, son of Mr. and Mrs: Stewart MacLennan . who also attended the parade. Mr, and, Mrs. 4Robt. McIntosh and family enjoyed the Christmas holidays in sunny: Florida.; Several from this community attenidedthe luncheon and show -w wer in honour of Sandra McChar- les, bride -elect, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Slater at Amberley. Sandra who is nursing in Calgary, Alberta, . spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robb. - Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean Were recent visitors in Wyoming and Sarnia with relatives and Kinlough Mr, and Mrs: Dave Gibson, Dan and Julie of London, visited with ,and grandmother, Mrs. Dan Gillies and Mr, and Mrs. Donald Gillies: Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Henderson, Kincardine visited ° with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gillies. * * * * * * A Christmas message came to. Miss Kerry Hodgins from Mr.. Wally ' Houston from Africa a distance of three thousand miles. Thanks to Mr. Harvey of Tiver- ton. * ***...*:* Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins, Michael and Kelly entertained Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith, Mr. andMrs. Nels Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs: Dave Stokes, .Mr. and Mrs: Wayne Benson, Trever and Tyler, Miss Kerry Hodgins and Mr. Mel. Arnold at their home on Christ- mas Day. * * * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gamble, Brian, David, Glenda and ' Lisa entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble, Debra, Michael and Paul, •Mr. and; Mrs: Wilfred Gamble, Jeffrey and Shelley,. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gamble and Mrs. Gerald Campbell, at their home ,on Christmas Day. *° * Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith of Dungannon, Mrs. Wm. Garton of Leamington, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cronin, Tommie and Cathie, Mr. and. Mrs. Cam Cook and Jennifer of Belgrave and Blyth were among the.. New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gamble. • * * * *•*•*• BY MRS, OLIVER McCHARLFS f Mr. and Mrs. John Loeff, Glen and Barbara returned homeafter enjoying a holiday with relatives in Holland. NOTE CHANGE: • The Anglican Church Women will meet on Thursday afternoon at 1,30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bert Nicholson. The theme, Welcome "78". Roll call, "A Personal Resolution". Conven- .. ers, .Mrs, : Delbert Hedley and. Mts. Bert Nicholson. friends. Mr. and Mrs., Doug Martyn entertained the Martyn relatives, among them Doug's brother John, of. New Brunswick. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Warren Wylds were Miss Doris Wylds of Toronto, Mrs: Alfred Stone ` of St. Marys and Miss Linda Wylds of London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacLen- nan spent the Christmas holiday in Toronto with daughter, Barb- ara, her husband, Don Ainsley and their family. Miss. Marion .'MacLennan of Sudbury spent the holidays with her mother Mrs. Emile MacLen- nan, , Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Macl Pn- nan were . New Years Day guests of Mrs. Effie Sutherland of Ripley. Mr. Jack MacLennan )s a, ,.patient in • Victoria Hospital in London where he had surgery. BY MAY BOYLE Miss Winnifted Percy enter- tained relatives, on New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott were rOOvervisitors with Mr. and Mrs. ver McCharles, Highway 86. Mrs. Audrey Borthwick return. ed to St. Catharines after spending the holiday here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rhody and family have been staying with Mr. and.Mrs. Gerald Ithody while their new home is being built.