The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-11, Page 17WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1978, Mr. Stewart MacDonald of Belmont has retired from' the teaching profession as of Decem- ber 31, 1977 after serving for 35 years and four. months. From °1966 to the present Stewart was the principal of Willerdale Sehool there, He and his wife, Winnie - sister of Mrs. Doris (Clayton) Nicholson of. Ripley - will continue to live in their home in Belmont near London. They ,have three sons all married, Murray and„Bill in London and Doug in Belmont and four gran.children, On the Wednesday before the Christmas , closing, Stewart was honoured at a meeting of the Middlesex Principal's Association in the board room with the presentation of gifts made by Mr. Gordon Gallagher,.. principal of Northdale Public School - 'a beautiful wooden clock bearing the . Middlesex County Emblem and also plaques with his name and 20 years of 'service .in the county: On the Monday afternoon following the dress rehearsal of the school's Christmas Concert his teachers and students ' pres-, ented him with a cassette tape, 'recorder and binoculars to show their appreciation; An "Open House". gathering is being considered for a Sunday in the , spring, possibly April. Stewart MacDonald is another of the many from Ripley and Huron Township who have served •successfully in the teaching "prMfession. The eighth concession of Huron Township between Ripley ,arid Pine River was home to . so . many -.,that the writer hestitates to list them :' -All'' were graduates of the R.C.S. (the Ripley Continuation School) and most then went to Stratford Normal. Stewart graduated from Ripley in 1941 and from Stratford in 1942. For the next two years he v .I THE LUCK,NOW SENTINEL, LLICKNOW, ONTARIO This Week in Ripley BY AB WYLDS taught in an one room school in Greenock Township -.not far from the Greenock. Swamp, well known in Ace County. Stewart spent the next two years on the staff of the Southanyton Public School where the 'late Cliff Huston, another teacher from the 8th, was principal. They named the .new school, the G. C, Huston School, Q in his honour and memory. In 1946 Stewwart •returned to Ripley as principal :,- a position which' he held until moving to Dorchester in 1958. After being there from 1958 to 1966, he moved to his present `school. In the shift to find rooms for the high school students following the burning down of the R.C.S. on Sunday evening, February 8, 1948, Principal Stewart MacDon- ald and his classes went over to the . Knox Presbyterian Church, Sunday School room and they did not return home till, Tuesday, September 5, 1950 when the rebuilding " of .the R.C.S. was completed. Stewart was born and raised on the family farm, two and a half blocks west of Ripley on the 8th concession, where his brother Dan .A:, wife .Sheila, and ,family now live. His mother,' Mrs. May MacDonald, lives in 'her own home on Tain Street here following her retirement from' the farm. Her . home is the second house 'e'ast of the Ripley Medical Centre. His brother Rod with his wife Audrey also ;resides in Ripley where he is employed by ,the.. Pollock: Electric firm and has also' served forseveral years on the Ripley council. .Then everyone R,who \' has .lived here for some time knows all or .some of Stewart's five sisters Donalda (Mrs. Lloyd MacDonald) of Goderich, , Isabel (Mrs. Jim Brooks) of Ripley,; Helen (Mrs. Bill McCreath) of Ripley Royal Lower Interest Rates. NOW AVAILABLE ON ist and 2nd Mortgages ANYWHERE IN .ONTARIO ON RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction and Land Development ` FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LIMITED Head Office, 56 Weber Street, East. Kitchener, [519], �7#44.6535 Branch Office: 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, [5191 832-2044 Branch "Oce: 504 Tenth Street, Hanover, ' (5191 364-3121 Evenings Call' David Beynon [519] 794-3277 -We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash • 14"'"6"46".111,11~16-11frib,lb Air Johnston Bros. (Bothwell Ltd.), Dungannon, Ontario Sand, Gravel, Crushed Stone. Cement Gravel and Roam, ttontractors Picked Up and Delivered Open Daily 7 a.m.. 5 p. mi. Phone:Dungannon 529.7941 Bank staff, Evelyn (Mrs. Mac MacKenzie,, of the Bruce Ilan, Kincardine, and Jean (Mrs. Carrick Coiling) of Reid's Corners and on the Kincardine Hospital Staff. These five , MacDonald sisters formed half of the Ripley Flyers Softball "team, winners of the Western • • Ontario Athletic Association trophy back in 1945 in thatylamous game with Hanover played in Wingham and then they won over Stratford in. Ripley afterwards. All, Ripley and Huron Township, folks wish Stewart and Winnie well at this time of his retirement. This writer thinks that Stewart MacDonald, ranks right up there with Ben 'Ruffle of Kincardine when it comes to popularity in• Ripley. Best wishes Stewart on your retirement: By the way other Ripleyites in Belmont include Mr. and Mrs. Dori Willsie, the former Etta Lane and that ever busy busy Charlie Baker also now retired. On Tuesday, January 3, ` 1978, Mrs. Eileen Nesbitt. of Huron Villa Was taken by ambulance to Kincardine and District Hospital for treatment of pneumonia .condition reportedly., Remember- ing back to Tuesday, it was one of those reap` wintry days wita'„ blowing snow making road con tions so bad that not even t buses were running. * Mrs. Donald Anderson of Waterford, Ontario,' spent the New Year's' week with • her 'mother, Mrs: W. J. Mackay, at Huron Villa in . Ripley: .Th'ey entertained the .Mackay family at New Year's dinner at Huron Villa. * *.* *. *.*. Neighbours of Mrs. Nelle MacLeod .-in Ripley gathered 'at the homeof Mrs. Adeline Hackett to honur herbn the occasion of her '80th birthday, . January 5, 1978. After a short program,, Mrs. Erma McDonald read the address and Mrs. Dorothy Brooks pres- ented Nellie with a hanging • planter and plant anda birthday cup and saucer. * ” * .* *. * * The March of Dimes; is pin- - again sponsored this .year by the ladiesof the Ripley' Huron Legion Auxiliary in this • area. The campaign chairman for the drive is Mrs. Nadine (Bill) Danforth of Point Clark, 'past president, and assisting Nadine is the president, Mrs. Barbara (Don) Paquette of the fourth concession of Huron Township and a team of ten volunteer canvassers. The auxil- iary had their,first meeting of the year Thursday eveni in the Ripley Huron Legion all. All money raised ii Ono io goes to provide a wide variety of services such as wheel .chairs, braces, respirators, artificial . limbs and other support items forphysically disabled men and women in need. Another thing is camping holi- days for ' "shut-ins" . . * ,* * * * * As secretary of the Ripley Huron Fa11 Fair this writer- just I received a copy of . the January ,1918 edition of C.A.E. a newspaper covering Fairs and Exhibitions across Canada. Fran - .the assistant here - right , away spotted an interesting item. Page two featured snapshots of the 1977 Canadian Fall Fairs.conven- tion held in Regina in November. ...These pictures were clear and well, taken, the most eye catching one was the: picture of the newly elected president of the Canadian Agriculture Exhibitions, Howard Tate: There he was standing knee deep in straw bedding and munching away: You see he is big a ton sized Charolais bull: Perhaps this starts a new trend .but reading on in the" paper it seems that Howard Tate and' the big Charolais are not one and the same. What a. let down. Mrs: Sarah Ann Mclvor of 2824 - 35th , Street, S. W: in Calgary, Alberta, passed away on, Thurs- day before Christmas .at her Snowmobile Snowmobile Mats 10,0OFF Children's sizes 3 to 10 Adult small, medium, Large Leather palms and nylon backs or all leather Also 1 -finger style ' WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF WORK CLOTHING INCLUDING OVERSIZES ClAR-MAN'S. WORK CLOTHING LUCKNOW •PHONE 528.2S2f OPEN MONDAY TO.SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Naimammow A PAGE SEVENTEEN home. She was the former Sarah ,Ann McLay, born and raised on lot 26 ' concession 7 Huron Township, , two blocks west of Ripley. Her sisters are Mrs. Belle Henry of Huron Villa and Mrs. May MacDonald of Tain Street both in Ripley. She was in her 98th year. She left Ripley in 19Q9 for. Calgary and bad resided there ever since'. She was a member of Knox United Church and Rev. A. E. Morrison officiated at the. funeral service held on Tuesday after Boxing Day at the Elydens Chapel of Remembrance - with interment in Queen Park Cemet- ery. .,the was 'predeceased by her husband in 1942 and a son John in 1965. She is survived by five sons and five daughters. They are George and ' Ted 'of Santiago, California; Kenneth of Edmoner ton, Alberta; . Albert .of Calgary; Harold of Comair, Alberta; Mrs. W. E. (Mary) Broadley and Mrs. Jack (Agnes) Barnes of Victoria, B,C,; Mrs. 1 . (EsIine) Lambert of Vancouver; Mrs. E. H. (Dorothy) Abele of Edmonton, :and Miss Bernice Mclvor of ' Calgary; also 22 grandchildren, 2? great grand- children and her two sisters here in Ripley, Mrs. Henry and Mrs. MacDonald and a first cousin, Mrs. Francis (Margaret) Gem- mell of Ripley survive. The home of the McLay families is the one where, Mr. ' and Mrs. Pete Guikema: and family now live. ' Thanks to Mrs. Martha Mclvor of Ripley for this information. * -* * *, * * Miss Katie Sutherland of London and formerly of the sixth' Concession of Huron Township has been. visiting her sister Dorothy and husband - Mr. and 'Mrs. D. A. MacLennan in Lochalsh and her sisfer-in-law Mrs. Effie Sutherland in Ripley. * ***-** Mr. and Mrs. Francis•Gemmell of Ripley spent Christmas with Anne and Ken Smith in Kitchen- er. Frank and Marny Gemmell of Brampton visited there also. The following week they visited Kath- erine and Frank Inksater in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenwood and •sons visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harald Watson in Durham. * * * * *'• * Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lowry visited with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer .MacKenzie and family in Orange- , ville, 1 POP SHCI:PE POP Available at ° G►ARPY`S AUtOSERVICE LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3022 * * * * * * Mrs. Gladys Mason visited in London with her daughter Reta and husband Roy Webster. St. Andrew's United Church members were delighted to have • Kathy Lemon and Bruce Aitken, and the young 'people from the first United Waterloo Church conduct their morning service. * . * *A .,* * * Mr. and Mts. Bob Liddle, Gimbley, Manitoba visited with his 'mother Mrs. Florence Liddle on their way back home; also Minnie and Anne fiddle, Oakville visited with her. CONTIUID ON PAGE 18 a i