The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-11, Page 16PAGE SIXTEEN •I. tIIF LIJCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONT ,ARI PLIrP1e •.rog INTENDED FOR LOST WEEK Once again Santa has, come and goiie and all that's left of the holiday season is the picking up of nut shells and Christmas •tree needles. In this vicinity visitors. for Christmas were not hampered by .stormy weather ,but the roads' were drifted in in some place. In ,-one case, a °pickup truck flipped onto its roof when the driver'catne into an unexpected snow drift on the road between Stuart Lane's .and Don McFarlan's. The driver seeing the drift at the last minute applied the brakes and the truck, hit the drift causing it to overturn. Fortunately no one ,was . hurt seriously. Many folks here as well as other"parts suffered and still have the effects of a flu and cold. 1VI'r. and Mrs. Burton Collins, and John of North Bay, along with Dave and Margie Lochhead of Kincardine' .,Spent the night on Christmas Eve with Mr. and Mrs, Ed MacGillivray and Kelly in, Ripley. On Christmas Day the Collins were dinner guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Young and family. ' On Tuesday the Collins' held the. 'atterson Christmas at their 'home and guests were Gordon and Ruth Patterson and boys along with Kay and- Burt's own family and on Friday -it was out again for. Christmas dinner at the Chester Campbells of Amberley. " The Collin's' celebrated New Years Day with Sandra and Ed McGillivray and Kelly of Ripley: Mr. and Mrs. Jake Middel- kamp and family enjoyed the annual; reunion and Christmas dinner with Jake's parents, Mr. and Mr's. Henry Middelkamp ,of Ripley. ., Mrs. Violet Bolte spent the Christmas holidays with her son Glen •and his family • MRS. DON DORE ' Mr, and, Mrs. Don Robertson spent the Saturday before Christ- mas with Mrs, Goldie Huston '•of Ripley and Mrs, Cameron Mac- Donald of Lucknow and on Sunday they visited Miss Maudie Fisher of 'Lucknow and son Friday with Mrs. J. C. McNab also of Lucknow. Miss Margaret Robert- son of Lucknow„Qspent Christmas with Mrs. Goldie Huston of •Ripley. Mr, and Mrs. Don Robertson were New Years• guests of Miss Margaret Robertson of Lucknow. Dinner guests°of Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Dore and Frank on 'Sunday .were Misses Cathie and Vicki Dore and Miss Janice Brown, Jim Dore and Marty Bolte. Those from the twelfth conces- sion who enjoyed the dance and dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson on New Years eve were Mr. and Mrs. Bob 1 - ONLY Franklin Firep.iace :164.95 HYDRO TYPE Parkas 2O% Off. 1. ONLY Wood Box.. Stove ;74.95. Lined 'Pants 30% Off CO.OP . PLASTIC Toy, Trucks ;5.75 DUCK 'Snowmobile .Suits 2O?h Off LIED WINTER Men's Vests 20/a Off INSULATED Boots 20% Off A�`�,� Spark Plus 2�0 % Off Fram. Filters 20% Off 000 Farm Equipment & Welding ,Supplies 1O%Off SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL JANUARY 28 •• OR WHILE SUPPLY LASTS MANY ITEMS ARE END OF LINES FIRST COME FIRST SERVED We like to know our customers by nares Lu.cknow Districi Co-op ?hone 5280..302.4_ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1978 Thompson, !qr. and Mrs, Burton Collins, Mr. • and Mrs. Victor Gawley, Dick McCosh and Mr, and Mrs. Don Dore. A numberof folks from •of er areas also attended and enjoyed a visit with Nettie Dore. A. very Happy and Healthy New Year is extended to all from the folks here. Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Millan Moore are pleased '• to announce the marriage of their_ son Elwin Thomas to Claudia Leone Basker- ville,, daughter of Mrs, ,Verna C. Baskerville and the late Burton R. Baskerville. The ceremony took place January 3rd in Ottawa. i .Shop ,At Lucknow Home .e er. PHONE 528.2038 CLOSED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS MONUMENTS • For sound counsel and a 'fair price on a monument correctly designed from, quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON ' • PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO GH SCHOOL. CRI DITS Ripley District School is now accepting day school registration for the Second Semester which is,beginning WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST Any person interested in returning to school for one semester can complete up to four credits by the end of this year in June., For further information,' call 395-2695. Lucknow $grvice (enfre BUD HAMILTON, PROP. ..Lio Like T en A Bay? Do your own oil °change or grease, etc. '6.09 per :hour , over hoist Other bay, wash your own car or we will do it for you, Vacuum - polish whatever you wish VA ARE NOT EXPERTS BUT' WE: DO:OUR BEST For Appointments Call Or Drops in and see JAMES CLARK P4UG11AMILTOw Phone 528-812. n.