The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-11, Page 12PAGE TWEEYE THE LUCI NOW* SEN` .INEL, EUOKNOW, ONTARIO Oldtimer Ed Brown takes' a .shot on Kinsmen goalie, Terry Taylor, in the .game ._played between the Lucknow Oldtimers and the Lucknow Kinsmen on. Saturday night. Kinsmen Lynn Hodgins tries to swipe the puck from Brown as Peter Newfeld skates in to assist. The fans at the game enjoyed the laughs provided by the questionable calibre of the play which saw the Kinsmen defeat the Oldtimers 10 - 7 in a game that was fun for players and fans alike. idtnners.host• .Kinsmen game funfor players1 and fans BY ROD McDONAGH On Saturday, January 7th the,. Lucknow Oldtimers who have been practising each Sunday morning, hosted the Lucknow and District Kinsmen Clubat the Lucknow arena. Although the calibre of play was at times questionable,, players and fans alike got a lot of laughs. The final score ended up as' Kinsmen 10, will be put back into ;the Oldtimers 7. John MacKenzie led the Kinsmen with 5 goals : while Jim Wilson tallied 3 timesfor the Oldtimers. As a motion of goodwill, Roy Emberlin, organizer of the Old- timers' team, presented 1,11.c-,-- kinsmen I,he ;;•Kinsmen with the night's profit from gate receipts. This in turn . c o si v.ME 25% to 5070.OFF EARRINGS -= BEADS ETC BRACELETS CLOSED MONDAYS FOR WINTER MONTHS SCHM1D '5 JEWELLERY AND; CNONA" 2•,. OWNERS- W. JOS. AND DEAN E.,AGNEW PHONE 528453 y LOCKNOW 1 community by the service club. The next scheduled game between the• two teams will \ be this Sunday morning, January 15th at 11.30. This may becomea weekly meeting as both., teams are currently renting individual tinie 'on. Sunday mornirigs. Lucknow .`:House LeagueT BY CHARLES DAVIES Saturday saw three very close games in the Honseleague., The. Rangers- edged the Red Wings 3-2 in a game that went right down to the Red Wings pulling their goalie in the ,last minute. Ranger ° scorers were Richard Jurjens with two and Gerald Cooke with a single. Ed Husk and Mark . Gunter scored once each for the Red Wings. The Canadiens and Black Hawks see -sawed back and forth throughout the game with the Black Hawks grabbing a tie in the last minute of play.- Bernie .Burgsma scored • a hat trick and Brian Elphick a single for the Canadiens, Ken. Atkinson, Jim Young, Dave Hawkins and Kevin Smith scored for the Black Hawks. The Bruins oit-muscled the Leafs for a 5-3 victory. Bruin goal scorers 'were Steve Frayne with o,Rob Sicker, Brad Humphrey avid Blaine Alton with singles, Brent `Van Osch scored two and Gary VanBeers scored a single for the Leafs. WEDNESDAY I1ARY 11,' 1978, BY MIK ELAINE 'OLLOCK Eric Vander Glas opened the scoring for the Ripley Pee Wee "A" team in Howick last week, getting an., unassisted goal near the end of=' the second period. Howick retaliated in the third, with Larry Coiling Making a pass from Kevin Boyle and Terry Irwin to score the go ahead goal. Fifteenseconds later Howick tied up the game, making a 2-2 final tally. In Pee Wee "B" action, .Brent Hodge took,.a" pass from Riehard P; rescator . in the first period to -score, and in the second, Richard scoredfrom John van Kooten and glob Blackwell. However, the score was 8-2 . in favour of the Kincardine Broadway team. Joe Nugent vas in the , net, and the other team ,members are Guy Dahmer, Greg Dahmer, Jeff Elliott, Mike Hunter, .. Danny MacDonald, JeffDuvall, ' Jeff Brooks and Richard van. Horne. . Ed MacGillivray is the 'coach, and ' Bob Blackwell is the manager. Teeswater got to Ripley. that • Lucknow Arena Schedule WEDNESDAY, ,JANUARY 11 1:30 - 3:30 Moms and Tots Free Skate 3:45 - 4:45 p.m. BrooksideBoys THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 8:30 p:m.,Industrial Hockey Holyrood vs Flying Dutchmen Kintail vs ,Lucknow FRIDAY, JANUARY.13 • 3:4S - 4:45 p.m. School Girls Hockey - Ripley vs Brookside 7 p.m. Pee. Wee Hockey Tiverton vs Lucknow SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 10:00 a.m. -1 p.m. House League 10:00 Bruins vs Rangers 11:00 Canadiens vs Red Wings 12:00 Leafs vs Black Hawks 2 - 4 p.m. Public. Skating 4:30 p.m: Pee Wee Exhibition Goderich vs Lucknow 7 - 8 p.m. Flea Game Time SUNDAY, JANUARY 15- 1:30 - 3:15 p.m. Public Skating 3:45 p.m. Juvenile Hockey Teeswater vs Lucknow 7:30 p.m. OHA Int. C. Hockey Port Elgin vs Lueknow MONDAY, JANUARY 16 7:30 p.m. Atom Game Ripley vs Lucknow 4. 8:45 p.m. Midget Game Teeswater vs Lucknow TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 House, League Practice 6 p..m. Rangers and Wings 7 p.m. Leafs and Hawks 8:15 p.m. Bantam Game Ripley vs Lucknow WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Moms and Tots Free Skate 3:45 4:45 p.m -Brookside Boys . - GAME OF INTEREST Sunday,' January 15, 11:30 Old Timersys•Kinsmen On regular Kin Hockey Time •� stormy night, but all the Rjpley guys couldn't make it, so it was a' short-handedcrew that held the Teeswater squad to a 7-2 score. Jeff MacTavish scored in the first, with Harold .Vander • Glas and .9reg Stevenson getting the assists. Greg Stevenson, from Murray Colling' and Harold Van- der .Glas, scored the other Ripley marker. ° In Juvenile play, it was home' and home with Lucknow. Friday night the guys came back from being down 4-1 at the end of the first period, to lead 5-4 atthe end ofthe second. However, the game was 2 minutes too • lodg, , as Lucknow scored 3 times in the last 2 minutes of play. Final score, 8-6. tbr. Lucknow. Mike Pollock and Mark Stanley each got � goals arid 2 assists,'Robert1:tegier got 1' goal and 3 assists, and Rick Clampitt got 1 goal. Other assists went to Brian Coiling and Christ McGarv- ey. Sunday afternoon it was anoth- er close contest, with, the score Lucknow 5, Ripley 4. Brian Coiling fired in the tieing goal just as the buzzer sounded, so it • • wasn't counted. Chris McGarvey got 2 goals unassisted, Brian Coiling scored 'once, from Mike • Pollock and Mike scored from ' Mark Stanley. The Juvenile girls lost to Wingham 2-0 in Ripley Saturday, afternoon, holding them scoreless until the middle of the 3rd period. Ripley Arena': Schedule WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 10:30 11:30 a.m. 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Mothers and Pre -School children , 7 p.m. Pee Wee A Game Teeswater vs Ripley THURSDAY, JANUARY.12 4 - 7 p.m. Figure Skating 7 p.m. Pee Wee B Game Kincardine vs Ripley 8:30 p.m.. Bantam Game Lucknow vs Ripley. 9:30 = 10:30 Over (30 Yrs.) Club. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 7 p.m. Tyke Game Kincardine vs Ripley 8:30 p.m. Juvenile Boys Wiarton vs Ripley SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 8 a.m: Junior Farmer Broomball Tournament SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Public Skating MONDAY, JANUARY 16 8:30 p.m. Midget Game Mildmay vs Ripley TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 5:30 -7 p.m. l igMe Skating Srs. 7 p.m: Atom B Game Kincardb eiis Ripley 9:30 11 p.m, Oldtimers TAKE NOTE: Starting....on Thursday, . Ja.nuary 13 at ' 9:30 to 10:30 there will be scrimmage for ,nen not playing on an organized teadi. This is for men 30` years and over only. ti