The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-11, Page 10PAGE TEN LL CK,NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO Ripley Women's Institute Mrs. Joe Scott hosted the Ripley Women's Institute 'meet- ing, The roll call was "Give the, date and place of your parents' birth". Mrs. Nick Peet gave , the motto ""People are like fire, 'they need to be stirred up a bit". She also gave a talk on "Consumer in the Market Place" and pamphlets. were given out with information for consumers.. Mrs. Ross Cum- ming, president, reported 23 boxes were sent to "shut ins". Unit 1, 2 and 3 met in the church • on: Wednesday, January 4th at 2 'p.m: for their .first - Meeting of 1978: Each unit met separately for a short business period, at which the officers' for the next2 years were chosen. Later they joined together for the viewing of a film 'welcome to Paradise",, with Roy Bonistiel from "Man 'Alive", as the commentator. The ' 'film was introduced by Mrs. Bert Alton, BY MRS. FRANCIS GE.MMELL She also gave a review of the Grey Bruce Area convention. Barbaro Gamble, leader and 2 ° 4-H .girls, Heather. MacDonald gave comments 'and had a guessing of foods contest on their latest club A world of food in Canada". Barbara 'Gamble and Grace Peet are leaders for the next club "Clothes in your wardrobe". Training School in the Legion Hall on January 14th a i 17th. Lucknow U.C;W. followed' by aninteresting ques- tion and answer period. The Teri Commandments", for Tourists were read by Mrs: Alton, also a, poem, "The' New. Year". Mrs. Roy Havens was in charge of the: meditation,` ".Handful of New. Days", and Mrs. Alton read the selected ' scripture verses. '' .The. closing hymn "How Firm a Foundation", was sung, followed by the reading 'of one verse of "Standing at the Portal pf the. Lucknow Afternoon W.I�A.S. Lucknow Presbyterian After- noon Women's Missionary Soci- ety was held at the home of Mrs: Jessie Johnston. Op president, Mrs. Morgan Henderson,presided and opened the `meeting' with a New Year poem. Mrs. Jessie Johnston had the Bible Study on the six main, steps in Christian , life. Presbyterial meeting is to be Najd in'Wingham January, 16th. Mrs. James Smith reviewed • the Glad Tidings. Readings were given by Mrs. James Little and Mrs, Cyril Brown -'on New Year Thots. Mrs. Ken Laidlaw took the opening chaper of the study on the Caribbean Cresent, and spoke on the social, racial, culture; religious and economic tensions in the Caribbean ,. and how . the churches are responding. A social hour followed a prayer by Mrs. -Wallace Wilson. OBITUARY • • ELDON McNAMARA ' Eldon McNamara, onlyson of the late Jack and. Bridget (Lannan) McNamara, formerly of Kingsbridge,''passed. away at his home in Dearborn Heights, Michigan on Sunday, January 1, 1978 in his 81st year: Besides his parents, Mr. Me- 'Namara e-'Namara was predeceased. by his three` sisters Mrs. Frank (Etta) Austin in 1948; : Mrs. Austin (Mabel) Quigley in 1965 and Mrs. Frank, (Clara) Moran in. 1971 He is survived by three nieces, Mrs. Elva (Moran) Freeman of Chat - jam; Mrs. Rita (Moran) Ray of. Chatham; Mrs.. Teresa (Austin) Courtney, R. R. 1, Dungannon; and five nephews : Alvin Moran, R. R. 7 Lucknow; `John Austin,- R. R. 7 Lucknow; Vincent Austin, R. R. 3 Goderich; Wilfred Austin, R. R. 1 Dungannon; and Eldon' Austin of Dungannon, and friend Mrs: Mary Kenzie who cared . for him during his illness. His body rested at the Sajewski Funeral Home, Dearborn Heights, Michigan. Until Tuesday morning, January 3 when Requi- em Masswas celebrated by Reverend Father Thomas J. Sutherland in St. Thomas 'Aquin- as Roman Catholic Church 'at 10 a.m. Pallbearers were his five neph- ews •Alvin Moran, John Austin, Vincent Austin, Wilfred Austin,. Eldon Austin and 'Neil Kenzie. Because of the snow, temporary entombment was in St. Hedv 1g Mausoleum with spring burial in St, Hedwig Cemetery, Dearborn Heights, Michigan. , - .C.ANADA'. FARM SHOW Wednesday, February 1 AT AGRIBUSINESS MARKETPLACE TORONTO For Transportation Phone: Goderleh.5244622 OR McGavin Farm,Equipment Seaforth 887.6365 The next W.1, meeting, will be at Mrs. Cumming's home and the lunch committee ,Mrs.. Gamble and Mrs, Elwyn Pollock. Ten dollars was donated to the W.I. project overseas. on "Nutri- tion, Education'.' which includes Savethe Sight fund. Mrs. Donnie McDonald ,thanked all taking part, and the lunch committee, Mrs. John A. MacDonald and Mrs: Jim Bushell. • Opening Year". Members joined hands. forming small circles and repeated the' Lord's prayer. Lunch was , served and a social time enjoyed over a 'cup oftea. South kinloss W M.S. r The January meeting of South Kinloss -Women's -Missionary Society was held January 4, at the home of Mrs. Harry Lavis. The president, Mrs. Philip ' Steer, presided. The.. secretary, Mrs. Harry Lavis, read the minutes of the last meeting. The annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial of the W.M.S. will be held Monday, ° January 16, in.. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, ' 10-a.m'. and 1.30 p.m. The Bible Study was led by Mrs. John Mowbray. Mrs. Herb Buckton gave the offertory pray- er. The roll call' was .answered by • a Bible verse ' with the word' Purpose. Mrs. Ted Collyer, Mrs. Evan Keith, Mrs.. Vera Schmidt took part in the Prayer Circle. Mrs. Harold Campbell gave a very interesting , devotion _ A; handful'of News Days, concluding with a. reading A recipe for the New Year. The closing prayer was by Mrs. John Mowbray. Grace was sung and a social half-hour enjoyed, served by the hostess and directors Mrs. John Mowbray and Mrs. Harold Campbell. to Helens BY MR.S. WAYNE TODD' ST. HELENS SNOWMOBILE CLUB The St. Helens Snowmobile Club°held its first meeting for this season on Friday night. Twenty members attended ' on twelve machines for 'the trail .ride through the Saratoga Swamp. A meeting was then held to elect a new executivewhich i"s assfoilows: past president, Wayne Todd;' president, Jack Caesar; vice president, Lloyd Hodge, and secretary treasurer, Marie Stew- art. A hot lunch followed . -the meeting. Another 'trail ride is scheduled for this Friday night,. January 13. Everyone is welcome to come. out. Yq,u only look •. as good as you feel.. pair craatriiM ,. 1.1iness. in'your heart you know it's right. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1978 LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH . Rev, L. • Vat . Staalduinen • . , Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH. Services at 10;00 a.m. . and 2:30 p.m. Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today CKNX Wingham, 10:30 a.m. . Radio dial 920 LUCKNOW - UNITED. CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister .h SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery provided for pre-school children Jr. Congregation. for 5 - 8 year old children moimaimoom .kijC1(N9W PROSY -TEMPI CHURCH INTERIM MODERATOR Rev. Robert Armstrong Phone Wingham 357-2072 , GUEST SPEAKER Rev. R. McCallum SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME KIK. OUCH • PENTECOSTAL CHURCH" ' Pastor Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH TO a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m., Evening Service U n Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday -at 8 o'clock • C.A. (young People) Friday at 800 p.m. -a Available as a. built-in 'or portable unit: in avocado & white: • pushbutton 6 -cycle, with Hygienic Cycle & Rinse -'n -hold for. later washing; •soft -food disposerlellmiriatespre-rihsing); • 16 -place_ setting capacity; • • rollout baskets & two direct water iupply spray antis; *handsome hardwood cutting board top. Greer TV and Electric Lucknow Phone 528-3112 Thi 000 McGpAW-EO(SCN or CANAbA'Ie:IMITtO