The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-11, Page 6PAGE SIX MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor LUCKNOW PHONE 528.2913 OR 392-6061'. " BRAY CHIROPRACTIC .OFFICE . <A 197 JOSEPHINE ST. WINGHAM PHONE 357.1224 • PETER GERSTER MASONRY and RENOV ATIONS R. R. # 5 LUCKNOW ' PHONE 395-5311 INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. INCORPfRATED IN 1910 )Evailing Interest Rates Retirement Savings Plan • Your Representative. ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW WM. A. (Btu)) HAMILTON, AGENT FOR BP, OIL LTD' Gasoline Heating Fuels Burner Service and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio Equipped For Better Service Dial 528-3006 Res. 528-3616 Wholesale and Retail BRAD'S PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs and Renovations Industrial Commercial and Residential. FREE ESTIMATES 395.5771 WM. R NELSON CARPENTRY Area Representative For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES Free Estimates No Obligation LUCKNOW PHONE 528.2949 CHISHOLM FUELS H-EATI NG OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7881 BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm; Holme and Indust .. ; Meru for the guilty is often an injustice to the innocent. H • THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO the co-operators , a HOME AUTO COMMERCIAL INSURANCE AGENT JEAN WHITBY IUCKNOW WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES. CEMETERY LEtTE�RING.• ' --REASONABLE PRICES Rep.: MacKenzie Funeral Home Bus. Phone 357-1910 Res. Phone 357.1015 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) t a VICTORIA „AND GREY TRUST CO. For information on TRUST CERTIFICATES INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Call Their Representative LLOYD (Hap) HALL 528-2045 KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT o- WINGHAM, ONTARIO TEL: 357-1087 JNSURANC€ AUTO FARM - HOME COTTAGES - COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS R.R.S.P. and Trust Certificates %, Victoria and Grey - City Standard - Premier Trust Companies J.A. McDonagh Agency BARRY -ROD Phone 528-3423 or 528-2031 Mai•KEI'"LIE and McCREATH ° FUNERAL. 110ME A MEMBER OF. ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishe's at your Home, your Church, or at our Funeral Home at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 Or ,.eY1.r Ripl395-2969 Day or Night– Rep: Wingham Memorials J WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 198 A NOW TO BECOME EXTINCT IN JUST ;ONE EASY LESSON! Don't Adverthe Being an essential and effective part of retailing, ,promotion is, necessary. The basisof success is simply keeping your nameand what, you do, in frontofthe public. Repetition builds reputation. Let us help you. , The Lucknow Sentinel M Telephone 529-7848 J R. R. 7 Lucknow, Ontario & Ceft SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL ga Montreal UIIIYI�a ' & Toronto a� Co• Brampton y P. Hamilton CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS St Catharines Port Colborne 380;.WALLACE AVE. N.,Listowel LISTOWEL, ONTARIO 291-1251 Winnipeg Calgary. Edmonton Vancouver Goderich 40 THE -SQUARE GODERICH, ONTARIO, 524-2677 eid Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS °Wingham 357-1522 J. A. PETERSON, C.A. PHONE 528.2016 P.O. Box 29 LuCKNOW, ONT. NOG 2H0 @ftck��4t Roc g),143,aastb DIVISION or MIKE SNOI3ELEN FARMVIS LTD. DEALERS ,114 ALL TYPES OF GRAIN auslNess • [519) 528.3203 . .9 AFTER Houfle, MIKE •SNC' BELEN 395516'7 BARRIE WYLDS. 395.59.14 Severances CONTINUED' FROM PAGE 8 severance ' applications during 1978. The . budget-- ' for *the land • division committee is .up slightly for 1978; from $41,200 in 1977 to $42,500 in 1978.. ' The property committee report- ed to county council Thursday that the director of the Realty Ser- vices Branch, Ministry of Govern- ment Services, has confirmed that the province would pay, .for . the replacement of any contents burned 0 the Registry Office should a fire occur there anytime 'in the future. Reeve. Ed Oddliefson, Bayfield, wanted to know how the govern- ment would replace the priceless documents. "Do they have :copies?" asked Oddliefson. Oddliefson pointed out this was a "very sensitiye issue" in' the ,county. "If we lose this information, we've in effect wiped out a good deal of our hittory," said the Bayithld reeve. He suggested the Committee check to d see if . a micro -filming program is in progress or is being considered. 1 'ESl people DO read small ads YOU ARE 1 •