The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-11, Page 3WEDNESP,AY JANUARY 11, 1978 • I• T11E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 7 PAGE THREE y i WITH THESE FOOD BARGAINS BOUTIQUE PAPER ASSORTED 4m BUTT. ROAST X1.19 Ib. ONTARIO BU ORKTTtHOPS $1.39 16. .COTTAGE ROLLS. 39 ib. MAPLE LEAF CORN BEEFBRi'SKET X1.69 Ib. FANTASTIC SAYING COTTONELLE WHITE, • PINK, YELLOW, GREE BATHROOM TISSUE4ROLKG$'I 1.09 PARAMOUNT SALMON TOP VALU TABLE SYRUP KITTY TREAT TUNA CAT FOOD• 994 .32 10Z. BTL. , 6 OZ. TIN 23 PUPPY CHOW 53.09 TOMATO, VEGETABLE 10 OZ. TIN HE1NZ•SO(JP•2 39' McCORMICKS BISCUITS 794 RASPBERRY REG. 89c WESTON ROLLS 4.9. DOZEN HAMBURG, WIENER ROLLS REG. 72c 2 $1.0 0. HASH BROWN POTATOES Z 69'L' FROZEN ,CHICKEN, BEEF, .TURKEY, SALISBURY STEAK. SAVARIN DINNERS_ 11 -Oz. PKG. 89 COLOURED MARGARINE 2 LB. PKG. PARKAY QUARTERS $1 .39 • CANADIAN PROCESSED REGULAR 16 OZ. PKG. KRAFT CHEESE SLICES : .$1 .69 FROZEN REGULAR CUT, CRINKLE CUT McCAIN SUPERFR1ES. _._ � 2 LB. PKG. `LUCKNQW U.S. # •1 GREEN "; CABBAGE 2/ 89c CALIFORNIA HEAD • LETTUCE 2/89c TOMATOES 59c Ib. 20 LB. ONT. • POTATOES o.� f1.09 ORANGE. FLAVOURED TANG . CRYSTALS •1 'r M PHONE 521U -3001 -- Newman announces interim payment to producers - Agriculture and Food Minister Bill Newmanhas announced that Ontario has made an i' e payment to cow- ; • oducers under, dm provi ce's beef calf income stabilixatio Ian. The payment, which represents between 80 and 100 per cent, of the entire amount to be paid, was made in December 1977. In making the announcement, ewman said, "Although we don't know what the federal support price fs going to be yet, the Ontario governni ent ' went ahead with its interim payment to alleviate' income tax difficulties • for Ontario producers." '1 a Producers with more than five cows may expect to receive' two further, smaller payments. One will complete the 'provincial portion of the program and the other `wilt come from Ottawa as the federal' government's share.. For producers with five cows- or fewer, the December cheque represents their fullpayment as their cow are not eligible for the federal program. '