The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 26a• Page 2 • TIMM , arx • t.1...••••••••1•1••••• ,,,,,,,,,, • ,,,,, - •••• "•••••‘ ea- • V: 4'9' • '":',!:•••:,4 • rt,,, ;,•!... • • a.:14.3,•"ak?•- 1 aa. • •• -1•• ••a-1..,;*•1:11f,a. •.•.•cf,„; '• 44-4 •. I Rit0t; • '1? of Of 4!14Z.,4F:47., ota *re' '• • • Here's the famous Glidden paint that ,..gives you a beautifully soft able, and comes in an ahrost limitless range of decorator colors. -It's one of:thelinest-latex • paints you cankbuy. • And because we made a truckload purchase it's on sale forless • than ninedollafs a • .- gallon! Al! Price:, In This Flyer Afe Cash And Carry! ' Spred Lustre gnarnel is Ivailible in a livide range of exciting colors,, and because we made a truckload purchase we're able to bring it to you for less than twelve dollarsa •gallon. YOU CAN RELY ON • • . ,, • . • • f y • At Discount Dave's, you'll find everything you ri need to redecorate yoCir home. Not only pain brushes and rollers but alSopaint thinners, pa'' I. . . I • .e., 'qr. 8,t'' varnish remover, linseed oil, Wood prcser- • VatiVes'''-fid spachtling ' boillpOunds. All corn- .pelitively priced! '. . .