The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 23PAGE TWENTY-FOUR a THE LVGKNoW SENTINEL, LVCIKNOW, ONTARIO Mr: and Mrs. Wayne Brooks, Craig and, Shelley: of Preston, spent the Christmas holidays with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles'' Webster, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dagg, Jeffrey and Jackie of London, spent C$Yistmas with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Johnstone ,of town. ;They also visited, , with ' Bob's mother in Kincardime and -also his aunt, Mrs. Mayme Calvert. Christmas ' guests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Bryce -Elliott arice family of Lucknow 'were .Graeme Anderson of Belgrave and Miss Judi Elder' of Kincardine. They were also pleased to have telephone visits on Christmas Eve with Gloria and Tom MacDonald of Fort Nelson, B.C. and on ,Christmas Day with • ,their son Ray, and Miss Noreen Page of Halifax, Nova Scotia, • Visiting with Mrd' and Mrs.. Donald MacKinnon,' Lucknow,, over the holiday season were their. .family, Mr. and . Mrs': , Doug • MacKinnon, 'Debbie and Scott sof Kitcherier, and Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKinnon, Calgary, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan of Ashfield visited with, their son Kerry and, family of Glencoe.._ Mrs-. • Mary Hogan of Lucknow accompanied Mr, ' and Mrs. • Hogan.. Fay Hogan of Stratford visited at the: same horhe. They also visited with the Jaynes Brady family near Kerwood. • s• . • • • • • • ♦ • ♦j*♦ ♦• • a „ Mr. and Mrs. Danny Leddy, David and Michelle spent the Christmas weekend with 'Mr. -,and Mrs. Duncan Stewart, Kincard- wine. . Holiday callers at the home .of ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Leddy;. Lucknow, during Christmas season were Mr.. and Mrs. 'Bill Andrew, Michael and Todd, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton, Kings- bridge; Mr. and Mrs.. Leo 'Courtney, Goderich; •Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Redmond, St. Augustine; Mrs. Max Riegling, Ashfield; Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Wallace, Fordwich. Prior to Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs... Dennis Leddy a-nd family of Kitchener, -.Mr. and Mrs: • Ken Leddy and family of St. August- ine, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leddy and Tammy, Goderich, visited Mr. and' Mrs. R. -Leddy, Lucknow. , ' Mr." and Mrs. R. Leddy, John O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Leddy, Diane and Kevin, spent Christmas Day With Elizabeth Leddy, Wingham. Mr.and Mrs. Bruce Thomson and family, -Mr., and Mrs. Danny Leddy and family, spent Thurs- day prior to..News Years, with Mr.;,; and Mrs. R. Leddy, 'Lucknow; • Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, Susan, Nancy, and Donald a of I5EE• .. '. ByThe Sentinel THAT, Mrs. Norma McDonagh, ac- companied by Rod ,McDonagh,, 'p and Joanne Hamilton, • spent Cihristmafs weekend with her son, Ross McDonagh in Manoti:ck',, near Ottawa. y ' THAT Joe Van Boven who entered hospital in London -in August returned to his home.:at the Barry McDonagh residence, Liickhow in mid-December:He will; be return- • ing to hospital. in January for further surgery. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1978 0 47 Lucknow spent the Christmas and New Year holidays Hollywood Hollywood Beach', Florida„, and visited with. Mr. and Mrs.- Lloyd Ashton at Hallandale, Florida. Dr. and Mrs. Jack McKirn,. Kathryn, Lori, Scott . and Darren. of . Lucknow returned home' after spending a two ,week.,..holiday in Florida. • `` 4 Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Atkinson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stanley and.famly, Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs:. Ron' Brooks and • family, R. R. 3 • Lucknow, were :dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don McMurray, Lucknow, New • Years Day. ••• ••...+♦••.••� •N•N•♦ • N••••N••1•N••••••••••N•♦ •• * • * :moi• •T. •2• • ♦ :•. • •v�. fik ' r t f Yr tm (!! : 2/4'44 X” 5'i, $`r 15r. r r..yr rt rfr�rt dog -y �y97./'�f / hei k �tr• .p�f%f� y r ;n' L i s '� ' ' i rSt�rq /rgy�'/ � ,4s�" . <.r �. b: i i u x 1:. rid ?ate :r r` 3' S fbt;ria i'0'. r i {. %.. •♦• ..C4 ._•C�rdigan_ Pulloy�r y :.. _> •s• :1: Sweaters Sweaters; •_. .i. ♦_• IO%Off-t •Z• go ♦• 'A tr s;r".X. zer:, r„ x�'� YIN-/ r S-: / r�- r '`H» r.r ./ a:`,•r7> ^r ./rte. ••• '1' �' .Y /R ark ra; n� C'� /'?�' N�ii �' f r - r r% fs s v Ra r r ' /y ,,, i. ,04 1XgA7ri ,>°y"X :i O h s H4 viry +;• *i* :1;• skhdyir /F��.«!^4:� 'II1I,/. k/i,v/,''9 r"•tr°"af�M4/NftiY//�r�.e,�'"ir3UN�/r Pints.ults rosses •• ,•? , ♦,.2 y50% y .. •. l 4' . 'Oft Y . ,., . ♦ .• y,ryir , % ,MAt t ••v ` ' ,+..r•�• :, Please HaveAIIChristrnas ' t t . ♦+ *RekWflSMad• By Ja.flUary 7,1978:1: •t„.. 4 � - ^Nt�t, to Wit! c ci�^.urwtscsr.. ��c�c�r�s�tti.��t�ct�tr�s�c�s�c�xss�p�x�sr�t�c���xr�x�s R s ,LADIEsWE Pr•O. lone 6amMa• Phone $28.1$3 •? 414- witr�• •••••404.•0' ••••••••••••••••-' ♦•the P�sr 0 •• ••••♦••♦*••••♦•. • lCKN W .528-3420 •lar nri, + r hoes► amr.,A1r4�./ <Aer,e4or mr.r. • Foo13 VILLUS . _WELCH . 40 OZ. Grape I.I5 ROBIN HOOD 20# BAG Flour 3.69 VACHON CHERRY 19 O.Z. Pie FiIIing 97e VACHON RAISIN 19 OZ. Pie Filling , 73c WE •DELIVER LETCH: ELECTRIC; W IN G HAM RESIDENTIAL. -- FARM-- INDUSTRIAL - AND COMMERCIAL Phone Collect 357-1.583. .ower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON , 1st and ,2nd '.Mortgages ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO ON RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction and Land Development FOR REPRESENTATIVES. 1w YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAI INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LIMITED dead Office, 56 Weber Street, East Kitchener, [5191 744-6535 Branch Office: -705 Goderich Street,.... Port 'Elgin, [519? 832=2044 Branch Office: -504 Tenth Street, Hanover, [519] 364-3121 Evenings Call' David Beynon [5191,794-3277 We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash POP SHOPPE POP • Available at G,ARRY'S AUTO SERVICE Lockkovv•. PI4OhNE 5 28402 2 44