The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 22WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1978 THE LUCKNO. W SENTINEL, 'LUCKN;OW,, ONTARIO 15 OBITUARY A dear and respected lady, Mrs. James A. Macklin, passed away peacefully at the Altamont Nursing Home, West. Hi11, on December 2nd. She had been 'a resident there for nearly nine years. Mrs. Macklin was born and raised in Lucknow, taught school in Mattawa, and also S. S. # 6, Scarborough. She married Jim Macklin in 1910 and they, farmed. .,;, on Brimley Road until Mr. Macklin's ..4c4th on November 23rd, 1953ramify and friends .helped :.them celebrate their -40th wedding anniversary , • in June, 1950. Mrs. Macklin was an ardent church worker, teaching "the Young People's Bible Class from 1925 - 1930 at Ebenezer United Church, Millikee .. She also held, many office's in the W.M.S. and Wom the ens Auxiliary. She also MRS. JAMES'A. MACKLIN served as vice, president of the Rural South Area of the Toronto East Presbyterial. When she moved to Agincourt in 1954,.. she -continued her interests in the church , groups there . and was responsible for the church flowers for many years, The .Agincourt' Women's, Institute was another of her interests and she was a faithful, worker until its demise in the late 1960s. tier concern was always for' others and so she gave her eyes to the Eye Bank. Her family meant a great deal to her but her sweet smile, gracious manner.and exemplary life will be missed by many. She leaves her family. of six,. Murray of. Toronto, Isabel (Mrs. David "'MacKenzie). of Keswick, Jack of Clinton', Vernon of Agincourt, Muriel% (Mrs. Don. Pearson) of Agincourt and Margaret (Mrs. Jarvis Crawford) of Scarborough; also 22 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren; also a broth- er Dr. A. A. Cameron, Ottawa an -life long friend, Miss Isabel Macintosh, Hainilfon, Ontario. The funeral -,was held, from the Ogden Funeral Chapel, Agincourt and was ` conducted by Rev. Gordon Burgess, Knok United and her long time neighbour, friend and minister, Rev. John Stinson, Fordwich. The interment was in Ebenezer Cemetery; Milliken. The pallbearers were sik 6f -her grandsons, John Macklin,' Brant- ford, Jim MacKenzie, Oakville, Bob Macklin, Stouffville, Ian Macklin, Toronto,. Robert Pear- son, Keswick' and Brian Craw- ford, Scarborough. PAGE TWENTY.THRIFI KATE BELL HUSTON Kate Bell Huston died on Monday, January ..2, 1978 at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home in' her 96th year; She was the wife of the late Herb Huston. • She is survived by a son, James of Lucknow and a daughter, Mrs. Annabel). Befus of Calgary., The -funeral is to be• held ori' Wednesday, January 4 at 2;00,. *•p,ni, from the 'MacKenzie and . McCteath Funeral Hoine, Luck- now with the Rev. Doug Kaufman officiating.. Temporary entomb- ment to follow in Ripley Muso- leum... , ews from Huronview Thee residents appreciated two duet numbers by Cecil Skinner and Nelson Lear and Luella Cox and Elsie Henderson at. the Sunday morning Chapel service. The ladies of the Clinton Christian Reformed Church "con: gregation visited the residents in their rooms on Tuesday afternoon and presented them with a lovely Christian, calendar. On Family "Night the Clinton, Christian " Reformed Church Choir, led by Dick Roorda, entertained with a program of Christmas music. Mrs. Van Dyke sang two solos and the Choir sang four numbers. Mrs. Diane•Bruin sma accompanied the Choir and soloist and Mrs. Elsie Henderson accompanied for a • sing -a -long of Christmas . carols. Mrs. Valken- burg, a member of the Church, expressed the appreciation of the residents, Mr: Ed Stiles of Goderich played an : hour of organ music in the Chapel- on Thursday after- noon. COMMUNITY° SILVERPLATE $69.95 Sale Price • • $95.00, Reg: Price Choose from these attractive patterns %2 a) 0 CC 18811 ROGERS' SILVERPLATE • $65Y00_L*7—._ Sale Price • . Reg. Price ' Choose from these attractive patterns Closed•Mondaiys 'Far �. WinterMonths ., .• on 2fl •`Puce Services.. For 4 iN SILVERPLATE AICD STAIRLESS Service for 4 Consists:of: • 4 each Teaspoons, De ssestSpoons, ' . Serrates Knives, Forks and Salad Forks Hurrj! SALE ENDS January 2 81,91 COMMUNITY° STAINLESS by ONEIDA $3995 _1 $ 55.00 Sale Price Reg. Price Z,Choose from these attractive patterns gq1ul. n�II��P�i�E.m •ci) 0 LL • cra a.) 0 J ONEIDA° DELUXE STAINLESS �NHIp t(a)w 29.95 Sale Price • 42) 0• Q a $40.00 Reg. Price Choose from these attractive patterns )( G1 ) ONEIDA® HEIRLOOM STAINLESS 563.95 Sale Price '$85.00 Reg. Price Choose from these attractive patterns JEWEtIERY and CHINA OWNERS W. JO AND DEAN E. AGNEW EW • 4 ?HANE 528-35.32 L.0 iNMIW a